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I forgot to ask doctor..but figured here would be better.  With laparoscopy..are you admitted or is it same day surgery?  How long can I expected to be out of commission if it goes well without complications?  

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Thanks ladies for all the insight, this is day 3 for me after laparoscopic surgury removal ov ovary containing 4 cm dermoid, and the tube on my right side.I am 54, overweight and havent been able to walk for the last 8 months due to the back pain from the dermoid. When I woke from surgery the back pain was gone! What a joy, but the incisions and belly underneath hurt. Im scared when I run out of percocet tonight, as Im taking them exactly every 4 hours so the pain doesnt creep in. Will the pain be tolerable with ibuprofin on night 3? Thanks so much, Kim.
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I had laparoscopy with both ovaries and tubes removed on the 8th of November.  I started bleeding on the 11th and the bleeding became very heavy within a few days.  It is now the 21th and am still bleeding with lots of clotting.  I have cramping and not feeling that great.  Has anyone else delt with this??
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I just had my Laparoscopy last Friday to remove a cyst, my ovary, tube and a fibroid on my uterus.  Fortunately, everything was good when the surgeon went in and I didn't need to have the Laporatomy - thank you Lord.  I prepared myself for at least a 2 week recuperation at home, based on what the wonderful ladies shared about the aftereffects.  I've been lucky as I did not get the gassy pains that were mentioned and my bathroom functions were good.  I do look like I'm 5 months pregnant but nature is working its wonders so its not very painful for me.  Overall the incisions, both inside and out, are painful, but meds help that, and it gets better every day.  I'm stubborn, so if I feel good one day I try to do something and then the fatigue knocks me back down.  So, I expect that I will need the full 2 weeks at home, and then I plan to go back to work for short days for about another week.  

Good luck with yours and I know all the ladies here will be praying for you.
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I had a laparoscopy with partial ovary removal on the 26th.  I went out to eat the night after my surgery (that was probably over doing it, what can i say..) and my recovery has been pretty easy since however i'm mostly laying around and hanging out around the house.

It is the 31st now (5 days later) and I will say i am still not 100% and there is no way i'd even go back to a desk job for a full day yet.  I work from home, so i've been working every day since my surgery but only for a few hours at a time.  After 4-5 hours i'm completely exhausted, crabby, and in pain.

If i had a real job i would have taken off a week for sure!
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Hi Kat,

I had a laparoscopy done on a cyst on my left ovary this Tuesday and am now at home and recovering - the incisions are so ridiculously small I kind of feel guilty for being in pain! ;o) Two half centimetre cuts sort of just in from where the hip bones are, and a slightly larger cut just in the belly button. I had dissolvable stitches put in, the bandages came off the day after surgery, and now I just have reddish marks which are slowly scabbing over - once they're done healing I imagine they'll be small pink lines which will eventually fade to be almost totally unnoticable. I can hardly believe I had surgery three days ago.

I was really worried about scarring too, but having woken up to these little marks I feel much better!

Hope your surgery goes well! x
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I'm in the process of setting up a laparoscopy surgery to have my left ovary removed. Just wondering where the incisions are exactly and how they heal?? Will they be really noticable??
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i'm just weighing in on this.  i had laparscopic surgery this past wed. to remove the ovary & fallopian tube.  cyst was larger than they thought & wrapped around my intestine.  i was in terrible pain for 2 days then took a stool softener.  that was helpful.  i'm wondering how long it takes for the abdominal swelling to go down?  it looks distorted, as if i have a shelf jutting out from my stomach.  
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485259 tn?1519047026
Hi, just putting in my two cents here from day 10 post laproscopic (both o's removed)... and it is taking me a little longer to get back to normal than I had hoped. The pain from the incisions is much better, and the co2 gas pains are gone (YAY!), but I am still tired and have that achey feeling, sometimes pains, where the ovaries used to be. I think I still have lots of healing to do on the inside, like the ladies above said. Everyone is different. Just listen to your body is the best advice.... Good luck with your test results, keep us posted.
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well Girls...I can honestly say I will enjoy any recuperation if my CA-125 is within reasonable limits (get that test back Tues or Wed) and the frozen section on this cyst comes back negative along with final histology, and all they have to remove is the cyst.  

Again..thanks so much for the info!
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167426 tn?1254086235
the only difference in a scope and the laperotomy is just the size of the incisions, the internal healing takes the same length of time. It is still considered major surgery to have an ovary removed.  Peeling a cyst  from the ovary, of course, is less invasive  but the dangers of bleeding remain the same.  Just because you feel really good is not always indicative  that you are healed. I like to tell my patients to think about a small cut on their finger, and how long it takes it to heal and compare that to the removal of an organ. Anything under 2 weeks is really pushing it, air  helps heal an external wound, but that is missing from the internal surgical cuts. Eat right, drink plenty of fluids, space out the pain pills, don't get constipated, exercize as you feel like it, get 8 hours sleep per night, try to enjoy your recuperation.
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471779 tn?1211803509
laprascopic surgery they usually say  2 weeks, but take it easy and listen to your body. I am 50 yrs old, I had a cyst removed laprascopically and wanted to rush right back to work. After 2 weeks I needed the 3rd week, I go back tomorrow  (don't feel ready) so wish me luck
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I had a 8.5 x 6.5 dermoid cyst on my right ovary.  I am obese, 46, and beyond having children.  I had an open abd. surgery & ooph on 04/08 and started working in emails from home two weeks ago, and I return to the office tomorrow (just over a month).

We took out everything because just doing surgery on someone so heavy is risky.

So far, no HRT for me, but we're waiting to see how it develops.  The doctor said that fat cells actually help produce estrogen when the ovaries aren't doing it (and, since mine are gone, I have plenty 'o fat cells to get busy!).

I was in the hospital 4 days (I had a 20' incision across my abdomen sealed with staples.
Because I'm so heavy, they had the staples stay in a little over two weeks to ensure I didn't bleed.  (I did 7 years ago when I had a C-section).  The doctor thinks I'm healing wonderfully, and I believe I have experienced a miracle.

I have diabetes, HBP, Nueropathy, etc.  This hysterectomy (totally unplanned) was a "wake up call" for the old lady, I'll tell you.  My hubby & I are both heavy, and have really made a change in our eating habits, and I am really trying to care for myself a bit more (I am your typical mom-type, always caring more for others, when who will do it if I kill myself trying to do everything for everyone???)  lol

I hope you come through this as well, or better than I did, and look forward to hearing updates!

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I had laparoscopic surgery 8/06 for removal of and endometrioma and the ovary it was stuck to.  I went home the same day but felt pretty horrible.
I am having a hysterectomy this Thur and he'll attempt to do it laparoscopically but he said that even if he can he'll keep me one night in the hospital.  If he has to open me up completely then obviously it is a few nights.
So, generally speaking my understanding is that you often go home after lapraroscopic but this may vary between doctors and certainly how your surgery goes etc.
Good luck
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Thanks so much for the info...My gosh..when I first read Cirella I was thinking..geez!!  I am so sorry she has had a long time of recovery.  I am hoping to get in the week of June 16th for the lapx.  I had a lapchole a few years ago and I remember being kind of back in two weeks or so (in fact I am a conference planner and I had a conference I needed to attend).  

I have promised to dog sit for my dad while he goes on vacation and that means walking two big dogs!! and that is July 8.  I am kind of worried about that..but mostly about this 10 cm monster inside me and the possible pathology....

Thanks again for your input..gives me a bit of understanding on what to expect.  
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356929 tn?1246389756
An echo here !! Mine was exactly the same. Very little pain actually on the laparascope.Just a day or so.  Worst part was bending over..Try not to! I had one of those little grabby things on a stick that really came in handy. You can get them at Wal-mart, etc. Also had the 3 small incisions, and stitiches out the following week. I wasn't able to drive though for 2 weeks and no heavy lifting for awhile.  Felt pretty much back to normal in a week, but it seems that it takes longer to heal from the inside.. so don't rush into anything thinking you are all healed..take it slow for awhile.

Keep us posted,
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187666 tn?1331173345
Speaking only for myself, I had a laparoscopy done in Feb. to remove a 10 cm cyst plus my ovary and fallopian tube. I had the 3 little cuts into my abdomen. The first couple days were tough although I did go out on short trips just to get out of the house. By the end of a week I was pretty much back to normal. It took 2 weeks for my bathroom habits to go back to normal. Things were quite sluggish for awhile. I did go back to work within a week but my volunteers wouldn't let me do any heavy duty stuff or too much bending. Nice people.
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Hi, I was just reading your previous post, too, and thought I'd answer here b/c the first one may answer the 2nd post.  

The type of surgery may start out as a laparoscopy but end up an laparotomy based on the size of cyst(s) and/or what the doctor finds.  This will determine your hospital stay, if any.  You will most likely be having those cysts removed and possibly the ovary. Your doctor may have told you that he/she just doesn't know until he can get in there and look.

So, I have had 2 laparoscopies.  One was to remove a cyst from my right ovary which resulted in the removal of my right ovary as well.  That was outpatient and the recovery time was about a month to 6 weeks before I felt like getting back to my "normal" routine and feeling good about it.

I've just had a total hysterectomy 6 weeks ago which required a 1 night stay in the hospital.  I am progressively getting better but I'm not back to normal by any means.  I've heard a lot of timeframes for getting back but it all depends on the person.

If by out of commission you mean going back to work and stuff, then you can figure on the 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how you feel and depending on what your surgery entailed and depending on what you do for a living.  Most everything else you will need to REALLY listen to your body and go from there.  

If by some chance you need the laparotomy, the hospital stay and recovery time will be longer.

Glad you got into the doctor and a surgery date.  Good luck.
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