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Dreading upcoming results of CA125 test

I'm 68, a full-time breadwinner. I've believed myself to be in good health, but I just learned I have a very large ovarian cyst extending across the abdomen, 27 cm wide. It was discovered during hernia repair surgery a week ago. Its presence surprised the general surgeon doing the procedure, and surprised me too - it is so huge that it had popped out the umbilical hernia. My belly has seemed large for around 5 years and I have bought my pants and skirts one-two sizes larger than my tops; but I thought it was due to overweight (which, however, has been next to impossible to lose). I have had no other symptoms whatsoever. The surgeon said this thing certainly hadn't appeared "over night" and felt it would probably prove benign. A CAT scan revealed a large cystic mass - other organs scanned as normal. The surgeon said it appeared to the naked eye as unilocular - a smooth-surfaced, regular oval shape. My PCP is sending me right off the bat to see an oncologist, and I had the CA125 blood test three days ago. I am terribly frightened of getting these results. I have read that postmenopausal women with malignancies usually show high values on this test - well above the 35 normal level; but also that benign tumors and other conditions can cause false positives. I am hanging on to my emotions for dear life, and don't know how I will handle it if the results come back very high. Surgery is guaranteed at my age, with a tumor of this size; but is ovarian cancer a "given" as well? Would appreciate any input.....I'm so grateful to have found this forum. God bless.
31 Responses
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488689 tn?1337993158
I am also post-menopausal and just had surgery last Monday for what they thought was a cyst that grew after menopause instead of shrinking. It turned out to be a Brenner tumor that would have kept getting larger and the other ovary had a mass that the surgeon found which looked malignant but the frozen section turned out benign. It was an endometrioma that had hardened and had mucinous components. She removed both ovaries and tubes to send to pathology,results came back Friday also benign. There are several types of cysts that can grow as large as yours, and most cyst are 95% benign, so the odds are in your favor. Many women who have had surgery for large cysts have done very well during surgery and the majority have been non-cancerous. It's quite common to have cysts after menopause, I've read some good studies.  Surgeons remove them to send to pathology as it's the only way to tell for certain if it's benign or malignant. The Ca-125 is not that reliable in pre-menopausal women as there are other conditions that give a false positive. In menopausal women it's a bit more accurate, but the test is really a cancer antigen marker for use during chemo to see how someone is responding to treatment. It's all we have right now so it's better than nothing, and  the surgeons will tell you the only real way to know is to get in there and get the biopsies. It's a very good thing your doctor is sending you to a gyn/ono for a consult. They have the expertise and training to make sure you get the best possible outcome from your surgery. Try to take it one step at a time and remember the odds are in your favor.
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637613 tn?1281039564
Thank you so much. It was a huge relief. Hope all goes well for you. God bless..Lynn
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In my church we say, "Look for the Good and Praise It!" - and your great test results are certainly something we can all share in praising. Thanks for writing.
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637613 tn?1281039564
Just a note to say you are in my thoughts and prayers. You have come to the right spot. I just found this site recently while researching my cyst issues. You are right...the waithing and not know is the worst...it is hard not to wonder "what if". The women on here are so supportive and helpful...knowing and having been through same or similar. I was blessed to receive my path results about an hour ago and praise God...all is normal and surgery will go on as planned on Oct 29th. Hang in there...please keep us posted. God bless...Lynn
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Thanks much for your input - it's so valuable. My husband and and the friends who know about my situation seem to look at me almost as if I were a "ticking time bomb!" So, the common sense statements on this forum are very encouraging and help keep me centered.....God bless you.
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543028 tn?1282428826
god bless u all
43 and not winning the bread but frying the bacon (well not even that because of cholesterol LOL)
though i am a lil younger my cystic process also ended in surgery praise god
i dont know the size in cm's but in the early 1990's my 80+ yo aunt had a 20lb
tumor removed with no complications
i pray this helps
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