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Extreme sharp pain on one side

I am 18 years old and I've been dealing with this pain for a little over two years now. My pain is not consistant..it comes and goes and when it comes on a scale of 1-10 I would give the pain a 10 because its one of the worst things I've ever had to deal with in my life. Its always on my right side ( if you are facing me it would be your left) its right near my pelvic bone and I think in the exact place that my ovary is located but I'm not quite sure. The pain is sharp and unbareable to the point that I burst out in tears...The place where the pain occurs is very hard and has gotten harder over the years that it has been bothering me. I use to be very active in sports but stopped because it got to the point where I was unable to run like I use to because the pain bothered me so much. This pain also occurs every once in a while during sex with my boyfriend...it gets so bad sometimes that I have to stop him and afterwards curl up in a ball and cry till the pain eases enough for me to breath without gasping. Long story short I would go to the docter earlier but my parents thought I was just being overdramatic and that it was just a running ****...but believe me I know this pain isnt that because I use to run track and felt those pains all the time...but this is much different. Plus now I dont have insurance because I just moved out of my house and my parents took me off of theres since I am 18 now. So I really dont know what to do...I'm at a breaking point where I am desparate to figure out what is causing this and find a cure...please help me...it would mean the world to me and make my life so much easier to live..thank you
7 Responses
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I experienced the similar thing. I had pain in my side before and thought nothing of it. The pain was sharp when I leaned forward, and then it went away.  It came back this past month. I also wasn't feeling quite right. I got an ultrasound done right away. I just found out I have a tennis ball size cyst on my ovary. I have many other symptoms and it has been sore more the past 3 days. My doctor wants to see another ultrasound. Then she'll tell me what she wants to do to treat it. Anyway, I say all that to say to find any kind of doctor or clinic or hospital that is free or will help pay for it as soon as you can. Never ignore anything that you feel is wrong... or that has never happened to your body before. Health is number one. I hope all goes well and you feel better soon.
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1021628 tn?1251582953
Hey I am actually going through the excat same thing. And come to find out its a pretty big cyst. They arent sure if they can even save my ovary at this point . If I were you I would go to the local ER and get it taken care of. They will take it out right on the spot not play around with it. Like a doctor will. It has taken me almost a year to get mine taken out. They kept saying well lets try this and see if we can shrink it. Well it didnt it just got bigger... The ER will not turn you away if you dont have insurance. Anyways I am scheduled for surgery on the 6 of september. Thank goodness... Good Luck and Dont wait any long seriously
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1007108 tn?1250497535
I do not think it was cool for your parents to take you off their health insurance.. My parents left me on theirs until I was 24, when it was TIME for me to go off of it..From what I understand your children can be on your insurance till they turn 24 or 25.. To be honest, I think that was kind of messed up for them to do... What if you get severly ill? Damn.. I hope you can get the help you need..
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Maybe an organization like Planned Parenthood can help with getitng you an exam.  This pain could be from a cyst but nobody is qualified to say "yes' or "no" based on descriptions of pain alone.  Pains on the right side have also been associated with other health problems.  It could be that you just have painful ovulation.

I just read an article on MSNBC's website that some patients are using the barter system (trading services) for medical care when there is no insurance or financial ability to pay.  Maybe you can find a doctor that will give you treatment in exchange for something like babysitting, office cleaning, or some other service.
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1006035 tn?1485575897
The pain could be something serious. If you go to the hospital they cannot deny you care, even if you don't have insurance. If you qualify, the hospital will cover most, if not all, of your stay there. I know it might be scary, but my sister did it and she is a lot happier because she gathered the courage to figure out what was wrong. It could be endometriosis and/or a cyst. Take your boyfriend with you or someone else who is close to you and get some answers. Take care!
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Thanks so much for your response. To answer some of your questions. No, I am not a student in college quite yet. I am still trying to finish up a couple of my classes to graduate. I use to be homeschooled because my mother has Lupus and I would have to take care of my three younger siblings and because of that my schooling has been put behind almost two years...so I am still in the long process of catching myself up. About insurance, I would stay on my parents insurance but I am not a full time student and there is too much conflict right now between us...that is another reason why I am living with my boyfriend at the moment. I am also in the process of finding another job because I had one at target for a while but since I moved almost 45 mins away I was unable to work. My boyfriend has a job as well but he is unable to work till he gets his lisence back...(his job requires a lot of driving)  So we are pretty much little to no income at the moment.
About the gynecologist...I have never seen one before and didnt know that it was something that was required with me being so young. I'll have to do some research and try and see whats avaliable around my area. I just wish there was something I could do for my pain till then because every once in a while it acts up and really bothers me. Does it sound like a cyst to you or do you have any ideas of what it may possibly be??
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Are you a student still (college, perhaps)?  If so, your parents could have kept you on insurance a bit longer (up to age 23 in the U.S., at least that's what I think I read somewhere).  Without insurance, the doctor bills would be all your responsibility, and it could add up if they run exams, ultrasounds, and if it turns out to be a cyst they want to remove.  Would your parents be willing to help with bills, are you employed, or your boyfriend?

I don't know if you've ever been to a gynecologist, but that is where you should start in order to get your answers.  Maybe there are free or low cost women's clinics in your area?  Or a gynecologist that will offer a lower rate for services to someone as young as you are? Since you have a boyfriend and a relationship, you should be getting checked on an annual basis anyway.

I hope you are able to get some help.  You really need to see a doctor.  Something is causing that pain.
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