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3cm complex cyst on right ovary

I am a bit concerned about my situation. About a week ago, I went into the ER with sharp pains in my lower right abdomen- I had already been in pain 3 days prior to me going into the hospital. Prior to me going into the ER and 2 days before the pain began, I had irregular bleeding (it started off as a light spotting, 11 days before my actual period should have started, I went to the bathroom and what I thought was gas was a clot that seemed to have had something in it- cream colored- largest I've ever passed. Also, within the last 2 and a half weeks I have had pretty severe nausea- mostly in the morning and late at night- along with extreme fatigue (sleeping 14-16 hours a day). After going into the ER, they did an ultrasound and found a 3.7cm complex cyst. The doctor told me it seemed as if it was filled with blood (yet I have been checked 3 different times for endometriosis since 2009- including a surgery that found no indication I had it). Since going into the hospital, I still have pain where the cyst is, I have not been able to relieve this 'bloated' feeling, I feel sick EVERY single day, cannot escape this fatigue, and within the past 4 days have been bleeding lightly, again. I am supposed to go in and have another ultrasound in 5 weeks from now to see if it has gone away on its own. What the h** is going on? This miserable feeling is becoming intolerable, I've had cysts before (when I was a teen-frequently-non-cancerous) but never with this many side-effects!

BTW: I am 27- with 2 kids by C-section- diagnosed 2 years ago with Idiopathic Hypersomnia and have been on stimulants since, also on Birth Control Pills since Nov 2012 (which have not been able to regulate my periods)
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Hi -
I was just diagnosed with a large blood filled complex cyst on my left ovary as well. Its so frustrating. In a week and a half I saw a specialist who decided I should have surgery, and now a week later, I'm still in pain, still frustrated, and still want to be feeling back to normal. Its hard to deal with the normal of every day life when you feel like crap.

Hope your situation gets better.
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Did you find out anything since you've posted this??? I am having the same exact things going on minus the blood. I went to the ER last night and they said I had a 3.7cm ovarian cyst rupture but I've been feeling bad for a week and feel nauseous every day especially in morning and end of day. Mine originally started in the middle and right side of my stomach but now it's tender all over. I just don't feel like a cyst would be causing me to feel like this for this long. Please let me know if you've found any answers. Thank you!
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They did the ultrasound initially because I had already been checked by surgery. I am 27 and have already undergone 5 surgeries, it is not always the best option if it can be avoided. The problem I have is that my GYNO has not been very helpful. I also have a hard time getting in to see him. My employer closed and I lost my health insurance, and am now on government insurance. There is only one hospital I can go to without being charged for no insurance. In the women's health clinic, they only have 2 doctors. I tried to get in to see his partner- after bleeding for 2 months straight from BC, that was supposed to permanently stop my periods. They wouldn't set up an appointment for me to see him. Therefore, I am really kind of stuck. I will be challenging them on the 25th when I go in. I get really aggravated by the way they go about things sometimes, so I never hesitate to put my foot down. Or try anyways! I know sometimes doctors are hesitant when the patient is younger, thinking they may want to have children one day- or change their mind, and that's not something that can be taken back. Usually they want to exhaust all other options before resulting to a hysterectomy. I would think if your demanding it or really opting to have a hysterectomy, given all the pain and problems with the endometriosis you've had, that they would be more willing to go ahead and arrange it to be done.
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Although the pain and emotions that come with the problem are difficult to deal with, the hardest part seems to be the unknown. Not getting clear answers to what the problem is, and how it can be resolved. Then there's the waiting game. I feel for you- you having to go back and forth, one doctor says another, kind of 'pushing you along,' the other doctor doesn't agree, pushing you back. It's frustrating when it seems the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing- or a difference in opinion. I have dealt with that on so many occasions its absurd. Not to mention the time and money you put in to finding out only to be passed off to another person, having to relive the details all over again. This is part of the reason I tend to research. I want to have as much knowledge and be prepared to present any concerns or questions when I am going into the doctors office. I have really had to 'put my foot down.' Have you tried to consult another physician from another hospital? Do you have a Mayo clinic in your area? Mayo Clinic is usually used when you have exhausted all other options and doctors have not been able to find a clear diagnosis. I would assume you have already been checked, but that almost sounds like a bladder infection- sharp pains (waves) in the vaginal area. I once had this, and it was HORRIBLE! Very usual pain and I couldn't even sit down without crying my eyes out. They also cause a lot of pain in the lower back. What other symptoms have you had?
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HI, as far as I know they can only tell if there are cysts and not the endometriosis growth. I got the following sentence from a web site...
"Ultrasound imaging won't definitively tell your doctor whether you have endometriosis, but it can identify cysts associated with endometriosis (endometriomas)".
With me they could only see the cysts and it wasn't untill they operated that they could see I had severe endo, it was everywhere.
I know that scar tissue can also cause a lot of pain so your scaring could be a cause of your pain.
I am sorry you are going through this, I am always in pain myself with the endo and chronic back pain and I know how unfair it is.
If I were you I would wait and see what happens at the next scan and if they do nothing to help you I would definitely go to your GP and request a second opinion. This is something I had to do myself as my gyne did not want to give me a hysterectomy and now I am attending an endo specialist in a maternity hospital and I am having the next op in October, to see what's going on. They are also reluctant to do a hysterectomy because of my back problems but at least they are doing something and are not saying a definite no to the hysterectomy.
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Were they able to diagnosis you with endo at first glace? Or did they 'run around the thought/ possibilities/ findings' before coming to that conclusion? Yes, I had the surgery in 2009 to check for it. They thought I might have endo because I get extreme 'cutting' pain in my abdomen- specially where my cesearian scare is. They did not find anything, however, he said that my uterus was scared up against the lining of my stomach- which could have been the cause for so much pain. They scraped it, separating my uterus & lining of stomach- how its supposed to be. He did say scaring can form again. It actually REALLY helped for about 4 months and I felt amazing. But the scarring must have formed again. While it is nice to be pain free, I dont want to have to undergo surgery every 4 months. I was already out if work for a week from that surgery. Last November they did an ultrasound- sometimes this can show possible signs of endo. Theyalso had me come in while I was on my period- on the heaviest day. The doctor felt my csection scare for nodules that would be an indication of endo & felt nothing. So I a little unsure????
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I cant say for sure why you are having more problems now than when you were younger, it could be that you are older now? I can only tell you that when I had the cysts I had a very similar experience to you, although I do have stage 4 endometriosis too. But I did bleed and had clots and I was on back to back pill at the time.I bleed for 6 weeks at one stage ,it was heavy then light and brown then heavy again, it was very annoying and very painful.The only way for them to know if you have endo is by surgery, you said you had this done in 2009, maybe it would be an idea to get it checked again? If your cysts have not shrunk at the next scan they will probably do this anyway to drain them and they can then see if you have endo.
I know it all seems so complicated and frustrating not knowing what's going on but hang in there and make sure you get the answers, don't let them leave you in the pain you are in.I am sorry I cant give you all the answers but I hope it helps knowing you are not alone. You have a lot to deal with too with your busy life, make sure you are looking after yourself and getting chest pains cant be good, did you mention it to your doctor, if not , i think your should.  Keep your head up girl and ask for help from the people in your life, you need it right now. I'm sure this will all be sorted out, it just takes time. I am waiting for my 3rd operation in October and  I wish it would hurry up and arrive!
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Hi, sorry you are going through so much pain i really empathise with you about pain. I am 52 years old and went through an early menopause at 42. I have been going through excruciating pain for the past 9 months in the vaginal area. The pain is like an immense pressure that something is trying to push itself out of my vaginal area with waves of sharp pains at times. First my GP put it down to menopause and put me on Hormone Replacement Therapy, when I mentioned I am still having pain I was told it's a nerve thing. I always felt it was gynelogical and after a while I give up mentioning it to my doctor. Then in June I had my regular 2 year colonoscopy. The surgeon found inflammation  and took a biopsy, the results came back that I had Colitis so my GP referred me to the gastroenterologist speciaistl.He thought my symptoms didn't match the pain symptoms for colitis and thought the pain was more like gynelogical issues   so sent me off for a CT Scan which showed up they I have bilateral complex ovarian cysts, the right being 5.7 x 4.2 cm and the left 3.9 x 3.6 cm. The specialists office rang me to go back and see them to discuss the results of my CT Scan which I had to wait 2 weeks for to see him. In the meantime the radiologist sent a copy of the report of my CT Scan to my GP who also contacted me to go see her as well. Off I trot to see the GP only to be told ( you have never mentioned any pain to me) I was shocked and said yes I have.  After going through my painful symptoms again I as told ( it is normal to have complex ovarian cysts, they have probably always been there and picked up by accident and the pain you are having is from your back).

Finally got to see gastroenterologist special last week explained the reason for all my vaginal pain is the complex ovarian cysts and needed to be surgically explored by a gynecologist. I was sent for a pelvic ultra sound (couldn't do the transvaginal scan as I was in too much pain). Seen gastroenterologist specialist yesterday and have now been referred to gynecologist specialist which I got a call from them this morning for an appointment to see them in 2 weeks time. I am finally starting to feel like something is getting done and this pain can all be resolved soon. I have been told that I the cysts will have to be surgically removed and will more than likely remove my ovaries as well since I have already gone the menopause.

Sorry for the long winded story and hope your health issues are resolved sooner rather than later with a good out come.
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I must have always had functional cysts when I was a teen because I never experienced this many side effects. I remembered how painful they were but pain was about all it was and that is bad enough!

I guess what is really confusing me right now is why I am bleeding, again. I read that when they rupture, you can experience heavy/severe bleeding, along with pain. So when I initially started spotting on the 9-10th I didn't have any pain/cramping. I started having sudden severe cramping on 12th which then lead to heavier bleeding up until the 14th (clot). Later on the 14th is when the sharp stabbing pain came and persisted until I went to the hospital the morning of the 16th. When they verified it was a complex cyst, it apparently hadn't ruptured. Then on the 19th, I started bleeding, again- with no cramping pain. I'm not sure why I am bleeding again however it appears to be old blood and lots of tissue. But why would I have bled like that before the pain from the cyst? And 3cm isn't considered large either. Most of the research I have done states most patients experience pain if the cyst has ruptured, is twisted, or is large. But none of those apply to me.

They did give me pain killers which work, but the problem with that is I am also on stimulants. I have what is similar to Narcolepsy, so I am tired ALL the time, and the pain killers knock me out & have been giving me chest pains b/c of my stimulants (I guess due to Serotonin levels). I am a single parent of 2 kids (8 and 6). I am also in school fulltime. I feel like I am in a no win situation, and really starting to emotionally control me :(
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I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain. i really hope that they sort things out for you soon. Ovarian cysts can cause severe pain and that pain will make you fatigued. It is also normal to feel bloated with it and some light bleeding.
In my experience of having ovarian cysts I was also in severe pain which was almost unbearable. The usual routine is to give it some time to see if it goes away itself, waiting for the second scan can be very frustrating, but some cysts can recede without treatment. In my case they didn't and they then proceeded to drain them through laproscopy which gave me huge relief.
The hardest part is the waiting especially when the pain is so severe. My advice to you would be to take pain killers and rest as you need to and if they have to drain the cyst don't worry its a safe procedure and you will feel so much better after it.
Good Luck and keep us posted.
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