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Are dermoid ovarian cysts dagnosed often when it is really ovarian cancer?

I know this has been asked a million times but I am looking for some direct answers with my particular situation.

When I was in high school I often had to go home due to cramps, lower back pain and heavy periods. I would have my period for 8+ days. When I was 19 I went on birthcontrol to help with the pain and long periods. I am 27 now. Up until about 7 months ago I continued to have my period while on the pill for 7 days and pretty bad cramps (grown used to it over the years). Well about 7 months ago my period cut back to 5-6 days and cramps and lower back pain would continue. It has always hurt in certain postion while having sexual intercourse with my husband.

Most recently I went the Dominican Republic and got super sick for 2 days, violent direah and vomitting. That was in February. Since I vomitting I wasn't able to take my birth control pill so I just didn't take it for that month (Feb 19th to March 16th) since when I got sick it was the first day of my pill pack.  Well over the last month when I wasn't on the pill sex got increasingly more painful to the point where it hurts no matter what and I was getting super painful sharp pains in my left ovary area and pretty painful back pain. I finally went to the doctor when I missed my period. I got a pregnancy test and it was negative and the sent me to get a pelvic ultrasound. I had the pelvic ultasound on Monday. After I got the ultrasound I have had pretty consistent sharp pains in my left ovary. I called the doctor yesterday to see if they had the results and what to do for the pain. All the nurse told me was my ultrasound was abnormal and that I needed to go see a gyno.

My doctor sent my stuff to the gyno and the gyno called me today to set up an appointment. They can't see me until April 12 but said to continue to call to see if there are any cancellations. Well No one would tell me why my ultrasound was abnormal so I finally hassled my doctor (primary doctor) to see why the sent me to a gyno and what was abnormal. They finally told me I have  a dermoid ovarian cyst. That was it not anything else. So I am sitting here try to figure what this means for 2.5 weeks and have to deal with the pain.

So here are my several questions. Is it possible to mistake ovarian cancer for dermoid cysts?

I have looked at the symptoms of ovarian cancer and I am a bit concerned.

I have battled digestive problems for about 4 years. Nausea, diarreah, constipation, and bloating. I have been to a gasterenteroligist (SP?) and have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and have been diagnosed with IBS. But these are all symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Do I need to be concerened that it might be something worse than dermoid cyst? My primary doctor is not the brightest cookie so I know that she won't catch much. Just some guidance would be great and ideas on how to handle the pain between now and my appointment with the gyno in 2.5 weeks.

Your input would be great. I have never had anything like this and have never been to a gyno, i have always gone to my primary doctor for my yearly exams.

Ok I am done rambling.
4 Responses
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483733 tn?1326798446
Exercise can certainly aggravate it.  It is also common to gain weight with the cyst.  The surgery alone took a lot of weight off me and I used it as an opportunity to continue my weight loss (you aren't eating for a couple of days so your stomach shrinks).  I also found it much easier to lose weight after the surgery (when I try).  Just take it easy.  You might need something stronger - I had percocets to help.
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I think you will be OK...just don't do too much excersise as it has the slight chance of rupturing or twisting (this is what my doctor told me when I had it). Mine was huge...9 cm. Dermoid cysts are incredibly slow growing and are rarely cancerous. They do not usually go away on their own and need to be taken out w/ surgery. You will be ok...pain meds that helped me when I had the cyst was Ibuprofen 400 or 800mg and sometimes Percacet. Put warm compresses over it too.
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Thank you for the reply. I am not too concered about it being cancerous anymore. I did get my appointment moved to April 8th. I talked to the nurse and they told me take advil and use a heat pad. It wasn't the gyno nurse.

I do have a couple concerns and I am not sure if this is normal. But the ultra sound says the cyst is in the left ovary. I have most of my pain on the left side but am beginning to get pain regularly on my right side. I also have noticed my pain is increased when I do physical activity. I worked out and it hurt quite bad and golfed yesterday and it hurt. Is it normal for it to hurt during physical activity. I have gained a significant amount of weight over the past few months (especially since the pain started) and I'd like to work out, but I am unsure if it aggravates it.
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483733 tn?1326798446
It is very scary going through this.  Dermoid cysts are more likely to be benign but they cannot be absolutely certain until it is removed.  These cysts can certainly cause some of your gastro and urinary issues, even back and sciatica pain.  I couldn't believe how good I felt after my surgery.  Do ask for something for the pain or anxiety if you need it.  I hope you can get in earlier.  Please keep us posted.
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