483733 tn?1326798446


While playing the waiting game to hear how they are going to treat my issues, is it OK to exercise?  I'm not a normally active (exercise wise) person.  I don't want to do anything that would cause cysts to burst or twist.  What do you think?
10 Responses
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105530 tn?1279585282

Hi Trudie
                          Walking thats what I do  for me I have no choice because I dont drive.
what I do when I walk around  in one of the Shopping Centers I go to because they have 5 levels I pace myself I really gets my heart pumping.
Swimming is another good one you dont have to swim but even just walking the length of the pool is just as good.

Take care
Love Mid
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178345 tn?1242536246
I am not the exerciser....at all I hate it and everything about it..but just recently I joined Jenny Craig to try and lose some weight...i also had my husband by me a stationary bike but I get so short winded very easy...in 7 weeks I am down 22 lbs but have to lose some more..it is a very strict program..but since I have been eating better I feel a little better ...i think the hysterectomy screwed up my body big time! I was doind 2 miles a few times a week and started slowind down a little I will try and get back on that bike...I want to feel good and learn to try and put myself first since I too always put others ahead of me...too bad we all dont live near each other and do a weekly walk thats what they do in my mall....LOL!!!! Love, Gia :)
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486831 tn?1209148864
I'm very much like you - I don't really excersice at all.  But with this latest "incident" ~ I'm going to start treating myself better.  Excercise will be part of that.  So, I'll be joining you both in the "gotta have to do it but really don't want to plan" - LOL
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187666 tn?1331173345
I do exercise but I can't say I enjoy it. If you want to start some program I would highly recommend you do it with a friend. It helps the time go back more quickly and you're more likely to commit to it. We did invest in a recumbant bike for home. It's easy enough to sit there, leaning back a bit and reading a book while I pedal. Or set it up in front of the TV and watch a show. I do enjoy my bike.
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491527 tn?1214487803
Not to brag ... but ...I work out almost daily.  I run 3 miles a day 4-5 days a week and lift weights. Last week we got a Bowflex.  I eat healthy, lots of fiber, low fat, and fruits and vegies. I know I will have to slow down when I have the surgery but at least I will look good in Hawaii 2 weeks before surgery:)

I highly recommend exercise. It is never too late to start. Walking is a great start...Just do it! (Nike my favorite brand)
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483733 tn?1326798446
Very good advice.  It's one of those things we always know but are bad at executing on.  I'm hoping that this scare is the kick in the butt I need to do so.
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like you, I don't excercise at all.  But I'm hoping that part of my recovery will include starting to walk some, and caring more about what I put IN my body.

I don't want to be the fat mom who can't do anything with her kids.

I'm using my recovery to jump start caring for myself.  

I've always been "motherly" to EVERYONE BUT ME.
I'm really giving it a try now, tough as it is, to take time for me.  To listen to music, to walk and see God in life, that kind of thing.

I hope you come to think of it that way, and take care of your body for all the right reasons... there's only one YOU!

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483733 tn?1326798446
My husband is pushing me to start exercising from a point where I don't do any.  I will start walking but won't do anything more until I've got this thing handled.  Thanks!
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Hi, I noticed that my usual exercise routine had to be toned down when I had the cyst.  I normally ran a bit and walked fast on my treadmill.  Towards the end, about a month before my surgery, I couldn't do much b/c it hurt.  I'd say just do what you can and REALLY listen to your body.  If it hurts, stop or slow down.  Not sure what exercise you do but you'll know when it's too much.
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187666 tn?1331173345
What type of exercise did you have in mind? Before my surgery (for a 10 cm cyst) I did exercise but easy things like the treadmill and upper body weights. I was a bit more careful at work when lifting and bending. Avoided lifting and twisting as much as possible. It's not good for the back any way. I didn't do yoga during that time. Too much squishing and twisting to be comfortable.
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