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Large Dermoid Cyst


I just thought I'd post here to say thanks to you all for the great information and community. My cyst story started back at the end of June, I have had intermitent incontinence/diarhhoea/constipation for a long time, never anything to bad but low level annoying. After I had to resort to imodeum before I had to go overseas for a conference at which I was speaking, I promised myself I would see the Doctor when I got back rather than continue putting it off. The doctor gave me a quick internal exam and reckoned I had fibroids as should could definetely feel something. She sent me for a US/TVUS (thankfully I can go private through my husbands work.) I told the US guy what the doctor thought and was surprised when he straight away said he didn't believe her diagnosis and was left lying wondering what was going on. Eventually he determined that I had a 13cm Dermoid Cyst on my right ovary, which was pressing on my urethra causing kidney problems, and recommended surgery and refered me to a gynocologist.

I'll admit the dermoid diagnosis came out of the blue, I had originally suspected IBS but when my doctor suggested fibroids it seemed likely as two of my sisters have suffered from these. Thankfully although I'm only 43 I don't have any periods since I am on the Depo contraceptive injection so have never suffered the most annoying symptoms of cysts. In retrospect I do have occasional stomach pain, usually in the middle of the night but I've ignored it as it's always gone by morning.

Anyway I am now booked in for a Laparotomy on Monday. I would say I'm calm but kind of mentally focussed on this thing inside me. I keep telling myself how lucky I am it is only a dermoid, of all the types of cysts you poor folk suffer from it does seem to be the most uncomplicated (as long as you don't think what it looks like). The CA-125 bloodtest came out very low and the MRI scan showed that no other organs seem to be involved.

Whether this surgery will be the answer to all my little problems I don't know. I'd like to think that getting such a large growth removed would reduce the size of my enormous belly (my own personal body bug bear), even reduce my weight which has sadly tipped over into overweight (which i always blamed on the depo injection).

Anyway thanks again for giving me somewhere to come and read other folks experiences, I always feel knowledge is power and will be surprised if this thing throws any curves that I haven't heard about now.


p.s. I also found another forum which has a long thread paricularly for people with Dermoid cysts which gave me a lot of additional information, I thought I'd just provide the link here also so others can find it. The threads been running since 2004 but the information shared still feels relevant: http://www.womenshealthmatters.ca/ubbthreads7/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7209&page=1#Post7209

13 Responses
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So glad to hear the good news!  I hope you remain cyst free and no more pain!

Take care,

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It's me again, Just got back from my ultrasound scan and all looks fine, my remaining ovary shows no signs of cysts or swellings and my uterus is small and unencumbered by fibroids. So I am a happy and relieved person. Not sure why I have a dull focused pain in my left abdomen though, it might be adhesions from my surgery or just my brain creating symptoms which aren't really there. Hopefully now I know there's nothing to worry about it will stop imagining things.
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hi this must be very stressfull for you i really feel sorry for you as myself have only one ovary due to dermoid twisting  and i am 24 single no kids and also obese and the only answer i am getting from gyno is loose weight and all my problems would be over ,i wish i could answer your questions but i will be here for you please keep in touch x
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Hi Again, thought I'd just add my latest update to the bottom of my previous post so I don't have to rewrite the history.

So it's now two years since my laparotomy and everything was fine. The whole experience had slipped into a surreal other life memory. But then when I was swimming on holiday a few weeks ago I became aware of a low level focused pain where I would imagine my one remaining ovary to be. I tried to ignore it, convincing myself It was just my usual hypochondria but yesterday I decided to risk the Doctors derision and sought her opinion. One quick internal exam later she informed me that she could definitely feel something (a fullness on my left side), so it looks like my bodies ability to form cysts has struck again. She has referred me for a scan but since this seems to involve the writing of letters I'm guessing it will be a week before I find out when that will be (luckily I am able to go private so that shouldn't be an issue).

Now I'm back at the point I hate most..the waiting...not knowing what is happening. I don't remember my last 14cm dermoid being painful at all so this may be different.

My questions are, if my paranoia has let me catch this one early and it's still small will the Dr be able to remove it Laparoscopically even though I've already had a Laparotomy? Does anyone else have experience of dermoid cysts occuring on different ovaries? I'm most worried that I will lose my only remaining ovary, a surgical menopause is something I would like to avoid (I'm 45 by the way).

Anyway thanks for being their, sometimes it's just nice to write these things down. Just reading my old post and your responses was reassuring.

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The nurse from the hospital, who phoned to check up on me,  informed me that the numbness is a normal effect of the laparotomy, but that the numb sensation should fade with time as the nerves regrow. My sister who has a caesarean 24 years ago for the birth of her daughter says her stomach still feels strange even after all this time.

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glad to hear your recovery is going well- I cant help with the numbness, hopefully someone else can. Keep healthy and my best wishes are with you.
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Hi all,

my recovery is still progressing well, but I have one question, is it normal for your stomach above the scar (4-5" band) to be numb to the touch? Mine feels very strange indeed.

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Hi all, I'm back from the hospital today having had my surgery on Monday. Everything has gone fine. I arrived at the hospital at 8am and was shown to my room, where I met the surgeon and anaesthetist. Thankful my surgery was first on the agenda so it wasn't long before I was gowned up and walked down to theatre. the anaesthetist took a while to find a vein for my canula but before I knew much of anything I was waking up in recovery and moments later back in my own room. For the rest of that day I was on a pulse and blood pressure monitor, saline drip and morphine pump. Thanks to the morphine I was very comfortable. That night my bladder started working again and I was up every hour to go for a pee, the nurses were very understanding but I'm sure they were fed up hearing my buzzer going. The next day they removed the drip etc and I was able to go to the toilet unassisted which was much better. I was also able to get up and dressed and sit in my room for most of the day.

So anyway, now I'm home with 4 weeks sick leave ahead, feeling fine, just have to move slowly. they didn't give me any strange substances to drink before hand or a catheter which i was quite pleased about.

Thanks for all your wishes

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117289 tn?1391712825
Good luck on your surgery.  Remember to stock up on some peppermint tea to take away the gas.  Take your pain meds as recommended (oh and get a stool softner cause they do bind things a bit!)  You will be feeling better in no time!
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I too has a dermoid cyst that was about the size of a grapefruit.  I am 46, obese, diabetes, HPB, Sleep Apnea and Neuropathy.  Because of the obesity, we determined the best course or action was full hyst/ooph.  That was early April.  The laparotomy was my surgery of choice, due to my size, and the size of the tumor.  I had a 28" incision (bikini, ha ha ) across my abdomen with 50 some odd staples.  The staples stayed for about 3 weeks, because I had hemorraghed with a c-section 8 years ago.  The outside healing, and easing of pain were the first things I noticed.  I healed remarkably well.
(Thank you, God).  However, I am having a bit of difficulty moving beyond the visible healing.  I returned to work 3 weeks after surgery, and resumed my familiar chores maybe 5 weeks after surgery.  But I can't seem to do more.  No traveling, no BBQ's, no parties.  Grocery shopping taxes me beyond belief.  (OK, I'm a big grocery shopper).
I am "existing" more than "enjoying".  This is 4 months post op.  I think that I will continue to get better, stronger every day, I just wanted to comment that the "getting well" even though you are feeling physically healed, takes some time.  It surely has to do with the obesity and other medical conditions I suffer, but if this message helps anyone, I'm glad to have taken the time.

My prayers are with you, please keep us posted on your developments.  I pray your healing is quick, and you are back in the air quickly!  (I''m still not up to travel).
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356929 tn?1246389756
Good luck on the surgery and please let us know how everything goes.. Drop a line when you are able !!

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I've flown twice already this summer, once to Slovenia and once to Crete (from the UK), neither time did I feel any discomfort from the cyst. Only the usual annoyances caused by my bladder/bowel issues. I'm sure I must have had this cyst for a long time given that it is solid tissue and not fluid filled and therefore must have grown slowly and I've never had any problems flying even to America and back. I wouldn't worry about flying if I were you it really shouldn't be a problem.

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Hi Crawflowr,
Best wishes for your surgery on Monday, we will all be praying for you.
You ahve also answered on eof my questions as you said you flew with your cyst- do you mind if I ask if you felt any additional discomfort or pain - and how long was your flight? I need surgery to remove my cyst and am considering flying home to th eUK to have it done there and be with family. You experience would be useful.

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