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Mediction too Expensive, WHAT TO DO?

Made it back from work, pretty comfortable with the Opana ER and the Opana.  I have decided the two a day will not be sufficient to keep me comfortable, but at least I know there is something out there that I can take that may work.  My only real problem with it is that it's 80.00 and I really can't afford that type of prescription.  Can anyone give me any ideas how to tell my pain doctor that I just can't afford 80.00 a  month on just two prescriptions.  I take a total of 10 prescriptions total so you can see how much it will add up with the 80.00.  My last prescription was 10.00 per month, so it's quite the jump.  Any advice that anyone would be willing to give to me would be very appreciated at this time.

Thanking you in advance to anyone that will read this message.  Thank you again,  Karen
Best Answer
1301089 tn?1290666571
Have you checked out Sandee's journal with information on help for medication costs?  Check it out.  http://www.medhelp.org/user_journals/show/162076/Prescription-assistance-programs-and-phone-numbers?personal_page_id=1060
17 Responses
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180749 tn?1443595232
Do this yog pranayam techniques to help in controlling the pain.The effect is gradual, but you will start to feel the difference in days. The extra oxygen makes the body cells healthier and energized.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.
Anulom Vilom –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 15 to 30  minutes twice a day.
Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.
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Hi Karen,

I found out the SAME information that Jaded did.  They are DEFINITELY two different medications.

Were you able to find ANY information on the Opana and whether or not there are ANY programs that are offered from the Manufacturer's?  I HOPE that you are able to come up with something!! Maybe your Doctor MIGHT be able to help you in some way. Keeping my Fingers Crossed since this Medication seems to be giving you added relief!!

Sending you MORE ((((HUGS!!)))).....Mama Sherry
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I had a similar problem with the fentanyl patch.  My insurance didn't cover it so I talked to the doctor and we decided to do MSContin instead.  
I looked up Oramorph.  That is not the same as Opana.  Opana is oxymorphone and Oramorph is morphine.  
I found this site that is really helpful for all the different meds and info:
I think it's a blog of a Pharmacist or something but it has good info and is easy to read.
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YIKES!  That is outrageously expensive for a co-pay!  It's probably because it's a newer medication, so hopefully the longer it's on the market, the lower the price will get - and if they can come up with a generic form of it, all the better.  Of course, none of that helps you right now - I'm sorry :(  I had a similar situation come up just recently when my ortho doc wanted me to try Nucynta for my current hip problem - when I took the script to the pharmacy I found out that it was not covered at all by my Medicare Part D and it was going to be 80 something dollars for a one month supply - I most certainly cannot afford that!  The doctor had given me a $25.00 discount card for the med, but a) because I have Medicare it made me ineligible to use it and b) even if I told the pharmacy to enter it as if I were a cash patient, I was still ineligible to use it because in the fine print on the back of the card, it stated that it could not be used by "cash" patients.  UGH!  So basically the only way it would have worked is if I had had private insurance where the co-pay was going to be over the $25.00.  Anyway - I called my doctor right from the pharmacy and told her I simply could not afford the med, especially not knowing if a) I was going to be allergic to it, as I'm allergic to many meds and b) if it was going to work.

I certainly understand you wanting to work as long as you can, especially in today's economy.

I think because you do have insurance, your best best for possible assistance with the price of the meds would be one of those discount prescription cards that someone mentioned.  I know there are several of them out there, but I'm afraid I don't have much more information on them than that.  Maybe you could do a google search or something and see what you can find.  They may not be able to help with all your prescriptions, but perhaps with at least a couple of them.

Best of luck!
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Tuck., Sandee,

Do you know if oramorph is the same thing as Opana?  If so there is a phone number on your site that you have?  I'm just not sure, but I'm thinking it is the same medication.
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Precious Woman, Trouble in Ohio, an Gemini.  The 80.00 that I spent was my portion of my insurance copay.  I do have med co insurance, and the thing that got me was that it was only for 56 pills and I go back on the 7th where the dr. told me he would  need to readjust the medication.  I do feel value from taking the medication, but like I was telling other's I take about nine other medications besides pain medication every day so 80.00 for 2 prescriptions is a little out of my league.  I also take the lidoderm patch which is 25.00 forr 30 so that's not a cheap prescription either.  I just have no idea how to bring it up, I doubt I qualify for any discounts because I do have prescription coverage, I just couldn't beive how much it ws.  I know the reason he put me on it was because he told me he likes the fact that it doesn't make you feel weird or give you a rush from the medication, which it doesn't, and he did warn me it was expensive but I about dropped everything in my hand when they told me the price. I'm a single female and money is always tight and I just don't know the best way to bring it up, and besides the fact that it does work.  Maybe he can give me the Opana ER and then give me like Oxcodone or something for break through pain? Anyone heard about that?  As far as disability goes, I'm still working full time, for now, but I've been told this is a chronic issue that will turn into a full time disability but I want to work as much as I can so  I can at least live....
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I just wanted to point out that even once you are approved for disability, there is a two year waiting period before your Medicare becomes effective, so while this may help down the road, it most certainly should not be considered a "quick fix" idea.  The process for applying for and being accepted for disability also can be a VERY long process.

I agree totally about contacting the manufacturer of your medication and asking if they have any type of patient assistance program - many of them do.  I know when I was on the Duragesic patch, I got on their assistance program and paid absolutely zero for my patches.  Do keep in mind, however, that some of the patient assistance programs may not be available to you if you have ANY type of prescription coverage available.

Best of luck - I know how frustrating and difficult it is when you search so long and hard for a medication that works well for your pain only to find out that your insurance either doesn't cover it or if you don't have insurance, it is totally cost prohibitive.

As for talking to your doctor about it, simply be honest - tell him/her that although the medication works well for you, you are not financially able to afford it and ask if there is anything similar that he/she feels would work just as well for you that might be less expensive.  I've had to do this a few times with my doctor and in my experience, the doctors are usually pretty willing to help you find a less expensive medication.  It's not like you're trying to jump from one med to another - you've tried this one, it works, but you simply cannot afford it.
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hi there,
I am disabled from my back and neck injuries., and a couple of times I have had to pay $300 for one medication because of insurance issues!! So I learned to call my prescription coverage company before every single visit to make sure I am being covered that visit!
You may be better off on disability, if you are disabled you are eligible for Medicare and a prescription drug plan.
If that is not an option I know that Hannafords food stores have pharmacies as well as
Wal-Mart both of these stores have their own prescription drug plans with very large discounts on hundreds of drugs and you end up paying $4 a month for many, many mediations. It's worth looking into! If your medication is not on the list, then be completely honest with your doctor! I am on morphine 3 times a day for my pain and it's the only thing that I can function on! but like I said I call every month to make sure it's covered so I don't have a $300 shocker! I found huge relief from the Lidoderm patches however I am currently waiting for prior approval, without the approval they want over $700 for those!!
Do you have NO insurance? Have you contacted your local welfare office to apply for medical coverage?? I myself am on Medicaid and Medicare due to my disabilities.  
I would also contact troubleinohio and take her up on the discount cards until you can talk to your doctor!
I hope everything works out!
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230262 tn?1316645934
PS- this discount card- it can be used repeatedly, for all yur scripts, over and over each month, its not a one time use type of deal..
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230262 tn?1316645934
is that with insurance/co-pay or do you have no insurance like me? If you dont have any coverage at all- i have these free RX discount cards that came in the mail that I use. I thought it was a scam at first, but they really do work with no obligation/no salesperson contacting you to buy something from them. I have extra cards if you want me to mail you one. It does not allow you to get your meds for free- it just gives you a price cut on meds. It varies GREATLY though depending on the medicine. Some of my scripts it bumps off 10 to 30 bucks off it, others it only takes a dollar off (that was for some antibiotic for my kids it did that for). SO i cant tell you how much it may cut off for opana, i have no clue. But its worth a try if you want. Let me know and you can send me a PM if you want me to mail you it to give it a try. Good luck to you.
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Thanks for the post.  Yes, I've been on magnesium for other reasons just recently, due to some blood work issues.  As far as soaking in epsom salt, I have a series of neck issues, herniated disk, fusion, and a few other things that soaking helps, but unfortunately it will not take away the pain.  I also have tried accupunture, physical therapy, massages, NSAID'S, exercise, and tens unit, epidural injections, therma care heat patches, heating pad, and lidoderm patches.  I've tried a lot of things, so unfortunately I know it would seem that magnesium would be the cheaper way to handle this issue, and if epson salt was the cure, I'd be there.  But thanks for the thought.  I think most of us here on the pain forum have got here by trying all kinds of over the counter medication, and seeing several specialists to find out what our chronic pain injuries are.  Unfortunately I've been told I will not get any better and there is a large chance that I will eventually be disabled from this chronic pain injury.  

Thanks again for your input and I do hope magnesium and epson salt does help any aches and pains that you may have.  Any way to get pain under control is a blessing I think!  I hope everyone has a great day!
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547368 tn?1440541785
It's true that based on need drug manufactures are willing to provide you with needed medications. I too suggest using Sandee's listing of contacts.

During the last years of my stepmother's illness I was able to obtain all but her insulin and oxycodone cost free. The manufactures would supply medications to cover a three month period. It had to be done through her physician and well in advance. But it was a Gos sent.

It's certainly worth a try.

Good Luck to You,

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I'm sorry that you're in such a dilemma with the meds that have been working for you.  I agree with Mama Sherry.  Hopefully there is some sort of discount plan offered by the manufacturer.  Although I think it's a little harder to find a discount plan that offers a discount on pain meds.
Other than that I would definetly tell the doctor your issues with the cost and see if he can offer a med that is comparable but less expensive.  
Hopefully he will be able to find you something less expensive that works just as well.  Please let us know how it goes!
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Hi Karen,

I'm sorry that your meds are so terribly expensive for you!!  That's a LOT of money to be out each month for just TWO meds. Yo have your others on top of that too!!

You can call your Pharmacist and get the Manufacturer's address and Phone Number and call and see if they have ANY type of a program to HELP with the costs of these medications.  Sometimes they will EVEN have a program where you can get them ant NO CHARGE.  It would be worth a shot anyway

Otherwise, just be up front with your PM Doctor and let him know that you CAN'T afford these meds. He may know of some way that you can get them at a discount OR I'm SURE that he will switch you to some other medication that won't be as expensive that hopefully will give you the same results.  That's the problem with a NEWER medication, that they will ALWAYS be more expensive than the ones that have been around for awhile and ALREADY have a generic out.

Please let us know what he says and IF you are able to get help from the Drug Company!!

Sorry I haven't been on before but I haven't been feeling too well.  Hope you did well at work today.

((((HUGS!!))))........Mama Sherry
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Have you given magnesium a try for the pain?  Especially a soak with Epsom Salt?
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Hi Karen. I'm glad that you got through the day today! It's so hard to work with pain.

I read your apology on the other thread, but I don't know what happened or why you apologized. Maybe people aren't responding because they're offline??? The board seems kind of slow lately. I have been popping in and out, but not responding or writing as much as I'd like to. Sorry for babbling:)

Ugh. That's a lot of money for a prescription, but I know that they are expensive. Also, I think that there are ways to get them cheaper, but you have to qualify. I don't have great advice unfortunately. I wish that I did.

Is Opana the first long-acting medication that you have tried? Do you think that your doctor would be willing to change you to a cheaper one? It's tough because it's really helping you. Maybe your doctor will have some ideas. I know that my doctor has coupons for certain medications. Can you ask your doctor about that?



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