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Doctor Referral

I definitely want a referral to a see a rhematologist. Can I just call up my primary's office and ask for one or do I have to make an appointment? I hate missing work to see a doctor anymore than I have to. I already have 2 days a month that I miss because of the PM and crazy doc so calling would be so much better. Anyone know? I was also thinking about calling some rhematologists in my town and see if they take new patients without a referral, that's what I did with my psych so I'm not sure if I need a referral for everything.
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Yeah when I told the girl on the phone I wanted a referral she asked if it was for another PCP or a specialist. I guess if it's for another PCP than you don't have to make an appointment. He knows my medical history and he's the one who sent me to PM so he should understand and just give me one. Oh well. It's only $15 and I only have to miss 20 minutes of work. I think I'm more worried about pissing off my PM. I wont see her again until the 24th so if I see a rheumy before then it might be kind of weird. But I need to do this so I don't care who's toes I step on. My bf agrees and supports my decision to see a specialist in arthritis before I get the SCS. My pain could be coming just from the arthritis since there is no evidence that my disk is pushing on any nerves. The pain is more consistent with autoimmune arthritis than a pinched nerve. I have no radiating leg pain which seems to perplex my PM doctor and it doesn't hurt to bend in any position I just have limited range of movement, I cant even get close to touching my toes!

But I want to do everything in my power to get better for me and my bf. And if I feel this is a step in that direction that I'm going to take it. I'll update everyone after my appointment on Monday
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547368 tn?1440541785
Great news! A fairly quick appointment with your PCP.

Too bad your PCP would not just give you are referral instead of making you pay for an appointment to see him. I think most of them operate that way.

I'll be hoping that you'll get as quick of an apt with a rheumatologist. That would be very more wonderful!  
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Yeah I usually get in pretty quick with my PCP! Unless it's a walk in and then it takes hours and hours
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I'm so glad that you got in so quickly AND after work to boot!!!!  I wish to second Sara in hoping that you find a good one, also!!!

Wishing you the VERY best..............Sherry
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Wow! That was quick.  Good luck. I hope you are able to find a good one.
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Ok I just spoke with my PCP office and I had to make an appointment to get a referral to a specialist. It's after work and this coming Monday so that's good. I hope he can refer me to one.
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As usual, Tuck just gave you some really sound advice about respecting your PCP enough to discuss it with them as you don't want any hurt feelings there, if you have a good relationship with them.

Another thing that I do, even if it's NOT my PCP that refers me, as was the case when my Rheumatologist  (who my PCP had sent me to) referred me on to my PM Doctor, (that I love) I ALWAYS make sure that any test results that I may receive are automatically sent forwarded to my PCP also. That way he has the results of every test that I have been given in front of him and in my records. That way my records, should I need them, are complete with my PCP's office!! I treally works out great and my PCP really appreciates the fact that I was thoughtful enough to have them sent to him.

That's just  something that you might want to consider doing in the future. :)....Sherry
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I just talk to my manager who handles all of our insurance and she said I do need a referral and she doesn't know if they can refer me outside of my group so I'm going to call my doctor now.
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1324871 tn?1288981706
Hi ! You have been given some great advice here .I really have nothing to add except I hope it works out for you .I will be thinking of you .

Take care
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547368 tn?1440541785
Jaded is correct. it depends on the policy referral process on your insurance company. HMO and similar insurance often require a referral from you PCP. If you don't have it, they won't cover any cost associated with that visit. So please make sure you know your insurances policy on referrals.

My insurance does not require referrals. I can see any physician I want within the USA without a one. I have had both policies and I far prefer this one.

However my PCP would not look kindly a consultation with another physician without at least discussing it with her. She's a great PCP that views me as her patient and manger of my health care needs. Because I have such a great relationship with her I would never see another physician without first discussing it with her. So be aware that some PCP are possessive of their patients, in my case that is a good thing.

Even when I as referred out I make sure to research the physician I am seeing as you are doing now. It's always a good plan.

Good luck to you.
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Hi Kat,

I'm glad that you are thinking about going to see Rheumatologist! I think that you would definitely benefit from seeing one.

What Jaded and Sara sadi are correct. A lot depends on your Insurance and whether or not they require you to first get a referral. If it doesn't then of course you are free to go wherever you wish. It might be to your benefit to check with your insurance first and see what they say.

If you DO need a referral then the idea that you have of calling and letting your PCP know that you can't afford an appointment to come in just to get a referral and would it be possible to give you one WITHOUT the office visit, is a VERY good idea.

I'm anxious for you to let us know what you find out!!!

Good Luck my Dear........Sherry
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Ok cool. I'm going to look around on my own to find a good one and if that does not work I'll call the doctor for one.
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I think it depends on your insurance.  You can call up some rheumatologists and ask.  You could also call up your PCP and ask for the referral.  Explain to them that you are a regular patient, etc, and can't afford to take the time off work just to come in for an appt for a referral.  As far as I know, most PCPs make a small commission or fee for every referral they give, so it shouldn't be a problem.  Especially if your doctor has talked about giving you a referral in the past.
I ended up going to a PM that didn't need referrals because I moved and didn't have time or money to go back and get a referral, and the doctor's I've seen on Medicaid aren't the ones I would have chosen.  
I hope it all works out for you!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Generally I believe that's correct.  For me, it depends on the type of doc I want to see as to whether or not I need a referral for insurance purposes.  Some doctors require them.

Good luck!  I hope you find a good one.
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