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What I thought I knew about doctors...HELP

Hi , Everything I thought I knew about doctor's and their care and the Hippocratic oath they supposedly took that says First Do No Harm , has shattered into a million pieces for me . I had been a patient at my primary care physician for 12 years . I had been diagnosed with chronic pain coming from RSD (reflexive sympathetic dystrophy ) for 20 years now . I received morphine sul , to help with the pain . No matter where I went to specialist , the ER , dentist , I was always honest with all my doctors they all knew that I took pain meds , what kind , and the dosage . I would always make sure I was very honest with my primary care physician. If I saw a specialist I would bring my doctor the results and any and all meds they put me on . I never at any time took any kind of pain meds from anyone other than my primary care physician . Then I take a urine drug test . I didn't worry because I knew I had done nothing wrong . Well guess what ??? I get a certified letter in the mail saying I had failed my urine drug test because I had 2 other narcotics (the 3 were oxytocin , oxycodone, hydrocodone  in my body besides the morphine sul ...After sort of getting over the shock , I racked my brain and the only other medication I had taken was a cough syrup with codeine in it that this same doctor had prescribed . I thought well could it be that I get the generic for morphine ?? I then called my doctors office because they didn't bother sending me a copy of the drug test and for a few days I got the run around it seems everyone was always out of their office ...then finally I get an office person and I tell them I didn't understand because I know I did not do this ....they pulled my chart and said yes you did ...I then told them what meds I was taking prescribed and over the counter ...they had not one over the counter med I was on that was sent with the urine test to the lab ...and I was taking over the counter meds like severe cold and allergy ...Allegra allergy meds , I am not even sure other than my regular prescribed meds that they even included the prescription cough syrup the themselves prescribed to me ...well they said we will notify the lab and call you back tomorrow ...tomorrow has never come and I got treated like a piece of dirt by someone I never lied to , someone I always made extra sure knew everything I did and the results , someone who knew I didn't even take the full amount of morphine and dealt a little with the pain so my tolerance wouldn't build up to easily and the dosage would have to be increased . All that's been said and sent certified mail is you failed and you will have to find another doctor ...now tell me people with this little certified letter who is going to want to see me ??? I even offered to let them have hair , blood, saliva , bone marrow anything and it was like 12 years I had tried so hard to build and the trust I had in my doctor is blown ,,, I did not do this but they don't seem to care to let me prove it and I have a condition that has made me disable and I know I am going to have to have something to help tolerate it because its only getting more painful over time ....Does anyone have a clue that could lead me out of this dark place I find myself in ??? Its bad enough being disable with chronic nerve damage ...then to be told you lied when I know in my SOUL I didn't ...but what's worse is how do I ever trust of believe an MD again ??? I just don't know what to do ..Please help if you can ...Its like the song Creed sings ..I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking maybe six feet ain't so far down .
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The nerve of that doctor...
(You made some puns, so there, I got to do one, too :-)

Here's the thing to remember... Some people are just plain off-their-rocker. And, just because they sat in a classroom a little longer than you, and got some capital letters after their name does NOT make them any less Off-Their-Rocker.

The key word, here, is NEXXXT.

Like interviewing applicants.

Half way thru' the interview, when you determine that they're nuts, you open the door, guide them out, and say "Nexxxxxt."

The only difference here is these "interviews" cost you an arm and a leg each time.

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just because someone has letters after their name, wears a white coat, and has a stethoscope hanging around their neck, well, they must be smart, must be always right, and we, the lowly dumb dumb patient must be always wrong. We're taught to have respect for these people, and that they are so much smarter than us.

All I can say is don't let this get you down, go down the phonebook another quarter of an inch, and try the next neurologist. Or, better yet, call around and get a good Word-of-Mouth referral. In fact, sometimes you can get very good neurologist referrals from chiropractors! Find a reputable chiropractor in the area, and ask them for a few neurologist's names.

The 2 worst, and I mean WORST doctors I have ever seen in my whole life were neurologists.... Go figure.

The good news is... They can't all be bad.
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Okay guys and gals I have an update for you . I went to see a Neurologist today . I don't know why , but I was thinking " Okay this is a specialist who does nothing but studies the nervous system and will understand Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and better yet he will understand there is no cure and how bad it can be right ?" I am now thinking I am going to quit thinking because the further down this rabbit hole I seem to fall , the more backwards is forwards , left is right , and insides upside down ! This doctor without (key word is without people ) even examining me and seeing the proof of the dark purple and sometimes almost black color my feet turn not to mention the capillaries on top of my feet that have burst . Not to mention both ankles swollen so bad there is what looks like a pocket of fluid that surrounds and outlines my ankle bones and continues across the front and back part of my ankles . Without even taking a look at anything ...has the nerve (no pun intended ) to tell me you may not have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy ...it may be Neuropathy . I am now thinking either this Doctor must have a direct line to Jesus Himself and has somehow miraculously heard from Him that my diagnosis is wrong (even though a Neurologist diagnosed me as having this , I didn't pull the RSD out of thin air and convince a Neurologist , a Sports Medicine Doctor , and a Podiatrist that this was what I wanted to be labeled with ) . So he says we are going to do some kind of simple nerve study done in his office (something about sticking needles in me ) so I ask him ..Say you do this needle thing and in your opinion is Neuropathy .... is this going to effect my disability ? He says I cant promise you anything . So I am thinking I KNOW what I have is real and I KNOW I tried to return to work several times after my surgery with things in my body only getting worse . I guess I was thinking I AM NOT FAKING THIS !!! So next a nurse comes in saying she is going to give me a B12 and a B6 shot . This was the first I heard of this . I ask her the same question about my disability and she said well we cant force you to do anything . By this time I was crying , thinking I am not LYING ....I know what is wrong with me their is MEDICAL PROOF !!! So I look up at the nurse and told her that since June of last year I have been to h*ll and back with doctors and I said Nothing personal but I think I have let the last person take something away from me and me just sit here and take it . So now I don't know what I am going to do ...it just keeps getting worse and worse . I feel like because I am not what some call a productive member of society ...I no longer matter and am just taking up space that could be filled with someone better if I would just go ahead and get out of the way . I didn't ask for this but I have to accept that its happened and even that takes time to accept . I just don't know what to do anymore .
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Reading this forum makes me happy knowing there are people like Philnoir out there. It is SCARY -- all the posts I read about "false negatives."

You gotta think that ONE DAY, it'll be YOUR turn or MY turn to have a False Negative.

I have to be thankful there are people like Grampa Phil, and Cpain4 who are extremely well-educated, and offer their support to the wrongly-accused patients.

Doing some of my own 'google searches,' I was heartened to find a pain clinic (I think it was in Colorado somewhere), that actually has a YouTube ad targeting people who have been Dismissed from their pain clinic. The ad went something like, "Everybody has unexpected things happen in their lives....etc., etc., 'we understand'" or something like that. I saw that ad, and thought that was pretty neat.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
You found a doc who is not willing to stick his neck out -- no surprise here. The so-called "chilling effect" of the DEA pursuing doctors who prescribe opioids began 10 years ago. A 4-fold increase in opioid related mortality rates made things worse, as did Florida pill mills, OxyContin abuse in Appalachia, and high profile overdoses like that actor Hoffman in NYC last year.

There are plenty of compassionate pain doctors out there. I suggest that you don't give up, but seek out another. A "real" pain doc would see your diagnosis and treat because he/she has been trained in the etiologies of chronic pain.

You are on the hero's voyage, and like Odysseus, your going to find islands along the way that are not inviting. The only thing to do get back in the boat and keep sailing.

By the way, thanks for the info on Dave Kopel -- I've been looking for attorneys who are willing to take this issue on. It is unconstitutional, and some brave attorney needs to take this problem of urine screening and one-sided opioid contracts that compel patients to sign or they don't get treatment, to the courts.

Keep searching, friend. And keep educating yourself about RSD (which is now called CRPS Type I) and its treatment options.
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I forgot to tell you something the Pain Clinic Doc said or didn't say . I asked him with me having the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy which was a medically proven disease , that can and does spread to other parts of the nervous system , why would I do something that would allow me not to be able to take something to help tolerate the pain so I can live a sort of normal existence knowing there is no cure for this disease ? Guess what folks ? He had no answer for that question either . Wish me Luck !
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First of all let me apologize for not getting back to you .I do however want to thank each and everyone who replied to my post its nice to not be so alone in this world . I've tried to explain my disability to my family . They have seen my legs and feet turn purple , they have seen the swelling in both and the capillaries bust in my feet and ankles but it just doesn't seem to register this chronic pain is very REAL . I was told once to take a Tylenol .
I did find an interesting website while researching my condition and my problem of being dismissed from a doctors care and I came across this guy Dave Kopel . He is an attorney whose work on civil liberties issues has included testifying before the U.S. Congress and writing extensively for publication. He is currently research director of the Independence Institute.
The article that caught my attention on his site was Drug Testing Shaky Science May Nullify Good Intentions . So its known that this happens , the problem being is anyone caring . I wish there was a petition that could be signed . I guess my thing is keeping encouraged for the time being .
I am receiving a little help pain management wise although my dosage has been cut in half but anything is better than nothing . I did however go to the new Pain Clinic I found in November 2014 . I want you to know I left in tears . I was treated like a piece of discarded piece of trash . Here's my story for this one .    
The doctor comes in and says tell me what happened ? Why did you're doctor dismiss you ? I once again told the truth (as in the post from CPain4 on June 24,2014 What I thought I knew about doctors) and he looks at me and ask where does it hurt ? I told him lower back , both legs , and feet . He says well what hurts the worst ? I told him it was all about even when it came to pain but the worst and consistent pain was my legs and feet . He says okay we have it narrowed down to your legs and feet . Between them which is worse ? I am trying hard to answer his questions but am confused as all of it is worse and constant . I said well my feet sting a lot like bees and pain shoots up my legs and into my back .I also said the bakers cyst and patella femoral syndrome in my right knee and the ACL surgery done on my left which still swells and the bone they used in behind the screws in my knee which came from my left knee cap has never grown back like I was told it was going to doesn't help either . He says Okay now we have it narrowed down to your feet . I am sitting in a chair looking at him like I have just fell down the rabbit hole in Alice In Wonderland and I try to explain how all of it together causes my problem not just one thing .I say that is why I am legally disable . He says well I see you cant take any NSAID's .I said no  because I have Gastritis that enflames the lining of my stomach , a hiatal and abdominal Hernia , and diverticulosis . He says well you cant use Ben Gay or some other arthritis rubs . I said the ones I have listed no I cant because when I used them they caused a severe rash that cost me another doctors visit . He says and nerve blocks don't work ? I said no and it was the doctor who did them (all 6 of them ) that found they were unsuccessful . Then he says well all I can tell you is other than physical therapy (which I tried and is how I wound up with a bakers cyst) ,
and Motrin or Tylenol , learn to deal with it . That is when I got upset because I had been TOTALLY honest and that wasn't good enough . He said well unless you get a lawyer and have this letter of abuse taken care of theres nothing I can do . I said can you please answer one question for me ? He said okay ...I said if you look at my records you have in your hand you are going to see my prescription for pain meds and how often they were written and dispensed . I said so if I was abusing them ? Why was I only getting them filled once every 2 1/2 to 3 months at a time when the way the script is written is for 30 days only ? I said an if I was selling them as this can be the only two things I can come up with that is being thought by people in the medical field why would the medication show up in my test ? He couldn't answer me so he says ...Don't you know people are dying from overdose ??? I said yes but what does that have to do with what I ask you ? He said well who do you think is causing all of this ? I said the lawmakers , DEA , people who sell illegally , people who abuse meds , insurance companies , and drug companies and the lobbyist who help congress and others pocket money to vote a certain way and that's what I call greed . He said well get a lawyer . I told him I couldn't afford one and that I had called lawyers , legal aid , the civil liberties union , and I was turned down by all I said I even tried Pro bono with no luck .  I said besides when it comes down to me and doctor what do you think my chances would be ? He said well you can blame the doctor thing on the insurance , because people who had medicare and Medicaid like me only allowed doctors to be paid a certain amount not the full amount they are entitled to . I ask why become a doctor ? He said to help people but I have bills to pay to . He said we have had 8 doctors in the last 6 months quit because of things like this . I asked him what did that have to do with me ? I said I don't make the laws but I don't abuse them either . He told me to learn to quote the serenity prayer ... I told him I liked what comes around goes around . He then gets ticked off and said is there anything else ? I said no there is no way in this world you can help me . He walked out and I left .
So what do you guys in Med Help think of this one ? I am however in the process of being referred to a neurologist ...So say a prayer and once again thanks for caring and responding . It really does mean a lot...take care and God Bless .
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7721494 tn?1431627964
RE: limiting opiate prescriptions in Florida.

I've read other posts here that make this claim. While you and I know that it's a bunch of hooey, some doctors are telling their patients "it's not my fault. The law requires...."

a) urine testing for opiods

b) weaning off opioid analgesics

c) limiting an Rx to #120 pills a month

d) limiting opioid doses to < 100mg morphine equivalent / day

e) other such nonsense.

Yes, there is oversight in pain medicine today that wasn't here 20 years ago. But "the law" has not yet limited the practice of pain medicine.

I think these doctors are passing incorrect information to pass the blame. They're worried about oversight, they've been scared by the state medical society, or their boss has passed on new policies about prescribing (this one interferes with my treatment in Colorado), and they don't want to seem the bad guy. So they blame "the law" on these new policies.

Perhaps that day is coming, but it isn't here yet, even in Florida.

No matter, the polite, informed, and insistent patient gets the best treatment. Decisions in the better medical offices are still being made with logic and good medicine.

I'm considering finding another doc to write my controlled scripts, as my family practitioner is overwhelmed by new rules passed down from the director of medicine in his organization.

I do what I have to to get the treatment I need.

And so should all do what we have to, to get treatment we need.
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9501656 tn?1404649387
A LOT has changed in 20 years - you are the exception by virtue of the fact that you are still alive - did you know that? Just a few words of advice, do NOT EVER mention those thoughts of suicide to any doctor - pain or otherwise. They will absolutely refuse to give you medication forevermore if you utter ANYTHING about that. Once I mentioned if anyone had done a study about suicide numbers in the chronic pain community - I had to fast step out of that situation, but was discharged mysteriously a month later. Now. Call other doctors to try and get in sooner. Do NOT tell your entire story - let your records speak for themselves. Just say you are no longer under the care of your previous pain management physician, will happiky sign for release of your records, and try your best to leave it at that. Cough medicine with codeine is notorious for causing false positives exactly as you described. If you do a search for codeine and false positive urinalysis on the internet, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. If you can, make copies of these SCIENTIFIC STUDIES as well as anecdotes - personal stories - and take them in to your new doctor to be included in your history. Heck, it's about time you changed doctors - perhaps there is a more effective pain management strategy in store for you. But BE PATIENT. It won't happen overnight. I know you hurt. I have been there with my broken body. I can say, with experience, the thrid day is the worst day. Stay in a hot tub as much as you can for comfort, try to find a position that you are most comfortable in -  YOU CAN DO THIS. Your pain receptors will reset, I promise you, and you won't need as much medication when you restart. I promise you. Look. You have been THROUGH it. You can take this. No, it's NOT FUN AT ALL, but YOU CAN DO THIS. Please let me know how you are. I'm Diamond_Dixie.
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9501656 tn?1404649387
Not true at all. I live in Florida. Please don't scare poor folks like that.
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Did they do chain of custody when you were tested?  You should have watched them seal your urine specimen and sign and initial it.  I agree with the other post pay for your own testing, the hair testing is supposed to go back 6 months.  Good luck there are so many changes in health care.  I read that doctors are getting cash bonuses from Medicare & Medicaid if they don't prescribe pain meds to their pts.  I don't know why politicians think they know more than doctors!!
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You can still refill the meds you have Rx for...
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I would get retested at a different lab and  PAY FOR your own  TESTING....then take those results to the doc and maybe talk to a lawyer?
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Do you live in Florida? Florida pain doc have to purge all pain patients ...the only people who now qualify for pain meds are the terminally I'll.
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Wow august 27? I know you should be glad to get a dr, but I just wished sometimes if they had to walk in our shoes, feel the pain, they would treat us different.  Trust me I wished I was healed and never had to take another pain pill!!! But my surgeon told me after my back surgery recovery of a year, that I would always need something for pain, I have injections and take meds, and just like today all I can do is set on heating pad. It's a depressing life!!! I pray someday they find a cure for chronic pain, without pills that people who don't need them abuse, and cause us that do to be treated like junkies. It's messed up!!!
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Greetings CPain4.. I just wanted to say how sorry I'm to read of all you are going thru and of how much you suffer. You can refill your non narcotic meds At least I see no reason why you could not. It is good you are looking for another Dr. You may want to get a copy of your medical records to see what is written in them If there is something about this You should add a note of your own version of what went down and have the medical secretary enter it into your records.. I hope you find a way to enjoy your day a lil bit, Happy Birthday ! It is still a very good day for you were born on this day.. I really hope you can get this resolved soon for your peace of mind and comfort. lesa
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  tiredofthetabs72 ,
First let me thank you for responding . I was beginning to feel like I had began to feel like I had been kicked out of the whole human race all together . I do have an update . I sat out after being up all night crying , to try and find help to prove that I was not guilty of what they said the urine test showed . I first called a few lawyers who's adds stated that they handled things like this just to be told , we can't help you . I was then referred to Pro bono lawyers , legal aid , and was told the same thing we can't help you but good luck . I sunk lower and lower . I then began to call other doctors who were accepting new patients according to healthgrades.com which they advertise on TV . When I explained what happened (I felt I had to be honest with them because If not when they sent for my medical records they would know ) So I explained everything to them and left nothing out . Guess what none of them were accepting new patients at this time although HealthGrades.com said they were . I was then referred to a clinic that works with disable people that don't have a lot of money . After once again relaying the full story including all of the ways I had tried to get help and everyone turned me away , they finally said they could see me on August 27th . Now I wondering what do I do about medications that are non-narcotic such as my blood pressure medicine . and two or three other NON-narcotic meds that I do have refills left on , can I get them filled still ??? I have no idea, and no one will help me with this either . I am still so hurt and I feel like a piece of trash carelessly discharged and I don't know what to do . And to beat it all today is my Birthday and I am 49 years old . Last but not least I have never nor would I ever abuse any drug regardless of the type for a lot of reasons I made sure to let the doctor who would not even give me the chance to prove it saying I would submit myself that day to blood , hair , salvia , or any other test they wanted me to take . So please say a prayer because I have come to think that physicians and the oath ...first do no harm...means nothing more than mere words on paper and human lives are as disposable as yesterday's garbage . Take care and once again thanks for replying .
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Well kinda in your same shoes, I have been going to the same pain management dr since 2008. I too have always check with them about any meds, to the point the nurses acted like I was over doing it. I called the dr office and left a message with the nurses with concerns of maybe my meds weren't working so good, I am taking norco 10/325x 4aday, maybe I should back off or try something else, well about 10 mins later, the NP called me, and she has never called me, saying she had pulled my RX record up and wanted to know about the cough meds my family dr had prescribed. I had told them about the cough meds, had brought the bottle to my visit in march, they wrote it down, my family dr called them and asked if it was ok, they said yes, but I am thinking all alone, well it's cough meds not pain meds. Well she told me I can still come for procedures but they can't write meds any more. Said I well have to find another dr to write meds, crazy. I have been in so much pain, and would not say anything, cause didn't want to be one that just begged for more meds, have dotted my Is and crossed my Ts. But still without my meds, I tried to come off of the meds,but pain is crazy bad.
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