614661 tn?1267273924

RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) Who had this, "burn or kill" the nerves?

Hi, I am interested in anyone who has had this procedure done and the effect of it? It may be called RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) where they "burn or kill" the nerves. The area I am researching would be those that have had in for lower back issues.

If anyone can provide feedback, I would appreciate it.

Thank, Oz
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I have had lower back problems for many years. I have taken pain meds for years now. A chiropractor refered me to go get steroid shots at the pain management clinic. I did that, each set of shots gave me relief which lasted about a month. I had the shots three times. The relief I got from them made me a candidate for RFA. After the first RFA I told my Dr. (the  anesthesiologist that works with me), "thank you for giving me my life back." The procedure lasted me for about six months, when the nerves started to grow back. I waited another four months and was in terrible pain before I made an appt. to go back for another treatment. The second time it lasted me about nine months. Again, I waited a few months to go back. I just had my third treatment three weeks ago. I am better, but not as good as before. I am hoping that as the nerves calm down I will be in even less pain (like I was before). I am soo grateful for RFA! It gets me off the pain drugs for a while. I do recomend to have someone who really knows how to do this, to help you. I am always leary to do such an invasive thing to my back, but I have an AWESOME Dr. who I trust. RFA is way better for me than injecting steroids in my back, as I had a bad reaction each time I had them and when the Dr. changed the steroids because of that, they did not work at all. I will likely do RFA again if needed...
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I had it as well, worked pretty good but did cost me over 500.00 out of pocket after insurance. That was over a year ago. I am in awful pain again and considering going back, I just wish it lasted longer. Mine was about 7 months. Did you have to have the test shots again before the actual procedure?
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i had this nerve block/burn done twice not..1st time helped on both sides of my lower back#s 4&5..lasted maybe 6mos...second time just approx 5 weeks ago ..did not go as well not the same relief as 1st and pain in needles was great..so today i go in 4 a steriod shot each side i hope that helps for awhile..
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4915901 tn?1360972742
I had it done in my neck and I am having problems.Its been two weeks now and my neck is hurting so bad and my head aches are terrible not to mention the swelling. Pain management doctor wants to do the left side next.NOT!
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I have had the RFA done in my lumbar and cervical region and I will swear by them. I have had every medical procedure you can think of and this procedure is the only one that has taken the pain away from the nerve pain I have in my neck. Yes, the nerve regenerates and it varies from person to person. For me, I got three years of relief in my neck. I am having it done again this Friday. I have had horrible neck pain now for the last 18 months and have finally gotten the ins. to approve the procedure. I have had a reduction in pain in my back as well. I could not believe how well it worked. I have had so many ESI's and the effects never lasted long. The RFA was a God send. Hopefully if you decide to do it, it will work for you as well.
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1508881 tn?1313114901
I only had a few hours of relief from the MBB and that was enough to make me a candidate! The MBB are good even if you're not a candidate because it can rule out your pain coming from the facet joints.
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