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What hobbies do you have? What do you like to do for fun?

Hi Everyone. I hope that everybody is having a low pain day. Right now, my feet are BURNING like crazy (nerve pain) so I'm sitting on the couch. I'm just wondering what hobbies you have. I know that in the beginning (right after the accident), I missed everything that I used to do so much! I used to ski, camp, go rock climbing, ride bikes, travel, etc. It took years for me to accept the pain that I have each day and it took me years to find the doctor that I have who really helps me to be able to function as well as possible. During that time though, I found other things that I like to do...things that are not physical. I do exercise in therapy and at home as much as I can (admittedly not enough), but that's not really fun for me because it often causes more pain.

I enjoy scrapbooking, but I can't do it too much because it does take a lot of bending for me.  It's probably because I'm a bit careless when I'm doing it, and then I feel it later. Also, it's pretty expensive to go to Michael's and buy supplies. I'd like to find a cheaper way of doing it, so it'd be great if anyone knows of any reputable online sites from which to buy materials.

I make cards. I do occasionally paint. I have tried to crochet and to knit, but I couldn't get it! I spent hundreds of dollars on supplies and ended up giving them away. Hubby wasn't too happy about that one. I bought teach-yourself books that didn't work for me.

I have also taken jewelry-making classes. I loved it, but it was very expensive and I had difficulty using the techniques that I learned in class at home. I'd like to start that up again.

Let's see...I sit on heat/ice and watch t.v. and I read books. I enjoy reading the Bible and going to church.

And of course, I like to use the computer.

I'm always looking for a new hobby, but it is difficult because of my chronic pain. What do you like to do for fun?


26 Responses
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Oh I forgot to mention that I got into jewelery making once I couldn't do the other things I used to do because of the pain. I just make necklaces. I go to Michaels (craft store)  and buy the chain and findings and they have tons of cute pendents. So I don't get too complicated but I've made probably 10 really cute necklaces this way. It's not too expensive either. You just need a really tiny pair of pliers to close the findings and stuff like that so if you have hand problems it may not be the best but you can buy chains that already have the findings on them so you would just have to find a cute pendant you liked and slip it on!
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Everyone here is so interesting. This is a great community.  Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading all of your posts, and they also gave me some ideas.

Sandee-I actually LOVED cleaning...but I can't really do it much anymore. If I could, I think it would be my number one hobby.

Love the squirrel pictures.

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1090618 tn?1256837589
I like to roll around town in my Powerchair with my service dog Jona, I try to walk him about 3miles a day. He really helps me around the house, not just getting doors for me and picking dropped items up but emotionally to. He really keeps me going. I also like watching movies and spend alot of time on the computer. I do freelance web design and host a couple of sites.

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547368 tn?1440541785
MedHelp (does that count?) Photography, Piano Playing, Painting objects, Crocheting and anything that peaks my interest!

Gone are my softball leagues (3), dancing, darts, coaching Little League. Pool League and other active hobbies. Softball and Dancing are missed the most....or how does that old saying go???? Of All the Things I miss, I think I miss my mind the most. :)

These days I am just happy when I can walk and sit.  :)  

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230262 tn?1316645934
Re: my squirrel- it was indeed interesting to watch them interact. At that time I had 3 dogs and probably 8 cats too, lol. Believe it or not the SQUIRREL ruled the roost!! once she was about 6 months old she was the queen of the castle. If the cats got too near her when she was eating, she'd run after them and the other pets would RUN AWAY as fast as they could - they were terrified of what was next if she "caught them" (she would hop on their back or heads and FREAK THEM OUT SO BAD!) it was hilarious to see! The squirrel would also do that scolding sound you've probably heard them do from trees before and "punch them" with her paw if she was defending food or her territory. Very odd dynamics! None of my cats or dogs ever tried to eat her, they respected her!  She had a special large cage she stayed in when not being supervised, but sometimes she would chew through it and escape when no one was around. I remember one time coming home and as soon as I stepped in the door I knew she had been out. God Almighty there was stuff knocked down everywhere. She also would raid the kitchen- open cupboards and get into boxes of cereal, raisins, etc. SHe once got a ketchup bottle, chewed the lid off and SUCKED IT ALL out of the thing LOL. So yeah, it could be a huge catastrophe when she would escape without being noticed right away! She was a lot of fun though!
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OMG!!!  The squirrel pics are just absolutely ADORABLE!!!  She certainly seemed to have made himself right at home and your other pets didn't seem to mind her being there at all!!  I would have loved to have been there to see them interact!
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82861 tn?1333453911
Those squirrell pics made me LOL!  You got some really great pics - thanks so much for posting them and giving us all a smile.  :-)

sandee, thanks for the tea and pepper trick info.  I'm definitely going to try it with the next armadillo invasion.  You wouldn't believe the damage they do in just one night.  The yard looks like someone got drunk and decided to do donuts with a ditch witch.  We managed to clear out the new crew that showed this Spring so crossing our fingers we won't have to worry until next year.  I don't mind the possums so much except the dogs always go nuts over them.  Doc, our dalmation, averages about one kill a month now that his hunting skills are honed.  :-/
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omg that squirrel was so cute! I would love to take in every stray or injured animal I find but my boyfriend would kick me out of the house! He wont even let me get another dog. I had to sneak my dog into the house and then just pretend that he had always lived there haha! Of course my boyfriend loves my dog and cat now but wont admit it, so maybe i'll bring a puppy home one day and act like he's lived there for years since that seems to work.
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356518 tn?1322263642
I forgot to mention to Jaybay that my Dad in law uses ground tea and black pepper in his garden to keep the varmints out. It works great! Opossums and armadillo's are a huge problem where he lives in the boonies in Alabama.
He uses the loose Lipton tea and mixes the pepper and spreads it in his gardens, it does not harm the plants or flowers or veggies.
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230262 tn?1316645934
ok I added some pics of the squirrel under my profile for those who want to see!
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230262 tn?1316645934
jaybay- I will have to put up some pics of my squirrel in my profile tonight! I used to have them on there but deleted all my info a while back... btw I also used to take sick/injured animals to a rehab so often that my friends teased me I should get a siren and flashing red lights on my car LOL
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230262 tn?1316645934
i forgot to mention cooking!! geez! I LOVE to cook! I make all kinds of stuff! my favorites are lasagna, cream of potato soup, casseroles, stuffed turkies & roasted chicken, grilling, (i also love venison btw!), I make a wickedly mean potato salad too! I love to bake cakes alot too...and I did make a doze jars of strawberry jam about a month ago..I could go on and on...LOVEEEEEE cooking!
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356518 tn?1322263642
I wish I did have the time for a hobby.
With the two girls and running the house and taking care of the yard and the business' I am swamped! I guess I clean for my hobby.
That is what I do when I have an extra moment:)
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I used to be very very active - always on the go doing something - walking, swimming, gardening (had a HUGE veggie garden), canning and freezing all the profits from the garden, fishing, hunting, volleyball - all kinds of stuff.  That is, until I became a CP patient.  I'm no longer able to do those things and I miss them a lot.

I've also always been a big reader and still do a lot of that.  I kind of go through reading "jags" when I can go through 4-5 books a WEEK, but that's not my norm.  Otherwise, it's usually more like 2-3 a month.

I've also always loved to cook and bake.  At one point in my life I was not only holding down a 50+ hour a week job, but also had my own small cake and candy making/decorating business.  Again, unfortunately, I'm no longer able to do that type of work.  I do still enjoy cooking, although I don't do as much of it as I used to and I definitely don't get as "fancy" with it as I used to.  I'm not able to stand for very long, so I have to do all my prep work sitting at the table and then periodically sit down as things are cooking.  Even though I've had to make these adjustments and they can be a bit of a pain in the neck sometimes, cooking is still something that brings me a lot of pleasure and I find very relaxing.  Now if I could only find someone to do all the clean-up for me!!  LOL

First and foremost, when I'm able to, what I enjoy the most is just spending time with family and friends - we dont' have to be going anywhere or doing anything - in fact, it's much easier on me if we don't make those plans - but just being able to sit and talk and catch up with loved ones is absolutely priceless.
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82861 tn?1333453911
Wow!  trouble, that is amazing that you were able to save a neonate squirrell.  I found one last summer while walking my dogs.  The poor little guy's eyes weren't even open and the fire ants were just about to strike when I passed by.  We have a really good wildlife rehab facility here so I took him in.  Even they couldn't save him.  His digestive system was just too immature.  I've brought so many injured critters to that place over the years they recognize me on sight.  LOL!

It's interesting that we were all very active folks before CP came into our lives.  That fact puts paid to the myth that CP patients "want" to lay around and do nothing, doesn't it?  I ought to print this thread for a few friends and family members.  ;-)
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230262 tn?1316645934
wow a lot of us are gardeners and avid readers, I see! I do both as well. THis is the only time of year i have a good tan. Im constantly weeding,watering and picking veggies this time of year. I have to do it in very short spurts throughout the day though as my back cannot take it if I do it for more than about 20-30 mins at a time. I also try to go to garage sales this time of year and find good buys for my kids (so far i havent found many school clothes, Im getting panicky that I'll have to buy all brand new!). I used to ride dirtbikes and ATV's years ago but have not rode in a couple of years now. My back cannot take all that jarring around!! I dont miss that too much anyways though..Im getting too old for that anyways, lol (im turning 40 in 2 months). I also love animals, I have always had lots of cats and dogs my whole life. I once had a pet squirrel as well. My cat brought it home one day- it was basically still an EMBRYO- bald, eyes still shut and so tiny!! Its a miracle she lived. I bottle fed her day and night until she could eat on her own. SHe died years ago now but it sure was a neat experience and I miss her still. My kids of course are my utmost importance in my life and they are what keep me going =)
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Firstly I have my kids, who are the biggest amusement ever.  I suppose that's not a "hobby", though.  I usually like to read and use the computer for various things, MH, facebook, news, yahoo games.  I love my cats, they cheer me up when I'm feeling down.  When I'm feeling up to it I like jewelry making.  I have some orchids and potted plants that are fun to mess with when I feel up to it or look at when I don't.  I read my Bible and pray before bed and that helps to relax me.  I enjoy a good political debate with my politically interested and diverse friends on FB.  I love spending time with my husband and going anywhere with the kids is sure to be interesting.  I am blessed to have great neighbors and I like to talk to them occasionally.  It's all about doing what I can do and what I feel up to.  Right now I'm being mauled by a Tiger... cat.. :)
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655875 tn?1295695107
I use to run and exercise for a good part of my day.  I no longer can do that.  I was also into quilting and making quilts for the family.  I can not do that either.  I loved to hike with the kids as well.  The kids and I did a lot of activities before my injury also.  I lived a very busy life.

The best thing for me now is I love to meditate.  It doesn't require any physical movement whatsoever and I feel much better when I get up.  Sometimes I do fall asleep, but I try not to.

I spend some time on the computer and I like to play scabble and I do like family feud on facebook.  I like to come here and chat with you guys too.  I like to read and study on various subjects with the information provided online.  I'm always looking for something that will get my mind off this pain.
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1324871 tn?1288981706
I love to read which has been a savior when I have been laid up.I love gardening and canning .We have put up 40 quarts of tomato juice so far .I used to do all the canning but thank god my  hubby helps now.I still grow my herbs which I love .I made my own febreze spray with herbs today and it it great! I also spend a great amount of time on the computer .The last few days my knee has been giving me fits so I have been on a lot.I have noticed since I am not as mobile I put a lot of time in on the computer.I used to sing with a band ,I wrote poetry ,I was so physical it is hard knowing a lot of things I used to be able to do are not possible now .I just try to find things I enjoy and CAN do .I keep occupied as much as I can
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I've only seen an armadillo once when I lived in Oklahoma. It was eating some poor ladies flowers. My cat so far has gotten the most gophers. He usually brings his "prize" into the house as a nice little gift to the family. He's only brought one live one into the house though. We use the traps, the poison bate and a repellent that you sprinkle over the areas you don't want them to go. I tried the drowning method last year and it just made my back yard really muddy. We also used the sulfur bombs last year with little success but it was fun. So far nothing is working 100%. We've only caught one in the traps which are supposed to be the most affective.
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82861 tn?1333453911
So how exactly DO you get rid of gophers?  I've seen those horrible-looking spikes that look like a flounder gig, but is that the only way?  We've had luck using a live trap for the armadillos, but usually end up with a succession of raccoons and possums to move to the park before we bag the 'dillo.  They actually like peaches.  LOL!
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The movie is Caddyshack. It is really hard to get rid of gophers. If my lazy cat would hunt more maybe he could get rid of them!
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1187071 tn?1279369698
You reminded me of that one golfing movie, I have no clue what it is called but he had a heck of a time getting rid of that darn gopher and it got the best of him LOL
Another hobby of mine is to see how mad I can get my husband lol just kidding no really lol
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82861 tn?1333453911
I'll take gophers over armadillos any day!  :-D

Hobby-wise, if I can handle it I love gardening and love to do about anything outside.  Swimming is about the best exercise I get these days.  I've been a huge book lover since I was a child, and that's translated into a passion for genealogy research.  It's amazing what you can find online in the way of original sources, and for very little money.  Then there's my dogs.  They keep me from being completely depressed and giving up on life altogether.  Just wish I could walk them more often.  
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