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Investigation: Mold Illness, Lyme Disease and Bartonella

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had some time to spend with their families over the past couple weeks and had a great Christmas. I just wanted to take this opportunity to tap into the collective brainpower of the community to gain some insight into some of the issues listed below.

Mold Illness (CIRS - chronic inflammatory response syndrome)
• In 2016 I did a test via RealTime labs for mycotoxins. I tested positive for Ochratoxin, Trichothecene Group (Macrocyclic), and Gliotoxin Derivative
• After testing positive I investigated to determine root cause. I found out that I was exposed to toxic mold at my house, and I’m in the process of moving out to limit exposure (not sure of specific strains)
• My natural path suggested using Activated Charcoal, Chlorella, and CSM to bind and remove the mold from my body

After I tested positive for mold, I suspected that I should test for Lyme and related co-infectious because multiple studies have suggested that there is a critical link between Lyme disease and Mold illness. This also aligned with my logic that PATM is closely related to Morgellons, which seems to stem from Lyme disease. Based on these two points, I decided in Spring 2017 to test for Lyme disease and related co-infections via IGeneX in California.

• Borreliosis – Western Blot IgM
o Bands:
 31: I
 41: ++
o Result: So on paper I am CDC negative, but only two bands are required for a CDC positive diagnosis. Since I have one band clearly positive (41) and one Indeterminate I am very close to this threshold. Although the test is negative, it is almost a borderline positive

• Borreliosis – Western Blot IgG
o Bands:
 31: I
 34: I
 41: ++
o Results: Similar to the analysis above, this is very close to a CDC positive diagnosis. I have an additional band that is also indeterminate. Since I have two bands that are indeterminate, if either of these flipped to positive in a second test, I would be CDC positive. Anyways, this is ground to claim that further investigation needs to be done, and I cannot rule out Lyme disease

• Babesiosis (Negative)
• Ehrlichiosis (Negative)
• Bartonella FISH (Positive)

Ultimately, between these two tests I have determined that I am definitely positive for mold illness and bartonella, and I may be infected with Lyme. I’m not sure if anyone has tested for Lyme but It may be worth your while. Any comments / insights as to what I need to test for next would be greatly appreciated!

1 Responses
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Hi JoelAnon.I was also diagnosed with mycotoxins(aflatoxin and aspergillus niger) and parasites(strongyloides and coronavirus).Is this Bartonella FISH related to some animals like cat or something else.Do you have cat?I like cats and  I don't have but now I stay away from any animals.So when we do detox symptomps worsened.I also had mold in my house and remove it but I think that is not enough to remove it from my body.I should test again.Are you tested for some vitamin deficiency or gene mutations like b12 deficiency or MTHFR gene deficiency?I trully believe that bacteria,mold,parasites is not the only problem that we have.
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Hi MindSpace,

Bartonella is the bacteria and FISH is the type of test. And yes i do have a cat, so I might have contracted it via a cat scratch. It may be unrelated. I have not tested for any gene mutations yet. I also agree that we probably have sometime else that is causing PATM
I'm curious if anyone has tested for Mycoplasma. This gram positive bacteria may be a potential cause. It typically is found with bartonella, as per Steven Buhner's book, Bartonella and Mycoplasma
JoelAnon read your inbox.Methylation is the problem why we are not able to do properly detox.
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