1353681 tn?1387083733

Friends with Married man

Hi, I recently became friends online with a man who was very kind and funny, and we have chit chatted about our views and life- the main thing we began chatting about a few months ago was our mothers who both have BPD, a condition where the person is extremely narcissitic, rageful, and irritable and demeaning.. I had not met anyone else who also has a parent with this, so it was interesting how we both connected with what went on in childhood, how it affects us now.. etc. When I asked him his status (I am NOT looking for dating at all) he said 'I am married, I'm semi lonely and enjoy conversing with people who are kind and interesting..' I thought hm, I've never been friends with someone married of opposite sex, but he has a good heart and we really identified with our childhoods. So we've chatted every other day on the site for 4 months now.. never flirting, just ideas and observances. I really like him as a friend, and even though I wish in my heart he wasn't married deep down, or that I could actually have self worth and let myself date men /not experience anxiety, I still enjoy his friendship a lot. The problem now is he shared his email w/me, an anonymous email he set up for the site, and I never usually do that... but I trust him he is very kind and seems so genuine. I know he has given his email to other women b/c they've written about it on his board at the site, but of course he has a few other friends there. The thing that is making me so sad is that I dont' know whether to continue friendship- I emailed him finally for the first time 2 weeks ago ( I had hesitated) and I put my trust in it b/c he does not ever flirt like these other married men do-

But, he takes several days now to respond... it makes me feel so low and like I'm a fool. I don't know if anyone here has ever had a friend who is married, and experienced just a shift in mood and response within such a short time?? I felt wow someone who finally understands what I've gone through, and even if he's married, just to know someone who cares about the horror you went through, and seems to be genuine, is really great. But I feel ignored nonetheless.. he does have depression and went through a family trial 2 weeks ago, but, I don't know if one in my position would continue email/message, or take a break.... does he just chat w/these other women more? Now that I finally email him, it seems it's like days go by and nothing.. I always respond to my friends ,any friend, within a day or so, usually...I just like to show people they mean something to me..I know some will say you can't be friends with someone who is married, i just thought well he's a human being, but does anyone have this experience, w/hot /cold behavior from a married friend??
19 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
You've received wonderful advice.

I have to agree hon, I think you're totally kidding yourself.  You're trying to make this an innocent "friend" thing, when it's really not.

Think about it this way...would you have spent even 1/2 the time ruminating, wondering, thinking, worrying about a reply/friendship from a woman?  I can answer that....absolutely not!

Londres said it best....ditch the computer and plug into REAL life.  You keep falling into these same convoluted "relationships" online that cause you completely avoidable, unnecessary turmoil.

This is NOT complex at all...he's married, and you can rationalize it any way you want, but it's just NOT appropriate.  The man is going to do what he wants online, sadly for his wife, but YOU don't have to be the next girl on the list (and I'd bet big bucks there are many).

You have a history of being quite fragile emotionally.  The last thing you should be doing is turning to random strangers on the internet for a support source or therapy like guidance.  That should be happening FACE TO FACE for you dear.

Good luck to you!
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973741 tn?1342342773
well said londres.  
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You ever wonder why he has been married twice?  Maybe he is a player as well with tons of psychological issues?  I didn't tell you my story to make you feel sorry for me.........I told you my story to make you see things more crystal clear.  

Trust me he is NO real friend and you aren't the ONLY one he will ever correspond with, so why continue corresponding with someone who contacts you whenever in turn making you feel like your friendship isn't "enough" and/or making you feel "ignored"?  Maybe his wife is feeling the same way when she sees him on the computer?

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Calmshell, really?  Dear..........please come to your senses.  Quit trying to nudge yourself into his life.  Him being on the computer with you takes time from his REAL life and his REAL wife/family.  Leave all the tip giving to a PROFESSIONAL therapist as you aren't.  You can't diagnose him and you surely can't treat him.  The same goes for him.  Neither one of you are you in the position to play "therapist" with "tips."  You don't know what this man has or what he is up to.  He could be pretending just to prey on vulnerable women; to prey on their emotions.  In other words this could be a game for him.  Then you get all upset and worried when he doesn't respond immediately.  Did you FORGET he has to deal with his real life?

Not to rude, but here goes.............

I understand he has issues similiar to yours and you can relate to one another, but that really ISN'T the point here.  You are totally missing the point.  

What about this man's wife?  Do you NOT have any empathy for his wife or are you just too concerned with the need to be there for this man?  This man is sharing intimate things about his life with you and he is MARRIED.  This isn't proper.  THINK ABOUT HIS WIFE.  How would you feel if your husband was online with a string of women talking about personal/intimate things?  Sounds like you aren't even thinking about the wife or respecting the fact that he is married.

My story isn't exactly like yours, however, you shouldn't be chatting with a married man on a regular basis UNLESS the wife is fully aware and/or you are also interacting with the wife.

I wouldn't recommend two people struggling with psychological issues to feed off of each other................I do recommend you BUMP up the therapy sessions.  You should encourage this guy to do the same IF he is struggling as YOU can't HELP him.  

My suggestions:  Have some empathy for his wife, Get OFF the computer and PLUG into REAL life.  I think you have been interacting with people over the internet too long and you are getting to the point where it is difficult to separate what's real and what isn't.  What you have is something CYBER; it's not REAL.    Please SEEK a real life because being on a computer isn't that.  Refrain from these relationships with men as you are falling into the same patterns over and over again.  You keep finding mentally UNHEALTHY and/or unavailable men to chat with over the internet.  You keep getting involved with broken/wounded men in these cyber relationships.  

Do you work or have hobbies?
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973741 tn?1342342773
Ha ha, one last post.  I'm not writing this to hurt your feelings sweetie,.  I am feeling badly that I have to be so direct but I feel you are a ta resistant to seeing this for what it is.  

In all sincerity, I just think you have to get out, anxiety or not.

I feel for you as I know you struggle and I hope for a life full of happiness and true relationships in it.  peace
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973741 tn?1342342773
And by the way, you really have NO idea what this man does and doesn't do.  I would suspect he has other 'friends' on the internet.

I also am guessing that he perhaps perceived how close emotionally you were feeling, that felt weird and awkward to him and he backed off.  I really think that you are not seeing that you've read too much into this and perhaps are crossing a line.  And you want to tell yourself that it is all about talking about therapy, etc.  You were feeling other things and those other things are just not acceptable for a married man.  good luck
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973741 tn?1342342773
Sweetie, I think you are kidding yourself.  This is as close to relationships with men as you get.  in your eyes, this was 'something' and it was making you feel good beyond your anxiety and 'friendship'.  Please tell me, were you disappointed to learn he was married?

Married men should not have a female confidant that their wives don't know about.  It's just inappropriate.  It doesn't help his marriage to chit chat with you or any other woman on line.  And you are participating in what would upset his wife.  I guarantee it, she'd be upset if she thought that there was a woman who wondered why HER husband wasn't writing back to her.  Ya know?

Marriage is a sacred union and trumps all other relationships.  Always.  

I think you are in denial that you see this online new 'friendship' as something of great value.  He's got real people in his life that he spends time with regardless of his depression and anxiety.  You are not in that situation and therefore, this online friendship means much more to you,.  This isn't the first time you've connected online with someone that has a lot of issues and I just, to be honest, think you need to get off the internet for your relationships.  It's giving you a false sense of what a real relationship is like (friends or otherwise).  

Married men are off limits.  That is a good rule to adhere to.  good luck
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1353681 tn?1387083733
Hi L.. ty for your comment.. well my red flags were up a 'bit' b/c I thought does this person value me as a Friend? We've never flirted and just talk about anxiety and his children too. But I noticed such a change where he wouldn't get back to me for days after just sharing his email w/me. He told me he is feeling very low/depressed, and that is why. I do value his opinions on therapy and other things too. I"m sorry that jerk did that to you... wow. I think he sounded like he was 'flirting ' a lot with other women.. and that is what is interesting, my friend doesn't. I'm glad u asked him to meet your husband.. wow what a Player :( I truly felt a friendship w/this person, and I will heed your advice, to just be cautious..On the one hand it doesn't 'truly' matter if he's chatting w/other women b/c yes he's married.. but then you feel ignored, like my friendship isn't enough or I'm just someone to contact once in a while.. I dont' think that is what is happening, but when a friend m or f doesn't get back to you for days, you just feel well, low.. but again, he is like me, where he has anxiety and also depression. I guess just backing up and taking a day at a time is best ... thank you L, I really appreciate your views *hugs :)
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1353681 tn?1387083733
Hi Special..ty for your comment. Do you know what is interesting it wasn't until a few weeks or so in, that I learned this person was married. At that point we had shared lots of ideas about how to handle anxiety, and just the ins and outs and stories at the site too. I thought, well, I don't know, he's married.. but we really do just chit chat, and discuss therapy and his kids. He is married , this is his 2nd marriage..and he has had issues w/his ex.. so I try to be a good friend b/c he has to me too. Oh man I'd never actively pursue or lead a married man on with romantic longings etc... I'd NEVER want that for me if I were married, and often at the site, other married men have started flirting and soon I log out, b/c I FEEL for that lady he's with..

I was so sad when he wasn't replying b/c I have anxiety.. NOT because I want him to flirt (never have) etc or anything else like that.. Even when my gal pal was not in touch w/me  a few months, I got anxiety. So, I guess I thought hm, does this guy not even care for someone's feelings or? but, it was my anxiety; he told me yesterday he had severe depression and he had a rough few days.. so, I think it is true as he's shared his story before with me, of trials and depression..I just wonder w/anyone who seems to actually converse with me, if they'll drop me, or just be like anyone else I've known and become rude/inconsistent. I am becoming more and more relaxed around guys, when out in public..I often say mantras lol.. I'll say 'he's just like me, ' or 'look at the guy online that led you on and you thought was Amazing...men are not always a Prince' just so that I bring my anxiety down.. I want to find love and date and I thank you so much S for asking me... I don't want to lose my friend as well, but just will take one day at a time.. or even moment :)
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To add:  Who cares how often he is talking to other women.........he's MARRIED.  
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He is NO friend and isn't looking for that dear.  

".. I mean we are just friends, I responded to his long email thanking him and asking a few Q's, and saying I'll respond soon to this, then he just doesn' t reply or answer the Q's :(  I don't feel like responding now b/c I feel like maybe now he could care less... I don't know what or how often he talks with other women... and honestly, whatever.........."  Well, he probably can't keep track with which woman is asking what and he responds when he feels like it OR if he feels like it.  He gets on the internet, has whatever correspondence and doesn't think about again until he NEEDS his ego stroked.

You are investing your emotions into someone who can care less about you.  Then, he has all these women waiting with bated breath for him to respond...............that's a "rush" for him.

Calmshell, how would you feel if your husband was corresponding with different women?  I don't think his wife knows.  I would ask him if his wife was ok with this.  Include that question in your Q and A.  

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973741 tn?1342342773
Oh goodness,  as a married woman, it would REALLY bother me if my husband met a woman, connected and then the woman starting waiting around for him to call, write or respond and it really mattered to her.  I would find that very disheartening that my husband would build that sort of a connection with a woman outside of our marriage that I didn't  know.  Indeed, very inappropriate.  

I wouldn't talk to him AT ALL anymore unless you know for sure that his wife knows and perhaps ask to get together with her.

You are too invested in this in my opinion.  I think you'll start to believe you have even more feelings for him over time and if you do, that's not good.  He's married.  

I have mentioned before that my hope is that you don't let your anxiety rule your life to the point that you are afraid to meet real live people.  Internet dating and 'friendships' has been a bit complex for you and perhaps it is not the best way to go.  What are you doing about your anxiety so you can move forward in this area?  
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Uggg..........pushed "send" too quickly.

I bet if you give him more time the emails and convos will turn more flirtatous and inappropriate.  

Another red flag is he has given this email ONLY to women.

I had an experience something like this before.  I met a nice, married guy in a class I was taking and everything seemed innocent.  We exchanged emails and over time he would confide in me about other women he had met and emailed and that he had befriended a lot of women on FB.  This idiot told me what he did with this and that woman and their convos..........I thought, "my oh my this man needs help."  He saw NONE of this as "wrong."  He had serious boundaries issues.  As soon as I told him I wanted him to meet my husband and I would like to meet his wife he pretty much got lost.  He knew I wasn't going to play his game.

I would proceed with CAUTION with this guy.........sounds like a wolf in sheep's clothing.  They do tend to come on very "nice" and "charming."  BE CAREFUL.
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1353681 tn?1387083733
Hi Londres, Thank you for your response. I have never asked him actually if his wife knows about his correspondence on the site. I just would not know how to even ask that w/out sounding strange or pushy etc..He mentioned her probably two times in our time messaging, just about her interest in a book..but I think even if she does not know, he is not anything like the men who send pics, or say you are sexy or If I weren't married I'd date  you etc.. ( i talked once w/a man who was married, very friendly, then he started saying that to me, it was flattering, but it does feel sneaky..he is not like that at all).. so I guess I should also just pull back.. I mean we are just friends, I responded to his long email thanking him and asking a few Q's, and saying I'll respond soon to this, then he just doesn' t reply or answer the Q's :(  I don't feel like responding now b/c I feel like maybe now he could care less... I don't know what or how often he talks with other women... and honestly, whatever.. But, a Friend is usually consistent, and this is jsut not.. Ty Londres, I am grateful for you responses ..hope u are well friend.
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1353681 tn?1387083733
Thank you Annie, I truly appreciate your feedback. I think you're right in that I am just going to be the one hanging, a. I'm single and have low self esteem, and b. I'm not privately emailing any other male friends from the site, but he is. I just thought he seemed so kind and genuine. Truly just an interested and kind friend. Maybe it is he is just depressed, but it is such a sudden change. I know he is not doing anything wrong not responding to me like he used to, but it just feels sad, b/c we chatted about various trials almost every other day. I think online relationships can down the line move to in person friendships or relationships so I'm not sure it is phony per se, but I do think that maybe he seemed very kind and interested for a short time and will be like any other guy I've corresponded with, just change overnight, ignore, etc.. :( It is just disheartening to feel a connection or friendship and then feel liek you don't matter. So I think I'll also do as u said and get out more, volunteer, or join maybe a group that does those singles things... I've been nervous to but it might be cool. Thank u :)

I just don' t know, do I slowly just stop contact,?  b/c I don't seem to feel positive anymore in this.. it seems like it's going to be a 'half' relationship, why give email if it seems like it is a bother,takes days, to email back? :(  I guess just take it day by day, it is hard for someone who has no one, and someone was so kind, and then they just kind of retreat.. Thank you Annie *HUG*
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Absolutely Anniebrooke...........totally agree.

Calmshell, does his wife knows he does this?  If the answer is no, then he isn't so innocent as it he seems.

I bet if you give him more time the emails and convos will turn more flirtatous and
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134578 tn?1716963197
I think the person you are shortchanging is yourself.  An online relationship is a phony one, as the guy can show you whatever face he wants, in particular, only the most charming sides of his personality.  (And he could just out-and-out lie.)  And he can pull away from his wife emotionally in order to indulge in emotional connections with others that he can tell his wife are not cheating.  If I were his wife, I'd be royally annoyed, especially if he is not as giving of himself with her as he is with his online correspondents.  I don't think he is just being an innocent, jolly, hail-fellow-well-met penpal, especially when he is writing to a number of women.

But whatever his motives, and let's just say for the sake of argument that they are innocent and that he just loves to chat with people whomever they are (let's pretend in this scenario that he writes every other day for 4 months to several people, including men, old, young, gay, straight, because he just likes to connect with others in a friendly way) -- what exactly is in this for you?  You say you love talking with him and would like it if he weren't married.  But, you aren't in a real relationship.  You're in the illusion of one.  Kind of like when people get interested in a celebrity and follow their tweets and think of what it would be like to be their friend, it can be helpful and uplifting but ultimately it is not a real relationship.

I get it that you have difficulty with contemplating having a real relationship and would possibly rather only have the illusion of one, but in the end, the real ones are the ones that are most satisfying.  If you can't date, try getting out and rubbing elbows with real people in a different setting, such as, volunteering at a charity you care about.  Do go for therapy to help you with the traumas of your upbringing, and don't hesitate to go to group therapy for people with your exact problems -- you'll find it uplifting and empowering.  But also, go out and be involved with something that has nothing to do with your therapy or your issues, like volunteering at a church, a school, the Humane Society, or Habitat for Humanity.  You'll meet people in a nonthreatening way, and you'll get easy human contact that has its own rewards.  Better than mooning over some guy on the Internet who might not even be what he says he is.
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1353681 tn?1387083733
That is not cheating at all.. we have never flirted EVER. so you are saying that you should NEVER have a friend outside of your marriage of opposite sex?? That would make no sense to me.. we talk about anxiety issues.... we talk about therapy that helps when we both had zero self esteem in life. I have never even dated, life, ever. I am afraid I'm not worthy of men, I've cried for years that I get SO nervous wehn a guy asks me out. A married person can of COURSE 'communicate' with a person who is a 'woman'. I would never ever start heavily flirting or things like that, ever. I just dont' know whether one 'should' continue a friendship when they are barely getting feedback back, married or not.. :(
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3149845 tn?1506627771
By him communicating with you like this he is cheating on his wife and your inticing him. How would you feel if your husband was doing this behind your back?
Put yourself in her shoes for a second and reflect.
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