187316 tn?1386356682


So I know a couple of you were curious about how court would go. The restraining order got dropped against me and one placed on my mother in law. My husband did not attend court because he didn't want to be in the middle of the fight. After court was over and his mother was served I went home and spent a couple hours outside with my husband while he worked on his boat. Then we went inside so he could shower (you know how long that takes for a man) and when he gets out of the shower his phone starts ringing and its his mom and she tells him that she just came to our house and took his car (its a company vehicle) and that he's fired and she'll mail this things and his last paycheck. Can you believe that? He doesn't go to court because he doesn't want to get involved and she throws a fit she didn't win and fires him? She also cancelled his cell phone service. She told him on the phone that he didn't need to be around her because he obviously thinks she is a bad person and that he betrayed her. I feel so bad for him. I can't believe that witch is hurting her son to get back at me. Its sickening. But basically that is where we are at. Its good to know she takes her restraining order so seriously.
14 Responses
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4522800 tn?1470325834
OMG Girl I guess there is no way to avoid this Bat Wing Crazy lady. That really does s**k. Man she must be so insecure with her self..This just blows me away. I am 57 years old and I would never in my wildest dreams act like this. Man does she have some Mental issues that she is not dealing with or seeking a DR opinion or help.
I sure will send some cyber prays your way..Your poor Husband and how it must affect him too..Geezzz I am so sorry.
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How is Your Husband taking this?  Is He terribly hurt by His Mother's reaction to Him?  I'm sure He's long had a clue to His Mother's behaviors but is it hurting Him to have Her turn Her wrath on Him this way? or is He able to realize His Mother has serious issues?
Is He worried about getting another job?  Will His Mother give Him a good recommendation for His work?
I'm so sorry for Him to be treated this way by His Mother.
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I'm curious to know what your husband thinks about all if this since his manipulative psychopath mom just fired him and took away his car and cell phone? What has he said? Is he mad too or did he expect her to react that way?

I think at this point the only option you guys have really is to write her off completely. If she calls don't answer the phone, if she emails don't respond and if she shows up at your house call the cops cause of the restraining order. Unfortunately she has shown what a crazy psycho she is and hopefully your husband will agree that it's best for everyone just to not engage in any contact with her anymore.

Has your husband said anything about wether she has always been so psycho or is this a recent thing? Has she targeted anyone else besides you at any point in time? How old is she? Is it possible she might have some dementia starting? Extreme changes in personality in the elderly often point to an early onset dementia type situation. But I don't know how old she is so I can't say if it applies to her.

Maybe you all just need to pack up and move to a new town away from her. And don't leave a forwarding address. Your husband needs to find a new job anyway, so maybe relocation would be the best thing for you guys right now. Just something to consider at this point. If I was in your shoes I would be seriously considering it. In fact I would make arrangements to move to a whole new state at this point. Portland Oregon is nice. Many towns in Wisconsin are really nice. And New England is one of the most interesting places in the whole country. Just some thoughts.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Hi there.  Sorry things are such a mess.  I think that this is what happens when we take things to extremes.  Starting with your mother in law and then followed by you with your own law suit.  I'm probably the only one here that thinks all of this could have been handled differently.  That earlier on, instead of escalating it, your husband and you could have smoothed it over.  She'd have dropped the charges and things would have carried on.

I'm the anti drama queen when it comes to family.  Everyone suffers when family is at war.  Yep, I attest to putting on a happy face even when I don't feel like it to keep the peace.  We should all set reasonable boundaries with the people in our lives but peace should be the goal.  Your husband being attached at the hip to his family was always part of the problem.  His unwillingness to step up to the plate, separate from them or at the very least let them know how you were to be treated is at the heart of this problem.  and nothing will ever change that.  We can hate the mother in law and I agree, she sounds awful.  But her son is embroiled in her mess and you married him.  

It was written on the wall that as soon as you had her 'served' --  she would have to disconnect from your husband.  You see it as vindictive and it could be but any lawyer would also probably recommend it.  You (and now he) became dangerous to her at that point.  Just as you see her as dangerous to you!  

This is a blessing in disguise.  Instead of being angry . . .  be thankful that now your husband is separated from her.  As it should have been as soon as problems arose.  The power balance of his being employed by them was too much I guess and it was a mistake for him to work for them. The balance has been restored by his termination.  That is a good thing.  

Now, it stinks as it is abrupt.  I'm sure that leaves you very vulnerable financially and ugh, that is horrible.  I totally agree it is unfair to terminate with no notice and in truth, there are laws regarding That.  BUT . . .   I am not going to recommend going to an attorney and handling this with a lawsuit because remember . . .  I'm hoping for eventual peace.  

I really struggled with which way to go here in what I wrote to you.  I hope you are not upset by it.  I wanted to jump on the band wagon and just say the mom is evil (and she is) but there is more to this picture.  Something really needs to change with your husband.  NOT that he now hates his mother but with his inner core of being a strong man.  Again, you seem so nice and together.  I want a better family life for you.  I felt like I owed you honesty in terms of how I see this.  It's just my opinion but the whole thing is very sad.  

I'm glad the restraining order was dropped by the way.  That is the terrific news of this.  

Again, hopefully you are not upset with what I've written.  I do really wish you all the best and wish you and your family PEACE.
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187316 tn?1386356682
Specialmom- I am not upset in any way, shape or form of what your wrote. I was going to suggest mediation when we went to court and the whole thing was such a huge circus that it honestly never came up. I mean his sister sat their in court and told the judge (while crying) that she (the judge) had put her mom in extreme danger by removing the restraining order from me and placing it on her. They also tried to say that I beat my husband and that they are worried for him. No wonder they didn't want him to come to court.

Anyways he was REALLY hurt by the situation. I've never seen him cry like that, big gut wrenching sobs. Tore my heart apart. Apparently when they called he could hear in his moms and his sisters voice how much they hate him. I tried to calm him down and tell him it would last a month and that to give it time and everything will be fine with them. But, he feels so betrayed right now that he does not want to see them or have any communication with them at all. I think he is also feeling very abandoned. He had a football scholarship for college and all this friends are in NY still and thats where his life was and he gave up everything to move to Arizona to be with him family. I tried to perk him up by telling him to look at the bright side. If he hadn't come he wouldn't have met me and had two beautiful daughters. He ended up needing to leave and took a super long walk to try to clear his head. He seems calmed down a lot now and just hurt/angry that they started this. One of my friends recorded the whole court thing and he can't get over the fact that they lied and the level and extremeness of the lies they said. Just more of a wake up call I guess.

He old job has actually been trying to recruit him back for months now and as soon as his mom fired him, he called them and asked if they still wanted him and they said yes, so he's already got a new job. Plus he makes twice-if not more-the amount of money at that job than he did working for his mom so that will be nice. But the hours are awful and he won't get to spend much time with the girls which is why he never took the offer before.

The phone thing was a cinch. I just added him to my plan and got him a phone the next day.

The car situation is going to be tricky. His new job is 45 minutes away from the house and he has to be there at 6:45 and I have to have my oldest DD to school at 8:45. Then I get off at 6:00 and he gets off at 9:00pm if he isn't working with a customer. So until we get a second car its going to be tough getting around. Half tempted to sell my mercedes and buy two beater mobiles but I feel like it would be such a temporary thing that it might be a little extreme. I don't know...
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13167 tn?1327194124
sorry in advance that my computer shift key isn't working,  so this message will be harder to read.

i think this is a very,  very good thing in the long run,  alaysha.

it was cowardly of him to stay home from court,  and cowardly of him to stay out of this argument.  husbands do need to stay out of squabbles between sisters and their wife and her mother,  for example,  but for him to be absent when his mother was attacking you in court is wrong.  he really should have taken sides - either side - depending on who was right,  and it sounds like you were the one who was right.  to stay home and hide is a character flaw,  in my opinion.  

so.  this is positive.  he's now been made,  by brute force,  to realize how destructive and hateful his family is because finally that force has been turned on him.  in the past,  he's been able to ignore it because it was only focused on you.

i'm sorry i sound so negative about your husband - i don't feel all the negative,   and feel like in the long run this will be one of the pivotal positive experiences in his life where he distanced himself from the women in his birth family.

best wishes.  i really wish you well,  and hope he is able to move on quickly.

and i think you should sell your mercedes and buy two used honda civics - they're  fabulous.  

best wishes.
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13167 tn?1327194124
in addition, he has brothers who have distanced themselves from this family,  from what i remember of your posts.

maybe now is the time for him to reconnect with them,  and have healthy family relationships that you can both enjoy.  
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480448 tn?1426948538
Wow, I'm so sorry things turned out this way!  I mean, it's great that the truth came out in court and the PFA against you was dropped.l  It says a lot that right after SHE gets a PFA to stay away from you she comes to your house to repo the car.  Wow.  Is that even legal?  I'm with SM in that I wouldn't think it would be a good idea to keep the mess going legally, but at the same time, depending on how much money you guys have into it, and just out of principle, it isn't right.  She just does whatever the heck she wants to.  She's clearly not right and I think the BEST thing is to have NOTHING to do with her as much as possible.  Not engaging in ANY way and if she violates the PFA, then call the cops and let them do their job.

I agree with the ladies that your husband seems to be one of the biggest problems in this situation.  I personally think he's directly responsible for it even GETTING to this point because he never stood up and put his foot down and made boundaries when it came to his Mom.  He should be standing at YOUR side, supporting you.  Him not going to court when she told him (a few times) that she had someone hack into your email is terrible.  I KNOW it stinks that he's in the middle, but it is what it is, there's NO way he should have left you to handle that yourself ESPECIALLY because he was witness.  His crazy mother probably took his absence as a HUGE sign that he does NOT back you like he should.

THOSE are the issues I think you need to deal with.  I think you guys need to get into some kind of couple's therapy and sort out all of what happened and make it clear to him that you were NOT supported like you should have been...not at all.  I'm not saying that you were always in the right, or you didn't play into the drama, but when things got ridiculous with his Mom, he needed to be setting boundaries and enforcing them and making it CLEAR to his Mom that he supports YOU 200% and will not allow her to treat you the way she did.  I bet if he has just "grown a set", this wouldn't have gotten nearly as ugly as it did.  Yeah, him not going to court with you was terribly terribly wrong IMO, and it escalated your MIL's behavior even more.

You know, suggesting you make more drama by legally pursuing her for illegal repo and stuff probably isn't the best advice I could give you and on a lot of levels I would disagree with it myself (just out of principle, like what SM was saying about not feeding the drama), HOWEVER, it really isn't right that she gets to get away with that kind of stuff.  I think people have been letting her get away with a lot for a long time.  I think she needs to be made to be accountable for her actions.

I I really wish you well, definitely keep us updated.  This has become almost like a soap opera (lol).  I feel badly that you guys have went through this, but at least things are starting to go your way, and the truth has come out, and legally, things are resolved like they should be.  

Take care!
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973741 tn?1342342773
I still think that she and her husband should cut their losses and be done with it.  I do understand about the principle though.  

I like the idea of selling the expensive car to get two less expensive cars.  Large car lots could help you out with that!

Go on and have a good life minus this situation.  I would be open to an eventual reconciliation with her although it is too raw now.  If your husband has some time away, he may become more manly in his ability to handle his mom and sisters.  And then the balance is restored and healing can happen.  I will always believe that a family that has peace is best.  Sometimes it doesn't happen and cutting ties is best.  That is very true.  Time will tell how this will all play out.  Things change over time.  

Anyway, good luck
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187316 tn?1386356682
One thing to clear up. Although he didn't go to court with me, my DH did write a letter and have it signed that said two things I knew they were going to bring up in court that were false. He felt like if he wrote that, because it was the truth, his mom couldn't get mad. It also didn't help the OP go on her it helped to keep it OFF of me. So really it didn't have any effect of the consequences of her actions. To me, especially with the relationship he's had with his family and always siding with them, writing the letter was a BIG deal for him. Baby steps. I talked to him about the mercedes but he wants to get a motorcycle to save on gas. Oh man, not happy with that idea.
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973741 tn?1342342773
I know it is hard to hear this criticism of your husband.  You live with him and chose him to be your partner, etc. and it is much easier to just blame his family.  But he---   HE---  was as much a cause of all of this as them.  

They dangled a carrot, he took it.  The job, car and phone . . . frankly, that type of dependency of a mother that lorded it over me ended when I was 18.  He left a decent job and signed back up for the situation that caused issues in his brother's lives . . .  none of this is a real surprise.  HE dragged you into this.  HIM.  

What I am trying to say is that he is part of his family.  He has a dysfunctional way of dealing with them and you.  And if this doesn't become a focal point of his self awareness, I have complete faith that the drama and unhappiness this current situation has been will continue on into the future.  

Your goal shouldn't have been for him to 'hate' his mother (and I know it really wasn't) but a better outcome would be for him to understand HIS OWN role and how he has a pattern with them and you that is negative.  HE has the pattern.  

NONE of this would have happened had he set the boundary early on with them.  He never did.  He tried to say he was supportive of you but never really showed it in  my opinion.  Great he wrote a letter . . .  how about standing up like your true partner and saying 'enough already'.  How about understanding this situation is toxic and deciding to give the car and phone back and quit all on his own.  That is really what I would want from my partner.  

Again, ugh.  maybe too honest.  But I feel like if you don't see your husband as part of the problem, you'll eternally have issues in your life.

And it is silly for a married man with children to have his second vehicle be a motorcycle.  There are plenty of inexpensive cars that get good gas millage that he can drive.  He kind of sounds like he needs a good dose of "this is your life" and you are a grown man.  I'd not be down for my husband getting a motorcycle when we had kids and once in a while I needed my car and for them to take the kids somewhere.  
good luck
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187316 tn?1386356682
I agree with you 100%. I have had numerous fights with my husband about not standing up for me and not setting boundaries. I made it very clear to him when this whole fiasco happened that he was most certainly at fault and not an innocent bystander. I have told him that he needed to set boundaries and that she would have NEVER come to our house in the first place if he had. I mean she probably still would have because she is that type of person, but he still needed to make it clear that it isn't ok. I needed him to stand there and say "this is my wife, deal with your issues and resolve them because I'm not going to allow you talk to or treat her poorly." I have told him that my family wouldn't do this to him because I keep my people in line and he needs to do the same with his. I have gotten angry and called him a mommas boy and told him he should marry his mom because he isn't married to me if I am ALWAYS second place. It most certainly wasn't right for me to call him names, but I'm not perfect and I'm trying to work on me. I don't want him to hate his mom, she gave birth to him and although I don't particularly like her, I don't mind him loving her. I just need him to understand that I come first. It feels very selfish to say that, but its true. I need someone in my corner and he needs to be that person. We have argued about this on and off for the last couple years. The point of my last post was that things have been so sh*tty in how he has dealt with all of this since day one that the fact he finally did SOMETHING no matter how big or small matters. Its baby steps. He had to wake up and get a dose of reality and he's gotten that now. Hopefully things only get better from here on out and next time I see them or interact with them he protects me and takes my side and tells them what is and isn't ok and sets the boundaries and makes them clear.

I also do not agree with a motorcycle. I think it isn't a smart purchase at all. I checked into trading in my car but I'm upside down on it so that work. I called some of those buy here pay here lots and they said they can for sure get him into something as long as he has at least $1000 to put down on a car. So I think we'll buy him a POS car until he can get something better.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Well, that all makes sense.  I really admire your honesty.  I guess if that is the first step he's taken in drawing some sort of line, we should acknowledge that.  He's now going to work elsewhere and you should act like this is fantastic and it makes you so much happier!!  (because it ultimately will!)

Yeah, I'd get the car instead.  My husband has to take the kids places sometimes in his own vehicle so I can drive mine to where I need to go.  That is a really good reason to tell him why it isn't a good idea.  As my kids got older and have various activities, we sometimes also have to divide and conquer.  So, a motorcycle doesn't work great for a young family as a second vehicle.  I'm sure this you can make him understand.  :>)

anyway, I sure hope it all gets better for you dear!  I think it is headed in a better direction.  I really do.  peace and luck
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You should look into getting a diesel car. I recently bought a VW turbo diesel and its super economical with mileage. I can literally fill up and drive 450 miles and still have 1/4 tank left. It's amazing!!!  You really should seriously look into it. I love my car and I'm pretty sure I'll never go back to a gas car again.
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