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shortness of breath/frequent yawning

I am a 41 year old female with a 2 year old, in good health other than being about 10 pounds overweight. Two months ago I began experiencing shortness of breath. I yawn constantly in an attempt to get air. The doctor thought asthma, especially given my family history of lung problems, so though my lungs sounded clear I tried advair/albuterol.  No change in condition.
I had a ct scan to check for a pulmonary embolism and everything looked good. I have been taking previcid for 2 weeks to treat possible acid reflux, but there has been no change in my condition. I feel better when I sleep and wake up feeling great, only to have the sob return within a few hours.
A possibly relevant fact: the day before this started I was at yoga doing a twist when I felt a very, very sharp pain in my right side under my rib, along with a feeling as if a rubber band had been snapped in the same place. The pain was excruciating and traveled through my breast and shoulder, but was gone in a few minutes and I was able to continue class. Also, I was in the desert for a few days and it went away but returned about a week later. I fairly certain it isn't stress/anxiety as the trip out of town was not relaxing. The breathing seems better when I stand/worsens sitting down, and I may have been standing more than usual on the trip. I am feeling so frustrated, scared, and depressed.
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When I experience this, I resist yawning! Yawning makes it worse!! Just go find a comfortable place to sit and breathe slowly. Or even hold your breath. It feels like u can't breathe but your blood may have too much oxygen in it! You might be hyperventilating! Also drink some juice or eat a piece of hard candy. Like kmhanson said, get your mind off of it! Get engrossed in something! It can be a combination of anxiety, pain, acid reflux, low blood sugar, breathing too much/ panicking, etc. BUT RESIST YAWNING!! It makes it worse!
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180749 tn?1443595232
Your feedback is very helpful to a lot of people, who are trying to find a solution, and a lot of whom never post on the forum.
Yes it is the brain, sending the same message, and make you feel worse.
The pranayam (with extra oxygen)  calms the brain, and helps to take a fresh approach to the problem. Also with pranayam, your immune system is boosted, and so the symptoms come down gradually.
You have experienced the benefit, and are already on Level 2, analysing the good feeling you are getting with pranayam. You will continue to feel several more side benefits, and will help others with enthusiasm.
The small print - pranayam should be continued for life to stay healthy.
October 6 ,2011
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Dear Hava,
I stumbled upon this message board last year when I was struggling with the same shortness of breath and yawning issues described by others here, and was feeling crazy/desperate.  As I read, I was struck by the patience in your responses...and how committed you were - calmly repeating the same information time and again.

So, even though I was SURE my issue couldn't be mere panic attacks/stress related (could it?), I decided to try the breathing you outlined.  I am thrilled to report that it worked - completely - and in just weeks.  I never did any beyond the kapalbhati and anulom vilom - but after referring a friend to this thread earlier today, I will resume them and add the rest as you recommend.  

I had bad asthma as a kid, and I believe it "conditioned" my brain to respond in a particular way - so that even when I wasn't really having an asthma attack, my body/brain thought it was.  Turns out I am allergic to something that blooms seasonally, but my brain sort of blew it out of proportion and responded with a physical panic that was virtually unwarranted.  I add this information because I was having trouble figuring out what would be making me have a panic attack, since I was not upset emotionally.   Not sure this will make sense to you, but welcome feedback.

Thanks again for your help.  You are helping people - whether they reply or not!
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180749 tn?1443595232
You need to clear the toxins from the lungs, and let more oxygen into the lungs.This breathing technique will help you do that. Also take one teaspoon turmeric powder with hot water, twice a day.Let me know your progress, and then I will suggest more techniques.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
Kapalbhati pranayam -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.
October 3, 2011
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This thread has been very helpful. My symptoms are similar to all on this thread but my problem started when I exposed my lungs to household bleach for an extended period of time. It has been a month since the exposure but I just keep getting worse. It hurts when I breathe. I have severe pain on and off in my sternum. I may have damaged my esophagus too since Pepto Bismol provides a little relief to the sternum pain. My biggest problem is that I seem to have now developed allergies to Everything! I can't go into my own home for more than a few minutes without my lungs and throat becoming enflamed.  My house is dusty and I may have mold.  Maybe this is what I am allergic to.  I had my house professionally cleaned but the chemicals they used (no bleach) made me even sicker. I plan on having my home tested for mold and having it removed if that is the issue.  I also have 2 dogs and a cat who are like my children and being away from them is awful.
I have been to the ER twice and had a chest X-Ray ax well as gone to a pulmpnologist and had a PFT done.  Had an EKG and an Echo. All results came back normal???
Any input regarding long term lung damage, allergies and Drs will no answers is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
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I'm 16 years old, and have this same problem, too. This problem hasn't been here long, but sometimes, I get shortness of breath sometimes to almost everyday, on and off, and I yawn to try to get some extra air in, but when that doesn't work, I get SO mad. I do have moderate to severe anxiety, and didn't have this when I was on anxiety medicine, so maybe it IS this anxiety doing this to me. But then, sometimes I worry, what if it's cancer, or what if it's anything serious?! And I freak out even more about it. And it causes me dizziness and light-headedness. And this makes me worry even more than the usual irrational fears everyday. I just....I don't know.
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