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2 False Negative Blood Tests?

I'm hoping to get this question to Dr. HH, since it requires a lot of herpes observation. I was just wondering what the chances were for 2 false negative blood tests using Herpeselect. I had these tests about 10 and 12 months post my primary outbreak and they came back first HSV2: 0.9 and then HSV2:0.6 on the second test. The HSV1 score was both times very low as well (about 0.2). Thing is, I have had recurring lesions which at times I can remember having soreness in my groin and buttock preceding them (thus seemingly a prodrome). Importantly- I also had a positive herpes sore scraping sample done by a doctor though he MIGHT have used the Tzanck test which I have read is a weak test.

I unfortunately have not yet checked if indeed he used a tzanck test, but the result came on the same day as the sample was taken from me. As much as I would like to think that my 2 negative Herpeselect tests indicate that I do not have HSV1 or HSV2, my positive sore scraping test and simply my experience of recurrent lesions which very much fit the bill of herpes lesions in their presentation (totaling about 5 recurrences over 14 months) really makes me think I indeed have herpes. I am just surprised by my two negative Herpeselect test results. I would really like to believe them, but my most recent outbreak fits the herpes bill very well as did the others, though this time is relatively mild. So I just want to know what % of people could have two Herpeselect negative tests in a row. To me the % chance seems absurdly tiny. Nevertheless the reality of my experience plus the positive skin scraping have me convinced I am HSV positive.
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Thanks, good memory. I think the last time I posted, I had just received my first negative Herpeselect result. As I had no lesions until just recently, I had previously decided to just go and do a second Herpeselect test and see what it said. Theoretically I thought a double negative had a very tiny error rate. When I got the second negative result, I started to think OK perhaps this is not herpes despite previous lesions. Then I was hit with new lesions just a few days ago. They already are almost gone after 2-3 days, they were probably the mildest I have seen, though they were still painful and the apparent prodrome that preceded really seemed to fit the bill. So now I am just going back to believing I have HSV and will go back to taking acyclovir suppressively (note that I had stopped taking it after the second negative blood test). I probably should have rushed to get a new swab test this time around, but it all took me a bit by surprise. I guess next time I can do it.  But the odd thing is, aren't even swab tests frequenly falsely negative? Even more so than the blood test I believe. Thus if its negative it might not say much. But I guess if it is positive then I know for sure that the 2 previous blood tests were false negative. In any case for sake of sanity (I rather be surprised in a good way rather than in a bad way), I am treating myself as HSV+ until the next lesions, which might be (hopefully) awhile since I will restart suppressive acyclovir.
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101028 tn?1419603004
HHH did respond to your question on his board- you were able to get thru and post there :)  

He pretty much said the same thing I said to you back in june in your question on this in the herpes forum - pcr swabbing of symptoms at this point is probably the best course of action. Did you ever ask your provider about that?

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