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Symptoms possibly STD related?

This will take a bit to type out.  Sixteen days ago I was at a hangout, and ended up having sex with one of the girls there.  Intercourse was protected though oral was not.  To be on the safe side, when I got home I used soap and washed my penis at the sink, rubbing soap over the tip.  About a full day afterwards I found myself with a constant urge to urinate constantly.  I would be constantly using the restroom even if I could only get a bit out.  If I applied pressure on the lymph nodes to the right of my groin I felt some pain but I could see no apparent swelling.  The next day after that I went to a health clinic where they tested my urine and said it as clean. They also tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia, both came up negative. I had the test gonorrhea/chlamydia test redone a four days later after reading nothing would show positive in a couple of days.  
I was given Ciprofloxacin for a week which seemed to help with the urgency part after awhile.  After finishing the medication, I still had nagging symptoms... a feeling as if urine was collecting at the tip of the penis, but nothing would be there even after squeezing the tip.  If at times it felt warmer than usual, there was never pain or burning when urinating but the penis head did feel warm afterwards.  Further symptoms are itchiness, tense-sore feeling on lower-mid back, a sudden stinging feeling appeared twice in the past few days, and perhaps a bit more red around the head than usual.  These last few I listed could be either actual symptoms or self-induced from my reading (I did not truly notice them until the last few days... after research).  I decided to call a doctor instead of going to the health clinic again (felt a bit rushed at the clinic).  Unfortunately the holidays are this week, I will have to wait to call for an appointment but for the meantime I hope to get some insight from the members of this site. Thanks for reading through this.
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You should trust the doctor that evaluates you. If there's a concern, he/she should have got alarmed.
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Yes, kack of discharge is good, although I would have trouble recognizing it having never actually seen it.  I'm having issues with leaking for about 5-10 minutes after using the restroom, but no liquid come out at any other time.  I don't think its guilt so much as worry... I don't like abnormal things happening down there. Doc who saw me told me that men pretty much don't get UTIs.  I asked the girl if she had anything at all and she told me no, which is helpful, but then I read stuff saying people often don't have symptoms or mistake them for other things.  I hold to some hope that the thing that cause it was rubbing soap over the tip which the doc says may have been what did it.  My negative tests give me hope, but damn I hope against hope if I did get something it isn't viral... at least the bacterial stuff is curable.
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Hi Dave826826,
Good decision. Keep on working with your doctor regarding your symptoms.
Negative tests of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia prove that your symptoms cannot be due to the two. And lack of discharge show that this could be due to UTI as well.
Could it be caused by guilt over the exposure weeks ago? Anyway, keep on working with your doctor.
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