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Hi. I received oral sex on 5th March. Feeling stressed about it I went to the gum clinic 14 day post exposure and got tested for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. They also done a dawn test that came back clear. I also got tested privately 18 days post exposure.
About 1 week after tests I went back to clinic as feeling a little weird in penis. Another swab test done, came back slightly night white cell count. (Only just over). I was given 7 days doxycyline. Took the meda and they did nothing so tool 1 gram azthrimicin. Again, this done nothing. Waited 2 weeks after taking azthrimicin and went back to the clinic. Spoke to doctor about continuing symptoms. Another swab test taken, this time came back within normal range although he did say that there were a few white blood cells still there but in normal range <5 wbc.
I was still very stressed about this so I waited a further week and got a test done for mycoplasma Genitalium and UU by PCR. Results came back negitive for both. Was wondering about hsv1 but I don't and never have had any blisters on penis. Also, my wife has cold sores and I have never had any issues.
It is now post 6 weeks since symptoms started and still no relief. Worried that I might infect my partner despite negitive for all std.
Any advice would be most welcome.
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If anyone reads this. I am still battling my demons but I'm free of ngu. Have been all along. The only time I had more than 5wbc was on the second swab. It was nearly over the threshold (7wbc) consultant said he would not have treated me but the nurses were just following procedure)
Just paranoia and anxiety pulling me in every direction.
Another thing that has kept me sane is reading the posts in the expert forum. They say that ngu not caused by chlamydia is generally a trivial condition and not harmful to sex partners and that is especially true when aquired by oral sex. No harmful outcomes observed in sex partners. I have also read bashh guidelines and it generally backs up what the docs say on here. This will be my last ever post on here. I do not intend on ever making a stupid mistake again best of luck to everyone who finds themselves in my situation.
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Hi there can you help me out . had a ngu swab yesterday and all looked well what is the % they couldbt of seen some sort of other infection like gon or claymidia ? Plz and thanks
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Tell them your symptoms and let them decide. Beware though that men sometimes have a raised puss cell count when they are normal. Wish I knew that before they tested me for ngu.
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Wow i have read all your conversation and i feel so relieved to find someone with the same symptoms and worries. I am about to get my first tests today specially for clamydia and gonorrhea. Since you have so much expierence testing i wanted to ask you: should i ask them to do a ngu test or is that test seen or shown in another regular test?

So glad both of you are ok in terms of tests. Anxiety and stress can cause way more damage than many other stuff both physically and physicologically
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Update. At end of 4 week course of Cipro. Most symptoms have now gone. Pain in testicles and pelvic area above is still ever so slightly there. Don't really think about that pain any more. Pain / burining in rectum almost gone and irritation at end of urethra almost gone. Gonna ask urologist for a couple more weeks just to be sure
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2 weeks into a 4 week cipro course. Pain in testicles and above is almost none existent now. Still have irritation at end of penis. Still waking to pee most nights. The most painful area is the rectum. Not sure if this is related or not. The pin is like an urge to pass stool.  See what the next 2 weeks bring.
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Seen the other urologist. He thinks I may have a slight case of prostititis. He has giv m me a months worth of cipro. Told him of the oral sex and the anal sex. He said he was not concerned about them and that I could not odd anything on to other half. That is my greatest concern.
He took some blood to check prostate (pas) and done a urinalysis after he checked my prostate. That has been sent to the lab.
Had a urine flow rate done today. I had a quick look at the print out. 21 ml/s. That is right where it should be as that is the average for my age. Ultrasound shows 50ml of urine left in bladder so it's not completely emptied when I uranate. Have read that this can be normal though. As long as it's below 50ml. I did drink about 2l of water before hand. Needed a number 2 as well so I think that  didn't help at all.
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One bit of good news for me absent any testing so far for mycoplasma genitalium:

This study shows a strong correlation between mycoplasma infection in men and presence of leukocytes in urethra swab viewed under microscope. I had this and they saw nothing-zero. Plus of course nothing in several urine dipsticks and two urine microscope examinations, though I don't think they'd blip for MG. And I am now pretty sure MG would not show up in urine culture.

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The thing about mycoplasma is folks don't know much about it.

I didn't have insertion, but maybe this can get passed through genital-hand-genital like I described above. If I understand, it has no cell wall so lives in other cells. That might help it with g-h-g transmission.

I know Dr. Handsfield says no g-h-g transmission for any STI, but it's not clear he's talking about ngus when he says that, plus mycoplasma hasn't been studied much. I respect his opinion though.

I know Vance and others here say the same, but the same stuff above applies. Plus they deal with so many anxiety cases here I sometimes think they tend to say no risk a little too fast-it's only natural.
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More good news for you, mot. I am glad.

You're probably right about my getting tested for mycoplasma although presumably I had no risk. Is it a urine test or a swab? Does it test for just mycoplasma genitalium or other mycoplasmas too?

What happens with folks like you and I who test negative for STDs is we get checked for prostate then urology, then everything comes back clean. The coincidence of our indiscretion being followed by prostate or urology issues is too much. Like everyone tells ya, it must be the anxiety.
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You need to have a specific test to check for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. I would not worry about ureaplasma. It's natural flora. Mycoplasma in the other hand is not natural flora. It is highly doubtful that you have an infection of any kind. Howeve, if you are worried about mycoplasma then you need a special test for it. It is a PCR test. It looks for the Dna of the organism and multiplies it tonget the results. I've had 2 such tests. Both were negative. I bet yours will be too.
I saw the urologist on Thursday. He had a good check of my prostate. He asked if any pain whilst doing it. There was no pain at all. He said felt normal size and texture and my problems were most likely due to anxiety. Done a urine test. (Dipstick). That was clean. Have to go back for a urine flow test. Said if was abnormal then I should consider a camera up my urethra. That not going to happen. Lol. Told him of my episode of the oral sex and and sex. He was uninspired by this and said that I most likely don't have any infection of prostate. Told me to relax and symptoms would disappear.
I have another appointment with another urologist on Tuesday. They double booked me. I'm gonna keep this appointment to get a second opinion. Overall, I am much less stressed about it now. Even if it is a prostate problem, I can't pass it on. I have algae multiple tests. All negative apart from the one time when they found a couple wbc more than is normal. 5 and below is normal. I had 7. Consultant said he would not have even treated me for it in the a dense of typical symptoms like discharge and painful lira nation but the nurses are just following procedure. All other tests were completely normal.
Will update after I have seen other urologist.
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I am at 84-days past potential exposure today. 12 weeks.

So I went and got a set of tests for the standard STDs. I did that once at eight weeks and it all came back negative. So this should be conclusive.

I was careful to do everything right so I wouldn't second-guess anything. First urine of day, first of stream, etc.

I expect it all to be negative.

Should know by middle of next week. Will post here.

Does anyone know how accurate the urine test for trich on men is?

Also, if I had ureaplasma or mycoplasma infection that was causing a problem, would something show up in urethra swab/gram stain and/or urine culture (especially the latter)?

I still have a pain on right groin/inguinal/high scrotum area. That's my consistent issue. I get other little things that flash around but I can dismiss tgem as normal or anxiety.

Also, one question. My contact included fingering the woman. That I know. I think it was her clit and not deep inside but I don't remember. I also know I later used same hand to rub my own penis again. I might have spit into my hand first-I don't remember. I have always read Dr. Handsfield and Hook say this genital-hand-genital contact is a non-risk. I imagine they'd say that even more for the bacterial, fluid-based stuff like ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Sound right or wrong?
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Thanks for the encouragement and support and for sharing your story.

Good to know you. Be well
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Hi there,

Sorry for barging in like this, but I just stumble upon your post and I've been following your conversation, and I just want to tell you that I have the similar exposure like both of you.  And I felt the same anxiety and worries exactly like yours. After read through some of your postings here.  It sounds like bothbof h ofyou have taken appropriate actions and all your test results came back negative!  Congratulations!

I definitely understand the concern and anxiety though.  It's quite upsetting,I too have tested for the main ordinary STIs, to move on now. I've never had an STI before, never had any kind of risk, never thought I would ever walk into a sexual health clinic. The worry gets big at the first month, my exposure has been a little over 6 month ago, and I've been moving on since then. It will get better over time, my last doctor is also a psychiatrist, and he prescribed me some Xanax to calm my nerves for 5 days. It works for me, and it help me a great deal to talk about my exposure.  It was a traumatic experience for me. But now I can move on with my life now, without worries of contracting anything or hurting my wife and my loved ones. Apologies for the long post, I just want to share my experience and thanked you for your post, it had helped me too. Wish all the best for all of us :)
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Good news, Mot.

Mine was too.
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Forgot to mention. Mid stream urine culture was negative also.
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I should make it clear, that when I say above that I think the timing for our first prostate issues is too coincidental, I am NOT saying we have STIs, I am saying we have guilt and anxiety
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Mot, have you had your prostate examined yet?

I had finger exam, PSA test, and free PSA test. All nothing.

Haven't gone to a urologist yet and not sure I want to. Mostly I want to be normal and quite seeing doctors, especially ones who think I am struggling with guilt-induced anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms.

You and I both had sexual contacts we feel terrible about. Then all the sudden we had our first-ever prostate issues? The timing seems very coincidental, as in hard to believe.
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Good news. Keep hanging in there, my friend.

I got my urine culture back-nothing.

So here's what I have in my favor right now:

No insertion, so presumably no real risk, especially for fluid-based STDs

Other woman says she has tested negative for the big eight twice-once weeks before we were together and once six weeks after, which was also 15 weeks after her previous unprotected encounter. I totally believe story about first test and want to believe story of second, but I never saw the test results and think she may have just said she did, thinking I am crazy.

My own negative results on big eight stds at eight weeks after incident

Negative test for trich at about nine weeks. Not sure how accurate this test is for men-mine was urine test. But I should have to insert for real risk here anyway.

No pus/white cells found after urethra swab and gram stain

Nothing found in urine culture

Over time multiple urinalysis with dipstick and microscope have found no elevated nitrites, leukocytes, or WBCs

I am now at 12 weeks. Thinking of doing the big eight one last time to be sure.

Like you, I have to imagine I had/have nothing. I imagine it's CPPS, like you. I certainly feel all the tension in the core.

Keep updating and be well.
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Hi there can you help me out . had a ngu swab yesterday and all looked well what is the % they couldbt of seen some sort of other infection like gon or claymidia ? Plz and thanks
Ps i have been freaking for two weeks .
Reading some stuff and it says they can see other infections in the seab test so im not sure why my urine was taken also im confused and cant sleep !! Ngu swab was all clear plz help
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Update. Full panel of std tests negative. All tests done using pcr tech. Must either be ccps or a prostate infection. Urologist appointment next Tuesday. Will update then.
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Yes. I got another swab and it was negitive. Actually had 4 negative swabs.  
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NGUworries, ditto to everything you have just said. I too will stop coming on here. It is very much like paining over the cracks to them turn around to find a gaping hole. No matter how much you read and convince yourself that you are ok, the very next article will make you feel more anxious than the last. I love my family dearly, I love my wife dearly although she drives me crazy sometimes.

As far as the cpps or prostititis is concerned, I am going to try to relax and not think about it in a negitive way any longer. I know this will be my Everest but I know I will reach the summit and place my flag upon it. Lol.

I wish you all the best my friend.
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I anticipate negative too.

You just got a swab, and it was negative, right?
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Forgot to add. Will post back when have results of pcr tests. I anticipate they will be negative though.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.