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cramping immediately after intercourse

I'm not quite sure what is going on.  I have been having sex with my boyfriend daily for the past several months.  Whenever we have sex in which he penetrates me deeply, I have severe cramps immediately afer intercourse.  I feel like I am having MAJOR menstrual cramps and they usually last for anywhere up to an hour and then they fade.  I'm worried that I am injuring myself or that something is wrong with me internally.  Has anyone had this kind of pain, or have any idea what is going on?
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very right!!! indeed
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same thing has happened to me 2X. and I caused my 2nd one to happened, I also have a twisted uterus. well from what Ive notice it happens when his penis touches your uterus. and makes you want to pee, but you don't so you hold it. well its not pee.its *** but feels like pee. your muscles crap up and begin to hurt super bad like labor pains. I know I have 2 children. As for my pain it feels as if your going to faint, vomit, shake. I was in so much pain. I thought I was having a miscarriage. 2one was wrose,then the first. 2one I did throw up.my whole face was cold and pale.my heart was racing. and there was bloating. SO as for me it like a women having blue balls..with labor pains.this what I think it is. and only girls with twisted uterus get this..
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I just had super bad muscle cramp during sex. I notice it hurts when he penetrates deeply and after few seconds i have this massive pain, can't breathe and felt like fainting. I tried calming down and slept for an hour. Woke up and felt like throwing up and super bloated. After a cup of hot tea and another 1 hour of intense pain i managed to sleep. Now, 7 hour later in still experiencing pain when i move, what do i do? Would it just fade away? Do i have to take any type of medication?
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I also just had this feeling me and my other half done u no wat from behind and after felt really sick and felt like I was having contraction pains quite bad ones after doing some breathing exercises and doing a number 2 the pain slowly faded away but will be going docs first thing mine lasted about 20mins so if you get this as well try not to panic and try what I did x
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Ok me an my boyfriend had sex this morning... An not too much later i started feeling weird or strange my stomach feels bulby...and yes he ejaculated in me, but i just feel very strange. Very different
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I am so sorry for all the ladys who experienced this! It is not fun! I am in my mid 20s. After have sex with my boyfriend that I have been with for 1 year, we have sex at least 3 times a day. The last one he went super deep and it hurt!! Once we were done mediately after I had the worst cramps in my lower abdomen and lower back! I started to cry from the pain! I was in a fetal position. It felt like labor pain is a good way to describe the pain. My boyfriend gave me a home made hot heating pad made from a zip lock bag and small kitchen towle and added Hot water. But you could use rice in a sock and stick it in the microwave. With in 15 minutes the pain went away but tge heat feels so amazing, and I layed down on my back with the heading pad and it seemed to be the magic answer at the time. I hope this helps you beautys out there. Please have a safe christmas
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DID you ever find out what caused it? This just happened to me this morning and I thought I was gonna have to go to the ER
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I have no clue I wish I knew I have the same problem. And I can't find a decent answer from anyone.
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Thanks ladies glad to know im Ok! Ive had this problem after sex a few times before but this time it lasted longer and had me doubled over in tears! I knew it was going to go away but I didn't understand why it was happening. I remember being told years back that I have a tilted uterus and from reading the comments other women who experience this pain also have a tilted or twisted uterus as well glad to know this is a normal situation for women like me!
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nothing wrong just with you.It happens when the penis touches the uterus. many times and makes women muscles crap, feels like labor pains..
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You could have a  tilted uterus !! Also before you have sex you should pee first. It helps a lot with pain and it helps with uti !!
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Thank You Ladies you are life savers!!! I too have had intercorse with my boyfriend who is rather large and penetrates me deep and after about 10 mins into sex it felt like something broke inside of me and I had to stop. I've felt this feeling before so I knew that the contraction like cramps were soon to follow... This is the worst pain I have ever been in in my life I've never given birth but I'm sure this is what an contraction feels like!! It is unbearable and no cure to this condition.. I too was told that I have a Tilted Uterus and sist on my ovaries so sadly there is nothing I can do but pop a Motron and curl up on my bed
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I feel pain every time my husband i had sex with me and it was becoming unbearable, i have search for a solution to make it stop for the past 12 years , for this every time my husband is at home am scared of him touching me. I also bleed a lot in my virginal  before or after my period. i knew it was not normal all i need was a peaceful sex with my husband not sex full of pain. i search every were to get a solution until i came across a post of a woman how she took the product of this great man and all her experience stop , i contacted him and told him all i have been facing in life. He told me how to get his product  and i did, and today am enjoying my sexual life with my husband. He is an expert in the followings .
want an ex back
weak  erection for men
want your man to love you forever
cant get pregnant
Here are his contacts, ***@**** or call +2348169591194
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I had the same thing. Id never had pain like that before after sex. the abdominal cramping lasted for two weeks. I was just tired.

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Has anyone considered internal hemorrhoids as the cause of pain? I have moderate hemorrhoids and I get terrible cramps after sex, as well as some pain during sex. I am yet to investigate the problem with an Ob/Gyn, but I have always been told I was in perfect health during gynecological check ups... I am 29 y.o., no children.
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This was actually helpful. So you're saying there really isn't a cure. And also do you have abnormal cells or recommended leep surgery? Do you think they are intertwined the abnormal cells and the pain and cramping after sex?
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This has happened to me a handful of times throughout my life since I became sexually active.  The closest way to describe the pain of the cramp, is similar to labor pains where it almost feels like the uterus is contracting and the cramping also moves into my upper thighs, just like my labor pains.  It happened to me this morning.  My boyfriend and I hadn't had sex in about 3 days, and we were excited and he was extremely erect so it went a little deeper.  It didn't feel bad until about 10 minutes into it, and then once he pulled out, OUCH, the cramps started getting way more intense.  I had to stop.  It hurt so bad, that I couldn't stay still, and I rocked... at one point I felt like I needed to throw up. I ended up getting in the shower, and laying on the floor of the shower on my back while the warm water fell on my lower abdomen.  After some steady deep breathing and trying to mentally fight the pain, it went away like nothing even happened.  It took about 10 minutes to fully subside but after that, I had no pain whatsoever.  It is from having a tilted uterus, which I do have according to my doc.
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I can truly relate to all you women. During and after intercourse, I experience extremely bad cramps, and NO i do not have STD's of any kind. When I was younger, I had my right ovary removed due to some type of cancerous cyst, and in 2008 the cramping gotten so bad that I went ahead and had a full hysterectomy. I couldn't deal with the painful cramps every month, and to top it off I had to deal with painful sex. After all of that, I still experience cramps during and after sex. It's to the point that I told my husband that I don't care what he does, he's not having sex with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have the desire to have sex with my husband, but the pain makes me think twice so it's not going to happen(lol). We women really have it rough, so to say. And plus after my surgery May 2008, my husband has been afraid to even touch me in a sexual way. I feel like we are best friends rather husband and wife. (strange).
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Hi, I looked at this post immediately when I started feeling this pain, it was right after sex and I started feeling very nauseous and was shaking as if i was cold. The pain was unbearable, even rolling over on my side was some of the worst pain I had ever felt. After about a half hour, my mom decided to bring me and my boyfriend to the emergency room. I was there for about 3 hours and after having an external and internal ultrasound, they had found that I had a giant cyst, bigger than my actual ovary that had ruptured. prior to it rupturing, I remember feeling my stomach, next to my left pelvic bone and it was extremely hard to the touch. If you are feeling nauseous, are in extreme pain in your lower abdomen, and find it very difficult and painful to walk or move, you probably have a ruptured or disturbed cyst. Just wanted to let all the ladies out there know because I as scared of having to go through surgery because of appendicitis. If you think that a cyst is exactly what it is, save yourself from going to the doctor. There is nothing they can give you other than some pain meds. You need to wait until the fluid/ blood get re- absorbed, and the body will heal itself. In my case, the cyst was 4cm long and will take a month to re-absorb, you can base it off of that if you can
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I had severe cramping after intercourse as well, especially after penetration from behind.  I felt intense menstrual cramps, and it was through my whole abdomen.  I felt bloated and even hurt to touch, and I often felt like I might throw up. After two hours I couldn't take it anymore and went in to the ER. Turns out I ruptured an ovarian cyst.
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Did you end up going to see your gyno regarding this problem?  And if so, what was the verdict? Your explanation was spot on the dot with what I have been experiencing lately and I'm even too scared to have intercourse now because the pain is too much. I have had std tests and they came back clean and I even thought I may be pregnant, but I am now menstruating, so that rules that out. I have a scan for this booked in but they didn't have any avail for two weeks, so I decided to goole and it seems its more popular than I thought.  Glad I'm not the only one, but scared of what the result may end up being.
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I'm 41, never had children, and I have cramps after an orgasm. Not necessarily any penetration. It ususally depends on how intense the orgasm is. It feels like extreme menstral cramps that come in waves and get further appart as time passes. Sometimes it's so bad I'm sweating and in the fetal position. I've found that bearing down somtimes helps it. I have fibroid tumors in my uterous. That has been what my Doctor says can cause it. I think it's just severe spasms we are feeling. I also have found that it can be worse if you are experienceing any constipation or have not completely evacuated your bowls.
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5532132 tn?1369345870
I have the same cramps, but the contact while sex is going on feels sooooo good!
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lilmomma1250External User
Where can I get the cuprum arsenicosum and the cuprum mat? I have at times as all the other ladies, abdominal pains aka labor sex pains in addition to chronic pain pretty much everywhere else. Because of some of my conditions, my doctor had to reduce my pain meds and now I'm desperate for relief and trying alternative pain reduction therapies. Also, could you provide an approximate of what the cost should be as far as a high & low so I, as well as any other reader, will know whether we are paying too much. Thank you in advance!
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i have gone through in detail the all blogs and nobody can explain the treatment in its true nature of solution.  i am homeopathic practitioner.  and i would like to quote some medicine, which is very very help to cure the cramp problem.  

Cuprum Arsenicosum  cramps on  legs and whole body.
Cuprum Mat
Colocyntis   cramps on abdominal

these medicines give instant relief of cramping pain, which some time very severly effect at any body part.  
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I had unprotected sex last night and has been trying to get pregnant. But unlike the other times this mornin I woke up with mild cramps. And had unprotected sex last night please help.
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