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10 months of itchy and painful vagina...

I am a woman in my early 20s, and I am at my wit's end.  My vagina has been itchy and sore for the past 10 months, and I have no idea why.  Most of the time it is not too iritated, but whenever I have sex with my boyfriend it becomes extremely iritated.  I've been to a couple of doctors, who have taken swabs and pap smears and everything comes back negative, with the exception of yeast in one of the tests.  

However, this is perpetual itchyness and pain, and the yeast treatments have not worked. (I have even taken that dyflucan pill twice, which is supposed to fend of yeast infections for up to 3 months, but there was no change)  Also, since that initial yeast infection, I have not had any yeast-like discharge, or any discharge that looks abnormal.

Intercourse is has become increasingly painful over time, right at the entrance and especially at the bottom of my vaginal opening.  I thought maybe it was a tear, but neither doctor I went to saw anything wrong.

I want to go to a gyno, but my new doctor is making me take another pap test which I have to wait 5 weeks for the results.

I simply can't take this anymore, I cry a little every day because my boyfriend and I haven't been able to have comfortable sex for almost as long as we've been together. (he's been tested for stds too and is clean)

Does anyone have an idea of what is happening to me???
3 Responses
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332074 tn?1229560525
I would say it is a bacterial infection and not a yeast infection. They should put you on antibotics, however you will need to be on diflucan at the same time. Antibiotics can cause yeast infection in some women so it is better safe then sorry.
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177641 tn?1189755837
Have you started anything different that might affect the environment of your vagina in the last 10 months? Like a new birth control?

This is a shot in the dark, but ask your doctor about "fermalac" (sp?). It's a vaginal suppository that helps to restore the normal balance of bacteria and fungi in your vagina. If all your tests are coming back negative for STDs or any other infection candidates, it may be worth trying.

For several months I had unusual discharge that showed up mainly during sex (very embarrassing and unattractive). My boyfriend and I immediately got tested - with all results negative. After a few batches of tests coming back negative and the doctors telling me that it was normal (this went on for almost a year with no change), a gynecologist suggested this to me. It helped things get right back into working order. My symptoms weren't the same as yours, but given the frustration of your situation, it might not hurt to inquire. Good luck!
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omg i have the exact same problem!! did you ever find anything that helped?
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Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a germ barrier.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.