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Dreams/Nightmares that feel real and I can't wake myself up

Okay, So every now and then I will have a dream or dreams that really scare me. Pretty much its a dream I'm having and I'm myself... in my bed. In my dream I will open my eyes and see human figures but usually I can't tell who it is. If I can't its dark like a shadow. Sometimes its one, or sometimes it a few figures. These dreams/visions always happen just as I'm falling asleep (ya know when your mind starts to wonder right before you doze off, eyes are closed and everythign but you are still conscious).... that stage is when I realize that I'm about to have one of these scary dreams. so I'll either opt to stay awake or turn the lights on for a minute then try to sleep again. The most recent one I had, I was asleep in my bed with my boyfriend...in the dream I opened my eyes and I saw out of the corner of my room a strange figure of a man walking towards my bed.... I cant do anything, I cant move and I can't talk... at this point I'm scared and I know I am ony dreaming. Well I try to wake my self up I try so hard to be able to speak and call my boyfriends name... and this is all while i'm asleep... that right as I wake up I blurt out a noise( the kidna noise you would make if you were trying really hard at something but not saying anything and then all of a sudden noise comes out) It's so frustrating. And in the dream I feel paralyzed like I can't even get up and run. All I can do is lay there... and If I don't wake up before the person gets to me... I can feel the "person" on top of me... literally..I feel their breathe... I feel it all... and what gets me is I KNOW I'm dreaming... and i try to wake up but I cant. and even though I'm aware that I'm dreaming I still know that I'm feeling whoever is on my bed or whatever)
The first time I had one of these very realistic dreams was a couple years ago the night after I drank mooshine for the first time.... ha yeah. (Basically I had a really bad case of the spins alll day the next day and I felt completely out of whack) Well that night as I just went to sleep I was dreaming that I was driving a car and the wheel starting to slowly turn to the left and right as I was about to hit a car my body jerked and I woke up. I stayed awake for a min or 2 then went back to sleep... thats when it all went down hill. The next dream I had... I was in my bed (by the way all these dreams are from my point of view...1st person) and I woke up to see a frightening girl with long black stringy hair and a horrible face, on her hands and knees on top of me just looking at me and breathing heavily.... I swear to god it felt so real.... The only thing I could think to do was hide under the blanket... but right before i drew the balnket over my eyes she slowly, very slowy moved her face inwards towards me. I knew I was dreaming but I could not wake up... Well once I did wake up... well I thought I did... I looked to the left of my bed and there was a about 3 people just sitting in my room... it didnt scare me at first cuz I thought I was awake and I figured maybe it is some freiends surprsiing me... but just as I tried to get a closer look a person who was laying on the floor next to my bed sat up right in my face! It scared the livivng **** outta me. that's when I really for real woke up. Anways I couldnt go back to sleep for a few hours I was a little frightened... I felt as though I would get stuck in a dream like that... And I wanted to avoid haveing another one like that again... I did go to sleep that night however all of the lights in my room were on....
I know this is really long. But I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced the same thing or something similar. I'eve had more but I don't want to write a whole novel here but if someone can relate then please let me know!
273 Responses
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3682140 tn?1347864263
I feel a little better to see that im not the only one having these nightmares. I have been having these for the past 2 years and happen once every few months. My fiance works mdnights, so im alone with my son and my dog at night. I just called my fiance to tell him about the dream i had and he thinks im nuts. This may be a little long but tell me if u have experienced anything like this. I am not a religious person, but i do believe in evil. ok.. so i had been asleep for maybe 20 minutes. I dont think i was on my back? I wake up to something pulling my covers and i wake up ( or so i think) I try to pull them back but my body feels like heavy rubber, like i have no strength to move. I try to talk once i realize im still sleeping. My voice is deep, very faint, and sounds evil. I sound like an evil man. I end up on the floor somehow, I felt an arm in my bed that wasnt mine. I cant scream or do anything. All of my dreams like this are so evil like. Its almost traumatizing. I finally wake up for real after i started praying to God that I couldnt take it anymore and I immediately call my fiance. he first time this happened a couple of years ago, I tried calling him but there was an evil voice on my phone talking to me.
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Hey Everyone,
keep a dream catcher... i know it sounds weird but trust me it works. it only stops working whn its full.. to which i put it out in the sun for the day so the bad dreams melt away.. but i think its the best cure. i was one to have scary nightmares everynight some tht would come out of the dream and i would see even with my eyes open.it was scary to fight out my way out of my dreams also.I would be so stuck i would at one point know tht im dreaming but cant get out and am struggling in real life. My dreams arent the blurry ones i have very clear dreams which are detailed and last me at times most of the night. i can control my dreams at times too.. cuz i been practicing since i was little. after having a fear of fans as a five year old and my mom telling to finish it. so i being braved pulled out the plug and it stopped. I hnever had tht dream again. but yes a dream catcher may do many wonders.if not u could always keep a nail or scissors or anything tht is metal under ur pillow.warm milk is also good. but no cookies or else it defeats the purpose of no sweet. Dreams is time when we are in our weakest state and are only partially alive..its like a coma. one of my friends as a kid had a dream where he had hurt his knee and his mind believed it and upon waking up in the morning he had bruises which were gone hour later or so. our mind works in strange ways and when we dream many times our brain beleives what happening. like its told a person never actually falls to the ground in their dream and dies. they wake up before they kit the ground but if they were to hit ground and die.. they would also die in real life. cuz our mind beleives it. its the coma state of mind we are in tht effects us in ways we cant explain. our mind uses alot more of the brain at night.. pretty much we use half of our 6th sense thats why we know if someone is coming. nothing is really a demonic presence its all our mind.. the pulling of a blanket or anything could be our mind. unless it actually is then idk what to say. :o goodluck getting rid of tht.. or moveout if needed. you could try changing things around ur room like putting ur bed in other direction in ur room. i like the dream catcher more cuz it worked for me.. i still will have one now and then. but i put it out for cleaning and then again i sleep like a baby at night . try it if you can.
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3177667 tn?1364852547
i totally get where everyone is coming from here ive had this since i was a child my house is very active with spirits and such, it terrifies me quite abit took me til i was 17 to gt away from my fear of the dark. im now 23 and it occurs every 2 months nt just shadows i see in my dreams and when i wake up faceless people,horribly burned people,family also which is nice for me. dark masses at the botto of my bed. well use get the idea,sometimes during these periods which usually go on for weeks then stop cos i end up blessing my room to get peace. i know this is irrelevent to medical answers but for all who wnt answers to this mystery we should form a paranormal investigators team maybye get our answers that way. medicine cant solve every issue sadly.
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Iv basicaly had the same dream or what ever the hell it is. iv had alot of them some times multiple a night but they dont last long at all. it all happens right wen i feel like im about to fall asleep wen you start to drift off and wonder bout things.... but most the time the dream starts off where im falling sleep at which most the time its at my bed or couch. in the dream i would be in my bed laying down or where ever i was sleeping in reality i would feel awake and wanting to move around but i cant im paralyzed the only thing i can do is close my eyes.... and the fear i have is unlike anything iv ever felt and i feel a force around me in the room im in almost like a evil feeling.  i can feel something close and coming toward me i feel like screaming but i cant only like a muffle is all that comes out of my mouth. and then i see it a dark, blurry shadow human like figure with red eyes. it walks closer and eventually gets to me but i close my eyes before it does. i can feel it just watching me but i dont want to open my eyes i finally try to scream again and manage to yell louder and then i wake up. shaking like crazy not want to go to sleep at all.  and some times i have the dream where i have the same feeling and i would just levitate and the world around me almost shakes or vibrates and i would just wake up scared as sht, another one was i was outside by my house but it was dark and the environmnt around me would be dark as well just barely enough to see and make out things. i was walking and the shadow like figure with red eyes ran out of nowhere and started punching me and choking me my body was paralyzed, there were a couple more figure behind the one  that was kicking my ***  just waching and i could feel the pain after a little bit of that i woke up.  but its been 1-2 years since iv had any more like them iv just been curious to see if anybody else has ever had dreams like mine and always wanted to know it meant.
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You might have what is called Astral traveling. You should look it up, to see if thats what you have.
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I've had many of these " dreams" unfortunately. To the point where at 22 i still go climb in bed with my mo. I've done alot of research & it's called Sleep Paralysis. It's where you're in a certain part of the sleep cycle & your mind wakes before your body. So you're in fact awake, you can see, feel, etc... you just can't move. They say you almost always feel an evil " presence" when this happens. No one's sure WHY it happens though. Stress, anxiety maybe? But comfort in knowing you're not crazy & it's ok! Do NOT sleep on your back, it makes it worse!
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