1379936 tn?1279080398

Constant High Heart Rate

I am 18year old female and have always as long as I can remember had an abnormally high heart rate and blood pressure, for no reason at all. I even stop at those little blood pressure stands in the middle of Wal-Mart and all Ive done is walked around and my heart rate is constantly in the range of 120-140 at all times. It doesnt hurt and I dont notice it day to day, but is this something that could cause problems later down the road for me? Is it something I need to get checked out? Keep in mind I have NO insurance.
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I'm not sure I would worry about it too much. If you have had this for as long as you can remember, then your parents would have already known about this as well and the pediatrican who saw you through your growing years would certainly have sent you for evaluation before now. just the act of going into Walmart and checking your BP would raise it, along with your HR. Those heart rates are certainly normal if you are excited or walking around. Just to let you know.....a BP should really be done after sitting quietly for 10-15 minutes.  
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a normal hr is 60-100 bpm, you may have a sinus tachyardia it will need checking,
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