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1490985 tn?1289754898

Teen Pregnancy !!

Hi im 14 years old and today i just found out i was pregnant. I dont know howw farr i amm but my mom is really uhpsett lyk ppl dontt make mistakes andd noww she hass an appointment set uhp for an abortion.! I know im younqq but thatss thaa last thinq i want is an abortion. I feel where myy mom is cominq fromm bt i just dont think an abortion is the rightt choice. ppl only have onn chance to live ;; so life is precious and it was my mistake. How cann i tell her i dont wannt an abortion!?
Best Answer
1416835 tn?1295811283
Well I'm from New Zealand and I don't know quite how the health system works where you are (America I guess), but I'm sure the people at the abortion clinic deal with this all the time.  They should offer some kind of counselling service, and even if they don't, you could just ask to talk to a nurse about your appointment.  Tell them how you feel.  They've probably dealt with this a million times before.  
It's better to have someone else there when you (or the health professional) tells her, because you'll both be so emotional.  It's be good to have someone there who can calm things down, and also provide you and your mother with all the information about care for the baby.  I'm guessing there's some kind of support network where you are for teen mothers, and the option to adopt out, and all kinds of things.  They can tell you and your mother how lots of other girls just like you have gone through this.  
And finally, I'm a 19 year old girl, I'm waiting for marriage but there have times when it's been sheer luck I haven't made a mistake and quite possibly gotten pregnant.  I have a huge amount of respect for you for choosing to go through this to give somebody else you don't even know a chance at life.  It's the right decision.  God give you strength to see it through.  
24 Responses
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did u had the baby? it has been 3 years now.
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1729448 tn?1342094737
kookieee & xxxcuddybuddyxxx  & misschocolatee3557
how you doin? i cant imagine being a mother at 15(1/8/96 makes me 15 1/2) so whatever decision you make, im sure you will make the right one. i just wish mothers would understand that us teenagers made mistakes, but when it comes to serious things, we can make good choices. personally i dont like abortion, i think adoption is great and if you can support the baby then keeping it is good too. sure your life will never be the same, but whatever you do im sure youll do what you think is best. whether you did adoption or kept the baby, atleast you could tell the child(if you had an open adoption) that you couldnt take care of them or thought they would have a better life with a loving family ready to have a child and who could support it. and if you kept the baby, you could tell them that even though you knew it would be hard, you busted your butt to make sure you could give your baby a good life without having to give them to strangers. i know if i were a child in that position, i would admire you either way. my mom had me at 39 or 40...her and my dad were homeless. luckily social security or someone got them an apartment and people helped them...i think it was a church made me a baby blanket. anyways, even though they knew it would be very hard, they knew they couldnt give me up so they made the best life possible..my mom actually had a friend who won mega-bucks and offered my parents $10,000 for me before i was born so they could have money to live and so she and her husband could have a baby since they couldnt have one of their own. i truely do admire my parents...i know i would have been afraid to keep my baby if i were homeless because i would want them to have the best life possible...and they did, but they did it while raising me themselves. i dont know, i felt that wierd story might make you feel better no matter what you choose. id like to know how you all are doing. although i havent been pregnant, i can just imagine the pain no matter what you do. good luck to all 3 of you.
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1729448 tn?1342094737
i think your mom trying to tell you you have to get an abortion is selfish. your right...the baby did nothing wrong and deserves a chance to live. just because you got pregnant doesn't mean he or she deserves to deal with the consequences. im 15 1/2 (january 8, 1996) so im about the same maturity as you, and i know if i tried i could raise a baby, it would definatly be hard though. having an adoption...id love to someday be able to do something amazing like that for someone, when im old enough, but if you decide that thats whats best for you and your baby(i cant remember if you ever said what you decided) then thats good, its probably one of the best things you could do for someone. i wanted to find out how your doing and just let you know not to let your mom make one of the biggest decisions of your life. maybe we can talk :)
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I'm 14 and I'm pregnant too*9Weeks*
So I know how you feel, my mom suggested an abortion but I told her"I know I'm young, but I chose to have sex, now I have to deal with the consequence, as long as I have support I know we can make it, this baby chose me to be its mom and it deserves to live, it did nothing wrong". So now we're all alright! So tell your mom how you feel about it! Good Luck!(:
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1666459 tn?1303224291
i heard about your preganccy, so are you keeping the baby <3 ?
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Adoption can be a great option for you or any other young pregnant girl. You are a child yourself, and do not have the money or resources to raise the child on your own without help. Your parents are the ones who will be supporting you and the baby, helping you raise your child. Adoptive parents are ready for a baby and really want a baby, which giving your baby up is a great gift for them and allows you to continue being a teen, go to school, and make a future for yourself. You can talk to your mother about this option, and she may think more about it if you show that you have learned from this mistake and will be more responsible in the future. Being a mom is a huge life changing experience and I hope you will be able to finish high school.
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1670655 tn?1303722289
Don't do it.... I'm a teen and I found out that I'm pregnant I'm 15 so I'm n the same boat. My mom was upset but said I was old enough to conceive a child and so I was old enough to take care of it too.... she said adoption wasn't an option for me....
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1490985 tn?1289754898
Thank you .! And yeahh i knoww just still thinking but not as much. I quess whatever I choose i will always be his or her mom
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1490985 tn?1289754898
thnkss =) I am excitedd to ;; my emotionss have chanqeed from being disappointed in myselff to a little happy .!
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Good to hear. I just want to say that adoption is not easy for anyone, but you have to look at what is the best for you and your baby. I know that it is difficult to give up a baby after carrying him or her for 9 months. I watched my cousin go through it. Though it is the most selfless thing you can do, is to give up your own baby to a family who really wants one and can't have one on their own. It's such an amazing gift. You have to look at everything in your life and what you have ahead of you. Having a baby would severely complicate it all. It's possible for you to raise your baby and a total joy if you are ready for it, but it's definitely not easy. You can try writing down on paper the pros and cons of each option and look at it from there. Having it written down will make it easier to really make an informed decision.
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I am very glad to hear that you and your mom are becoming close again. I am also very glad that your mom has changed her mind about abortion. I am very excited to hear what the doctor says at your appointment. I wish you the best of luck and pray that you make the choice that is best for you and your baby.
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1490985 tn?1289754898
And yes I have talked to my parents , im feeling the connection agian and thats what im most happy about. But im going to update dec 9th which is my doc appt. Im excited bt scared. ?? uhmm
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1490985 tn?1289754898
Thank you, me and mom did talk, we really havent talked about adoption bc she says if i carry it for 9 months why give it up then, and it will be hard cause then i will be too attached, she considered helping me and doing the daycare thing IF i decide to keep it. Im just not so sure on my decision. Im not prepared to raise a baby but i wouldnt be prepared to give it up either. I dont know what God has sent down to me was obviously a gift and what he wanted for me so i will just follow my heart i guess.
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1490985 tn?1289754898
Thanks for your comments I havent been on in a while, Im doing good, just trying not to stress much, Im involved in this teen thing at school and we have walmart, babys or us and toys or us sponsoring us, so we recieve gift cards. It does help me to not worry so much but im going to do that anyway. Im just glad abortion is out of the choice. Me and my mom are becoming close agian, and im getting more comfortable. I will be sure to update you on the doc appt. next thursday the 9th =)
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just wondering if you are okay? I hope you have been able to talk to your mom. please let me know how you are ... hope to speak with you soon.
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Have you talked with your parents? How are you doing? update?
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Say it's your body and you should have a choice of what is done with it. Being 14 I think your old enough to make choices. But not fully in charge (oviusly) so just tell her how you feel. If you have a hard time with words sometimes you can always wright a letter explaining yourself witch is nice because then when weighting it you can take time to choice words carefully and then giving it to her. Also I would suggest adoption. Your young and having a baby at that age would 99% end up in you having to drop school to work to pay for everything. Talk about adoption with your mom then. I hope you come to a conclusion both of you can live with.
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just send me a private message if you need my email ... sorry it wouldn't let me post it.
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you poor girl ... i do not know you, but i am so proud of you for not wanting an abortion ... as a parent it is your choice whether you keep your child or not ... it is totally your decision and i dont want you to make your decision based on what i am about to say ..... but i think adoption is a wonderful option for you ... but like i said i don't want to interfere with your decision... if you need anyone to talk to girl im here for you .... just message me .. you can also email me if you need to its    missamandakay_2007***@****
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1490985 tn?1289754898
I totally aqree with what both of you said! I am thinking and still have alot of time to think. So thank you for your support and comments. I hope I make a good decision.
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I commend you for not wanting an abortion, but also think you should really consider adoption. You are 14 and barely in high school, in which you have so much more ahead of you. It is VERY difficult to raise a child alone at such a young age. My cousin kept her baby when she got pregnant at 16 and it was no walk in the park. It's extremely difficult. A friend of mine got pregnant at 17 and gave her baby up for adoption. She has an open adoption and can see how her baby is doing in her new family.(but if that's too hard you can do a closed adoption) She made the parents the happiest in the world. It was a very selfless thing to do. Try talking to your mom about adoption, and see if she could go for that. Right now, your mom is in shock and is very upset. You are still her little girl and now you are pregnant. It's a lot for her to take in. Ask your mom if you can both sit down and talk about it.
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personally, i believe abortion is wrong. i believe everything happens for a reason. im totally up for adoption but not abortion. i mean theres alot of ppl who want a baby but cant have one..   but anyways i do believe it is your decision. you may  be young, but you're obviously old enough to be able to concieve a child so whatever you do make sure its 100% what you want.. you dont wanna look back and regret your decision. im sorry if i was'nt much help  =(
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1490985 tn?1289754898
Thanks so much. I am very emotional just knowinqq my mom wants me to havee an abortionn.! First off, everyonnee hass only one channce to live & everyone's life is precious so abortion couldnt be my choice at all. I don't wish that on anyone. Im a teenagerr and stronqq at that, and with this babyy i think i will be more motivated to do thinqss you know. Im just hurt. I dont want an abortion!
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