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What does it mean when you wipe and have pink on the toilet paper?

Alright well I went pee and my pee was a normal color but when I wiped, there was a light pink color on the toilet paper. I'm 17 and I never had sex before but me and my boyfriend have done stuff (being fingered and pretty much everything but sex) and I'm worried. Is it normal for that to happen?! I haven't had my period yet this month so does that mean my period is about to start?! I'm kinda freaking out. If someone could, please help me out here! :( Thank youu!
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Girls. Please if you do want to experiment like this, let your sexual partner wash hands! Buy otc pregnancy tests. Or dont have sex untill you are 21 and ready.
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What if I had sex and light pink bleeding can I be pregnant
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if your really itchy constantly down below, (I got this from the american comedy show '2 broke girls', it happened to a character) sometimes its a case of herpes or a disease transmitted by sexual encounters. Or you may have an allergic reaction to something around there, such as a washing detergent that you may use to wash your underwear, the character is Caroline,  and she thought she had herpes because of her booty call, but it was just an allergic reaction to some cheap bed sheets with cheap washing powder she used to wash the sheets with. Get checked out by a female doctor, it may seem embarrassing - but its better than not knowing if you have a serious disease.
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Hello , I need serious help . Me & my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex , last time it was Monday , but burly today I went to the restroom and peed normal once I wiped there was light pink on the paper , am I pregnant or what's going on ? I'm scared .
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i am having the same thing, we had sex today tho. and it feels i need to pee regularly. pee is normal but on paper its a very light pink. Ive heard it could be how rough it was n can last up to two days.... but im worried aswell

If you're continuing to have to pee a lot, especially if you have some pain when you're peeing, you need to see a doctor.  It could be a urinary tract infection which requires antibiotics.
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I had sex yesturday and woke up this after noon I went to the restroom and peed it cramped a bit and when I wiped there was pink, am I spotting? Am I pregnant
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After pee when I wipe with toilet paper I sees pink light blood on it and I didn't c my period dat month again(march 2013). I want 4 test it came out negative on 26 march and my breast is paining me seriously don't knw what to do again, pls I nid ur advice
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