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virginity and sex

okay so let's say you are still a virgin like virgin as in you have not had a penis inserted into your vagina meaning that there is no penetration. but you still have some sort of sexual activity like rubbing up against each other without clothes on stuff like that but your guy has never ejaculated anywhere around you because he never reaches his peak when doing that activity it only happens when you give him a hand job. so what are the chances that you can get pregnant from that activity?
i know it may sound like i'm naive and maybe i don't know anything, but i was taught about safe sex and getting pregnant when a guy inserts his penis in your vagina i was just never educated on the other side of the spectrum. so i just need to know before i let things get out of hand.
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Males have pre-ejaculation(the wetness on the head of his penis), which contains sperm, when they have an erection... If he is rubbing his penis against your vagina at the opening, it is possible to get pregnant. The likelihood of it happening is low, but it is still a risk. It's not worth the stress of it all to continue doing these kinds of acts and I would suggest looking into using protection or staying away from rubbing against each other. Also, as with any kind of sexual contact(genitals to genitals), you can risk STDs.  
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so it is unlikely to be pregnant? i know it is still a risk. i have decided that i am going to start taking birth control pills
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what if particularly today i have been peeing like crazy and super hungry what does that mean?
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Peepy I don't think you have to worry about your symptoms unless the peeing like crazy continues, you may have aquired a bladder infection. Sweetpea is absolutely right in what she told you; I would like to add a few things. Birth control pills are not 100%; my best friend had her three daughters while on birth control and is classic for that happening to someone! So having said that, if you are one of the unlucky ones who ends up pregnant, are you mature enough and stable enough finacially to take on the responsibility of having a baby or is that responsibility going to land on your parents? Picture yourself telling them you are pregnant. Remember there is a good chance your boyfriend will leave the picture if you become pregnant; you may end up hating each other and he will be a part of your life for the next 18 years because you got pregnant.
Teen boys have raging hormones; what they want to do is to take a girl to bed. You are engaging in heavy foreplay which leads to intercourse. Once a man becomes totally aroused, it is close to impossible for him to "turn himself off". The two of you need to consider slowing down or you will end up pregnant. STDs in teens is rampent, literally. I think I heard somewhere that 2/3rds of teens have an STD. The bad thing about STDs is that teens look at it and say: "I get an STD, I take an antibiotic and I'm good to go!" Not true; the STD that teen took the antibiotic for can raise havoc years down the road to their unborn child. Most teens don't know about that fact. There are true risks involved with this activity. No one can stop you from doing what you are doing; I certainly can't, sweetpea certainly can't. The fact that you are on this forum shows you are intelligent, you are asking and that is how one learns, so I commend you for that. Think about everything that is written here and take it from there. My best to you.  
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Stress can cause those symptoms(peeing a lot and hungry), which is what I assume they are from. I highly doubt you are pregnant, as it would be pretty rare. I don't know how old you are, but you are playing with fire. If you are not good at remembering to take the pill on time every single day, then I recommend that you look for another type of birth control to be safe. Missing just one day of the pills can get you pregnant. Also, what grendslori said is true and should be taken to heart...
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