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what do i do?

im a 13 year old teen and i thought of doing drugs, not to get high but to calm down. im depressed and im stresed and i just need to relax. do i go do the drugs or something else? plz help!
19 Responses
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1759341 tn?1332573467
Some thing fast and yes I thought of them they love me but I just don't want to keep going through the same **** I go to school I get pushed around and don't learn **** I didn't already know then I go home they ask how my day was I lie tell them it was good go to my room listen to some matalica and go to sleep then I wake wake up and the same thing happens again the only thing diferint are the insults life fukin *****
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and so how do u think killing yourself is going to help you? you think it's an easy way out from all your troubles, but what u haven't thought about is who is going to be affected by it. ur parents? u know those people that love u truly and dearly.

have u actually thought about going through with suicide? how are u planning to do it?
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1759341 tn?1332573467
I don't know what to say, they just think I'm happy and so I act happy. its Christmas but I fell bad got dumped agin, trying to revisite old times but then I start crying I don't know why but my chest always hurts I need help soon I keep getting pushed around at school by some dumb azz kid who thinks he's cool I don't know how much more I can take :'(  I need help
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You may think they don't care, but I highly doubt it. Most parents would give their lives for their children and everything they have in order to make sure their children are healthy and happy. You didn't answer my question from before, so I am still wondering what is going on. Have you gotten help for your depression? Or talked to someone about getting help for it?
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1759341 tn?1332573467
my parents wouldnt give a sh*t
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When i was your age i was going through some of the same things you are. I may only be 18 now but i have learned a lot over these few years. When i was 12 i was a very shy person so i didn't have very many friends. I was picked on and made fun of for all sorts of things. My mom got into drugs and she lost her job, her car, we lost our house, everything. My brother went and lived with our dad and i stayed with my mom while we moved from place to place trying to figure out what to do and make a living. It was hard being only 12 and moving to different places all the time going to new schools and trying to make new friends. Plus at the same having to be an adult at that age. I didn't go out with friends and be a kid. I stayed with my mom and helped her with everything. So many times i wanted to just end my life because i hated knowing my mom was doing drugs and hated not being able to enjoy my life and be a kid while i had the chance. We spent about a year in and out of either a shelter or an apartment my mom managed to get. It's hard being a kid and going through that. But you know what. I stuck through it. I stood by my moms side when she needed me i stayed strong for her and because of me she got her life back on track and stopped doing drugs. But for a long time after that i was still depressed that i didn't get to enjoy my life and be a kid. I thought about killing myself all the time and thought about doing drugs or drinking myself to death. But i never did. I realized it wasn't worth it. Because i thought to myself that i had me and that's all that matters. The ones that don't care shouldn't matter it's only the ones that do care that matter. Killing yourself is not the right thing to do. I had a very close friend do that and let me tell you. It's not easy to deal with. No one should ever put the people they care about through that. Like your parents. How do you think they would feel. The father of my friend was crushed by this. His son shot him in the chest before he took his own life and he didn't even feel the shot because of the love he had for his son. Suicide is the worst option. Don't put your parents through that kind of pain.
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1759341 tn?1332573467
A 15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a "****", no one knows she was raped at age 14. People call another guy "fat", no one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight. People call an old man "ugly", no one knows he experienced a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping.
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The teen years are hard, and although many negative things can happen, your life can still be great. I lost most of my friends in high school when I went in for major surgery, my bf dumped me, and I almost got kicked out of school for missing so many days. It was tough, but I do believe in the saying of "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger". Have you talked to anyone about getting help for your depression? If not, please do so asap. I know life can s u c k at times, but just remember that it changes and it gets better. Take care.
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1759341 tn?1332573467
i talk to friends and found out who my reel friend are, i got dumped by my gf, school ***** almost killed my self 7 times i counted, almost got in a fight at school i wold have kicked his *** but he cowerd out im tired of him and his "gang" messing with me, and thats how lifes been treating me so plz dont ask
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1759341 tn?1332573467
srry i havent gotten on but i lost my password
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You need to talk to your parents or another trusted adult about this, so that they can get your help. If you don't do anything about it, it will only get worse. There is no shame in asking for help.
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1759341 tn?1332573467
my parents dont know
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Have you been to counseling or anything to get help for depression?
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1759341 tn?1332573467
i dont like anything i sleep all day so i dont kill myself or anything stupid like that.
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You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it or make new friends. You just want to get involved in things that you have fun doing(I am pretty bad at basketball, but I still love playing it and have a few friends that we all play every Sunday). If you like drawing, take an art class. If you love music, maybe try volunteering at the hospital to play music for patients. If you like soccer, try playing AYSO. There are a lot of opportunities to find something you enjoy and really get involved in that. There you will meet others who have the same interests as yourself and can more easily make friends.
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1759341 tn?1332573467
hi im the same person just new acount... yes im in band and athletics but i suk at all of it
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Are you involved in any sports or groups? Junior high school and high school are tough times and many people are not the nicest in that time period, but remember that it will get better as you get older. Drugs are never the answer for how to help yourself feel better. What else are you interested in?
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its the fact that i cant make friends and the ones that i do have are being jrks...thx for the answer
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1194973 tn?1385503904
No, you don't turn to drugs. While they might have the effect to calm your body, after awhile your body becomes so used to the amount you use you need more and more of it to get the same affects. This is how many people OD and kill themselves. Drugs are far from the only thing that can calm someone down. First you need to figure out what it is in your life that is causing enough stress at 13 that you need drugs to relax. Once you learn that, you can learn ways to handle it.
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