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4939681 tn?1361299299

Supplement recommendations

Hey guys!  I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the recommended supplements and why they are beneficial.  Does anyone know of a master list that I can use as a reference?  Thanks in advance!
17 Responses
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4939681 tn?1361299299
Yep, it's there in the parathyroid, but it's teeny tiny, so they want to do the 2 day scan of the thyroid to get an overall idea of what the thyroid is doing too.  Basically, it's there but tiny, so not an emergent situation, so they want to look at the activity of the thyroid to see if there is any hyper activity there that could be causing issues.  The 2 day scan has had to be pushed back twice though due to all of the radiation exposure that I have had in the past 6 months.  My body needs a breather!
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Hehehe. So they finally found the tumour eh?   Too much calcium lowers magnesium levels.  Magnesium and vitamin K2 keeps calcium out of mischief (eg: arterial calcification increasing risk of heart attack and stroke).

Calcium carbonate contains 40% elemental calcium and calcium citrate contains 21% elemental calcium. Calcium citrate is more bioavailable (approx 25%) than calcium carbonate and the preferred form if you have no/low stomach acid and previous history of kidney stones.
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4939681 tn?1361299299
Red Star, you're a riot!  No, not a lot of goose liver Pâté in my diet either.  K2 is exactly what I heard is best for calcium and magnesium absorption!  Haven't spoken to my doc yet about my teeny tiny parathyroid tumor (appt this week, finally!), but I wonder if my blood calcium is high/high normal due to my low magnesium and not taking K2?  Something to think about!

artfemme, will definitely check into the NOW b-12 b complex supplement.  That sounds great!  Also, will look for Dr. Arem's multivitamin.  Would be wonderfull to not have to pop so many pills!  I have 2 whole kitchen cabinet shelves stocked with this that and the other vitamin supplements, but all apparently not the right ones.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I believe you're right about the calcium; everything I've read says citrate is best, just as the citrate form of magnesium is best.

Have you tried vitamin B12 shots?  I, too, have PA and the shots are the only way I can keep my levels high enough to feel good.  I take a shot/week. Problem is, right now, there's a shortage and the B12 is hard to get. As long as I keep my levels up, I don't bruise nearly as badly, either.

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Hey now.

Are you sure about calcium carbonate ? That sent me looking for my Dr. Arem book (which I've misplaced, apparently), as from what I remember from him and every other source I can remember reading (thyroid brain, do not trust :=) , calcium carbonate is the worst source for absorbability and it's the cheapest, which is why it's so often in lower grade vitamins. As far as I know. calcium citrate is the most absorbable. Am I wrong ?

Leilajax, I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia and so my specialist prescribed a minimum of 1500 units of B-12 a day and recommended a particular brand that also includes all the other Bs as well. The most important thing to look for in B-12 is that it is sourced from methylcobalamin....other sources are not well absorbed, so look at the small print on the bottle. The brand I take is *NOW Liquid B-12 with B Complex* and you take it sublingually, which means it goes straight into the blood stream and bypasses the digestive system and liver so it is more effective. It even tastes good, and once I started taking it I stopped bruising all the time. My blood tests show B-12 really low and at 5000 units a day, my level was 441 (211- 911)....my doc says minimum should be 500 and that 800 is best, so she just upped my dose. If you have a problem with a liquid, the other brand she recommended for a capsule is Jarrow.

Dr. Arem sells a multivitamin online that contains his recommendations for thyroid support. I've never tried it.
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1756321 tn?1547095325
I was talking about vitamin K2 yesterday actually. I found this from Dr Mercola..

"If you have any of the following health conditions, you're likely deficient in vitamin K2 as they are all connected to K2:

Do you have osteoporosis?
Do you have heart disease?
Do you have diabetes?

If you do not have any of those health conditions, but do NOT regularly eat high amounts of the following foods, then your likelihood of being vitamin K2 deficient is still very high:

Grass-fed organic animal products (i.e. eggs, butter, dairy)

Certain fermented foods such as natto, or vegetables fermented using a starter culture of vitamin K2-producing bacteria. Please note that most fermented vegetables are not really high in vitamin K2 and come in at about 50 mcg per serving. However, if specific starter cultures are used they can have ten times as much, or 500 mcg per serving.

Goose liver pâté

Certain cheeses such as Brie and Gouda (these two are particularly high in K2, containing about 75 mcg per ounce)"

Oh yes i ate goose live pate yesterday pfft!  Food in the very expensive in Oz. Organic foods...i may have to sell a kidney. :P

I purchased zinc supplements from Swisse which also contains vitamin B6, vitamin A, magnesium, manganese. The zinc is 25mg and vitamin A is 1250IU. Label says to take supplement once a day. I love calcium rich foods but i am deficient again (very positive chvostek sign) along with vitamin D deficiency. *sigh*
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798555 tn?1292787551
About magnesium, a high quality absorb-able magnesium can be felt. It noticeably helps digestion, mental focus and calmness, and muscle soreness.

The best mag is mag glycinate and mag citrate.

Avoid magnesium oxides (read the fine print), as it will not absorb, its useless. There are studies showing it has very little elemental magnesium in it.

Taking excess calcium depletes magnesium, it has also been reported that daily thyroid med depletes magnesium.

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Well, leilajax, since you started this thread and Red_Star gave so much good info, I've been all over the internet looking for more vitamin and supplement info.  Red_Star is right on (of course).  One source I did read (I can't copy/paste) suggests taking copper if taking over 10mg of zinc (they work together).  My 1 A Day teen has zinc and copper, in addition to the other suggestions.  I feel good about what I'm taking.  This group is such a wonderful resource!  
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correction-vit A, not K
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Red_Star, do you take all these listed?  I'm interested in vit K and zinc.  I've got the others covered. How much do you take of these two?  Thanks for adding the details of each supplement you mentioned.
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4939681 tn?1361299299
Thanks for the book suggestion!  Will look for it on amazon.

So glad you brought up needed to add supplements even if I'm taking a 1 a day.  I assume that the 1 a day will have me covered, so thanks for bringing that to my attention.  Thanks also for bringing to my attention that calcium, vit D and magnesium work together. I think I also remember reading at one point in time that vit K is also essential for absorbing that particular group.  See... it gets really complicated really quickly for me!
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4939681 tn?1361299299
Amazing!!!  Exactly what I was looking for!  Also, really interesting about the combo of B vitamins to promote stomach acid.  Had an aha moment, myself.  Clicking print now:)
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Thyroid UK has an article - "The Role of Vitamins in Thyroid Deficiency". I have severely deficient stomach acid after a year of being hyper and i have read vitamins B1, B3, B6 and zinc are essential for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. I should of known it was a combination of nutrient deficiencies!

"Vitamin A  (not carotene)

Carotene is a precursor of Vitamin A.  An underactive thyroid gland cannot efficiently convert carotene to usable Vitamin A so however many carrots etc. you eat, it won't help.   Vitamin A must also be accompanied by protein to make it available to the body, so if you are on a low protein diet, you may be deficient in this vitamin.  If you are low on Vitamin A, your ability to produce TSH is limited. This vitamin is required by the body to convert T4 to T3.  If you find that lights are too bright or night driving is a problem, try taking Vitamin A supplements along with more protein and see if it helps.

Vitamin B Complex

All the B vitamins are vital for good thyroid function but they all have a different role to play.

Bl (Thiamine)

This vitamin is drastically needed if you have an overactive thyroid.

B2 (Riboflavin)

The lack of Vitamin B2 suppresses thyroid function in that the thyroid and adrenal glands fail to secrete their hormones

B3 (Niacin)

This is needed to keep all the body's cells (including the endocrine glands) in efficient working order.

B6 (Pyridoxine)

Without this vitamin the thyroid cannot utilise its iodine raw material efficiently to make the hormones.  This vitamin is needed even more by an overactive thyroid.  Muscle weakness is very common in people with an overactive thyroid and in those who are also lacking in B6.


People with an underactive thyroid or people with no thyroid cannot absorb this vitamin.  A serious lack of B12 can cause mental illness, various neurological disorders, neuralgia, neuritis and bursitis. Some doctors believe the "normal range" of B12 is too low and that the normal range should be at least 500 - 1,300pg/ml (rather than 200 - 1,100).

Vitamin C

The thyroid gland needs this vitamin to keep it healthy.  Long standing deficiency causes the thyroid gland to secrete too much hormone.  People with an overactive thyroid need extra Vitamin C as this is actually drained from the tissues in their bodies.

Vitamin D

It has been found that when people with an overactive thyroid take this vitamin, it counteracts the usual rapid excretion of calcium, and osteoporosis can be avoided.

Vitamin E

Again, lack of this vitamin encourages the thyroid gland to secrete too much hormone, as well as too little TSH by the pituitary gland.

A higher intake of this vitamin is often needed by people with an overactive thyroid to counteract the large amounts of the vitamin depleted from the system.


Many of us consume too little calcium in the form of dairy products.  This is needed to combat bone loss, especially important in overactive people.  Dr. Arem recommends a supplementation of 1000 milligrams of elemental calcium (calcium carbonate) per day.


Magnesium is required for the conversion of T4 into T3 so this mineral should be supplemented.

Dr. Magovern tells us that some people lose Magnesium at a great rate through urination.  Also it seems that a diet high in refined food and caffeine will encourage magnesium loss.


This is a crucial component of the enzyme that converts T4 to T3 in the body.  Without it, T3 cannot be produced in the right amounts, and organs will function as if they were hypothyroid even though blood test levels are normal.


Research has shown that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism result in zinc deficiency.  It also plays a role in the functioning of the immune system. Low zinc levels have been found in obese people.  Zinc is needed to convert T4 into T3, so this mineral is a must."
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I get your question.  I don't mind sharing with you which vitamins I take-calcium/vitamin D, magnesium those three work together (labs show defiency+ DEXA scan indicates osteopenia); selenium (has shown some promise in slowing progression of Hashimoto's), biotin (shown some promise in slowing hair loss); fish oil (for heart and brain health) sublingual vitamin B complex; multivitamin (for teens).

The reasons I take these is because 1) my doctor recommends them, and 2) my multivitamin alone, even though I take a teen formulation which has more of each ingredient than a typical 1 A Day, still doesn't give me enough percentage of what I need.  

You might check with a pharmacist. We have a compounding pharmacy with a very knowledgeable pharmacist.  He carries very high grade vitamins and supplements and is very helpful in sorting out fact from hype.  

Hope this helps.  Good luck.
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You might consult Dr. Ridha Arem's book "The Thyroid Solution." He has a chapter that discusses supplements and nutrition. It's an excellent book on all aspects of thyroid dysfunction from a respected physician who teaches at Baylor University and also heads a thyroid clinic in Houston. He also has a website which you can find by googling his name.
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4939681 tn?1361299299
I think I was looking for more of a: for this symptom (correlating with thyroid problem), you could try this supplement/ this supplement worked for me... type of thing.  I know we're all different, but suggestions from fellow sufferers, even if I need to double check with doctor first, are greatly beneficial.  For example, when you suggested b 12 might help with foot pain and that most prefer to be in the high end of normal to feel good.  That was a great suggestion!  And then I read something about maybe trying valerian root for such and such symptom, and so on.  Some sort of reference list would be awesome.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Because we're all so different and not everyone needs the same things, there is not "master list" of supplements.  

What I'm deficient in and need to supplement, may not apply to you, or other members of the forum and likewise what you need, may not be what I need.

There are some tests that we suggest members try to get done, if their doctors are willing.  Suggested testing for deficiency includes Vitamin D, B12, selenium, magnesium, calcium.  Others may recommend additional testing, but again, we're all different and all need different things.
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