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How Long Does Epididymitis Take To Go Away?

I got diagnosed with epididymitis a week ago and the pain has just now began to leave. Is this common and how long does it normally take for the pain to go completely away along with the swelling? My scrotum hasn't swollen and i've had a ultrasound, blood test, and urine sample and all came back negitive for cancer or a tumor. I'm really frightened about it and hope that this is just epididymitis. Also, the epididymitis came after working out and I also have pain in my tighs, is it possible that i pulled my groin and also have epididymitis?
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Hello, I am suffering from the similar problem since october 14. In my case, symptoms started with pain in groin area in right side at first day and after 3/4 days, there was no pain in groin area but the pain shifted to the right epidymis. I went to the general Surgeon, he took USG test and urine analysis and gave Cipro 500mg for 5 days with Flexon(brufen) and Pantose. And within two days of use, I didnot find any improvements over symptons. Then, I went to the Urosurgeon, but he said to continue the same medicine for 14 days. After full dose of CIpro, no pain in testicle though some sort of discomfort and swelling are still present. I can continue work, walk very comfortably but when I return back to home, I feel uncomfortable and stress in groin area and on base of penis . Let's see what happens next.
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I am brand new to Epididymitis - 6 days - and it is very discouraging reading all of your posts - I feel your pain. I spent Saturday in the hospital with pain levels of 9.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. Cipro helped get me to a bearable pain level & supportive Jock Strap helped also. Present pain level = 6. But, it's been at 6 for the past 4 days and if I remove the Jock I'm right back up to an 8. I was hoping for relief in about a week or two but by reading your posts it looks like I could be in for a 2 month ride. This is not good news. So much of what I read refers to STD's as the cause. I am 73 years old and I can 100% guarantee that there is zero chance of that - unless my right hand counts. Has anyone had any experience with something like ultrasound treatments helping?  
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How are you feeling now?
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Today, it is November 11 and it's been 27 days that I had epididymitis. Now, I am completely fine. Take rest as much as I can and take medicines in time. From my experience, it seems like you can be fine within one month.
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This blog shows a list of supplements and guidelines that have helped SOME people http://epididymitis-cure.weebly.com/
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Day 93. Pain is almost gone, only some slight discomfort left but nothing too severe. Some ache left in the groin and thigh area, but that is probably from walking with an unnatural posture for 3 months because of the testicle pain. My GP confirmed with the urologist and said the residual discomfort will fade within the next months so I'm finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hoping for a continuous recovery. What a ball ache..!
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Penny wiz im cold zephyr,bro same is happening to me for 2 months where i was assuming it was just residual discmfrt or residual pain,as normally i dont feel pain while walking just slight pain at times or a dscmfrt,bt sone days it becomes little bad,so i got my cultures done which shows i still hve bacteria, believe your drz but not blindly,now i vil show reprts to dctrz and again get a treatmnt accordng to bug sensitivity to get fully recvrd.please be sure that infction has gone by these tests
What kind of cultures did you have and what kind of bacteria did you test positive for? I have done urine cultures and they have all come negative.
hm hmm it is fine if they are negative,i have again got tested semen and urine and got all negative results.so maybe the positive one may be the contamination of the specimen.However doc recommended me not to take any antibiotic and also im not takin any antibiotic for 2 months almst.Are u taking any antibiotics?
However i will do one more test for culture and sensitivity for fungus.Then if it will be negative then see.....Jimmo u havent updated anythng
i am only taking librax to recover from the gut problems caused by nsaids and antibiotics that i have taken in first 2 months,antibiotics really do cause harm, but however we have no choice. Also duw to wrong gait for 3 or more months duw to this disease i think i have got some kind of inflammation or somethng in pubic region muscles.However doctor said will go away with time as penny has said
Yeah I think we have to play the waiting game unfortunately. I think we have the same symptoms. Even stomach problems, as I had a severe reaction to NSAIDs so I can't take them anymore. My GP also put me off NSAID and antibiotics after only 3 weeks because of the problems with my stomach. Still feeling sore on my testicle. This *****!
Yes,NSAIDS are poison if taken excessively they have ruined my gut,still im recovering after 2 and a half  months, now im again on antibiotics on basis of 1st culture which was positive for staph aureus and taking ofloxacin 200 mg2 times a day for 5days and Wobenzym(natural enzymes for inflammation as a substitute for NSAIDS) for inflammation.See what happens
Hello do you have now any ..pain or other syptom?
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Always take second opinion before doing any kind of action expecially syrgery related,as in most of the cases i have heard that after the infection is over the hydroceles go on their own for good,however if it is discomforting then it is good to go for a surgery bt however always take a second opinion.and today i will show my semen analysis reports to the doctor ,hoping everythng will be good.and brother never ever give up,We will all be recovered soon.THE DARKEST HOUR OF THE DAY IS JUST BEFORE THE DAWN.i will update and share my cures.in my opinion ofloxacin and levofloxacin worked well and made me to walk pain free most of the time ,however somedays are still lilttle bad but not too much.However always take plenty of fluids and water and a very good diet or you will be end like me havinf severe GUT problems. after 3 days iwill get my culture reports for semen.
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hmm i have got my results for semen analysis,dr said that ist is good and near to normal .However he is i think now assuming that there is no infection left,bt only the residual inflammation.But i doubt thatttttt:(.Now given only 5 day medicine a painkiller type pill which excreted in urine causing dark orange urine having analgesic effect on genital organs,and one for inflammation 50 mg dicloran(diclofenac sodium),and the third one i dont know what for ,its name is lucid.now see how it goes.He has called me after 10 days of the medication.And jimmo go for semen analysis as it will show somehow that now at what stage the infection is .and then treated accordingly.and if results will not be good then dont get panic cz when u have an infection it affects the semen but however it will be temporary.
oh no,i have checked lucid is againnnnn an antibiotic (ciprofloxacin by a diffrent brand name), i am confused what to do s my GP had said that donnt use any more antibiotics if you want to get better. and now this urologist is again giving me ciipro.i have used cipro in past but it have no affect thennn....i am literally confused.
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Exactly, urine could get more easily into the prostate and epididymis if urinating shortly after ejaculation.

But somehow, ejaculating continuously seems like it might help with an obstruction somewhere, if it were as physically simple as a hose or tube. :)
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I now feel a little better Zinc & folic acid supplements have held with my low libido...
I will try to take more sperm booster foods & take enough sleep
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hey guys i've had most the symptoms u have been pointing out, and im likely to have epididymitis, doxycycline and anti inflamation pills have been helping so far for me, i agree that it takes time and u have to be patient.
My biggest question and worry is i dont have kids yet, am i still going to have children? please answer this for me,  im 29 years old
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Did you ever find a solution and how about the kids part??
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Likely CPPS - Google:

"Devil In Your Balls" Self-Help Blog Prostatitis / Epididymitis Pain
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[Day 1267/Epididymitis 3.0]

So, this thing is here again with a vengeance, I'm taking over-the-counter ibuprofen to try to manage it, but three days on, it has not been enough.  For the past three months or so, there has been an uncomfortable feeling all the time, but now it does feel like at the beginning, 3.5 years ago.  I might have done nothing just waiting for it to go (the pain comes and goes all the time, but this time it stayed, doesn't go away).

I will visit a new urologist soon.  My last visit to an urologist was  2 years, 3 months ago, at the time he did a rectal examination (I'm still way under 40 for that), and he found my prostate was small and without polyps, so far fine there, then.

But unfortunately guys, this thing lives on, and doesn't go away.  Granted, I'm older and less healthy, and spend a lot of time sitting.  Symptoms as usual: pain behind the left testicle, epididymis feel enlarged, warm feeling in my left leg and inguinal area.  As stated, ibuprofen barely helps or not at all.
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Hi all, a follow up: At some point in the past few years (last post 2019, today 2022) I stopped eating a lot of bread and sugar, and I'm eating oatmeal almost daily, this is because I had very high levels of cholesterol, the MD also prescribed me rosuvastatin 20mg until the year "twenty-forever" as I may have Hypercholesterolemia (diet and exercise alone didn't cut it after a 3 months test).  After starting dealing with that, the epididymitis and hematospermia issues went away!  My blood pressure has also been increasing year-by-year, so everything might be related.  

So, anybody stumbling here, try less sugar, less bread, more grains and vegetables, more exercise (I just walk the dogs 30+min at least, gyms are not my thing), and keep a healthy weight (I lost 10 pounds to get into my ideal height/weight BMI ratio, have kept that since 2019).

What ails me now the most is lower back pain. :P
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I have also had this for about a month now. Left epididymis is slightly larger & swollen than the right one. Also the left testicle is a bit more firm than the right one. There was a small rice grain shaped mass behind the left testicle which went away on its own. After the first few days, there is very little pain. But I do feel slight discomfort in the left lower abdomen & the left flank from time to time. Sometimes the left testicle also hurts.  Didn't take any antibiotics due to fear that it'll mess up my gut flora. Just some herbal meds. Hope I'll get better.
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Here's my story of epididymitis. It started as a lack of libido and difficulties in achieving erection. At that point I had no pain in my testicles whatsoever. Then, a couple of days later, some awkward feeling started in the right testicle. It wasn't a pain, just a strange sensation like a tension or something. It was getting worse day after day - more focused and more pain-like, it was affecting the top and the rear side of the testicle also radiating to the adjacent areas. I started googling as to what it could have been and self-diagnosed myself with epididymitis. I was sure it wasn't  caused by an STD, as I only had one sexual partner who was healthy, so I prescribed myself amoxicillin and a NSAID. For the following 4 days the pain had stabilized, it wasn't changing in any direction. The pain wasn't sharp, I could walk and pretty much do anything, but I couldn't ignore it either - I always knew it was there. I replaced amoxicillin with doxycycline, somehow thinking that if amoxicillin had not been efficient enough, then doxycycline would be better. I took doxycycline for 4 days in total. On the day one already I started feeling a lot better. On the day 2 I was sure the inflammation was gone. Today is the day 5 and the effects of epididymitis are 95% gone, I have my libido and erection back. There's only a slight sensitivity where the pain was, which is not concerning me. I am off of the antibiotics. I wish everybody a quick recovery.
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This message thread is great. A bit unsettling how many guys have the same general story of treatment. But there are some positive responses and we have to stay hopeful. My epididadventure: I live with a T6 spinal cord injury and use a wheelchair. I also intermittently  catheterize to urinate. Sounds like sitting all day and my reusing caths might have contributed, I also had a few intense workouts after a long time out of the gym and extreme stress that goes along with starting a PhD program. I'm on my second round of Cephalexin and just started Doxycycline. First round seemed to kill it then the second instance came back strong (fever and extreme case of dinosaur ball) 3 months later. Still early in the treatment of this one, so staying positive. It is so easy to feel depressed. If anyone reading this has a spinal cord injury and is going through it, you are not alone and you have to put your health first. On the bright side, due to my injury there is no pain. Of course there are downsides to that too, but why think about those?
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Had similar problem few weeks back...i was actually on Ciprofloxacin for two weeks, my experience was really terrible as I felt like I was gradually dieing inside...i couldn't continue taking Cipro because it was like the drug was killing me inside with almost no energy to walk but after several research online I came across some natural remedies to get relief from my left burning testicle....i simply took two clove of garlic chopped into tiny pieces and then make a glass of moringa tea...i would rather have my garlic swallowed than chew.. So I put the garlic in my mouth drink the tea to swallow the garlic. I do this before meal in the morning and also at night, before 5days I started feeling normal.. .now am not feeling any burning down there it feels normal with my energy level gradually coming back to normal...im sharing this piece of info to help others who might have similar problem... It's better you get diagnosed first before attempting any self medication...
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I've been having pain in my right testicle for about three weeks. I was on Cipro for two weeks.  It seemed to work and then near the end of the course, the pain returned. It's difficult to sit, move around, etc. I find walking a lot seems to help. I do wear boxers and after reading some comments I realize I should get a more supportive brief.  This is very frustrating and the pain has changed my life for the worse.  The pain does radiate down my leg at times it seems to focus on my knee as well. I am going to try warm baths, as was suggested in this string. I do put ice and it seems to help somewhat.  
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Just got diagnosed with epididymitis and UTI a few days ago after going to the ER for groin pains. Gave me a shot of rocephin through my *** and a super 1g (4 250mg tabs) of z max. It's now Wed night here at home. Still have that weird feeling/very slight pain, but the excruciating pains are gone,  for now. Feels like a slightly pulled groin muscle on the right side. My urologist prescribed me Cipro but I'm not filling it because of the potential permanent side effects. I'm already having nerve issues so I'm not taking that chance. I'm changing my primary in 3/2017 and maybe she can recommend me a better urologist. The one I saw today barely saw me for 8 mins, felt my nuts, said I had epid. Didn't bother to do an ultrasound or a **** test to have a better informed decision. At least the pain is much less now to where I can sit down and not feel like I got hit in the nuts with a 100mph fastball from nail Ryan lol. Im just sitting on my couch playing mass effect 3 as I'm typing this. BTW I'm new here :)
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Nolan Ryan I mean lol
Don't let the side effects scare you. I took moxifloxacin for three months to get rid of the nasty bug I had. (Non Specific Urethitis leading to prostatitis and was antibiotic resistant mycoplasm genitalium I got from a very sexually active woman in Bentonville Arkansas.)
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I benefited tremendously from this thread throughout my ordeal, so just want to say thanks to everyone who contributed.

Here's my story:

Got pretty much all the symptoms everyone listed. No idea what triggered it. Definitely wasn't STD. Could be too long masturbation. Could be I pulled a muscle in the groin. Could be sitting in one position for too long. Could be an infection...I am super clean and OCD...so doubt that one. Could be wrong workout. I sometimes focus too much on an activity and neglect workouts and then after a week, really do a hardcore session, so one of those could have caused it. I felt I was going to the bathroom a little frequently, so I did some kegel exercises (they are fantastic btw) just prior to the pain started. Might have overdone that too. Who knows...any of those or a combination of them might have started it.

Anyways, got pain around the testicles, shifted from one side to the other and then back. Muscles surrounding the groin area in the legs and in the abdomen felt tight. Groin area was radiating heat for a few days. Urinating was slightly irritating for a day or too (might be a result of overdoing the kegels). I went on complete bed rest out of fear. Drank lots of water everyday and took some aspirin for the pain. Then the pain got slightly better. Suddenly one day I noticed that my right testicle was tight and higher than the left, sticking forward in an awkward position. Also something (vein, muscle God knows) that was connecting from the right leg was sore and tight and thick. Super scary. Couldn't sleep on my stomach. Abdomen felt like it was hit with a baseball bat. Miserable. Researched online and according to me I had all the conditions listed on every medical website. Completely depressed, I got a urologist appointment and stayed on bedrest and didn't do anything taxing. No meds, no supplements, just simple food and lots of water.

Then I found this thread, and realized that it's probably just epi. I had a couple of good days, a couple of bad days, but some sort of discomfort was always there for a month. On good days when I woke up with a hard erection, I masturbated to take the pressure off and it seemed to help for the most part, definitely didn't do any harm. I would go for a short one though, not a 3-hour session. Around day 30 the right testicle went back in its proper place. On day 31, I woke up with no discomfort. Almost no sensitivity. During the day I forgot about it. I never went to the doctor. The next day again I was a little sensitive but nothing that bothered me.  Today is day 35 and I feel fine. Not on my mind at all. Went on the treadmill yesterday for 40mins and walked uphill, ran a little bit and it felt fine. Won't push it for a little while in case it backfires. I am afraid that too much bed rest can have other side effects.

I am sure that this is going to take some time and probably will come back from time to time, hopefully with mild symptoms. That's life I guess. I am 43.

So folks, if you are going through this, just hang in there. Here are my tips (very similar to ramac's list)

1. Rest, rest and rest. Don't take on any stress, physical or mental. Relax your abdomen and groin muscles consciously.
2. Every few hours walk around to stay healthy and moving.
3. Wear moderately tight underwear for constant support.
4. Drink lots of water.
5. Do not go to the doctor unless it goes out of control. Wait at least 30 days in any case if you can manage. It's useless.
6. Take serious fiber foods to keep your stomach and bowels healthy. Inactivity, stress and constipation can make this worse and more painful.
7. Masturbate (max 5-10mins) every few days or when you feel the strong urge, because God only knows what will happen if things get backed up down there. Just keep things nice and normal.
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So I have been diagnosed with epididymitis in my left testicle a little over a week ago and on my first visit to the urologist I was given gentamicin and levofloxacin for 6 days. My second visit to the urologist was not so fortunate.The infection had spread to my left testicle, resulting in acute epididymo-orchitis. Being prescribed ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone I was hospitalized and been taking the two antibiotics for for 2 days now with no result whatsoever. My doctor keeps threatening with surgery but I am not convinced it is the appropriate solution especially since I have had this condition for a mere week. What should I do?
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Not sure if it will help you but as you can see in many of the messages above the symptoms will take a very long time before you see any improvements. Talking about my experience mine started the same as yours and I was prescribed ciprofloxacin which I had to take for 14 days. I started reacting badly to cipro after the 10th days ( I felt like dying, weak muscles, joint pains etc etc...) but my doctor said continue with the last 4 days of my cipro which I did. The simptoms started to fade away (very slowely). I'm now almost 3months passed my diagnosis and feel almost cured.. one tip it might work with the discomfort is to use a hot water bottle. Hope you feel better soon.
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I have been having similar symptoms but my pain comes and goes and when it comes back I feel pain on my lower back then the next day it goes away and I feel okay just feel weak I been going through this for 2 weeks and a half and I don't think antibiotics are helping that much I just wish it could go away I am very depressed I am only 20yrs old pls help
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I have been experiencing the same symptoms. My right testicle is swollen and I am prescribed the same antibiotics. I feel a bit nauseous and tired but it's somewhat barable. I'm on my 6th day. I really hope the swelling and pain goes away. I'm 22 yrs old.
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I'm having the exact same symptoms. I've been hurting for 2 months and the pain in my left testicle will not go away. I've been on countless antibiotics with no relief. I need help, please comment
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Hi Dylan. Most people seems to be prescribed with Ciprofloxacin but be very careful with any side effects. It effected me very badly and I see myself as a healthy young man. I was told to complete my course though even with the side effects (14days)... as you can see in a lot of comments above this thing takes a long time before it starts getting better
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Try probiotics. Do some research, it will help quite a bit. I'm a month+ from the start of everything and feeling a good bit better but still have to be careful with sex and such. Also still can't go for long walks or hikes or the pain comes back. You will get better, just hang in there. This takes a lot of time to heal. Don't try to do too much too soon oryou will set yourself back.
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Thanks dude.. I know what you mean about sex etc as it feels a bit weird. I do feel slightly better now almost a month after it all started. My reaction to Cipro wasn't fun though
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[DAY 13]

I stopped taking my Cipros today Because I felt like CIPRO is killing me inside. Extreme fatigue all over my body and nausea. Don't want to listen to any more uneducated doctors as they don't seem to care. There are so many websites out there about how poisonous this CIPRO is.. just be very careful guys.

The uncomfortable feeling around my right testicle and groin area is still there...
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I have same problem please tell me what can I do heres my phone number 03054912651 please whats app me
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[Day 11]

Here I was thinking I'm fixed, for the past couple of days I haven't had any pain nor discomfort....until today:

Left work early as I felt extremely nauseous and very weak legs, muscles and joints, felt like if I walked my legs would snap. So went to my GP and he said it's one of side effects of Ciprofloxacin. He advised I should continue with my 14 days treatment of it though and gave me some anti-nausea tablet (Domperidone)...has anybody here had any side effects with Cipro?

The battle continues...
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Now your cond ?
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[Day 6]

Unfortunately the pain hasn't improved much. It's very inconsistent with no pattern of day or night or any specific activity.

The hot wate bottle is still helping when in pain. Not sure if the strong painkillers are doing much though. Still taking Ciprofloxacin
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Now you are fine or not ?

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