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Recently had a Urethroplasty done..

I recently had to have Urethroplasty done. I had a catheter in for 16 days, had it removed 3 days ago. Ive noticed that when i get an erection, it hurts to have it in any other position than down. As if the catheter was still in? Also (not sure what the term is) with the erection, i can no longer flex my tip of penis? And my last question, my testicle skin has been very painfull if touched, or moved. It is even stretched out as if they used a prop to hold em up. (im sure they did have something like that) will they become less stretched out over time? And why is my skin hurting? Will this also go away? My urologist didnt seem concerned. But then again he was in a rush to get to another call. He said it was because of the cathiter and would go away over time. Ive had a catheter in the past and neither of these were side effects then. Whats up with this?
~Thanks in advance
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I just had a 2 stage urethroplasty and my catheter is now out however I've been having a stinging sensation while urinating. Obviously I'm worried that it's a part not healed probably and could turn into a stricture again. Wondering if anyone else had the same sensation
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I had a urethroplasty done last week mine is a 2 stage operation the first was to open me up right down the middle and remove the uretha this was replaced from skin from inside my mouth and this is left to heal for six months until they put my 2 halfs back together . I had a catheter in for 1 week and this was removed after 7 days ,I now pee via a little hole at the bottom of my penis for the next 6 months , up to yet the worst pain has been my mouth I can't eat much it's now been 9 days and I still have pain in my mouth , in the daytime I have very little pain with my penis but at night I wake up a lot when he decides he want to rise up and the pain is terrible I hope this goes away soon as I get about 2 hours a night .
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Hi, I'm Qimie. Had my urethroplasty (buccal mucosa graft for 9.5-10cm) done on August 1st this year and was supposed to remove my catheter on August 25th. However, due to there was swelling on my penis at the end of its body (right above the scrotum) my Doctor tend to wait for another 10 days before catheter removal. Cheek is doing good just that the tightness is quite hard but with time it will return to its normal state. Scrotum swelling is reducing day by day.
But the thing I'm concerned about was the penis swelling haven't recover since the surgery done. It does reduce, however after 4 weeks, it is still there. And that was the reason the Doctor needs another 2 weeks to see if swelling will reduce.
On the August 25th I went for urethrogram to see if the reconstructed urethra is okay or not. However, the image appeared as if the swelling part of my penis looked like a leakage. Because some of the CONTRAST (the dye to see urethra flow is okay or not) went over to the swelling area, lead the urethrogram Doctor thought if it was a leakage. But then, my surgeon came and explain it might not a leakage, but the swelling pull the penis tissue thus the urethra flow in that area got expanded. They want to see if swelling reduced by September 8th and see if urethra return to its supposed state or not. Hopefully, it is. Can someone share their experience if you had something similar to mine?
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anyone who underwent surgery 3-4 years back please share your current condition, what are the recurrence chances and what are the effect on sexual life
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Hi all,
iv been reading this thread with great interest and would like to ask a few questions on my own !!I am having a penile stricture (0.5 sm) and a previous bulbar stricture wihich hasnt come back for 5years now  after laser urethrotomy (thank God)As per the penile stricture ,i think urethroplasty is the only option ..unfortunately :(((!
So to the questions!How long does one stay with catheter after penile urethroplasty and is there a single person here who wouldnt have had the serguery if they could turn back time ?
Thank you
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Hi there I am currently 1week post opp from my urethroplasty all has went well so far not much pain at all apart from my scrotum seems to have a large lump inside and sore when I stand I think the pain is normal but was worried about the lump anyone any ideas still wating to hear back from my surgon
I had urethroplasty last week, my foley cath will remain for 4 weeks.  I was excited about a permanent solution to my stricture woes and would not have changed a thing, except for doing it years sooner had I known.
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Its Cas again, thanks for your advice and words of encouragement. I am now one day post op, and whilst my cheek isnt painful, it is swollen and tight, something that has already reduced massively since the open where I could barely open my mouth. The incision site is sore as to be expected, and i was told I could wash the site with a damp cloth as long as I dried it properly afterwards. gotta wait 4 more days until I can have a shower though. The catheter is strangely comfortable so far as it seems to be a much softer rubber than normal (its blue not beige, so I dont know if thats a difference or not). Anyway I'm terrified of getting the incision site in my scrotum infected. Any tips on keeping that from happening? Testicles are still swollen at the moment, but Im hoping that'll reduce in the next few days. Its great to read other people's experiences of something that is quite sensitive to talk about. Cas
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Hy Cas i had a urethroplasty on the 23 of Feb. I just wonder how you doing have you got catheters out yet? I am going in on the 18 of March for x-ray.
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I had urethroplast on January 5th and had my catheter out on day 22. The buccal graft is the most painful part especially in the first two weeks. I am now noticing a constant ache I'm my testicles and the perenium. It is slightly worse each day, but I've been advised that this is part of the healing process. I have also been advised to wait 4 weeks 'til I have sex. Haven't noticed any reduction in size, but it's extremely uncomfortable when I do get an erection. My flow has never been better, no pain while urinating.
I am having trouble with mid to long term prognosis for the buccal graft harvest site. My cheek is tender and very tight. I am wondering if this will ever return to normal, or will it always be like this?
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17130856 tn?1454025511
I am having a uretheroplasty to repair/replace my entire urethera. I have been dealing with my stricture now for 12 years, and finally its going to be fixed for good. I have been reading/researching it as much as posible. I also will, be have surgery tofir buried penis down the road. My stricture and buried penis are the result of BXO/Lichen Sclerosis. I was lookin for anyone that has had to under go, uretheroplasty and surgery, to repair buried penis.
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Cas, Seems our problems are not age sensitive and can happen to anyone really. I wish you luck with your up coming operation. It is certainly not a light hearted surgery as us men fear any tampering with that area. My biggest issue post op was the catheter, it was my 5th catheter instance and I hated every second of each, sleeping is uncomfortable, sitting is uncomfortable, steps are horrible and I found after 3 weeks of a 6 week stint that the night time random errections were just horrible so be prepared for that. The healing comes slowly, the mouth pain and dangling stiches go after a few weeks and become a distant memory. I am 6 months post op now and things are not the same in terms of ejaculation feeling etc but not terrible or painful. Sounds like you have had a tough run. Those UTI's knock you about, hold on for a rocky 3 months and you'll be glad you did it when you start to feel human again and you don't keep having to show everyone your bits. :)
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Hi all,

In a few weeks I'm having a buccal mucosa urethroplasty done, due to a 2.5cm long stricture somewhere between the base of the penis and my bladder. I suffered about 15 months ago with sudden acute urinary retention and lasted 6 months after dilatation before it reoccurred. Again they catheterised me for 4 days and booked me in for a Rigid Cystoscopy and Dilatation under GA as they wanted to stretch wider than was possible whilst I was awake. This lasted about 6 weeks before a minor reoccurrence which was super irritating and again I was catheterised for 5 days. That was October 2015. I have since been able to void ok (the same as before the first occurrence) but with random and extreme urgency. Anyways, my consultant who is supposedly one of the leaders in this field in the whole of europe (I'm at UCLH in London) suggested the more invasive urethroplasty as a permanent fix. I know it took a while to get to the point but are there any tips post surgery to lessen discomfort or things to keep an eye on, or even just questions I should be asking my consultant pre-op. I'm having a meeting with him tomorrow.

Sorry for the long post. It's good to know that a man of any age can suffer from this (I'm 24)

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I had a urethroplasty done 3 years ago, all of the symptoms above have mostly gone. I do have one thing that is becoming more of a problem now, have any of you noticed a curve downward in your erection? It seems to curve more and more as time goes. My urologist doesn't seem concerned at all. Concerns me though.
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I just had stage 1 of urethroplasty with buccal mucosa graft. I am one week post surgery. My cheek wound was covered with some sort of amazing bandage which is starting to peal off. When does this fully detach? I am using a prescription mouthwash every few hours and was also given "magic mouthwash" which temporarily desensitizes the area. The area I can feel with my tongue beneath the peeling bandage fees somewhat sore.

My urethroplasty addressed strictures in the head of the penis - starting with the meatus and going in about 4 cms. 4 hour operation. The surgeon opened up and splayed my penile urethra apart, removed strictures and diseased tissue, and sewed in buccal muscosa graft tissue. I return for second stage surgery after 6 months, when he will reconnect the urethra and stitch me back together again.

The wound in my penis is absolutely gruesome to behold, as you can imagine. There is no pain except for the irritation at times caused by the foley catheter tube (fr 16) emerging at the far end of the wound. I am having the catheter removed in 5 days. I expect there to be horrible burning pain once urine starts to flow over the wound. Or worse, will it damage the healing graft tissue?  

I first had meatal stenosis at age 30, and had a meatotomy then. 13 years later I suffered a urethral abscess when the meatus had again narrowed to the size of a pinhead and backed up urine pressure forced a fissure through the perineal urethral wall. I had surgery to remove abscess, and went through superpublic and foley catheters at that time.

During he past 20 years, my almost daily self-dilating using lidocaine ointment an a cooks little dilator has led to scarring and development of lichen sclerosis. My penile glans and the shaft had almost fused together at the corona. My surgery repaired this, too, freeing my glans from all the adhesions that had caused it to become partially "buried" in shaft tissue. What a mess!  
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I'm now day 16 after my buccal mucosa Urethoplasty. I had this done as a result of a hypospadias operation which had scar tissue at the site of the operation as a 5 yr old.
They basically cut me between the balls and bum and inverted everything, repaired it ( about 2cm from the tip of my penis) and turned me back the right way. I spent 3 days in hospital post operation and have been on bed rest at home since, to allow the graft to take. I have been pretty pain free from day three and only have the odd sharp pain/spasm which leaves me clutching at the pillow for a few minutes, overall nothing that is intolerable.
My urologist wants me to keep the Foley Catheter in for 4 weeks, then a urethogram to check for leaks and with any luck I will get this thing out of me after that. This is the second time I have had a catheter, the first was after a cystoscopy with complications and the risk was swelling wouldn't allow me to pee, so I had it for 4 days. Catheter is a lot more comfortable this time without the stricture. My biggest grief with all of this is the random erections at night time. Painful and uncomfortable. Urologist suggested an ice pack to whack on when it gets excited but I have had little relief with this method. I have two stitches in the end of my penis, not sure why but I suspect it was to hold everything together when it was turned inside out, scab is forming at the end of the my willy, which adds to the pain with an erection. Balls cause the biggest discomfort during the day, but I am glad to read everyone else seems to be having this problem. My urologist suggested getting really tight undies, helps with healing and comfort, I usually wear boxers so it is a different feeling but it certainly feels like less catheter movement and more ball comfort with tighter undies. Thanks a bunch to everyone who has posted here, certainly helps to know you are not alone and your symptoms/experiences have some similarity. It is also great to get some warning about the risks post catheter removal relating to leakage and potential UTI's.
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Had the same issues with a little bit of leaking after 10 days. A little bit shouldn't be a problem but keep an eye on it incase you start to experience contractions and blood as I found out the hard way this is symptomatic of blood clots and an irritated bladder. Which will require a visit and some saline flushes of the catheters.

I have a question though to the group: I'm almost 6 months post op and my flow has been mostly great-I am still having a bit of testicular pain, which I've been told is normal, but also I'm having bladder pain issues at the site of the graph. My urologist suggests this is probably scar tissue from my clots and the next step would be a cysto to check again for a relapse. Has anyone still had this sort of pain 6 months post op?

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hiii everyone just had the surgery done about a week now and urine was now leaking from the head of my penis with a catheter on im really scared of this anyone can help me out thank you
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Hi all.

Its been really interesting reading all your comments...after years of UTIs I got referred to a uro who recommended a urethroplasty procedure after he identified a severe stricture next to the bladder wall. I had an optical dilation during the cysytoscopy and whilst my flow is now normal (officially! according to to uroflow test), I still have all the same symptoms, ie dribbling, painful / urgent urination, pain in bladder / penis, etc. Basically it feels like I have a UTI most of the time and never know when the symptoms are going to get better or worse - the dilation was only 3 weeks ago, and whilst flow is good, no other change in urinary health it seems.

Has anyone had experience with strictures with normal flow post dilation but no easing in symptoms? I am not trying to "get out" of the surgery but it seems counter intuitive that post dilation and with no flow issues, the stricture is the primary cause of the symptoms...

Thanks all
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I just read all the post on here because I will have to have a Urethroplasty done this year sometime.    I have a stricture just before the sphincter muscle.  They found it when I was in the hospital in august.  They try to catheter me 5 times and never got it in the bladder.  But that's another horror story.  I had 5 bladder infections last year and I have another one.  First one for this year.  My doctor told me it the only way to get rid of the infection and to help me pee better is the surgery.  I have to think about it all the risk and problems.  Will it be worth it.  I have t. have another one this year also on my prostate it's enlarged.  Thank you for your time and all the information.  I'm 59      
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I am 34 years old and had a lingual graft urethroplasty 6 weeks ago. I too have experienced post void dribbling, which I never had before the surgery. Sometimes it's enough to soil my pants. I have reached the point of wear incontinence pads. I am hoping this improves over time for the both of us. So far I have seen no benefit from this procedure and now have the added problem of painful erections, stinging sensations at the tip of my penis (prescribed Lyrica for this), a disfigured tongue, and urinary incontinence. I am trying my best not to get discouraged. I am sorry you are experiencing dribbling but it's good to know I'm not the only one and that maybe this is a temporary problem. I wish you well.
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Hello eterecovery,

I am not quite 4 weeks post surgery, just got my Foley catheter out two days ago.  I am experiencing exactly what you are re: slow to start voiding, but strong once it begins.  I am also having a lot of post void dribbling for several minutes after voiding.  I've been told by my friends / family that I oughtn't worry about these things as 1. the muscles used to urinate have been through a lot of trauma and a long break with the catheter, and 2. the main sign of the urethroplasty having failed would be a long time spent in total voiding.  Since the stream does get strong, I tend to only spend about 12 seconds urinating, so I'm trying not to worry unless that timeframe goes to average 30 seconds or more.

If anyone else has any information about this I would love to hear it as well.

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Flow question...  I am one week post catheter, four weeks post surgery. I'm experiencing a slow start to urinate, stream is strong once started but starts to slow down and sometimes splits. Anyone else experience this? I'm worried that the area repaired is starting to break down.

Thank you
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4 weeks into recovery after ETE Anastomotic Uroplasty. I was in the hospital for two days following surgery. I had a foley catheter for 3 weeks. The day the foley was removed I had an xray with a die contrast to see the health and size of the urethra, big improvement. My urine flow is strong but my erections are no where to be found. Strangely enough mr dr prescribed cialis right away, the day the catheter was removed.

My concern is that even with cialis my erections are extremely short in both size and duration.

This thread and others have provided me with way more information about the recovery process than any doctor that I talked to. Thank you everyone for your contributions.

If you don't mind, those that are recovered. Please share your erection progress along your journey. My concern has shifted from peeing to having a healthy sex life, like I had before the surgery. Hoping to have both in my future, strong healthy urination & erections.

Best wishes of recovery and success to all!
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Did this problem ever improve for you? And if so, how long did it take for things to go back to normal? I am experiencing the same issues even 3 months after urethroplasty.
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Had my procedure on August 18,2014. Had sex first time today, I am shorter in length and was unable to ejaculate. Has anyone had this problem? No problem keeping erection except it bend down a lot and if try to pull up it hurts at the shaft.
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Did this resolve for you? If so how long did it take?
5829074 tn?1375034908
Hey, good luck with your recovery. I, too, found a lot of comfort from reading the experiences of the guys on this thread!

I never had extra pain specific to erections. It was all pain all the time for the first few months, erection or not. I also didn't engage in sex for the first few months either, which some doctors recommend.

This pain, for those who get it, can last up to and even beyond a year (I'm in month 13 and there is still discomfort, though very minor now), gradually, but steadily decreasing. I barely notice it from hour to hour now unless I happen to be sitting in a particularly uncomfortable chair or for a long time.

Hope that helps.

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Hi guys, i just had a perineal incision urethroplasty done and was comforted by the symptoms you all discussed. I was wondering after how long everyone's scrotum/urethra pain dissipated when erect? Thanks so much and i hope everyone's recovery was full and successful
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5829074 tn?1375034908
I'm assuming you meant "itches" all day? If so, then I'd say it's probably a good sign. Itching is often a sign of healing. But different folks may feel different things down there due to all the tissue damaged cut and cauterized, etc. I still have lingering pain 10 months after surgery though now it's much less than before. I was told by my doctor that it could take up to a year for that to go away. I think it's just the nerves in there doing weird stuff. I've been THOROUGHLY examined down there by serval doctors just within the past 3 weeks. All of them say that there is nothing abnormal. So it's just the nerves I guess. Weird stuff. Hang in there, though. It does get better.

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