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Reverse Retrograde Ejaculation?

My prostate was "re-sectioned" and following that procedure, I now have retrograde ejaculations.  I don't like them and any orgasm I have now is different and not as profound as those when I ejaculated externally.  As a matter of fact, retrograde ejaculations keep me from having any sexual relation with anyone and keeps me from masturbating, as well, since there is an unpleasant feeling in my penis following a retrograde ejaculation.  

Is there anything to be done to reverse retrograde ejaculations, so that my ejaculations would be external?
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Had the TURP. Now I get to sleep through the night and when awake don't have to take a leak every 30 min. Dry ejaculations... no problem, actually amazingly, orgasm is more powerful now without all the mess. Knowing what I know now, I would still have the procedure. Not to be crude, but wife enjoys a certain aspect of the side affect.
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I have to agree with some of the comments above. Even though a dry orgasm is quite weird it is better then having your prostate squeeze your urethra and not peeing. Self cath is not the answer. Getting constant UTI's can be very harmful to your general health. So guys, get your selves cured and live with the retrograde ejaculation. At least you wont have a mess to clean up and after a while the sensation will feel the same.
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I also have had a Laser TURP operation.  All the drugs made me sleepy (they relaxed the prostate AND my brain cells).  Due to the lack of treatment options and history of bladder & kidney issues in my family, I decided to have the TURP.  Yes, I miss ejaculation.  but I am happy to be free of pills that made me a zombie (Flowmax, Finesteride, Cialis, etc.).
The good news is that I have a long lasting erection (not typical) and that is a compensatory blessing.  Your doctor will go out of his way to discuss ED and retrograde ejaculation; Educate yourself and make the best choice for you.
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His situation is relevant. He is expressing his disbelief at the number of you who are spending all of your time on this board complaining. Get on with your lives and stop your incessant whining. If you can once again pee normally, the surgery did what it was supposed to do. If you experience side affects you had no idea about, I am 100% positive it was listed in the surgical consent form you had to sign prior to surgery. I've been TURP'd and am very happy with the ability to not have to wear a catheter for weeks at a time. Have tested whether or not I have RE. If I do, it’s not that big a deal. I'll still have an orgasm and my Mrs. will be happy that there is no mess. She hasn't been able to have children for the last 40 years and if she passes (and I get married again), I do not want any more children. It wouldn't be fair to them to raise them when I cannot have the energy to go and do the things a parent should be doing with their children.

Now, when I have a little sinus cold, I can take an antihistamine without needing a catheter to urinate. To me, this is WAY more important than being able to paint something with my semen.
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I can see that this topic needs a restart, like a total new thread, but I did appreciate the posts that so many have left.
I may be at the wrong community, but the desire for a cure for RE is all consuming to me !
I had an elevated PSA, so I had a biopsy performed, and I had a very low grade, non aggressive cancer, and everyone can guess what the urologist recommended.
I had radioactive "pins" inserted,  and I remember when I asked the doctor how it would affect my sex life, he gave this "Aw shucks" look and stated "it would be about the same". What a cop out crock !
This has been several years ago, and I have never been the same. I really don't mean to sound crude, but for me, sex was everything, it was the only thing !
Now I don't mean that literally, but it was an important component of my mental & physical well being.
I just could not believe I had been so totally ignorant about something so important !
And you think ANY of those doctors had one ounce of empathy ?! Not a single one !!!
What I've found to be so incredible though is that the above posts are the very first thing I've ever seen on reversing this condition. I just find it difficult to believe that this hasn't happened to some wealthy patient, who would be have the resources to practically demand a "cure", and perhaps that has happened. Who would we be to receive such advanced treatment ? All I can say is that I'm glad I can control my emotions and anger, because I, like so mant on here, would want this same proceed urge performed on these doctors !!
Sorry about all the typos above, I'll write the next on on my desktop PC.
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Hello all from down under, I was diagnosed with BPH enlarged prostrate, Urologist did a look see and my prostrate was enormous, 190cc, and here is the best part I had few if any noctournal visits, maybe once now and then if I had a few beers the afternoon before, I will agree I had some minor lower back pain, but could have been something else. Anyway after the inital exam I went back and hand a full TURP done, uroliogists do not explain themselves very well, they just want to do the job, after this one I had reduced ejaculation, other than that no issues.  Things then go worse as some scar tissue from the first procedure broke away and I don't want to go there, so back in for a full scrape out reducing my prostrate down to about 120cc.  No serious issues but again after that I got retention which was urgent, up to $9,000 out of pocket so far, so back in for over a week and another procedure, since then which is now 4 months all is good in the urine dept, but do have the Ret Ejac which I was informed of before the procedure, my Ur put me on Duodart which is a combination of Flomaxtra for muscle relaxation (but I had no issues passing) and Duasteride to shrink the blood vessels and prostrate over a period of time.  There seem to be a lot of men who say they suffer because they cannot ejaculate as they did prior or then they were 20 years old, well it is not the end of the world, but further damage to the prostrate and bladder is, so to are kidney stones (every had those) I have not but know some who have and they said they would rather die than have the pain.  Sex life diminishes with age naturally, I still get an erection when aroused and can maintain it without the ol' viagra etc my wife seems happy with our now and then morning glories, so if you want to worry about the serious consequences of not having this done, so be it.  I have a friend who has to get up 6 or 7 times a night in an 8 hour period, he is 87 and had been like that for over 12 years and to be honest with the sleep deprevation he looks like **** every time I see him, he is widowed and has no lady friend, but why he tolerates this I cannot understand.  His prostrate is much the same as mine.  Yes I could have got on with life with the enlarged prostrate and maybe things would not be the same, but the fear of total restriction at any time without warning, the forming of blood clots, and passing blood (which is a real possibility) did not appeal to me, my life now is good, so I can't blow, who cares, not my wife thats for sure and I am beginning to live with this change using positive thoughts about it, I refute all those comments I hear about men not wanting to have it done ( like my friend) and wanting to kill the doctor etc. get real, s(*&^t does happen in surgery and everyone is different, is is a very complex area of the body and sadly with most men their favourite part, so just think that RE is a small price to pay for peace of mind and get on with your life and enjoy.
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9197341 tn?1402288946

This post above has a number of letters about men in suffering. If you equate the number of men who have had the procedure to the number of complaints, then there is either some innocent ignorance or suffering.
Consultants do not talk about R.E. in detail as it prolongs the consultation for process to surgery.
I am noticing younger men get hit with prostate issues and there has to be a link with diet, sexual activity and too much anaerobic sport like weight training.
Ejaculations and sex is NOT the same after any form of surgery either TURP or HOLEP.
The question is the choice between the devil and the deep blue sea??
Surgeons because of the risk of legal action against them, are now offering TUNA needle ablation and bladder neck incision of the prostate.
The popularity of TURP and HOLEP is waning some what.
Removing a mans ability to procreate or enjoy sex is a very dangerous modem of operand i to fall down on.
The orgasm is NOT the same and I challenge any prostate surgeon or urologist on this.
The practice of ill advice needs to cease, it is not funny nor is it professional.
Prostate doctors need to find better ways of dealing with urinary retention other than blasting the bladder neck valve to kingdom come.
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Very well said. I just had a systoscopy and discovered a bid stone at the bladder neck and a medium size medium lobe which is causing me to have a week stram and often urination. The urologist wants to schedule me for Holep in November.  I asked him about aquablasion and he said based on my analogy her recommends Holep. When I asked why he didn't explain a reason. Than said that my insurance won't cover aquablasion but even if it did he still recommends Holep. When I asked him what is the risk of retrograde ejacuation he said it's like 50% chance. When I read about aquablasion and retrograde it says it has a very low rate of retrograde. I don't want to fix one thing and get something else. Anyone here have any advise or insite to Holep and Aquablasion. Anyone here that has had either please reply with your results. Thanks everyone for reading.
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I am 50 yrs old ...  I had my TURP one month ago..  I was aware of RE before the procedure and chose to do it, because of the BPH problems I had.. Couple of days ago, I decided to masturbate to see how it feels...
and it does feel weird, empty and incomplete..   it wasn't also totally bad..
Well, it is what it is..  Now looking at the positive side, any techniques you folks have done to enhance the feeling?  would things like 'edging' help?
Your feedback is appreciated.
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Did you ever get any feedback on techniques to enhance the admittedly diminished but not totally bad experience we are all faced with?
I have been suffering from Low or no ejaculate since I started on prostate medicine and have found that ingesting  marijuana (smoke or edible) is a big help in increasing the experience. I don't produce or ejaculate any more than before but, the experience is far more intense. If you live in a state that allows for medical marijuana you might be able to get a physician to prescribe it.
I have had dry ejaculation once or twice and it is very un satisfying.
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Anyone who is interested in discussing this on Facebook please let me know:  ***@****
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Damn, I forgot you can't put email addresses in here...
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Retrograde ejaculation doesn't affect your ability to get an erection or have an orgasm — but when you climax, semen goes into your bladder instead of coming out of your penis. Retrograde ejaculation signs and symptoms include:

Orgasms in which you ejaculate very little or no semen out of your penis (dry orgasms)
Urine that is cloudy after orgasm because it contains semen
Inability to get a woman pregnant (male infertility)
When to see a doctor
Retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful and requires treatment only if you're attempting to father a child. However, if you have dry orgasms, see your doctor to be sure your condition isn't caused by an underlying problem that needs attention.

If you and your female partner have had regular, unprotected intercourse for a year or longer and have been unable to conceive, see your doctor. Retrograde ejaculation might be the cause of your problem if you ejaculate very little or no semen.
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Five weeks ago I had a new form of robotic prostate surgery, Aquablation. It uses water without heat to resection the prostate. The robotics company that created the procedure, PROCEPT BioRobotics, advertises that this procedure has had far fewer cases of RE than with TURP. I talked at length to my urologist about risks of RE. Before and after the surgery he stated that he would take and took extra care to avoid the possibility of RE. Now I find that I have RE in spite of the extra care by my surgeon. He is a very good surgeon that couldn't avoid the inevitable. My spouse doesn't mind but I find sex much less satisfying. By the way, I experienced occasional RE before the surgery due to side effects of Flomax and the Finasteride meds. I am still somewhat hopeful that after I am off the meds ( I still use them to "relax" the prostate) and have a bit more time to heal that the RE will somewhat reverse itself. Wishful thinking? The good news is the my sex drive is strong, I have an amazingly patient spouse, and that I am able to climax but with a retrograde ejaculation.
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If you are still on medications for BPH?  I assume you did not have surgery for prostate cancer.  I had TURP laser surgery 15 months ago.  I was kept on oxybutynin and finally stopped taking it, and my ejaculations are sometimes more normal, but I still have RE.  I was hoping things would "go back to normal", but so far they have not.  I am still having some urgency when I urinate and it seems like my bladder just won't hold much.  I started a new medication yesterday that I hope will help with that (VESIcare).  It is rather expensive, but if it works, I'll continue with it.
No cancer, however BPH. Prostate was 83cm. I don't know if RE is the same for everyone but do have a short pulsing orgasm but there isn't any ejaculation from my penis or in my urine when I empty my bladder. So, where is it going?  I was hoping you would tell me that your RE was only intermittent. I stopped taking all prostate drugs for 5 days before my first orgasm but no ejaculation. I, too, have urgency same as before but I fully empty my bladder now with a good stream. I get a burning in my penis when I urinate and have tried 2 drugs with minimal success.
When I ejaculate, if feels the same as before my surgery, with the "pulsing orgasm".  I always have to check to see if there is anything there.  By the way, this is always when I masturbate.  When I do get some seminal fluid, it is usually when I lean back at an angle when I stroke.  It seems to help when I push down with my thumb on the top of my penis with my "free hand".  The added pressure affects the ejaculation process.  Whether or not I have ejaculate squirt out, I always milk my penis and can usually squeeze out more fluid.  When I don't get any fluid, I'm pretty sure it is going into my bladder.  I think the reason you don't see it is because the urine dilutes it.  If your urine is foamy or produces small bubbles as you urinate, I believe the ejaculate is the cause.  It's good that you have a good stream.  Mine is fairly week and does not feel like it used to.
Lucky man. When I orgasm it's never like it was before. Almost painful and I never ejaculate. My stream is weaker now and I have to urinate more often. I need to wear small  pads as I tend to leak now.
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Wow, thank you all for this information!  I feel like I dodged a bullet.  I went to a urologist for testosterone replacement therapy, and they did a ultrasound to also check for urine retention.  Unbeknownst to me I did have it (holding about 200ml after urination, although it never bothered me).  He did a cystoscopy and recommended the laser surgery.  To his credit he did discuss RE, saying it was about sixty percent (sounds low by the testimony here!).  I was most definitely not wild about that idea, and he gave me the option of intermittent catheters, which I've been using a couple of times a day.  I really don't mind them, and have gotten fairly fast with the whole routine (I have gotten two UTIs in the last six months however).  Unless things get WAY worse I'm not even going to consider this procedure.  If it's a choice between croaking or getting it done then I'll sign off, until then I'll live with the inconvenience (and the occasional UTI).  
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I would have thought that we could believe that Urologists are people who are medical specialists and who are supposed to tell as the truth. Like telling us about all the different treatments and possible side effects as well as the fact that some side effects might be ok for some men and not for others.I found much more truth on the internet than from my urologist and Im so angry at myself that I believed the urologist. I kept on going back to him to tell him that he changed me from a very happy person to a complete angry and depressed man. Of course he told me to find myself another urologist but the damage is done and another doctor can only tell me that  
he is sorry but he he cant do anything now that the turp is done.. Well I hate RE and the fact that I will never have a good climax again. How can a specialist think that a dry climax is just as good as a wet one. How can it be legal to tell such lies in the name of the medical profession.. Surely they should be obliged to tell you that if you want to ejaculate then you have other options. When I told my urologist that my new much better urologist told me that a urologist should discuss and decide with the patient what is the best treatment for the patient and not the best money making procedure for the doctor he was furious.At least I think we should keep on going back to these urologists and make life hell for them as well.
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I had the same operation done first week of January 2016 and I was not told of any complications. This turned me from my healthy happy and full of life great sex life to a miserable prick ...This doctor then told me to take Andro gel and because of that I developed a DVT and PE...

One simple operation change my whole happy life with my wife who has needs that I can no longer fufill
Most the urologist only care about getting u to have the procedure and make the money.
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The truth is doctor´s don´t care about us or they simply don´t know what i am about to tell you now and to be honest that´s something that i´ve found all by myself with persisting google searches.

The hormone that triggers ejaculation is called Norepinephrine, so what you and everybody who has retrograde ejaculation needs, is to take a
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor before sex.

I´m talking about Reboxetine ( Edronax ) 4mg, and i ejaculate every single time :)


If Reboxetine is not avaiable in U.S. there are others Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors:


Good luck to you all!

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Did you really read the Wiki articles? There is not a single reference to the use of these drugs for RE or anything even close to the subject.

Reboxetine is primarily an antidepressant drug.

Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor: NRIs are commonly used in the treatment of conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy due to their psychostimulant effects and in obesity due to their appetite suppressant effects. They are also frequently used as antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety and panic disorder. Additionally, many drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methylphenidate possess NRI activity, though it is important to mention that NRIs without combined dopamine reuptake inhibitor (DRI) properties are not significantly rewarding and hence are considered to have a negligible abuse potential.[1][2] However, norepinephrine has been implicated as acting synergistically with dopamine when actions on the two neurotransmitters are combined (e.g., in the case of NDRIs) to produce rewarding effects in psychostimulant drugs of abuse.[3]

How about providing some references on point for your claims!
There is not a single reference to the use of these drugs for retrogade ejaculation because nobody cares about it.

Do you want to know what a doctor told me once? He said: No urologist or neurologist will bother to search deeply for retrogade ejaculation treatment because it is too rare to care.

Reboxetine is primarily an antidepressant drug. So?

Do you know that imipramine, one of the most known drugs for retrogade ejaculation is also an antidepressant and with way more side effects than reboxetine?

This is a drug to take only before sex, not everyday so i don´t see the problem of being primarily an antidepressant.

Everything you said about Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors is true, but Reboxetine only reuptakes norepinephrine, not dopamine like methylphenidate, so the abuse potencial or adiction in my opinion is almost non existence.

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How can we get the powers that be (i.e. medical research companies, etc.)   to research this issue and come up with a medical solution?
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Sorry to hear you have this jacked up thing as well! Thankfully, you have a loving partner who understands.
I do have a partner now, for 2 yrs, and he says he's glad I can't ejaculate as he doesn't like it. I'm very thankful for his acceptance of my RE!
Still researching if any advancements have been made by "reversing" RE. Have you ran across anything?
I'm still embarrassed, humiliated and depressed over this but thankful I have an understanding partner now.
P.s.....my es tells me he regrets leaving me over my RE issue.  On well....its his guilt to carry, not mine!
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I'm also a gay man and have RE from failed back surgeries. I was told there was less than a .001% of developing RE. SUPRISE! I HAVE IT!  I lost a partner of 8yrs because he couldn't handle it. Sex drive and sensual feelings on my penis have severely depressed. Viagra helps occasionally but its way too expensive as insurance doesn't cover it any longer so I have to get samples. I've been HOPING a cure has been found by now! I've had RE since 2006 and its embarrassing, humiliating and very depressing! Thankfully I now have a partner who loves me just as I am. He doesn't like *** so I really lucked out.
Has your personal life suffered like mine?
Rick in Arkansas
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That's the problem. The orgasm is NOT there!
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You clearly don't understand that most men lose the majority of their orgasm sensation after TURP. Not everyone has the same outcome as you, this is common sense. For you to think this is merely about shooting semen out, then to mock people people who have had their sex lives ruined is incredibly pathetic and embarrassing.  
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I am sorry to learn of the damage done without warning.
I agree most urologists do not emphasize that you will most likely lose ejaculation. Fortunately for me I tried Flomax and it stopped my ejaculations and have been very careful about what proposed surgeries and medications stop ejaculation. I tried the Flomax for a month and it was enough for me to say I did not like the effects of retrograde ejaculation. Mental health advocates should be concerned about the detrimental effect of loss of ejaculation.
Overall I did not like the entire altered feeling caused by retrograde ejaculation and I think there are alternatives, one new on Urolift and I also read that TUNA preserves ejaculation but TUNA which is like 10 to 15 % retrograde ejaculation side effect which I think is life changing.  All men should ask about retrograde ejaculation when considering any BPH treatment.
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die sobs die
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I didn't have TURP but I have retrograde ejaculation (RE) for another reason. It was the side effect to a lymphadenectomy. That's where lymph glands are removed and examined for the presence of cancerous cells. It's a routine follow up procedure done after performimng an orchiectomy, which is the removal of a testicle. I had to have my left one removed because of testicular cancer. Even though the tumor hadn't metastasized they still perform a lymphadenectomy to insure this is the case. Lucky for me all lymph tissue was negative for cancer.

The surgeon was quite clear about the possibility of RE. He even gave an estimated percent risk factor for RE based on overall past experience. He said he'd do his best to tease away the nerve tracts responsible for bladder sphincter closure during ejaculation, before lymph gland removal - but admitted how sometimes that fragile nerve network is so intimately enmeshed with the lymphatic tissue it's not always possible. I guess the same is true for prostate.

I remember the 1st time I masturbate afterwards, how relieved I was that my orgasm was still greast, but how odd it was that it wasn't accompanied by ejaculation. There was zero fluid emitted - totally 'dry'. Actually, I thought this would be viewed as an added bonus by women because it meant I was safe, wrt birth control and in their mind, also from the spread of sexually transmitted disease - even though I don't have any - still, it's added insurance. Also...I assumed women in general would also like RE because there's no 'ick factor' i.e. the mess you make shooting sticky fluid everywhere, and also not having to taste it, in the case of oral sex.

Now I'm not so sure women view it that way. I think it's the opposite, for some women anyways, who like to see a man ***, or feel it inside them, or maybe even like the taste. I don't know. It's really starting to concern me now. I haven't had a sexual relation yet and I'm worried and wondering.

What DOES the average  woman think about ejaculate??? I have normal erectile function and normal orgasms, but if you can't deliver ejaculation fluid is this good, bad, or doesn't matter? I admit, I'm worried. Sometimes I feel embarrassed and like a freak, something less than a man.  
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Question about how to use alpha-blockers and still have good sex.

I have been taking alpha blockers afusozin or Rapaflow, to deal with my BPH issues.  I have been told by my urologist that when the prostate continues to grow, that at some point in the future, the medication may no longer be effective.  So even now, while it is effective at allowing me to live a normal life without the urge to urinate 4 times an hour (not all day but at certain times of the day), there are still some sexual side effects.  The strength of climax is diminished, and the amount of ejaculate is small, which i suppose is better than retrograde.  So, one way of dealing with this is laying off of the medicine on the weekends, so that i can have at least one good orgasm per week, which is really helpful for releasing tension.  Is there any adverse effects to this, besides having to pee more frequently and with more urgency for a few days?  While Saturday had me on the hunt for restrooms, today (Sunday) i am feeling no urges or frequency of urination.  That of course is another question, as to why my symptoms have not always been consistent, even before starting on the medication.
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I, too had the TURP procedure and, of course, I now have retrograde ejaculation ( which I call "INJACUATION).  I agree that orgasm is not a satisfying as it was, but it is, thus far, not unacceptable.  I expect that I'm older than many of the people posting here, but don't believe, even for a moment, that sex at age 68 ( wife is 67 and looks 50) is less important than it was when we were younger.  I guess that, if I had to make the decision knowing what I now know I probably would not have had the procedure, but it has not ruined my life.  Tell you the truth, though, I think the doctor should have made this a more prominent topic of presurgicsl discussion. I don't think he was honest.
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Legal action against doctors performing this unnecessary procedure sounds logic to me.
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Hi All
From birth i have had to deal with urinating issues,having had a hypospadias repair at an early age i can't tell you how hard puberty was... kids can be cruel... Teachers not letting me go to the toilet, then the anguish of meeting girls.What i would of given to be normal. After many years of constantly needing to urinate i go to a urologist who tells me i have BHP. after a look inside and stretching everything he also has to remove hair growing in the urethra at the hypospadias repair causing stricture. Puts me on flowmaxtra and that would be that.Well it didnt last,i didn't like RE so stopped the flowmaxtra of which the dose got more and more.NOW just yesterday new urologist does a cystoscopy,removes hair again, stretches the urethra at the hypospadias repair.Then tells me he thinks i'll be up for bladder neck widening. I am 45 my wife is 34 and i am terrified of the future either way,have the surgery or not??.I have had anger and anguish and maybe some depression about this my whole life.The person that finds a way to compromise these two issues [ RE and Normal urinating] will be rich and famous
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