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Scrotal pain, squeezing feeling, still no answers from Urologist.

Three or so months ago I developed pain in my testicles, mainly on the left side.  It came out of the blue and was pretty painful.  I went to an urgent care doctor and was told it was a benign pain and to see if it would go away on its own. They had me give a urine sample which was clear.  I had lifted some things that were heavy a few days or so before this pain started.  I thought I had felt a strange sensation in my testicles and perineum area a day or two before the pain started as well.  The pain never really got worse or better so I went back to a doctor.  The original doctor wasn't there and a fill in said he thought  I had epididymitis and was given a 10 day course of Cipro and Dioxcycline.  I took the antibiotics and it seemed to help the pain go away but when the antibiotics were done, It seemed the pain was gone but I now had a feeling in my penis like their was urine in it or it felt itchy but inside of the penis, and it felt like there was a warming heat sensation on my testicle, mainly my left side.  Went back to original doctor and let him know the other doctor diagnosed the Epididymitis and he said if that was what it was the 10 day course of antibiotics would have took care of it.  He said we should do an Ultrasound  on my scrotum.  They send it to a urologist who I go to and he tells me he see's a small varicose vein and some fluid but  that is completely normal and nothing to worry about. He has another urinalysis done which is clear.  He says to come back in a month, that he thinks it will go away. He said I should try not to worry about it so much and it should go away or so he says. Warming sensation and feeling in penis seem to go away but pain seemed to come back again in testicles, alternating sides and alternating between a small stabbing pain and a squeezing pain or a blue balls type of feeling. Went back to urologist a week ago, and he tells me that my testicles feel fine again, and the Ultrasound and Urynalysis was clear and there's nothing else he can do.  I would have to attend a state college medical center for further testing If I wanted to pursue it, but he thinks it is not neccessary. and would be a waste of time.  Only other syptoms have been some pain or discomfort, mainly small stabbing pains or achy sore muscle type pain in my inner thighs, and lately what feels like a discomfort when my bladder is full.  Almost like a feeling of having to pee really really badly and having to hold it.  But it seems to feel like this almost any time I have to pee.  It is worst in the morning after I have slept all night, or If I can't use the restroom as soon as I notice I need to pee. My bladder feels like it is under alot of pressure and I really really have to pee. I am not entirely sure because it's a general area around my testicles and groin but it feels like it is alot of pressure on my bladder and the blue balls type pain iny my scrotum when I have to pee. Could the ultrasound have missed something?  Could the varicose vein he said was ok be causing this?  Do I actually have the Epidymitis and was not on the antibiotics long enough? Where would the pains in my thighs be coming from?  They are not their at all times but seem to come and go with varying degrees of intensity as does every other problem described.  Although lately it seems to be more constant. Pain or discomfort in scrotum feels best or is the least after being in bed all night on my back, and when getting out of hot shower.  Sitting, standing, and moving seem to feel about the same pain wise, with heavy activity the worst of the three.  Need some answers and some help, I haven'te been able to get either so far.
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Hello wareagle83,

It seems that you are having epididymtis which needs treatment by appropriate antibiotics like levofloxacin, ofloxacin etc for which you need to consult your urologist.. Do not be anxious as it would improve when on antibiotics.

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Thank you.  When the Urologist looked at the ultrasound though, he said he didn't see any signs of Epididymitis.  Could it be possible he overlooked it or it was minimal and hard to see?  As you said and I have been thinking, it seems very possible that that is indeed what is bothering me.  I guess I will go back to a regular practicioner and maybe ask what other types of antibiotics like you suggested I can get.  How long of treatment would I need?  I was on the ten day cycle last time with the cypro and dioxycline.  One of which gave me what felt like a yeast infection and itching around my rear end which I read was common.
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Youre not alone with your symptoms.  I have been dealing with this for about 4 years and its annoying to say the least.  I am 40.  It seemed to have started for me with testicle pain it was so bad that one time I fell down a flight of steps because I collapsed from the stabbing pain.  I had a sonigram and they found a cyst on the right but I have had episodes of pain in both testicles over the years.  The only thing that has seemed to make any difference was going on an anti yeast (candida)  program and exercising, stretching in particular. in the form of yoga.  Over the course of the last many years I have been on antibios for prostatiitis/epidimitis many times for periods of 30 and 45 days.  almost every time I have ended up with nasty systemic yeast infections.  In my case, the prostititis is always non bacterial  but the urologist always gives me anti bios (levquin) anyway, I have read where they have antiflamation effects so I am not sure for which reason they work, they help but never get rid of the symptoms completely which is also why I beleive yoga helps me as some of this could be neurological.  Look up pudendal neuropathy.  Have you has any low back/hip injuries issues?  I also get numbness in the hip/perenium/upper thigh areas so its not a stretch that the same nerves connect to the penis, scrotum, testies, prostate and bladder.

Also, make sure you get yourself tested for all STDs just to be safe and rule them out.  

I am really of the opinion after 4 years that for a lot of this candida is the culprit.  It is an effective irritant - if you ever had a round of it you know  - so it isnt a far stretch tha if it gets into your prostate, epididimitis, or elsewhere it could certainly cause issues.   It is documented to cause causes anal itching, irritated perenium (think diaper rash) groin itching redness and other skin problems.  It makes sense that if its irritating you rperenium/groin that it can effect your scrotum and also your penis (look up balanitis).  I also believe from my research that it can move to other organs and systems in your body.  

Last fall I went through 4 months of hell and finally when it started to calm down I was left with severe scrotal skin issues - burning, red, hot, tingling, stinging, thick skin, would also look kind of glazed or shiny in spots thats the only way I could describe it.  every doc I went to tol told me it was eczema or in my head.  I finally found a dermatologist - an older male Doc that spent 20 years as an army doc - and he diagnosed me with lichens chronus simplex which is a fancy way of describing very irritated skin stuck in a "scratch itch" cycle... it itches, you scratch it causing more irritation so it itches more and you scratch it more and so on.  I know its very hard not touch it but the he told me stop touching it for 2 weeks and gave me a very mild steroid mixed with a product called aquaphor which is a skin lubricant atheletes use - avail over the counter.  After about a month I was finally back to normal for the first time in years

Unfortunately, recently, I came down with a case of thrush from oral sex with my wife when she had a yeast infection.  You cant really catch a yeast infection, its there already but when it over grows you will have a problem, or in my case an exposure to a lot of it triggered the thrush.  Within 5 days the problems with my crotch fired back up.   I think I have a real sensativity to yeast and I really have to watch what I eat - no sugar and very limited carbs, watch the beer consumption, and I also take several herbals and probiotic products to keep my system under control and lots of fiber.  Its been a month and I still have issues but they are definately more mild than the last many bouts of it and it is improving.  Hopefully in another month I will be back to where I was before the thrush outbreak.

I really dont think docs practice real medicine anymore, if its not a simple or obvious problem your GP will toss you over to a specialist.  No one is really watching the overall big picture of your health because your care is so fractured and medicine is so impersonal and a volume business these days,  I cant tell you how many times I have been prescribed 30 or 45 days of antibiotics without a prostate fluid or ejaculate test for bacteria, they just do whatever is most common and move on.  You really need to do your own research and push for proper testing and not just accept what you are told.  After several bouts of this **** I wanted answers and finally found a few docs who were more interested in resolving my issues than getting me out the door.  

I would be very interested in hearing any docs on the forum's comments on this.


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Hey guys,

I am relieved to have found you guys,  I have been experiencing similar symtoms.  At first I thought it was HPV, because my ex has it and we had unprotected sex last year.  2 doctors ruled it out, but like you said Rick, you really just don't know.  I am not ruling out HPV but what you guys are referring too, sounds like what I have.

I didnt have any symptoms until months later which started off as tingiling near the left side of the penis.  One day a month or so ago, my balls became extremely painful, the left side was where the pain was concentrated.  It felt like a heavy uneasy feeling in the left side of my testicles.  This persisted for about 2 days until I saw a doctor.  I also had a tingle in my left foot that I could also feel run up and down my leg(this tingle in my left leg/foot started around late november of 08 and has not gone away completely (it fluctuates in intensity).  The extreme testicle pain went away about 4 days after I left the doctors (they gave me pain pills), They said I have a vericose vein in my left testicle, the doctor said she was not positive this is what was causing the pain.  She also said she was not sure if the leg/foot tingle had anything to do with it.  More recently, the ball pain is mild on the left side and not as noticeable as it was during that painful 7 day stretch.  But, as of 3-4 weeks ago, I have been feeling hot sensations in my inner left thigh, groin area (hairy region above penis) and in my testicle.  The tingle in my left leg has not gone away completely either.

The warm sensation is pretty annoying, instead of being painful in the inner thighs, its just warm sensation but the warm sensation is mostly in the hairy pubic region (no visible signs of anything).  It seems that wearing looser clothing or no clothing helps, also when I sleep and when I'm waking up I feel great.  As the night gets later it get's worse (the burning, and ball pain if any).  Also hot showers seem to help it go away and get it off my mind for at least the time being.  Now I know my attitude towards everything is not helping it at all,  i have anxiety because of it, and am not satisfied with any responses I have got from anyone.  I want to say its not HPV but I don't know, I know for sure I have a varicose vein.  I was also on Dioxcycline for another issue I was having about 3 months ago, Could that have anything to do with it perhaps?  A yeast infection maybe? What should I do? Any suggestions are appreciated, at least I know i'm not the only one.

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I too am experiencing similar symptoms. For me it started out months ago, but it felt more like a groin pull at the time. It wasn't severe so I just went about my business. But the past few weeks, it has gotten more serious, and has now given me a feeling of pressure in my left testicle. It feels like someone is squeezing it in their hand. I just went to the Dr and told him about it. He did the normal tests and is sending me for an ultrasound.

It does seem to be getting worse as time goes by. It is accompanied by pain in my left thigh/pelvis area and some numbness. I am a bit freaked out, and don't really know where to go with this.
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hi, i am writing on behalf of my bf. he has the same syptoms as all of u guys. was anyone able to find out wat was causing it?? we are desparate for answers :(
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I have same problem almost a year . I went to the DR . They use scrotal machine and said there is nothing they had so they gave me stop pains for also 4
months but pain is stil the same I don't know wat to do

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It can be muscle tension in the pelvic. Try reduce masturbation. also do cardiovascular exercise few times a week + (hot sitz bath + pelvic stretching + deep breathing daily). and see if it improves, should improve within 2 weeks and sexual ability come back but stop masturbation and excessive arousal
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It can be muscle tension in the pelvic. Try reduce masturbation. also do cardiovascular exercise few times a week + (hot sitz bath + pelvic stretching + deep breathing daily). and see if it improves, should improve within 2 weeks and sexual ability come back but stop masturbation and excessive arousal
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I am a young man of 25,recently I have been getting a sharp pain in my testicles but on the left side.I have also found a small lump next to the testicles,the itching of the rectum and and testicles has been constant for over a year but these pains are new and I am really scared
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I am going through the same thing. The best advice i can give without having to have surgery is to do the following: First drink plenty of water, Secondly, go to your local walmart or dollar store and get some briefs that can fit you good and tight so it can hold your balls in place. Get rid of those boxers or dont wear them as much. If you wear the boxers make sure you have on those tight briefs. Do light stretching in the morning when you wake. Also instead of taking all those showers soak in some hot/warm water when bathing. Soak them balls...lol!!! But no seriously! The key to all this though is getting you some tight briefs to keep your testicals in place. If none of that work you will have to go to a DR and most likely you will have to have surgery and they will cut a vein in your ball sack. Its a simple out patient surgery procedure. I know cause a 20 year old had the procedure done. Good Luck guys. Im headed to soak my balls and put on my tightey whitey briefs.
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I have had the same issue, I get sharp random pains in my testicles and groin area. When this first started I had some urine discomfort but that went away. Went to the doctors thinking it was a bacteria infection, but all test came back negative and they just gave me antibodies because the inside of my penis was redder than usual. It's been 2 years now, and I get sharp pains in my groin still but not as bad. Sleeping naked has helped me a lot if I wear restricted boxers I get the burning feeling. I thought about HPV, but that's not it. It is contagious I feel like because one of my friends has the same issue. I don't know what's going on, but there is a problem going on in men. That needs to be figured out.  
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