326352 tn?1310994295


Second week at Weight Watchers completed.  I didn't post last week since I figured the 3 pound loss was due to the lovely virus I had picked up.  Nothing like a virus to make you not want to eat.  And figuring since once the virus had run its course that my weight would bounce (as usual), I was rather un-optimistic going in to weigh at lunch.  Well, slap me silly...although I did not lose any weight this week (expected), I did not gain any weight this week (totally unexpected if you saw my weekly card!).  Go figure....apparently I didn't crash my diet as bad as I thought.  

This week, back to losing weight and perhaps actually making it to the gym (when hubby returns from VA).  Right now I'm celebrating with a Subway turkey sandwich, all the veggies hold the mayo and thinking..girl ya gotta get back in line and get this weight off.

Here's hoping for a non-virus, non-rebound from virus, totally normal Weight Watchers week.  To sum, total weight loss is 3 pounds in 2 weeks....working towards a total of 25 pounds to lose back to goal weight.

Ya'll have a good one, too!
8 Responses
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326352 tn?1310994295
PS...thanks for commiserating with me.
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326352 tn?1310994295
I lie too!!!  Today was bad...this week's been bad...hubby's out of town, just found out our second attempt at a beach trip with the girls has been cancelled AGAIN.....

Someone kick me in the tuckus or hand me a drink, it's been a LONG day and tomorrow isn't going to be much better.  Cancel the drink, it's way too late for that now.  We'll do that tomorrow after work.  Join me anyone?  

Oh, and I was SO tired yesterday on the drive home, I stopped by Walmart to get donuts so that I could "sugar up" to get the rest of the way home.  It's an hour travel and boy was I pooped.  I need to get these kiddos to sleep better, earlier, and in their own bed so that I can get some proper sleep and not binge eat when I'm tired.  And I'm really ready for hubby to return home.

Tomorrow is another day, start again and try to get it right...or at least really close.
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172023 tn?1334672284
This week has been awful for me, I'm totally out of control.  I don't have to weigh in for another month, though!

I'll get my act together again soon.  
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What a shame!  In VEGAS!  Oh well, we do what we need to do!!!

I am an emotional eater also.  My problem is, is that I even lie on my tracker!!!  Can you believe this?  It's like, if I don't write it down, it doesn't count!!!  LOL!!!

but that is what I will do.  I am going to write down EVERYTHING from now on.  No more lying!  If you saw my tracker,you would say, "WOW!  you stuck to plan...yeah, right....however the scale gives my "dirty little secret" away!!  LOL!!!
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326352 tn?1310994295
Haven't hit "that time" yet...it's coming...hopefully I'll have more off and the gain will be small.  UNFORTUATELY that'll be during our trip to Vegas in 10 days.  Yes, we're going on a trip during "that time"...poor hubby...can't do much at the house for 2 little girls, run off together and oops, bad timing.

Keep trying, one day at a time.  Fall off, get back on.  I'm a bad dieter....no change that, I'm an emotional dieter who nibbles a lot.  At least with WW I see visually how much I'm eating and can reign back in, as opposed to Atkins where you just eat protein and more protein and ugh.  And then when the weight loss stops..you're left wondering "what happened".  With WW you can look and go "OH! YIKES, I put THAT much in my mouth?"

I'll commiserate with you... and as you said "hope to see less of you tomorrow"

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Good luck today!!!  Hopefully I will see "less of you" tomorrow!!!  LOL
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198506 tn?1251156915
I second your WooHoo and raise you a Way to GO!!!!!  Keep up the good work and keep us posted.  

Suzi-q...don't get discouraged.  It stinks being a woman sometimes with PMS and all that goes with it.  I have my own issues with it.  Don't give up.  

Last Thursday I gained 2/10 of a pound...I was so bummed.  It doesn't seem a lot but it's the first time I gained.  I will see tomorrow where I am now but I do understand frustration, although in my case I can blame the gain on a party and being lax about tracking my points.  
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Congrats to you!  Hang in there.  I have been following the plan pretty well, but nothing is coming off.  I gain a lot during "that time of the month" and am hoping that is the reason.  I am trying not to get so discouraged.  Bathing suit season is right around the corner!  UGH!
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