704458 tn?1236841243

CHALLENGE POST - Sunday results chat

So how was your wek this week?

Good, Bad, Challenging, successful, motivating?

Mine as you know was bad but this time next week will be a better story lol.
8 Responses
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637356 tn?1301924822
I gained this week but not much and I can take it back off. My scale is usually more friendly to me then the one at WW now I am hoping theirs is more friendly to me tomorrow.

I knew I would gain out running around all weekend and eating out so much. Couldn't do enough exercise to make up for all the fast food we ate. Oh well next week will be better.
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This was a bad week for me. I do not know how I managed to gain so much this week. All I can say is I hope for the best on this Sunday coming up.
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479581 tn?1317757488
This week was all about survival for me...I had my surgery on Monday (which went fine) but was allergic to the meds.  I felt like I'd been run over by a truck until Friday and am still really tired.  So...I'm not eating a lot but....am eating whatever my husband/son makes.  

I lost a pound also but not from eating well.....more from being too sick to eat much.  We'll see how next week goes.  

Don't get me wrong....I'll take the loss   :)
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369861 tn?1306275686
I'm not do well at all. The doctor took me off all my diuretics and my body is fill with fluid and my fingers are so tight that they hurt to be touched.  I went to the cardiologist on thursday and I have to have a nuclear stress test on wednesday.  This test take 5-6 hours to complete this test.
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362249 tn?1441315018
I think i did good my weight changes waay too much! when i weigh on friday its good come sunday its up i dunno but im just gonna start weighing in Friday or im going to become a slave to that scale which i dont wanna do LOL!! As i was saying b4 my clothes fit good im happy with myself now when i look in the mirror but the scales is driving me nuts!! My measurements are still down though so thats good!! I got to finally try my biggest loser workout series #1 this week it is awesome cardio it really will get you pumped up!!
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483733 tn?1326798446
My arthritis flare up is starting to recede and my body is getting used to life without diuretics.  I managed to lose a lb!  With my pain levels decreasing I am hoping to get some exercise in this week.
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428506 tn?1296557399
I am still holding steady.  But I continue to think that my treatment is progressing.  Some of my symptoms are becoming less severe and/or less frequent.  I still wear out easily, but I had times this week where I felt so good, it actually made me cry!

I have a ways to go in terms of better and getting back to weight loss, but I'm feeling overall positive and confident that I will achieve both.
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737386 tn?1254350426
Feeling quite pleased but I know I could have done better if I hadn't gone out for dinner last night - but I need to be fair on myself - it's my first 'blow out' since I started on my mission and I reckon it's ok to do once in a while -------
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