1666434 tn?1325262350

Summer Weight Loss Challenge Week 3

Ok everyone it's almost the end of the week, how is everyone doing with their weight loss program?  Do you notice some things you are doing that help more than others?  Is it exercise or watching what you eat?  Or both?  Share your progress, we can do it!
33 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
ChitChatNine don't feel bad I know the holidays always cause a fluctuation.  We are off our normal eating schedules and might be eating something that we don't normally eat.  Hang in there things will get better this week.  Don't be so hard on yourself :D
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1459728 tn?1306356214
"Well girls so far so good, still on track. Iz thinking however that my lethargy and light headedness may be due to sone viral infection ( flue) as little one is currently sick in bed :(
Must say music deffinetly helps me exercise. Its been 6 months but im almost back in routine with the tredmill and Introducing  walks with my little one of an evening.
Going to start weight training next weekend with my hubby ( he is a weight nut) so am looking forward to that.. How is everyone else doing so far?"

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Hi I am new here and I would love to know what kind of weight loss program you guys are using?
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Welcome burnzem what is your weightloss goal?  The Fat Smash always helped me a lot maybe someone else can add some input on what works for them.
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Was trying to stick to my diet,three times..lost several kilos but they are back now(( just don't know how to control myself! Tomorrow will start the programm again,at least will try to...:)
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I don't know about anyone else but I can gain weight in a heartbeat.  If I am eating the wrong foods I can pack on the pounds.  What helps me though is if I start keeping a food diary and just writing down what I eat daily.  That way I see where I am off balance or maybe see what I ate that might have been too much.  It also helps me with recognizing my triggers.  If I had sugar and start craving sugar again then I know that is a trigger I need to stay away from.

Don't give up we are here for you!
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Hi seattlemom2plus,

I also can gain and loose pound in a snap before. so I practically eat whatever I want. my metabolism is just crazy fast. But when I turn the age 29, I keep on gaining and gaining and for some reason it was alreay hard for me loose weight. Even if I go to the gym I still keep on gaining weight.I already cut down sugar and chips, but it seems that I am just gainig instead of losing.

It is so hard to go back to my ideal weight a year ago.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
For me it seemed like the magic number was Age 23 when my body started to do some changing.  From that point on I would exercise and exercise and I never had to do that before.  I always walked a lot but now I was having to go for runs just to try and maintain.  So I can certainly empathize with your frustration.  It's hard to find that magic formula that works for you personally.  Keep us posted on your progress indeed.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I am curious when someone has this issue that they start to realize it is more than just eating and exercise and when it becomes something more such as a thyroid issue?
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I found this diet where you will detox yourself and flush out all the toxins in your body. I'll try it out and see if I can cut off some fats in me.
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I read somewhere the 10 signs that you have thyroid issues.
I'll share them here :

10. Muscle and Joint Pains, Carpal Tunnel/Tendonitis Problems.
Aches and pains in your muscles and joints, weakness in the arms and a tendency to develop carpal tunnel in the arms/hands and tarsal tunnel in the legs, can all be symptoms of undiagnosed thyroid problems.  

9. Neck Discomfort/Enlargement.
A feeling of swelling in the neck, discomfort with turtlenecks or neckties, a hoarse voice or a visibly enlarged thyroid can all be symptoms of thyroid disease.
To help find out if your thyroid may be enlarged, try a simple "Thyroid Neck Check" test at home.

8. Hair/Skin Changes.
Hair and skin are particularly vulnerable to thyroid conditions, and in particular, hair loss is frequently associated with thyroid problems. With hypothyroidism, hair frequently becomes brittle, coarse and dry, while breaking off and falling out easily. Skin can become coarse, thick, dry,and scaly. In hypothyroidism, there is often an unusual loss of hair in the outer edge of the eyebrow. With hyperthyroidism, severe hair loss can also occur, and skin can become fragile and thin.

7. Bowel Problems.
Severe or long-term constipation is frequently associated with hypothyroidism, while diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is associated with hyperthyroidism.

6. Menstrual Irregularities and Fertility Problems.
Heavier, more frequent and more painful periods are frequently associated with hypothyroidism, and shorter, lighter or infrequent menstruation can be associated with hyperthyroidism. Infertility can also be associated with undiagnosed thyroid conditions

5. Family History.
If you have a family history of thyroid problems, you are at a higher risk of having a thyroid condition yourself. You may not always be aware of thyroid problems in your family, though, because among older people, it is often referred to as "gland trouble" or "goiter." So pay attention to any discussions of glandular conditions or goiter or weight gain due to "a glandular problem," as these may be indirect ways of referring to thyroid conditions.

4. Cholesterol Issues
High cholesterol, especially when it is not responsive to diet, exercise or cholesterol-lowering medication, can be a sign of undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Unusually low cholesterol levels may be a sign of hyperthyroidism.

3. Depression and Anxiety.
Depression or anxiety — including sudden onset of panic disorder — can be symptoms of thyroid disease. Hypothyroidism is most typically associated with depression, while hyperthyroidism is more commonly associated with anxiety or panic attacks. Depression that does not respond to antidepressants may also be a sign of an undiagnosed thyroid disorder.

2. Weight Changes.
You may be on a low-fat, low-calorie diet with a rigorous exercise program, but are failing to lose or gain any weight. Or you may have joined a diet program or support group, such as Weight Watchers, and you are the only one who isn't losing any weight. Difficulty losing weight can be a sign of hypothyroidism. You may be losing weight while eating the same amount of food as usual — or even losing while eating more than normal. Unexplained weight changes and issues can be signs of both hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

1. Fatigue.
Feeling exhausted when you wake up, feeling as if 8 or 10 hours of sleep a night is insufficient or being unable to function all day without a nap can all be signs of thyroid problems. (With hyperthyroidism, you may also have nighttime insomnia that leaves you exhausted during the day.)
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Wow this was a very comprehensive break down thank you!!

I have known so many people close to me suffer with their weight and watched years of yo-yo diets and extreme body changes.  The one person I knew who had suffered with their weight for over 30 years finally had a gastric bypass... it wasn't until after the procedure that they found out she has an issue with her thyroid.

So yes that is always in the back of my mind now.  What a great post thank you so much!
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No prob! Glad to help :) I'll be staring my detox next week hope this can help me lose a few pounds.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
burnzem what kind of detox are you doing?  I know there are a lot out there so would love to see your method :D
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Hi!im new here can I join your weight loss challeng? Really want to lose a stone or two xx
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I'm trying the alkaline method. it removes the acidic part of the body which cause the fats of our body. so it consists mostly green drinks and green fruits. :)
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Aaliyah_rose you sure can join the challenge, we need all the support we can get :D

Having an alkaline state in your body is very helpful with losing weight.  When I cut coffee out of my diet, I literally lost 4 lbs in one week.  The caffeine did something with my metabolism and it literally never fails if I start drinking coffee again, my weight goes back up.

So always good to pinpoint those triggers.

@ ChitChatNine it depends what carbs I eat.... bread especially white bread or sweets make me bloat up.  It's like the yeast and sugar just reap havoc on my body.
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My culprit is the sweets.. I have weaknes for them that I just can't control. Then I will feel guilty afterwards. I am trying to teach myself to resist temptation. but it is just so hard. I love eating and I just wish we can eat anythign we want without bloating up! But I realized that eating everything is not treating your body. Eating the wrong or unhealthy food is like choking down your body to its death bead. So I have to keep that in mind all the time to stop me from my craving.

@seattlemom2plus caffeine got lots of acids that forms the fats that's why you gain weight when you drink coffe.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
@ burnzem yes thank you for writing that, it's hard to find some good concrete information on that but it is out there.  I was like I don't put sugar and loads of stuff in my coffee why does it affect my weight?  And yes it is the acids in my body, it upsets the balance.

I don't know if you any of you have ever bought the pH strips you can get to test your body's acidity but it is very interesting to monitor.   When I am a vegetarian, eating bean protein, etc.  my body is in a more alkaline state.  When I eat red meats and animal proteins, my pH increases to more acidic.

Granted I will say that for some people they can go on a high protein diet and lose weight, for me for some reason it has an opposite effect, I don't lose anything and I feel horrible.  It just goes to show how all of our bodies can be so different.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Our bodies are designed to detox on their own and unless you have a liver or kidney disease, detox is neither needed nor recommended.  Following is a link to an article by Dr James Beckerman, who is a cardiologist on Med Help, and also is the author of the book "The Flex Diet", which I highly recommend..

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1666434 tn?1325262350
Great link Barb135, thanks for the post.  I always think of the term "detox" in different ways.  When I stop eating lots of sugary things, for me that's a detox because I know for about 3 days I usually will crave it until it's out of my system so to speak.  And perhaps that's just a mental attribute for me, but it works lol

I found this link too that I wanted to share, we have a history in my family of Gall Bladder Disease and this was a diet that specialized in this that I wanted to share for anyone else that might be interested:


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That looks interesting. I haven’t heard of this diet before. Is this the diet that you are using right now? It does seem like it focuses on the problematic area. Thank you for the information.

@barb135 thanks for posting that. The body does have their own detox sytem and they do the job for us. But I think for excessive use meaning too much acids in our body then the sytem will double time in their work and might cause the break down and that is what causes illness. So detox somethimes is just helping the system cleaning up the "trash" we accumulated. That is just how I see it :)
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I use a variation of this and the Fat Smash Diet Phase I--- I hate using the term "diet" I rather tell myself I am just eating differently.  I'm short so every inch of fat that I eat does acquire on my body relatively quickly.  And protein diets bulk me up instead of slimming me down.

What helps me immensely is writing down what I eat or just logging in daily on my computer.  It makes me accountable too for my actions if I have something that isn't on the list.

And I cannot encourage anyone more with experimenting with what works for you--- try different things out and see how your body responds.  What do you feel best eating?  What gives you energy and what doesn't?  Certain foods make me groggy--- pizza would be one of them.  If I have a slice or two of pizza I'm tired.
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I agree! You really need to find that "diet" that would work perfectly for your body. it will all depend on your lifestyle and your body type I guess.

right now I'm there at the experimenting phase on what is the best for me. But i'm leaning towards the alkaline one. It looks promising for me. I want to cleanse my inner body as well. So will try that see if it is goign to work for me.
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