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5'4'and fatttttttt

hi!! im 5'4' and around 130lbs...im fatttt.... i have a 1 year old son....and had lost all the baby weight...i weighed 102 8 months ago until i got the mirena birth control now i feel like im  craving everything.. i have tried dieting but also when i try to diet there is no in between its either i eat nothing or i eat everything.....i just want to be normal and eat healthy!
i dont understand why i am so difficult. its either one or the other..why cant it just be in between like everyone else.
any suggestions would be very helpfull
thanks :)
18 Responses
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o lol i see...i thought that might be what that meant.
i havent been able to exercise since yesterday...im having back problems.
so i also cheated on my "eating healthy plan" and now i feel disapointed...
its ok though, i will get back on track.i agree with barb..,maybe your dads
scale is broken ..
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649848 tn?1534633700
You're doing great!!  Just keep working at it.  The Wii Fit wouldn't tell you you are losing if you weren't.  Remember - the difference between FEELING fat and BEING fat!!  It's important that you don't forget that - ok??  
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362249 tn?1441315018
Pink- lol so sorry i am used to being on the fertility forum dh literally means dear husband but i just say its my hubby!! lol yep thats what i do i say i am not getting any breakfast till i get that workout in!!
Barb-Thnx for the great support!! I am feeling a lil bit fat still my dads scales still say i weigh the same amount and my wii fit always says less and it says when i drop lbs!! It makes me feel im not working hard enough but i know i have had to lose those lbs i have tracked my body feels different my clothes fit different and my hubby says he can see a difference in my appearance!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Exercise helps speed up your metabolism and I have to say, I'm not sure whether it's definitely better to do it in the morning or not.  I get up at 3:30 am because I have to be at work by 6:00 am; I refuse to get up earlier than that to exercise!!  I get home around 3:00 pm and that's when I try to get in my 30 mins.  You can even split up your exercise into 3 - 10 minute sessions if you find it hard to come up with a 30 minute stretch.  What really matters is that you exercise!!  

I'm glad you like the pedometer idea - it works great for me.  In my case, I've had mine on since 4:00 this morning and I've already put on over 1/2 mile, and that's with my 45 minute commute to work!!  It really does add up.  

Keep at girls - you're doing great!!  Just don't forget that "feeling fat is not being fat" and keep it all reasonable in order to avoid damaging your health in other ways.  Don't forget to check in here often.  
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yea i eat when im emo too.... sux about your lights...its good you get to go home soon!
whats a dh? i will exercise 30 mins after i get up then lol sounds like a good idea.....
make myself work for that breakfast!
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362249 tn?1441315018
Glad you are feeling better!! I understand that but when you eat good then you get to say whos in control? me i am! not the food!! I have been having to try even harder as my electric got shut down recently and i been staying with my dad but thursday i get to go home yeah!! 115 is not a bad weight im going for 120 but 115 would be just great!! I weighed 110 when i met my dh but i was going through alot alot of problems and thats why i had dropped low but still when i think about gaining 20-25 lbs since meeting my dh i go woah im getting fat lol!! So that why im trying to lose some lbs! As far as exercising in the mornings well im a not a morning person either but i exercise like 30 mins after i wake up (i have to actually wake up first) whatever time that is lol!! I just do it b4 i eat breakfast though! I have heard thats best and that has seemed to be working for me. So thats my motivation im like i have to exercise or im gonna be starving lol!! Have a great christmas also!!
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hi...its been a couple of weeks since i have posted..thanks so much to all of you for your support. it makes sense...about the way i eat making me feel fat!! i finally get that lol...i
have eatin healthy this past week and i feel healthier, i do need to exercise though.
i will start on that. o and i do need to fix my weight tracker, i got it backwards.

suzi-q , thats great you are doing so well! i am deffinately going to try the south beach diet plan, i looked it up and the food looks delicious.
i do love myself, though i also know i can do better for myself then eating such junk all the time ^-^

im glad you all can relate to how i feel.
gokuangel, thats amazing! i agree with barb, its great you've gotten into a routine.
i think im gonna try for 115, according to the bmi calculator thats still in the "ok" so to speak :). im beginning to think its not about my weight maybe but more about the way i carry myself now, i must admit its a bit harder to fix up now and have me time being that i have a little one running around but still thats no excuse. i could exercise when he naps :).

barb135, thanks! the pedometer idea was truely great...its amazing how many steps we take just in everyday life...i found an exercise channel, its great. helps me feel motivated.
i love sports too, i will deff start doing more physical activities.

o i was wondering too.....do you have to exercise in the morning? everyone tells me to get up at five and do it but really im not a morning person at all..perhaps that would help me get into a routine of waking up earlier.(well 2 hours earlier)(i guess that really could make one feel healthier)

harshly put, but i agree. i need to not whine and do better for myself.

hope you all have a great christmas...i will keep you updated..hopefully you all will do the same =D

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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm glad that you decided to start on a program before you became overweight as it's always easier to handle these things before they get out of hand.  You've done a great job and is sounds like you have started a life style change that you will be able to stick to.  You will even be able to indulge in McDonald's occassionally, just not every day or even every week.  

Now pinky needs to start a program for herself also and come up with a REASONABLE weight goal and get on with it because it isn't going to happen without effort.  As you know the weight and exercise trackers here will help a lot, as will keeping a food journal, etc.  But it has to be her choice.  
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362249 tn?1441315018
And thats what i understand now too that being so thin is not good! and what you are saying about eating right and exercising to not become overweight thats exactly what i am doing or trying to accomplish. i was not overweight but my bmi was .5 from being in the overweight mark and that was not acceptable to me thats i chose to start eating better and exercising and yes it has helped alot i have dropped 5lbs and my bmi went down 1.25 points! Thats great you have been active for so long! i know that my problem i never thought about that or eating i just knew i could stick whatever i wanted in my mouth and i wouldnt gain an ounce but nowdays that just not the case!  I do understand now that watching your eating helps cus i havent even had mcdonalds in almost 2 months and my extra lbs are coming right off!
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649848 tn?1534633700
I understand it too, because I used to be that thin too, but remember being that thin is not healthy and since you aren't even overweight to begin with, there's really not anything to get excited about, except to start eating right and exercising to keep from BECOMING overweight.  I don't know how old either of you is now, but remember the choices you make now are going to affect you the rest of your life, so adopt a healthy life style now and stay with it - you might save yourselves some grief a few years down the road.  Gokuangel - you've been working at it and are on the right track - keep it up.  

I've always been active, but can't help wondering if I'd eaten properly when I was younger maybe I wouldn't have the health problems I have now.  I do know right now that I'd really think I'd made an accomplishment if I could get back to 130 pounds right now and I'm only 5' tall, I eat healthy and exercise daily, plus have a very active job, so I'm sure that if you even just get up and start exercising you won't have trouble losing a few pounds.  Trust me - been there, done that!!!!  
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362249 tn?1441315018
Its like Barb said theres a difference between being fat and feeling fat!! So i totally get what Pinky is saying cus I too used to be that thin and when you are size 1 for a long time and you are all of sudden a size 7 you will FEEL fat!! Thats just how us girls work even if we know we are not truly fat!!
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656309 tn?1224489859
Um, you're not fat. maybe lose 20 lbs.  Your previous weight - 102 at 5'4" is really thin.  Not sure what your deal is... Maybe save the whining for when something truly bad happens.
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362249 tn?1441315018
oh ok yea vegetarian is much different! I need junk food too im an addict thats my problem thats why i buy the 100 calorie packs they have chips, cookies, cakes alot of different choices!! Well the one a day vitamins claim they are not a diet supplement and wont help you lose weight but i did lose like 3lbs in one month just from taking them!
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First, as others above said, you are no way FAT!  I know that you feel fat because you were always so much thinner....however, if you feel that you need to lose some weight, I would like to recommend the South Beach diet plan.  It is a very healthy way of eating.  The first 2 weeks is no carbs..then you slowly reintroduce them into your diet plan.  I was having a very difficult time losing weight, and this diet plan has helped me lose 12 pounds so far.

I suggest making sure you have 3 meals a day...healthy ones...and add exercise to your plan.  Also, remember, after children especially, and as we get older, our bodies do change.  Do not be so hard on yourself and love yourself the way you are!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Wonko is right - the info you gave does not indicate that you are overweight and 102 lbs seems way too thin for your height.  Remember too, there is a huge difference between BEING fat and FEELING fat.  

Most likely you don't feel right because you don't eat healthy and you don't exercise.  Salty snacks, like chips, etc could cause you to retain excess fluid, which could make you feel bloated and heavy.  Gokuangel had some very good suggestions regarding foods that will help satisfy your cravings. She's done wonderful at committing to her own program and is now losing weight, so she definitely has good ideas. The less sugar and simple carbs you consume, the better.  

If you don't eat meat to get protein, try beans, lentils, seeds, dairy (not sure if you do that either since it's animal based) or other things.  You really should do a search for a good vegetarian diet because your body needs all of the food groups in order to be healthy.  You need plenty of protein and fiber because they fill you up faster and since it takes the body longer to break them down, they will help you stay fuller longer.  Also make sure to eat slowly, since I've read that it takes at least 20 minutes for the brain to register that you've had enough to eat.  Last but not least, make sure to drink plenty of water - can be in the form of coffee, unsweet tea, etc, but not sodas, as that's pretty much empty calories.  

As far as exercise, that's essential in order to lose weight as you have to use more calories than you consume or you will only continue to gain.  Since you don't exercise at all now, start out slowly and work up.  Walking is always a good choice - put the baby in the stroller and go for it - he needs fresh air also.  The recommendation is 10,000 steps/day, but start out trying just 2000-3000 and add 500/day.  I always recommend buying an inexpensive pedometer and wear it all day - that way, you will know exactly how far you are going.  Most department stores have pedometers that range in price from just a few dollars that count only steps to very expensive ones that will tell you miles walked, calories used, etc.   Also, there are a lot of good exercise videos you can get that come in handy for cold, rainy days or other times when you just can't get out to walk.  Most don't require a lot of expensive equipment and you can do them while the baby is napping.  And it just wouldn't feel right if I didn't recommend that you check into and try yoga because it's good for stretching muscles and is very relaxing.  Some cable companies even have an exercise channel and some have a separate yoga channel.  

And don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, so when you first start exercising, it may appear that you aren't making progress but you will.  It's a good idea to get out the tape measure and measure your arms, thighs, waist, hips, bust - then you will know what you started at and can mark you progress that way as well as on the scale.  

Good luck and come back regularly - there are a lot of good ideas and lots of support and encouragement to help you get and stay healthy.  

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428506 tn?1296557399
Good morning, Pinky.

Have you noticed that the weight tracker assesses your BMI status?  Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

It's still early where I am, so maybe my math is wrong, but at 5'4" and 130 lbs, your BMI is a little over 22, which is in the normal range.  (Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 BMI.)

Your weight tracker states your BMI status is obese.  At your height, you would have to weight at least 175 lbs to raise your BMI to obese status.  (Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.)

Perhaps you entered in the wrong height?

The BMI status categories are not terms to describe how we feel about ourselves, they are empirical ways to assess how healthful our weight is.  If you FEEL fat, then we're here to support you in eating well and exercising to feel better.  But, based on the info you've given, you are neither fat nor obese.  

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hey! thanks alot!! i dont exercise at all lol...and also its just that my bodies so different from how it used to be....but i see  your doing really good then =) i will deff give it all a shot.. be gettin that bread, i dont eat meat tho so i usually end up substituting it with alot of junk food! which is not good at all...i like the protein from meat just not the fact that im eating an animal...and yea its just gross to me....i need to look up vegetarian diets as well...
o and what does the one a day weight smart vitamins bottle say? 0-)
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362249 tn?1441315018
Hiya and Welcome!! Dont be too harsh you weight is not so bad especially for having a child!! I know the feeling about eating its really hard but start counting your calories then you will realize you can still eat and not go hungry! I use spark people for my counter its really good i have been on both medhelp and there for one month and have lost 6lbs already so im well on my way!! The first week was really hard but i stuck to it and its easy now! What kind of exercise program are you doing? As far as food get low cal stuff i get sara lee bread 2 slices is 90 calories get yogurt that will help look for the carb and sugar control one (i tried this this past week and i lost 1.5lbs!) if you need snack get the 100 cal packs i also get 90 calorie quaker mini delights! if you eat food high in protein that will curb you hunger also tuna and chicken are good also south beach diet wraps are awesome! The other thing i swear by regardless what the bottle say is one a day weight smart vitamins they help you not be hungry and when i took them b4 my weight did stay down!!
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