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767148 tn?1257302551

why cant I lose weight?

Hello all,

Im really frustrated trying to lose 5-10 lbs. I Work out (cardio/pilates) 2 hrs a day. eat lots of fruit and veggies, calorie intake is around 1300, and all for around 3 months now.  I cant seem to lose anything. any ideas why or what I could do for that.
Please help, im concidering surgical options if i cant do this.
28 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
If you don't give your body enough calories, it will think there won't be enough to sustain the vital processes (heart, kidneys, etc), so it will hold onto fat in preparation --- called the "starvation mode" that Ranae referred to.  

I did a quick search for height/weight -- does not take into consideration your age or activity level - and copied it below........

Height                Small Frame              Medium Frame             Large Frame
  5'11"                    135-148                      145-159                      155-176

At 5'11", 140 pound female, it does not appear that you are overweight at all.  Even if you have a small frame, you are right in the middle of the range; for medium/large frame you are actually UNDER weight...........

I'd also like to point out that not all exercise will make you "bulk up" with muscle.  You need a variety of exercise -- as Ranae suggested - pilates, yoga, etc....that's not necessarily to BUILD muscle, but to maintain/tone.....

Good luck........
Helpful - 0
767148 tn?1257302551
Hello again, It really is confusing me, because I always thought if you burn off more calories then you take in you will lose weight, So adding food to my diet really gives me anxiety. Can you explain more on what you think I should do?
Thanks again!
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767148 tn?1257302551

Sorry, Im 23 yr old female.
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579258 tn?1250649343
Hi Penny ..

This is not my profession, but I consider it my honor and privilege to pay forward the kindness and assistance others gave to me.  While I worked in the medical field (not as a professional) I learned all the answers but was never able to implement them.  Personally, it took the love, caring and steadfast friendship of a few caring people to believe in me for me to believe in myself and do the work.  My life was changed forever.

I will be happy to look up the statistics for you, and assume (always afraid to do that) that you are female.  Howeover, I still need your age.  

Will be out till this afternoon but will look for your answer and then get back to you.  Thanks for being an active participant .. (((Hugs)))
Helpful - 0
767148 tn?1257302551
Hello Ranae,

And thank you so much for your time to help me. I really appreciate it, May I ask, Is your profession in this field?
I am Female, 5'11", 140 lbs, and i would say very active-work out 2 hours 5 days a week and 1 hr on the weekend. I Run, do Pilates, and do aerobic and light weight vidoes.
I want to lose 10 lbs, I eat about the same things everyday, but vary the fruits and veggies.
Thanks again!
Helpful - 0
579258 tn?1250649343
Just off the top of my head, you are not eating enough calories so your body is going into starvation mode and holding onto the weight.  

Please send me, either here or in a private message, your height, weight, age, sex (male or female) and activity level ... (sedentary, somewhat active, active, very active).  I'll help you calculate the calories you should be eating to LOSE 1-2 pounds a week.

A good protein will add some calories, but you need some calories (I believe .. will know when we look at your stats).  

To lean out and thin out .. you may want to try yoga, pilates, stretching, resistance bands .. they will not "bulk" you up but help lean your muscles.

Looking forward to hearing from you.  ;)
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