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Can you still get pregnant with endometriosis???

I was just wondering, there is a good chance I have endometriosis. I have had fibroids in the past. Me and hubby trying to get pregnant, can I still get pregnant with endometriosis??? Anyone dealt with this??? It is SO hard, right now, my cousin, my sister-in-law and two of my friends are all expecting. I'm so depressed over this. Please help!!! =( Me and hubby been married almost 7 years (next month). I'm 26, so I was only 19 when I got married and didn't want kids at first. Hubby is 28.  We've been trying for a month or so. But it's discouraging knowing so many who are pregnant now, and not being one of them. I want to be happy for them, but I find myself jealous.  Isn't that HORRIBLE???!!!  My periods have been regular since I've been off the pill for a few months.  So what's the deal?? Also, another question, any tips to help fertility???  And when I do know when I'm ovulating exactly???
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hayz.. ive been married for two years and im nearly 20 i got married when i was 17 n since i was 18 me n husband been TTC but after two yearsnothing i went to a garnecologist who made me take clomiphine before i went to him i was on natural medicine for 2 mnths and with a history of reallly irregular periods my periods started to come normal from taking primrose oil and vitex but after 3 mnths nothing so i went to the garnecologist and he put me on clomiphene or something and when i started on that for 2 mnthss it messsed up my cycle completely i was bleeding non stop for lik over 4 mnths and i stopped taking it and everyone stoppped its been 3 mnths since the bleedin stopped and i stil havnt had a period also i chart my estregeon level with the maybe baby salvia tetser but because of high estregeon levels it always omes up with me in most fertile but i am not does anyone know anything that can restore my periods i dont want to take any drugs i am still taking one tablet vitex and 2 tablets primrose daily .. and we want a baby soooooo baddlllyyy.. i read about fertilaid on the net is it any good?


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We are all in the same boat..........We need to keep the faith and continue to pray......God has perfect timing and I know when the time is right it will happen.....Those of you whom never had a baby like myself know the obstacles with endo and fibroids are like nightmares.......its something we cant control but there is someone who is more powerful.....One of my good friends had Endo and still have it but last year in July was blessed with a little healthy baby boy.....It was a very big surprise........the Dr told her never ever ever would she ever have a baby and it happened to her ............So it can happen just keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pray for one another and try not to be jealous...........it can hinder your blessins.......although hard just keep faithful and if you are not married and asking for a baby maybe God has other plans for you..........Love everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I feel your pain all to well, only I already have 2 girls, ages 8 and 4. I love them with everything in me but I had my first daughter when I was 18. She wasnt planned, her father and I were engaged but split soon after I found out I was Pregnant. About a year after , I found out I that I had endometriosis. I was so young and nieve at the time, I didnt really worry about it, even after they told me I may not have any more children. I was on birth control on and off for a couple of years and then I met my second fiance. we were together for 3 years and never tried for a child, then he cheated on me with my sister and it was over. 10 months later, he decided he wanted me back and I was obviously still just as nieve as I ever was, so I decided to take him back. That lasted all of 2 weeks and it was off again. About 7 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant with my second daughter. Even then I wasnt really comprehending the whole endometriosis thing. My daughter was 1 month old when I finally met the man I now call my husband, the love of my life. We were married 7 months after we met and it has been absolutely perfect except for one thing. Now that I have found that one man I want for the rest of my life, my soulmate and love of my life, I am also finding out that there is very very little chance that I could ever get pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 4 years now with no results and when I say trying, I mean trying. I recently went to my OBGYN and found out that the meds and the scrapings of the uterus and ovaries were no longer working and that the best thing for me would be to get a historectomy. I was told that I would probably not get pregnant again, I was lucky to have gotten pregnant the second time. This has been so so hard for me. My husband wants a child horribly, and I cant give that to him. I have decided that I will continue on with the treatments that I am already recieving and NOT have the historectomy in hopes that one day luck would fall upon us and God would bless us with a child of our own. My husband absolutely loves my girls as his own, but at the end of the day, reality is reality. I am blessed to have my girls but on the other hand, I want a child so bad with the man that I will love for always, the one that I know will never leave me or cheat on me. I want it most of all to fullfil his dreams and each day it seems to slip further away. I will continue to pray as you should too! We will continue to try until we can no longer. The age differences between my daughters is 4 years, my youngest is 4 now, going on 5, so who knows.?.? It may happen.?.? Ill keep the faith!!!!
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I am 21 years old. I know it may sound young to have Endometriosis but it runs in my family. My mother, Grandmother, & Great Grandmother ALL had it. My mother had painful pd's her whole life, then had a misscarriage in her late 20's which lead to a laparoscopy, and LOADS of endo implants being removed, plus she had to have one whole ovary taken out. My grandmother had a grapefruit sized ovarian cyst, internal and external endometriosis on the uterus and ovaries. She had to get EVERYTHING removed by the time she was 39. I am not a hypochondriac but I have been noticing DISTURBING changes in my own cycle and SEVERE pain........ I wanted to post this and see if it sounds familiar to anyone out there who is dealing with Endometriosis. So....here goes... I get very deep rooted aching pain down around my ovaries up to a full week and sometimes more than that before and during my period. I even get a painful bruised feeling on the outside of my vagina during and before my period. This one is kind of embaressing....but I have A LOT of bathroom drips during my pd. SEVERE gas pains and tons of gas and even diarreah sometimes...As of late, my pd's have become increasingly painful, and unpredictable. They are never on track. I get very light spotting for a day or 2....then it will go away altogether for a few days (2-3) and then it comes back VERY thick, clotted and DARK almost black. The whole process from the spotting to the finish can be 8-10 days. I also get instant stabbing pain on my left side in my pelvic region during certain sexual positions...and after sex sometimes too. I am a skincare specialist, and as of late, I've had Hormonal Zone breakouts (along the cheekbones in a downward diagnal toward the jaw) that I have NEVER had before. I also get EXTREME fatigue during my period to the pt where I feel like I am literally drugged and have no control over how much sleep I need. Often times, I get dull aching pain inside when removing a tampon, and I only use the regular sized ones so I don't think it has to do with the size of the tampon. My pains in my pelvic area are mostly consistant and more of an ache, whereas I get pains in my lower back on the left side that are sharp stabbing and sudden pains at random times. Lastly and most odd to me, sometimes when sitting down, I get a very strange sensation of upward pressure in my pelvic area.....as if something is pushing at my insides..........................I know I am young....but I love children.  I worked in childcare for years and my DREAM is to be a mother. I am wondering if there is ANY way to tell how much time I have to have a baby?????? I know endometriosis can make getting pregnant extremely difficult and sometimes impossible, as it did in the case of my mother after she had me. She was young too... so what about me???? Can anyone help out? Any info/suggestions/good doctors you know of? *Meg
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I am 27 and was diagnosed in Nov 2004 with Endo via laparoscopy.  My husband and I tried for 2 years naturally then a fertility specialist did an insemination and 2 invitros and I still could not get pregnant.  That took place over another year.  I was pretty much sure I would not get pregnant, maybe a small possibility with invitro but never naturally.  My husband and I have since divorced but I have been in a relationship for about 3 years now and knowing I could not get pregnant we hadn't been taking precautions for a long time.  Well, my last period I missed but I assumed something was just going on with my endometriosis.  I noticed my stomach was no longer completely flat, but I assumed I had been eating too much so planned to watch how I ate.  We went out of town with his family and while changing I noticed my breasts were a little sore and I said something to him about it.  He said they also look bigger lol.  Well, the thought popped into my head maybe I am pregnant... but after so many years I pushed it aside.  Each day after I kept thinking about it, my stomach hadn't gotten any smaller, and upon return home I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant (now 7 weeks).  Mind you I have not had any treatment whatsoever for my endo other than the one laparoscopy from '04.  I won't say its possible for everyone, all cases are different.  So far for me it has been painful,  I have had cramps everyday since my missed period.  I have also been tired for what seems like atleast 18 hours of the day, I sleep constantly.  But I will consider it worth it even if it lasts 9 months if I can carry it to term.  I say don't give up, but also try not to stress, because maybe once you stop thinking about it it will happen on it's own.
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I am 30 yrs old. I had had pains which i thought was from my period or having sex to hard but i found it to be endo when i was 19/20. I found out after i had an eptopic preganancy which took the doctors like a week to find never the less i wanted to know why after that i hadnt gotten pregnant again so my dr decided to go in and poke around to find out why and thats when she told me. She handed me a pamplett and told me to read up on it. Since then i have asked different doctors opinion and all have basically told me that there is nothin they can do but after reading this forum i have hope.

Thanks to you all!
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