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How Long Do Antibiotics Delay Period?

I was prescribed cipro to treat my UTI a week before my expected period.  I usually feel symptoms a week before hand that my period is on its way.  This did not happen.  In fact, my period never came at all.  It is now a week late.  I started getting period cramps and bloating a few days ago, thinking it was on it's way.  Never happened.  Instead the cramps and bloating just seem to be getting worse by the day.  I am NEVER late.  And there is NOT a chance that I am pregnant.  The only possibility is the antibiotics.  I avoid antibiotics, because I am a real health fanatics, and I know how damaging they can be to our biological systems.  I know many women have experienced late periods from antibiotics.  I'm hoping that someone can tell me their experiences, and how long it took for their period to come.  
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Let us know if you get a real answer.  I would like to know, too.  I started Clindamycin for ten days right when I should have gotten my last period and now I am 3 weeks late (no chance of pregnancy).  I am starting to wonder if I will ever get one again!!!
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Hi im also experiencing this atm...
My last period was sorta late, it was on dec 2nd and lasted until dec 6th (it was late by a week). On the last day of my period i had protected sex with my bf as there was no blood anymore and no cramps.

On the 12th i was unwell with stomach problems and was prescribed a few meds including antibiotics (i thik it was in the week of my estimated ovulation if its not delayed).

On the 26th i had another protected sex and we were really careful, he also pulls out. The next day i had a brown-ish sticky discharge in a very small amount however it appears whenever i go to the toilet(i never had anything like it before so i was freaking out)there was even a clear discharge with blood lining once, this lsted for 2 days, i thought it may be cause of the sex as it was slightly rougher. Since then i had clear/ white thick discharge for the next few days which had me worried.

i had the flu on the 31st and on the 2nd my period didnt come?! I freaked out however im usually late so i waited. Today its been delayed for 13/14 days (which never happens!) And im really worried! I feel slight cramps, headaches, slight nausea, bloatings...but no period. Could i be pregnant? Or is it the antibiotics that may have delayed it?

Im a 25 years old women, my cycle usually is about 32-34days.please help :( i took 4 tests so far, 2 when delayed for a week (neg), 1 when delayed for 10 days (neg), 1 delayed 12 days (neg). I took a blood test ystrday to make sure and still waiting for the results on thursday or friday.... :(
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I just finished my antibiotic from getting a Kidney Infection. My period is 5 days late, usually it wouldn't be late. I highly doubt that I am pregnant because me and my husband are safe with protection. The only other reason I could think of my period being late is from the antibiotic. I'm just waiting for my period to come. If it lasts much longer I will take a test. I've taken many pregnancy tests in the past from pregnancy scares much worse than this, and they've always be negative. Trying to stay positive!
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i had my period on 15th July  and it s 21st August today, and still no period. Instead I have hot flashes and sweat a lot which make it hard to fall asleep as well. That has been going on for a few days now.  I was checking symptoms and what that might be and what is causing it etc..and found out that it could as well be pre menaupause syndroms. But I was a little sceptical about that even though I am 42 ,cause my last period was totally normal and also I had my first period quite late, so I think menaupause or premenaupause will be late as well. I found some other answers as well, but it most likely has something to do with what you all wrote on here. I did have a flu just around my ovulation phase and i took some medication. Now I am not sure if these were antibiotics, not necessarily, it s one of those: day/night nurse things, I do not even think it is an antibiotic. I saw an article wehre it says even a small flue can cause a period being late because it can disrupt a menstrual cycle if it happens around ovulation time. So the cause does not even have to be a medicine, but just a flue. So I am still waiting for my period now. This would be the first time it s late, and I am 42, ok, maybe 2nd time, but never THIS late! My cycle is from 23 to 26 days normally, so this would be 12 days late if I take 26 day cycle....which never EVER happened before. I was a bit comforted by these posts, so I am still waiting for my period.....I am totally healthy, always have been and my menstrual cycle is totally normal, always, always...I ll update the page once I get my period. :) Ok, and no way I am pregnant.
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so i just want to write how this story ended. so the last time i had my period was 10th July and only now, 11th November did I get my next period! So that is 3 missed periods!!! Like I said, the reasons I can think of are: had flu, took some medicine for the flu, I did also have an armpit lump caused by bacterial infection, I had something like hot flashes or cold sweat showers, that lasted a month or even month and a half(as long as the lump). So all in all, a lot of smyptoms and changes during those 3 months that I have never had in my entire life before!!! I was pretty scared, but I didnt go to doctors, because I was sure it was not cancer as I read all the descriptions possible, I knew it was not menaupause or premenopause as it does not come at the age of 42 for the first time! (it is very little possible). And, I also knew I was not pregnant. SO, from everything I read,  it had to do with most probably some hormonal change, or that medicine I took which most probably happened around my ovulation phase so it disrupted it, as well as it had to do with the gland infection (sharp razor and damaged skin)
So I am not sure if this helps anyone, I did have a mixture of things and symptoms I guess....but you should read extensively before you come to a conclusion that it might be a cancer or anything serious.
My period came as normal as ever and on the date it should have come 3 months ago lol. :))
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Hi Dark_Pie, Its way to early to test for pregnancy.. Also if you are not trying to conceive you might want to use an alternative contraceptive method. Even if he is withdrawing the chances of some some sperm entering your body (pre-***) before he releases is still there.  If i were you i would wait another week to see if your period comes, if it has not, test again for pregnancy or go to your doctor but there is a big chance that the medication is to blame..  I was also on some antibiotics and am now 11 days late with a negative pregnancy test. I will wait another 4 days before testing again or going to the doctor if it doesnt come :)  Good luck to you!
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Same here last sepr 10 i got my period then after 2 days i get a colds and flu.We went to the ENT doctor because my concern is my ear. So the doctor gave me CO- amoxiclav 625mg 3 x a day to cure my ears for almost 1 week. But in Oct 1 we had sex with my bf ( widrawal) . In my cycle apps i should get my perion on 7th because usually i get 3 days early. But till now its already 11th still no getting my period. Im so worried.. I do not know if because of the anti biotic
973741 tn?1342342773
Here's the deal, antibiotics don't necessarily delay periods but what you are taking the antibiotics for will.  Sickness, illness, traumatic events (such as surgery) can all delay the period.  good luck
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Yeah no. I've had my issue and just dealt with it for months before going to my Dr where I was prescribed Cipro. All along my period was still on time. 5 days of Cipro and I'm now 2 days late.
Yeah no. I've had my issue and just dealt with it for months before going to my Dr where I was prescribed Cipro. All along my period was still on time. 5 days of Cipro and I'm now 2 days late.
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Hey, girls. I wanted to share my story with you and also explain a few things so that you stop being afraid for unnecessary reasons. I have taken a strong antibiotic for 5 days for a dental problem and my period was late by a week. It came even though my boyfriend and I use no method of contraception at all, except for the days I am ovuating. You need to be careful from not on if the antibiotics are taken exactly in the days you ovulate because it might intervene. Just use a condom until the period comed and it is ok. If you start taking antibiotics after ovulation, the period will just come later, no need to worry. It will mostly come with pains because the effort the body makes to handle all the hormonal chaos caused both by the pills and your period is rather big. My bf and I have been doing this for 3 years and no pregnancy has emerged. You need to know your body very well and trust it, because right now it's going through a lot. Stress might also cause delays, so just relax if you know it's highly unlikely to be prego, drink some hot tea, take a hot bath and relax. Treat yourself well and it will come.
Great day, lovely ones :)
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Is it vepan 500mg?
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Ok so I had my period as I was out of town in Colorado and after just about every period I end up getting a bad UTI or what my clinic says is a bladder infection well I have been taking Cipro for 5 days now and it caused me to have another period any suggestions why
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I had a chest infection at the start of this month and got amoxicillin and steroids for it which I had to take for a week (7th June- 14th June) and my last period was 19th May and it is now 3 days late! I really need it to come now because I am going on holiday at the start of next month and don't really want to have it then. Do you think the tablets would have delayed it ? And when do you think it will come?
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9 days late - took amoxicillian for two weeks for a lung infection just after my last period finished. 3 negative preg test! Hlad i found this thread. Im going crazy. Started my vit c ritual to bring on my period so heres to hoping this vit c works as well as it did last time!!
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Can you please explain the vitamin n c thing?
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I am currently experiencing this. I had a UTI on ovulation day, went on a 7 day anti biotic and now 5 days late. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative, which is aggregating cause my husband and I are trying to conceive. So to delay a period, is to delay ovulation, is to delay conceiving. Not happy!
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I take antibiotics 1week for my.infictions...and my.period starts at 28 and its end at 4 of october this month...but mostly its subtract 4 or 7 days before the last period..im worried about m.period why not come yet..not late but the routine was late...it is from.the antibiotics?pls reply thanks
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I had walking pneumonia earlier this month. The doctor prescribed me Azithromycin and I also had to get a shot in both legs of Rocephin. My period was due on the 20 but it has yet to come on. It came on last month on the 22nd. I am so scared I do not know what to do.Can someone please tell me what is going on
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THANK YOU! I am going through this situation right now and I am freaking out thinking what if i'm pregnant. I'm pretty sure it is the amoxicillin that i was prescribed for my UTI as well.
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Thank YOU for posting this! Really helped me to calm down my nerves. Now that my period finally came I can post my story as well.

I am a 21-year-old healthy woman. Since I got my first period when I was 11, I've always been on time. Sometimes early, but never late. A couple of months ago got diagnosed with UTI and prescribed antibiotics. Before that, I only took antibiotics once in my life which also messed my immune system. I did not want to take them but had to for medical reasons and the pain was unbearable. And of course my period was late. Doctors never said anything about it, so I was worried. I was absolutely sure I wasn't pregnant but I took pregnancy test just in case (which turned out negative, of course). My period came on the 52 day. Like what?
I am sure the antibiotics were the cause because I did not dramatically change my lifestyle or anything prior. I think for me, the period was supposed to start 4 days later after I got the UTI; I guess I kind of just skipped one and went on to another one.
Anyway, I definitely agree with the author, please, avoid antibiotics unless they are absolutely necessary because they do mess up your system.
Get better everyone and believe that your menses will come :)
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So how many days late were you?
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I was on Amoxil for 7 days for a throat infection and my next period was late for four day. When it finally came it was very scanty. I know there is no way i am pregnant
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I finished taking Antibiotics 2 weeks ago and  now i'm 5 days late. Why don't doctors warn their patients before taking them..... I'm so upset.  :(
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SAME HERE! I was on 3 days of Cipro then had 1 shot of rocephin then the next day had two shots of rocephin (3 total) 10 days of Valtrex and 10 days of Clindamycin an had spotting for a day after the antibiotic (by period had just ended 5 days before Meds) an I was suppose to start around 7/11-7/13 and here it is 7/21 and nothing but have had cramps bloating acne break out and yesterday a tad bit of blood wen I wiped so I'm getting worried
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Really if you take antibodic it delay your period
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Hello my gf take r-cin 600 and periods not come on time .. so the r-cin 600 antibiotic is a reason of late periods ?
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I took antibodic tabs around a week before my period and I'm experiencing late periods and around the same time I had sex but I doubt been pregnant can it be the antibodic tabs delay my period?
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Some one help? I started taking Anti biotics for almost 2 weeks now for STD. So far i am feeling good but as my period will be due on the beginning of next month (April around 5th to 7th)  now i start having period feeling like ( started from 28 till now 30 of March) and I was wondering, shouldn't i feel completely cure after 2 weeks on anti biotics??

I read that anti biotic can mess up with the gut and delay period, what about having slight boiling movement up in the belly button and period feeling before the period start in a week

Can anti biotics affect the way my body feel about period??

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Yeah its true.I am also experiencing delayed period because of the antibiotics I took.
June 23 we had a sex with my husband, we used withdrawal. June   24-28 i took cloxacilin because I had an insect bites. My period will be around 26-27-28 but i am  2 days delay! On june 29 i took PT then the result is negative. Am i pregnant or it is just a cause of the antibiotics? Plz answer
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i took Roxin 500mg,for a week on the 17th of February and my period was to start on 3rd march its 11th march today and am still witing.getting the usual signs but still no period,am 9days late and so worried.
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Does your period came? I have the same problem with yours. I took clindamycin on 24th of february for 7 days and my period should be on march 3. and Up until now I still haven't.
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I am on Oxytetracycline and am now 13 days late for my period.... Should I worry or will I get it soon? What's the longest others' have been delayed?
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I am so happy I found this because I was treated for a uti and given amoxicillin a few weeks ago and now my period is 13 days late. I have period symptoms accompanied by dizziness and feeling a bit off but no period. I have taken 5 PT different brands and times but all negative. I was really worried because I have never been this late but now I see this is common.
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I did a surgery. And I took antibiotics for close to a month which resulted to my 5days delayed period!!!!!
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I am undergoing exactly the same thing. My period was supposed to be due on 26th Nov.
the antibiotics have taken a toll on my health and i have never had delayed periods. I hope it will be back to normal and there's nothing to worry. Need to some assurance here.

thank you
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I was on antibiotics for 2 weeks to treat a harmful bacteria in my stomach and I was required to take 4 in the morning and 4 at night. I missed about three days so I had to finish it. Now I am 6 days late and have a yeast infection. I am convinced it is the antibiotics for the simple fact that it is a ridiculous amount for a 16 year old. My mom has accused me of being pregnant but I know for a fact that I am not even without a test. I don't want to take more medication for the infection for the fear of having my period delayed even more. My parents want a confirmation of what is happening but from reading about everyone else and their doctors, I'm sure theyre going to deny it and want millions of tests when they see i'm not pregnant, which is going to be money going out the door. I really hope I get it soon so it could make this nightmare go away.
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