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Ingrown hair scarring on nipples

I get a lot of thick dark hairs around my nipple, many of them ingrown.  I usually try to pluck out as many as possible, but many of them are hard to get rid of.  I have caused lots of scarring around my areolas trying to get to the ingrowns.  Is there anything I can do to get rid of this scarring, and prevent all these ingrowns.  It's very embarassing, and at times I cry myself to sleep because I am so self-conscious about all the markings around my areolas.  I would appreciate any help.  Thank You.
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PLEASE READ!!!!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HAIRY WOMEN. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING IRREGULAR HAIR GROWTH CONTACT AN ENDOCRONOLGIST TO CHECK YOUR HORMONE LEVELS. Hi ladies I know exactly where all of you are cominng from, I could give hugs to all of you. Five years ago my hair became dry and brittle. I started growing hair around my nipples and excessive hair around the area of my chin. I too was embaressed to admitt i had facial hair. I invested in all types of make up to cover the shadow after I shaved through out the day.  The made up would disguised the problem I hated. Maybe about 2 years ago I began to have mild acne, my periods were irregular and my weight began to fluctuate. I thought I was going thru an ugly duckling stage. A month ago I began to google all of these symptoms which in turn led to a 48 hr research session using you tube as well. I found out that I had sometype of hormone problem, and most likely pcos. I was relieved to find an anwser to the issue. I have scheduled to see an reproductive endocronoligist, these specialist will diagnose and treat this condition. As far as the irregular hair growth do not fall for laser hair removal, the unwanted hair will grow back within a year or so. The only way to permantly get rid of unwanted hair is electroylsis. The endocronolgist will prescrible medication that will regulate your testotrone and dht levels to prevent further hair growth, The only solution to unwanted hair is hormone therapy and electrolysis. Some of you may expierence all of these symptoms some may expierence 1. However even though these symptoms may say come they fall under the problem of Insulence resistence or a hormonal problem. My name is Chelsey. Let me know if there are any questions because there is so much more to this condition. Educate yourselves !
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I am sooo relieved that there are other women who have the same problem as me! I have some nipple hair and hair on my chin.  Right now I am trying so hard to Not pick at the ingrown hairs and let them come in naturally but it is hard and a lot of time they don't come out and have grown sideways!  Now I have scarring around my nipples and desperately want to get rid of them or fade them. Someone please reccomend a product for the scars! Awhile ago I was told to try this product called TEND SKIN for the ingrown hairs.  I purchased it from Amazon.com and it helps but it has some alcohol in it and dry out the skin not to mention it stings a little.
I am embarassed whenever my husband sees my breasts and would die if anyone else saw (like a doctor...etc.).  I feel like a freak however not so much after reading all of your comments. Thank you for sharing!
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I am sooo relieved that there are other women who have the same problem as me! I have some nipple hair and hair on my chin.  Right now I am trying so hard to Not pick at the ingrown hairs and let them come in naturally but it is hard and a lot of time they don't come out and have grown sideways!  Now I have scarring around my nipples and desperately want to get rid of them or fade them. Someone please reccomend a product for the scars! Awhile ago I was told to try this product called TEND SKIN for the ingrown hairs.  I purchased it from Amazon.com and it helps but it has some alcohol in it and dry out the skin not to mention it stings a little.
I am embarassed whenever my husband sees my breasts and would die if anyone else saw (like a doctor...etc.).  I feel like a freak however not so much after reading all of your comments. Thank you for sharing!
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Just writing to say that, like everyone else, I have hair growing around my nipples and have since I was about 14.  And for the record, from past experience, guys absolutely do not notice (even if you're feeling your worst)...they're too happy with the idea of breasts, no matter what they look like!  
But nevertheless, I completely understand that it does a number on self-image, so what I wholeheartedly recommend is ELECTROLYSIS...I started getting it done on my breasts this past summer, and although the hair has not completely cleared up, it has thinned out and is almost gone.  Electrolysis is sort of pricey...about $50 for a half hour session (which is how long I usually go for), but it is the only guaranteed permanent hair removal!  So hang in there everyone...You are all beautiful!
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I can relate girl, it's wonderful, but yes hard at times. WHat it good though, is communication. If this forum was never here, we'd think we were weirdos and think it only happened to us. Although, it doesn't take the problem away, it does make one feel better, because, we're not the only ones. TV and magazines only show what they think we want to see, but the truth is, we want to see what's real damn it. Show fat girls with stretch marks and woman with hairy boobies, this is fact.
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I'm not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're just some normal hairy woman beast that's all.
I've always been embarrassed when my husband would want to see my boobies because of the dark scaring around my chichis, do to the hair. Why don't the bisshes in the movies have this, damn it! I felt like I was the only one, but obviously I'm not. I'm 28 and have had a few dark hairs around my chichis for about 10 yrs. And well all I do is pluck um, like everyone else on here does. I would never consider shaving because the other thinner hair on my tatas would grow back thicker, so I just pluck. I only have about 3-5 on each boobie, and they always come back. I hate it. LIke most of you, some come back in-grown and well I have to get a needle and pick it out. When I do, I examine it like If I was a scientist..LOL I'm like, "WOW, this came out my boobie" not cool, but hey we just have to live with what we got. I would love to learn of some kind of ointment or something we can put on to minamize the scarring or just to plain and simply remove the hair permanatly. For now though, what we need to do is just be patient and let the in-grown hair come out by itself. I myself can't wait to get it out so I too sqeeze the suckers out and also sometimes get a little puss. So gross, but it's the truth. For now, I'll continue to pluck the little suckers out until I find a cure. It's true, things can be a lot worse. Thank you all for sharing your hairy stories. Now, back to my plucking! :)
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