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Ingrown hair scarring on nipples

I get a lot of thick dark hairs around my nipple, many of them ingrown.  I usually try to pluck out as many as possible, but many of them are hard to get rid of.  I have caused lots of scarring around my areolas trying to get to the ingrowns.  Is there anything I can do to get rid of this scarring, and prevent all these ingrowns.  It's very embarassing, and at times I cry myself to sleep because I am so self-conscious about all the markings around my areolas.  I would appreciate any help.  Thank You.
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1142948 tn?1261156747
Hey, I know what you mean. My husband and I while dating said we wouldn't fool around either and could hide it then. Although, we did give into temptation every now and then- but then we made a covenant to stop until married . . . that's a whole different story for another day. I wondered what I would do when were married. I tried to hide it for a while. I would move around in the shower to avoid him seeing it. It's actually caused a decrease in my body image and sex life. I've been embarrassed about it in the bed because I don't want him to be grossed out or turned off. I couldn't hide my little secret for too long though. Living with someone, all things come out of the dark before too long, and of course, he now knows! He wasn't grossed out like I thought he would be. He thought it was normal for women to have this actually. That was a huge relief to me! WOW! Of course, he still wants to make love with me and he still likes my body and specifically my breasts. Men are just different creatures like that. I think we live in a culture where hairless women is the ideal, but it's not really realistic if we stop and think about it. It must be there for some reason. Although, I do say I feel more sexy being hairless, I am becoming more comfortable with my hairs- even when they're in odd places. It makes me human, and it feels good that I don't have to live in pressure to be the picture perfect woman I think I need/want to be at times. It's tough yet wonderful being a woman, isn't it? Can anyone relate?
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Holy cow! It is SUCH a relief to know that I am not alone!! Thank you so so much for having the guts to google it, and post about it. It took me 2 years to get up the guts to type in the words. I have felt so gross and so embarrassed for so long and it is an amazing relief to know that I am not alone. I am 20 and started noticing the hairs 2 years ago. My boyfriend of 3 years and I promised that we wouldn't fool around or anything until after we get married so he has no idea about it and with the wedding approaching, I've been getting more and more panicked ... but now I don't need to so THANK YOU!!!
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i'm so glad other people have the same problem as me. for me at first i just had sparce hairs around my nipples so i started plucking. then the hair grew back thicker and adding a few more. which then turned into more plucking, which created ingrown hairs that when i try to squeeze to get rid of them, i only make my problems worse and sometimes cause what i think will result in scarring. i'm only 17 and i don't want this to continue to be a problem forever. now that i know im not the only one, i feel way better and will NOT being plucking anymore. good luck to you all
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i can't believe there are so many other people out there with the same issue! i have scars on my breast and chest area and it's so unsightly and embarrassing, yet i continue to obsessively pluck at the hairs. i wear concealer over my chest but i still feel scared and embarrassed to be intimate with men and i worry that i'll never be in a real relationship because eventually they would have to see what i really look like. i cant afford expensive treatments and nothing seems to help. i'm just glad to know i'm not alone.
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I am 30 and have been dealing with the entire escalade of dark hair, thick, painful, ugly, etc... issues. I agree with taking a shower then plucking. I was also diagnosed with cystic ovaries. I have some cysts that are larger (2 x's the size, in fact) than my ovaries. I have small dark, thick, embarassing hairs on chin as well, stomach, and back. Stomach and back hairs are not quite as dark and bad. However, I do not pluck and NEVER shave them!

I knew this was common for other woman, but never knew it was this common. I did not think for a second that I was the ONLY one in the world with these symptoms either, however, I am so greatful I found a place to share my common embarassments! I have lived with these issues since my early period years (13)!!! Now at 30, I finally found a place to exchange common things. Please get tested for cancer, ovarian cysts, etc... Please take charge of your life early enough, before it's too late!
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     WOW!  I did not realize how many women have the same problem as I do.  I'm 33 yrs. young and I started growing hair on my chin at the age of around 21 but, for those of you ladies who only get hair around your nipples well, then you are very lucky because I get thick black course hairs on my butt, full grown beard, a mustache , and on my chest .  

My legs have more hair than my husband and any boyfriend I have ever had,  a happy trail and of course my nipples,  and now there are new hairs growing on my face around the jaw area and side burns and behind my arms.

I have what some ladies here have which, is Polycystic Ovary Symdrom, which basically means my ovaries over produce male hormones ( testosterone) .  It runs on my Mom's side of the family , even though my mom was hairless I guess she passed the genes on to me.  

I was also self conscious about it for a really long time but, as I have got older I realized that men don't even care and even the ones that say something mean about it  , it's really your personality that makes them like or love you.  Now,  that I realize that men don't lose interest in you because of a hair problem , I have been 100% okay with it, I even joke about with friends we laugh roll on the floor laughing,  and I've learned to live with it and just deal with it the best way I can.  Men still find me attractive and not one has ever dumped or become less intrested in me over it.  

Two of my best friends who are guys, tell me that when I shave my beard they can't even see it and believe me it is thick !!!!!!  Maybe I'll post a picture one of these days, a before and after, seriously .

If you have a alot of hair on you legs, wax it,  is the best way, you won't see hairs for weeks or even months !  I had my first waxing at a spa salon which cost me about $30 to $60 bucks so, I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and bought a wax machine that costs around $35.00 and the honey wax and the cloths .   Did it at home and I've been waxing myself ever since with amazing results .  The machine will last you forever , all you need to keep buying is the cloth and the wax which, will last for about 7 or more sessions.  also, trimming the hairs on the stomach area and bleaching like someone else said , is the best way and you won't get ingrown hairs there, that's what I do in that area.  


When my guy friend and I are about to go out ,he tells me not to forget to shave my beard which by the way cracks me up , so, I tell him not to forget to put the bag over his head cuz he looks like an arangatang ;-P

Thanks for all the good tips too ;-)

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