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Shooting pain through vagina and anus

I have sharp shooting pains through my vagina and anal area.  They only last a few seconds.  The build and peak like labor pains.  Say I'm in the kitchen and I'll feel it coming on so I have time to brace myself.  I'll set down whatever it is i'm holding and get ready.  I have to cross my legs, bend my knees, hold on to something, clench my body tight, and try to breathe.  Thank God it only lasts a few seconds.  My 14 yr. old son witnessed it yesterday and tried to call 911.  I kept signaling him not to.  I knew it wouldn't last long.  My gyno. didn't understand me when I tried to explain it to her.  What is going on?  Has anyone else experienced this kind of unbearable pain?  If the pain lasted even a min. I feel like I would just pass out and die from the pain. Honestly, it's worst than labor pains.  I never know when it's going to occur.  And when it does happend, I have to be standing to get through it, I can't be sitting.  I've also noticed that after the pain passes I'm out of breath and dizzy.  What is going on?  What should I be tested for?  Also, I've had a stabbing pain on my right side of my stomach under my rig cage.  It seems to move around the area.  Cannot take a deep breath in or yawn without tremendous pain.  Does anyone have an idea about what that could be?  Thankyou ahead of time to those who respond to my questions.
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I have no idea where to post a question but I need help, I’m almost 18 and for well over a year I have been experiencing extreme pain down below after sex and before, it’s hard to explain the pain but it’s like I have a water infection and when you have this infection when you go for a a wee it really stings it’s about 5 times worse than that but it stays like that for around an hour, my partner isn’t big I have been asked that but no that’s not it, whilst it goes in it hurts a lot too but I don’t understand how, also it’s not just during this that it hurts, I could wake up in the middle of the night with massive shooting pains which make me want to cry they’re so bad, I’ve tried sleeping wearing nothing as I thought it may be this but I wear very loose fitted knickers, I’ve visited a doctor and been to the hospital but they say there is nothing wrong with me, I want to be reassured as I know there is something wrong, but you can’t always see the problem, I’ve been told it’s in my head but it’s gotten to the point I don’t want to do anything with my partner anymore because the pain is so bad.
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I would get a second opinion if I were you. I had the same pains and it turned out to be a large fibroid that’s putting pressure on my bladder/anal canal. Sometimes fibroids can also put pressure on arteries and that causes shooting pains to other parts of the body like legs and for me my left abdominal area. It could be this or something else but you definitely want to look into it and not listen to one of the “idk” doctors
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I also have pains in my vagina, anus, stomach and lower back where my kidney would be.  They pains feel like labor and sometimes last for an hour at a time.  I am in suboxone which makes you constipated and I believe that may be what is causing the cramping problem. However this past week I started taking laxative to help pass stool which has been hard to pass and has often times cut my any on the way out.  The laxative has made me go just a little at a time a few times this past week however they also cause me stomach pain so I only took two every other day.  I worry that I may have pelvic inflammatory disease but I believe that gas built up from constipation is much more likely the cause. If anyone can provide more information on this matter I would be interested in hearing it
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i thought i was the only one experiencing this.... its like a sharp knife being cut through from my vagina to my *** and i cant even breathe like i really have to close my eyes and hold on to something... huhuhuhuhu
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I too have the sharp pains in my rectum mostly around my period! I have IBS and i have been researching like crazy! i have found a lot of forums on IBS where the people who have IBS have this same symptom. I believe it is the IBS that causes this.
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I had this issue several years ago, turned out I had an anal fissure! Horrible problem (and embarrassing) but I was referred to a GI surgeon who was able to eat it to heal without surgery.
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Even I am experiencing this nasty thing. I am not even sure if I should consult a gastro specialist or a gyn. May be gases makes it worse. Although one thing brings immediate relief is pressing your perenial hard.
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I am experiencing painful sharp stabbing pains through my vagina an rectum area follow through with a  an dull pain in my abdomen.. been a week now every morning this happens after i pee. I have to brace myseld the pain is so intence i dont know why this is happening please help if anyone knows why??
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Hi I too experience what feels like labour pains but it is shooting pains that go from vagina/anal area right up to my tummy. I was driving the other day when it happened and it was awful. Not really  noticed that it ties in with periods as it seems so random   Went to Doctor today about heavy periods and mentioned it and am being sent for an ultrasound. Feeling quite nervous
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“I’m experiencing the same pain right now! I am also on my Menstrual cycle(2nd) day! ,I’ve experience this pain about 6 to 7 times so far, The Shooting pain hurts so bad that I found myself screaming while clutching my buttocks and getting ready for the pain to pass that last from a few seconds to a min long . It feels like I’m very  constipated  With gas - The pain shoots Thur my abdominal and anus also my stomach at the same time . The pain feels like labor pains + electric shocks also feels like a knife is trying to come out your anus . But your really constipated . I always experienced the pain when I’m on my period . I also noticed when I eat greasy foods around my period the pain pops ,because I don’t drink a lot of water . Poor diet also I have gallstones and my bowl movements are not regular. I believe I need to change my diet and stay away from greasy foods .  I drunk so coffee and had a bowl movement twice I feel better now and the pain has gone away. I wouldn’t wish the pain on my worst enemy. That’s how bad it hurts. You get dizzy as well too! I thought I was developing cancer . That’s how bad the pain was . I hope changing my diet helps my bypass this pain during my period.
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I am 15 years old and I have those sharp shooting pains in these places and I do the same thing have to brace myself for it, it happened to me just today, twice. Please help, should I see a doctor? It is excruciating pain and yes it only last about 10 seconds or so. What is going on? My parents keep telling me it is just cramps and stuff but this pain is more severe.
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I've been experiencing the same thing. Just last week it last 5 whole days constant. My gyno did a full exam and said he thought it was muscle spasm or torn muscle so he gave me a muscle relaxer. That didn't help. So after the 5 days I started my period and the pain wasn't there. I'll explain my pain (it's a sharp stabbing pain it feels like it right inside the vagina or anal area and sometimes in the lips of vagina. It does only last a minute. But also hurts to sit normal and push to go on toilet.) The 5 days straight is the longest it's ever went. But today the pain is back but only when I'm on the toilet. I hate going to the dr. cause they make me feel as if I'm making it up and that nothing's wrong when clearly something's not right.
Not sure why all those numbers and, & signs are in my comment either. Weird!
I am the same way. I have these shady stabbing/piercing pains on the same areas, and it's usually on my period. Very rarely I've had them while not menstrating. I can feel them comin and just have to prepare myself for them, clench my fists, and I end up digging my nails into the palms of my hands. Nothing stops it and I've had this for every period enough times that I'm aware of them and "used" to them. I also have terrible cramps and will soon be doing a sonogram to see what going on. During the summer I had such excruciating pains on either side of my abdomen that I would have to lay down and just wait. I had heat packs and pills but nothing stopped it. On these days I wouldn't leave my house because I physically couldn't. I'm only 15 and all this pain I experience is rather normal for me but the pain just gets worse. I used to be able to take cramp pills and then I'd be fine to go about my day, but now they rarely work.
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I can't believe this is a 7 yrs old thread and no real answer, let alone remedy, has been brought to light. There are a list of things this could be - from IBM to Mittelschmerz (as last person to comment stated she had). I, personally have been diagnosed with Ovarian Cysts, PCOS, IBS, Chrones Disease, PID and more. However, it's always a different diagnosis with each new doctor and new medications with each new diagnosis and NOTHING has worked yet. However, my new doctor suspects it may be spasms of an organ or muscle in the pelvic area. Being it was just a quick conversation about a possible diagnosis, I can't remember the exact name of the condition - I'must so near giving up on a remedy and diagnosis that I only partially pay attention to the doctors anymore. This is the 8th gynecologist I've been to seeking answers. She's working with an endocrinologist on my case. When I get home I'll look through the medical papers for the name of the syndrome and post it up here.
Ladies, good luck with getting a remedy and God Bless. My heart goes out to all of you. I understand the pain your going through and you will all be in my prayers and thoughts.
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I too suffer terribly with this. It's known as Mittelschmerz. My doctor prescribes me Naprozen. Hope this helps.
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The past few days I have  shooting pains but its like the pain is constantly there and then every so often It goes and then comes back , its very uncomfortable and its nothing to do with my period ,has this happened to anyone ??
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Your absolutely correct about the doctors not responding to this problem.  I was having that pain as well I was trying to find a solution online hoping I can get an answer before I go and see a doctor and they can't find the answer to my problem then wasting my money to pay them even if you have insurance there the copay part you have to fork out.  Sometime I wonder what are doctors really for?  When they can't help us in finding a cure for our pain. They make all that money for nothing.  It is frustrating sometime.
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I have this issue after endometrosis, hysterectomy with ovary and tube removal. It was an emergency surgery and I was in icu after with severe sepsis. Now I have rheumatoid arthritis. After all the trauma my body has been through I discovered a pelvic floor therapist in my area. She says I have tight pelvic floor muscles due to all the trauma my abdomen has been through. I have push out exercises I have to do at home and at my appointments she gives my pelvic muscles stimulation through an "electronic tampon" is how I describe it. She also uses warm ultrasound to push into my tummy area to help break up scar tissue. I can say I feel a difference. I haven't been going that long so I do still have these sharp pains as you've described. But I am very optimistic about the treatment.
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I have the same thing did you ever find out what this was it only comes during my period time
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I have got these pains for years and yes, it stops me in my tracks and its quick.  Sometime a couple stabs at a time.  And then it passes and I breathe again.  I've never understood what it is.  It's like a flash of lightening strikes up the front or back.  I can't related it to anything, ever.  But the facial expression I get, when I'm with people that will ask what's wrong.  But you freeze in that moment of pain.  I have yet to figure out what that is.  
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Not sure why it posted with all the astricts ...  I wasn't swearing.  Hmmmm.  Hope you can still read it.
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I just got this just after intercourse. At first it felt like my uterus balled up (I have 8 kids) even though I didnt climax-but then I got sharp hot shooting pains in my breast and down my abdomen into the vaginal muscles. Felt a lot like sharp gas pains only in the vaginal muscles and up my abdomen. My cervix felt like it was being torn open almost like I was forcably dilating. Im not pregnant and had my period first week of this month. I have bad ovulation pain and this is NOT that. I worry about fibroids or endo with pains like this. Im in a hot bath but theyre still there just not as intense. It's so awful!
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I have this too! It never happened to me until my 30s and its awful.  It feels like an intense pressure, kind of like labor pain, and lasts about 5 minutes for me.  I literally will crumble to the floor in a fetal type position, clenching my body and forcing myself to breath.  I had it happen in the car before and that was awful.  It comes before my period, sometimes during, and occasionally during ovulation.  I wonder what it is.
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I need help as well I've been having these pains for about 24 hours I get really dizzy as well.   Pain pills won't even stop it.   And I'm pospardom of a c section 6 months and have ovarian cyst help
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I have the same pain, but its usually pre-menstrual.  I always thought it was ovulation.  It feels like a knife stabbing through me and only last briefly...but it does not go unnoticed.
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Still no diagnosis?
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sounds like it might be Proctaglia Fugax.  google it.  I would recommend you see a gastoenterologist to rule out other health problems.
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i still cant believe everyone has different experiences similar to hers with no remedy or actuality as to what it is and its 2018 hah. i have these pains in my vagina or in that area some times it starts there and moves to the anus and this happens when im on my period sometimes after. sometimes it hurts while trying to push stool out and im so scared to consult a doctor at 15 idk y.
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I joined a few facebook groups with keyword being pudendal. And from what I am gathering a lot of people with this pain have pudendal neuralgia, pudendal neuropathy, pudendal entrapement and levator ani. Many gynecologists don't know what these are but I had to bring in a few links to web pages and printouts from pudendal neuralgia pages and it educated my dr and they are now trying to get with other experts to try and get me a diagnosis and some help. I have high hopes that I will oneday have some type of relief.
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