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Yeast Infection lesions

I've been dealing with with this problem for about a year now, first off I'm a virgin I'm 16. I've had one cold sore in my life. While I was taking a shower I touched my cold sore, then by mistake touched my genital, but water did touch my finger. I'm just saying this because maybe it's a factor. Well around my period, I my vagina mostly my labias get very itchy and white discharge come out, and it smells very yeast. Also there's this patch of red skin from the end of my vagina to the beginning of my anus that's always been there it never really heals. I also get these red patches on my labia minora but it's towards the bottom, when I itch it it become raised and irritated but then it goes away once I stop. The area isn't very itchy but itches sometimes. It isn't painful and when I pee it's a little discomfortable but I don't know if I'm being paranoid. The area doesn't really heal, it's just there. I'm really scared please answer. I'm assuming it's just a yeast infection that's never been treated because I've never went to the doctor for this problem. I don't think it's herpes because I don't experience pain and the itching isn't so severe there are no ulcers just lesions and little tiny bumps that you can't really see unless you pull the skin back, there is little liquid coming out but I think that's just from scratching, please help I'm desperate for answers.
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I used it when the rash bothered me. Yeah I used it until the rash disappeared. Humm maybe you are allergic to the soap that you are using... Try using a sensitive soap that might help with the boils. they could also be infected hair glands. Yeah try not to pop them, you could be spreading the bacterial to the other hair follicles if it's bacteria that's causing it.
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It's okay, so did you use the hydrocortisone until it was gone?
And I also get these boil like pimples. They don't hurt or itch. I usually pop them(I know I shouldn't) and white pus come out then blood. It usually shrinks and sometimes I can pull the scab off but it's still looks like a pimple after I do that. What can I do to get rid of these?
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Yeah the pimple like bump seems normal especially since it is healing quickly.

The rash just went way on it's own. I used a little hydrocortisone on the out side until the rash was completely gone.  

Sorry for the delayed reply. Hope things are better!
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What did you use for the rash I got rid of the yeast but I still have a rash
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It look like how when you have a pimple and you ripe the scab off. Its actually healing quick though
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It look like how when you have a pimple and you ripe the scab off. Its actually healing quick though
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Is it normal for a blister/bump to pop on its own after 3 weeks?
And is it normal that it's an open sore?
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Thanks :)
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Could be a boil too. But yeah it's most likely due to irritation. A lot of irritating things happen down there when you have an untreated yeast infection.
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The bump came with my period I think it was because of so much irritation. At first it was asmall bump. I looked like something was in the middle it didn't bother me at all I didn't even notice it. It was like that for 3 weeks. Then I tired to pop it again but nothing came out so I left it. The bump would sometimes shrink(it would get smaller than it's normal size) I went to inspect my area with a mirror and I think it just popped by itself but it bleed soon much I had to keep dabbing it with a paper towel. When the bleeding kinda stop it looked like the skin was token off the bump. It didn't really hurt but it did a little. I think the skin must of peeled off by itself.  I put  some alcohol on it and put a bandaid over it. It doesn't really hurt.
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Your welcome. I know how stressful this all is, and I'm happy to help someone who is going through the same thing that I went through. If the bump has been there for 3 weeks and pus came out when you popped it, It's probably either a pimple, an ingrown hair or an infected hair follicle. I've had single bumps in the public area and for me it's always been an ingrown hair so I always make it a point to catch the ingrown hair early before it became a bump. If you don't shave then it's probably a pimple, you can get those there and since you have yeast that could be the reason why, that hair follicle may have got clogged.
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I also had this bump on my pubic are next to my lit, it's been there for about 3 weeks at first I tired popping it and a little bit of pus came out, the it closed back up, today it popped by itself and a lot of blood came out it kind of looked like a blister..
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THIS IS LITERALLY THE SAME EXACT THING THAT HAS BEEN HAPPING TO ME!!! I'm really thankful that you are giving me advice. I feel so blessed! I'm probably going to go to the doctor soon. The anxiety was the worst definitely. Again thank you so much you really have helped me :)
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It only flared up when I scratched. My yeast infection didn't want to leave so I would get it treated then after at most a week it would come back. Honestly I think that you have a yeast infection and vaginitis which is basically what I had. Try to calm down, your dr may even prescribe something for your anxiety. Calming down is key. And trust me I know how hard that is. I had so many people telling me to calm down but it's easier said than done.
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Well I was itchy all over but yeah I would scratch on a specific area and it got all red and irritated. I went to planned parebthood and had a dr there look at it, she said that it's from me scratching it constantly she assured me that it was caused by the yeast. You may have a hard time getting rid of the yeast since it's been untreated for so long. There are yeast infection medications at the store near the condom section but honestly I recommend that you go to a dr and tell your dr that it's been untreated for a long time. The dr will put you on some pills that is stronger than the creams that you can get at the store.
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Was it always in the same spot ?
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Was it always there and sometimes just flared up?
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You literally are describing me, I've been stressing anxiety you name it. I sometimes even cry !
I think I have theses tiny lesions on my skin from scratching so much that the skin just got so raw and irritated. It never goes away and becomes worst after or before my period is when I really notice it. It isn't really visible at all. But once I start itching it becomes raised and little bumps like hives show up. In the morning I wake up with so much discharge dried on my my labia.
What are some things you used to treat it?
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I was itchy all over. I was red and raw in the area below my cliroris, it hurt to pee. It was like that for a long time. Finally that area healed after I stopped scratching and got treated. But the next week the damn yeast came back! I had milky white discharge at one point. I also had chunky white discharge. Towards the end my vagina started feeling really hot, I would put a nice pack near it to relieve the pain. I was also told to bathe with baking soda it really helped for a while.
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One thing that I learned from my horrible yeast infection experience is that stressing only makes it worse. I started drinking St. John's wort tea it help with my anxiety. I was a wreck I would cry out of no where. Once I started to calm down, I felt lightly better. But you also need to get this medical treatment for the yeast. Oh and there is this other condition of the vagina that gives all sorts of problems similar to your issues, it's called vaginitis
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Hi I'm 26. I had the exact mind set as you when I was going through girly problems! I thought that since I wasn't careful before and I had touched the cold sore in the shower as well then cleaned myself that I could have passed it to myself. I was freaking out really badly about it. But the good news is it is almost impossible to get it that way because your body has the antibodies already. Also the cold sore virus won't last for months. If you have been suffering for months it is definitely not the virus. Again it sounds more like a yeast infection that was never treated.
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How old are you? I'm still kind of scared because of the shower cold sore thing. I touched the cold sore but it was wet from water and my finger was also wet and I went to touch my genital (not thinking I know I'm dumb) but I think even more water hit my finger. This may seem stupid but I'm just so scared please reply back
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Thank you so much, you have no idea how thankful I am that I'm not the only one ! Did the area not really heal for you too? Did it flare up sometimes and go away? How did your discharge look like?
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Oh and don't work about it being herpes type 1. I had the same scare!! I was assured many times that it was not the cold sore virus! Check out my 2011 posts. I had a bad yeast infection. I was really stressed out about it and that only made it worse.
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