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Pregnancy Symptoms but tests negative

I am having some symptoms of being pregnant(weight gain, breast swelling and tenderness, mood swings) but I have taken several tests that show negative.  Also, for the last 2 months my periods have been at least 4 days late and really light, and I am having discharge throughout the month.  I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 3 years ago, but since my surgery none of the dr's have been concerned.  I did have abnormal cells show up on a pap, but the biopsy turned out ok.  I'm not sure what the problem is, and I have sceduled an appt, but is there anything I can do until then?
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Hello I am a bit nervous writing this but my period is due in 3 days and I'm experiencing extremely tender breast, frequent urination, mild lower cramps, on and off heartburn, and I'm finding myself taking evening naps around 6-7 o'clock pm. The worst part of it all for the past week I cannot sleep at night. I have taken 4 Pregnancy Test (first response) and they are all negative- I have two other daughters and from my past experience whenever I feel this way I'm pregnant. But the test are negative and worst case of it all I have been so emotional. Can someone please give me some advice.
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Iknow this is very old post dout any1 will write back but my last period was the 27th of aguest only lasted 3 days and wasnt heavy atall now i have completly missed my period and its now 10 october with no sign of coming on i got sore boobs my nipples are dark belly is hard constantly peeing always tired feeling sick all the time eveething smells strong increase of dishcarge..... i took 3 test all negative had bloods and wee negative to but when i went to the doctors he was conviced it was to early to do any of the test that was last week he sed to come back in 2 weeks with it next week but took test yesturday n was still negative but cud it stil be to early i test at 2 weeks on my first q
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That sounds like when I was pregnant. I had sore breasts and was puking constantly & was very tired. I took tests and they were negative but I was convinced for like a month I was pregnant but they just kept coming back negative so I just shrugged it off thinking I wasn't because I got a heavy period but it only lasted 3 days and then about a week after that I took a test just curiously because my breasts were EXTREMELY sore then and it came back positive. A blood test is usually very accurate but it could of been too early if your levels were low. Good luck though! & congrats if you turn out to be :)
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hello frnds
home pregnency test10days after sex is accurate or not ?
i had protected sex on 14th nov but she having symptoms of pregnench i.e stomoch paining from last 10days, feeling like voniting, headache. we took hone oregnency test 10days after sex (25th nov) but it came out negitive ? i am wondoring that test was accurate or not. is she is pregnent
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I am 24 years old, i have a male child 8 years ago but for the last 4 months, i have missed my period i am tommy is growing everyday but to my suprised, the utrasound test, BLOOD test comes negative, but i can feel movement in my belly and my belly is having a  dark light spot, i dnt know what to do again, i am totally confused.
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I am 24 years old, i have a male child 8 years ago but for the last 4 months, i have missed my period i am tommy is growing everyday but to my suprised, the utrasound test, BLOOD test comes negative, but i can feel movement in my belly and my belly is having a  dark light spot, i dnt know what to do again, i am totally confused.
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Yes you can i had an ectopic pregnacy in 2001 ....And in 2008 i gave birth to a healthy baby boy with only 1 tube ...So the answer to your question is (YES)
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14096969 tn?1432874358
Hi guys this is my first time in here and I am wondering if u can help me I had my period on the 4 and came off on the six well I slept with my partner on the same day as coming of and I have I feeling that I am pregnancy but I won't someone else appeneyon as the other ain't got a clue with pregnancy as it he got none but I have two but it don't feel the same as them two I am going dizzy now and again left side I am getting pains and it feels like a stitch and I am all so getting pains underneaith my stomick and feel pulling I have had a few flots this morning and I start crying for nothing I am snapping at the other half back is hurting and I have started feeling sick but best ain't hurting but a bloke stopped and said to me are u pregnet and looked at him asked what made ya say that and he said just that I can see a pregnancy I hope so as the other half is coming up 33 and I am coming 31 and won't to fill he dream and make him a produce dad so plz can someone help as I am scared
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hi saiidie I would maybe wait abit longer as you could possibly be pregnant but it may be to early to tell so thats why the test is showing negative , or maybe the stress of thinking that you are pregnant has led you to have phantom symptoms, so experiencing pregnancy symptoms but not actually pregnant. However i would speak to your doctor about this.
good luck  
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11805209 tn?1421214968
hey i know how you are feeling im 16 i had sex on thanksgiving in 2014 and ive been having crazy symptoms it was the first time i had had sex an he came in me alot like aloooottttt an my pee test came up negative an my blood test did but ive been gaining weight an usually der meet is the best thign ever to me and now wen i eat it it comes right back up same things for fast food places im terrified becaus enobody will listen to me like at all if u need to talk im here
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11805209 tn?1421214968
i am 16 and i have had a late period i had unprotected sex in november on thanksgiving an since a few weeks later ive had major major symptoms an my test cme up negative so i didnt think nothing of it so i put it out of my mind but the symptoms have gottens o much worse and ive been spotting and i cant get ahold of my ex so i can get some more test an its really scaring me because my mom nor grandparents wont listen to me like at all and im not sure what to do because its miserable not knowing an very scary because im 16 im not in school my mom is trying to force me to take meds that cud kill the baby i am a drop out i have no job no nothing and its like nobody will listen to me at all or even get me another test idk what to do besides cry ive been crying non stop becaus ei dont know whats going on someone please help me
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hi am 19 and a am 4 months late on my period and all i have been craving is healthy food and i already have a 2 year old but i do think you could be pregnant because a was on the pill with my son and then all i got was negative tests and only way a found out was when they sent me for a scan and a was 9 weeks gone with my son x i think you should see the doctor for bloods or a scan to find out or could be the implant x hope this helps x
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hi am 19 and period is 4 months late and some negative and faint positive HPT and doctors wont do anything for me, me and my boyfriend have been trying for our second baby but a have been on the de-po injection came off that in may 2014 then had a period on 12 June 2014 but haven't had a period since and have been having unprotected sex but were getting confused cause of the tests there some times faint positive then go back to negative, just looking for some advice our little boy is 2 and half :/ x  
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You shoul visit an Obgyn
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hi im 43 and been on the pill 4 a yr my periods still came regularly every month but i havent had a period in nearly 5 months my breasts r sore and enlarged and my stomach is very bloated what could this b as i am waiting 4 the tests 2 come bk 2day, but its madness i have put 2 stone on in 5 months also and a lot of it is at the front i have backache all the time please advise if u can thanks
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I'm 16,I got my implant removed a couple of months ago as
I didnt like the amount of weight I was putting on,I've been having
Unprotected sex with my partner who Ive been with for over
A year,I came on my period not long ago,but it wasn't a normal
Period it was very light,& I've been discharging&craving salad
And pains in my stomach&back pains&feeling very weak&tired.
But I done  2 pregnancy tests and they are both
Negative,I wanna no whats going on,could someone give me
Some advice please.
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I am 33 yrs old and I had a still birth in 2005 and a DNC in 2008/2009. I have always had irregular periods when I had still birth I didn't have a period for 5 months. Before March of this year (2014) I haven't had one in 2 yrs. At first I had some sick times. Throwing up or just feeling drained I have almost feel in the shower cause I couldn't stand up straight. I took a HPT and it came out negative. Then all of the sudden I can't wear my clothes my boobs hurt, I took 2 more tests. I took one as soon as I got home from buying the tests. Then the other 3 days later thinking I needed to take it with first morning urine. But everything is still coming out negative. Today I can't even lay on my stomach because my boobs are so sore. I think I am pregnant I just don't wanna get my hopes up from everything I have already been through. What do I do?
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me and my boyfriend are trying to conceive a baby but i dont know if im ovulated or not. the last time i had my period was feb 6 2014 it was late  on march 6 and i took two home test both negative and i even went to the doctor and it came back negative as well.. can i still get pregnant without me having my period?
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I haven't slept with my boyfriend for about 3 months but I missed my period and had a negative home pregnancy test. I am feeling quite moody, going to the toilet a lot, put on weight and have backache. What should I do, I can't be pregnant can I!?
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I have irregular cycles but I have 2 sympmtoms of pregnancy tired and waigh gain I haven't had a period in three months but that's normal and this is the fourth i tested Tuesday but is said negative COULD I BE PREGNANT AND TESTED TO EARLY HELP AND I HAVE CRAVINGS help
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hey ladies....i am 9 days late n my  last period wer on oct on 25th n  i had unprotected sex on 26th....then ma periods wer lng abt 8days n thats wer i gt sick i had heart burn..vommited..had fever..diarrhea..was dizzy n a vry painful pain on my uterus couldnt walk straight than went 2 the gynaclgst h helpd m so i hv been feelin fine...so nw am stress that i myt b preg ma periods r late n hv been  feelin tired.. ppl can u plz help m plzzz  
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I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday and it came out positive on Thursday my mental came I've done other pregnancy test and they have come out negative but I've been feeling with nausea but I've been feeling dizzy light head and I've craving to drink lots of milk....is their still a possibility that I could be pregnant has anyone experienced anything like this?
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hello ! i know you may think im too young but everyone makes mistakes im 15 yrs old and i was going thur some family issues and had sex with my boyfriend that i was with for 2 and a half yrs and i took over 20 pregnancy test in they came out NEGATIVE ! But if you request over and over to see a OBGYN for a ultrasound if your having pregnancy symptoms they should let you because when i went to the OBGYN while having pregnancy symptoms i found out i was 12 weeks pregnant and seen my baby first ultrasound <3
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I had my period last month but be4 I got it n since it has stopped I've been very nosous dizzy Headache bloated tired iv done test always say negative I've had two baby's this feels the same but how would I no if these test always say negative do I need a doctor or blood test with my 2nd child I had my period normal tell I was 4 months pregnet n it still said negative way shouldiI do ?
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I have been having nausea(no vomiting), very fatigued, abdominal cramps(no menstrual cycle, yet), urinating every ten minutes it seems like, and feel feverish. I keep googling everything, but I'm not sure how many symptoms you can have at one time. It's only been three weeks, if that, since I've had intercourse, and the condom fell off. (yeah, uh oh!) But it could be because of the weather change, too.
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