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Seeing green tint (chartruese color) in morning upon awakening

This tint of green-overall not blotches, has happened before in the past a few times.  My vision is not deteriorating, but I'm trying to link it up to something in my diet (or lack of).  It occurs immediately upon awakening, but only lasts a few seconds, then everything is normal. I'm 50 y/o woman with no health problems (thyroid exception). My BP is usually normal between 120 -130 but can spike shortly a bit higher.  I take no BP meds.  Could it be a spike in BP? I had some unusually salty food last night.  Or could it be something else?
38 Responses
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711220 tn?1251891127
I had not heard this complaint in over 30 years of practice.  I would suggest you see an ophthalmologist for an eye exam.

Dr. O.
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My son has it too.. and we're told all the time by even ophthalmologists that they never heard of it either. A quick google search shows you hundreds of posts about this type of thing.
Read the rest of this string. It's a common complaint and observation and pretty well discussed in this string.
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Thank you for your reply. However, on this forum there are at least 3 other complaints almost exactly like this one I have.  There is even an 8 year old girl who has it.  Here is another:


By Dondi2| Dec 01, 2009


Answered by Michael J Kutryb, MD


Thank you doctor for your reply.  However, on this forum there are at least 3 other people who have this same, strange thing.  One is an 8 year old girl.

Here is another post below that I copied.  This person has diabetes, but I do not and I do not take meds. So this thing does happen to people.  Of all the other answers I do not see a viable answer.  Can anyone give an answer?

"This morning when I first woke up, I saw a green hue over everything.  It just lasted a moment or two.  The rest of the day has been normal.  What could this be?  I do have type 2 diabetes.  Any info would be appreciated.  thank you"

Tags: seeing green
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11-24-12 Hello. I just woke up and for a split second or two, everything was a green tint. I mean everything, both eyes! Anyway, I jumped on line, kind of panicking, and was eager to try to find out what this was. I see a few posts of others having had this happen to them. I have type 2 diabeyes. 5 days ago was my worst doctor's visit ever, with an a1c of 10.1 . I am a 44 year old male. I am 378 pounds and take ZIAC blood pressure medicine and Metformin 1000mg twice a day. Also take EFFEXOR-XR.  These meds I have been taking together for 2-3 years and today was the only time I have awoken to see this scary green tint. The only med he (The Doctor) added different to me this time (5 days ago) was ACTOS. Also, for five days straight, I have basicly fasted. NO SUGAR at all, been waling 15 minutes a day, drinking water, and over these five days, my blood sugar levels have gone from 234, to 209, to 179, to 166 to 163 this morning.  Im definitely staying on my walking and NO SUGAR program I have started myself, and watching carbs and keeping an eye on my blood sugar level.  I am determined now to try to get my health in shape. One more thing, although probably not related, I had a retina-detachment  several years back in my right eye, but this green tint vision was both eyes. Also, I believe I had fallen asleep with the overhead light on and may have been awakening facing up and the light may have been in my eyes. Was this the same for anyone else? I read one post response where it mentioned the sun and everything being a different shade of color, then it would resume to normal? anyway, I just wanted others to know that you are not alone and I am concerned as well. Ben in Georgia
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I too have over maybe the last year or so, had this same thing happen to me. Just for a couple of seconds when I first open my eyes after sleeping the night, everything is a bright green, as in a black and white photo, but with green instead. I go to bed very late and so the bedroom is bright when I wake up. I get enough sleep and am very healthy with no problems like diabetes or anything. I am 67 and female.
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I too starting noticing this, but only after a daytime nap (probably because my bedroom is on the dark side.  It's more a turquoise color and noticeable only on things that are already greenish-blue.  It's actually quite beautiful.  I've not thought it anything to be concerned about, but I'll probably see my eye doctor after reading the comments.  Telling you my age will give you the wrong image, because my health and physical condition is excellent.  That said, I'm a 71-year old male.  My B/P is normal and I'm no medications.
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I have experienced this phenomenon several times, recently. I work nights, in an office, with overhead fluorescent lighting.   I'm a diabetic and so, when my sugar is high, I occasionally nod off.  I wake to everything being emerald green. But the sensation is more like I'm looking up out of pool of green liquid.  This lasts for a blink and then it's gone.

I've noticed some mention being diabetic and I've noticed no one mentioned this happening while they're awake.  My gut feeling is that anyone might experience this, after nodding off while sugar is high. Perhaps it has more to do with a physiological action of the brain and a resting state of the vision connection while sleeping while blocking the outside light.
Be sure you are under the care of an Eye MD ophthalmologist as diabetes is the leading cause of poor vision and blindness in the USA.
I only get this after an afternoon nap on the settee!
Lasts about Second. I wonder if the angle of my neck whilst sleeping has anything to do with it?
Things that are serious don't go away in seconds. As I have said many times, as this has been posted many times, it is usually just the retina "waking up" at different speeds. The macula has one type of cell (cone) and the peripheral retina a different  (rods).
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I too, have had this same issue upon waking for the last few months. It's not every morning, but has happened enough times to concern me into looking it up on the net!
Most of the time I see green on everything that isn't white (like the walls and ceiling remain white), but sometimes it has been a blueish color, also. After I blink a few times and wake up a bit, it goes away.
Hope we can all figure out why! (I don't have diabetes, but I do have high BP and thyroid issues)
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I too have been seeing bright green the moment I open my eyes this week and in a split second it's all normal.  This happened a year or so ago too, just intermittently.  I am on no meds, don't have an eye problem (wear glasses so have my eyes checked regularly), no health problems.  I wanted to add this because of you stating that in 30 years you hadn't heard of this.  It happens to people, they just don't know who to tell or what it is.  I want to just know what causes it, that's all.
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I've experienced this too.
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I've experienced waking up with the green tint over everything several times in past several months and am starting to get concerned. It's beautiful to see though. I am a 73-year old woman. I also had torn retinas operated on a few years back so that may be a clue. I take blood pressure, cholesterol, Cymbalta and gabapentin medications.  I will get checked out for diabetes since is mentioned more than once. Will also make an apt with ophthalmologist.
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Have the same problem; I have found cyanopsia (check Wikipedia) which seems to be harmless but talks about a blue tint. Maybe our green (mine is definitely green) is just a variant of cyanopsia?
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Happens to me too! Either bright yellow or bright green. Glad to know its not just me! :)
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I occasionally experience the green tint to ALL objects. It lasts only a few moments but believe me, it is dramatic.
It generally happens when I nap in either a recliner or some other raised position. I don't recall it occurring when awaking on a bed.
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I have this same problem after an afternoon nap. But everything & everyone is bright yellow. I thought maybe it is because I work in a chicken hatchery where formaldehyde is used (for disinfectant) which causes the chicks to hatch out yellow.
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I too saw green on everything for about two minutes. Unlike some of you this did not happen upon awakening. I had been outside in the extreme cold with lots of snow and had walked about 1000 feet in knee deep snow which took a lot out of me. I did not wear my sunglasses because they had been steaming up. I didn't know what caused the color to appear but it did not start until I came inside. (By the way, I am a relatively healthy 45 year old female average weight and regular BPressure).
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I was painting outside on a sunny day. I came indoors to get a drink and everything turned emerald green, my head went hot and I had vertigo. I collapsed and think I lost consciousness for moments or minutes. It was a while before I realised what had happened. I felt weak, disorientated and dizzy afterwards. I got a migraine an hour later. The emerald green - it was ike lookig through a pair of emerald green glasses - everything was the same shade.

It's not happened since, though I do get often sparkling zigzag patterns as a part of my migraine aura, and vertigo. I'm wondering if it was some variation on migraine symptoms. Or if it was triggered by flickering light - I'm sensitive to flicker.
You sound like me. I experienced it when I came outside from a restaurant with friends and it lasted a few seconds. I do have polyps and cataract that aren't bad enough to have an operation.
This is normal afterimage, after spending tine outside in daylight and going inside the vision gets green, nkthing to do with stupid migraine.  
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I was just searching on this topic, as a few days ago, I was outside for about five minutes then came in and saw everything with a green hue.  It alarmed me, so I sat and closed my eyes for awhile, took some deep breaths and when I opened them, my vision was normal.  I do have high BP and am taking some herbs, although on thyroid med ... that's it.
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How long since the last time you saw that green hue?
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For the past year whenever I wake from a daytime nap everything is yellow and green but quickly changes back to normal.  My EEG was normal.  My eye doctor does not know either.  About 5 years ago everything was turquoise then changed to other colors.  I wound up in a psych ward and was put on different meds....but after I came home the yellow and green thing started and slowly built up to everytime I nap.  Needless to say I did not complain
....smile.  It is nice to know I am not alone.
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I've just recently started having this same strange symptom - seeing everything bright green for 2-3 seconds after waking up from daytime snoozes. I'm a healthy 55 year old woman, on thyroxine but otherwise no health problems. I have a suggestion and wonder if others could comment.
For the past 3 years I've had to work a lot in sub-Saharan Africa, and find it difficult to re-acclimatize when returning to Scotland. As a result I've been drinking more tea (for warmth!) in Scotland and not much plain water - creating a problem of dehydration. The dentist also mentioned that my mouth is very dry. Could the problem be related to dehydration? I never have the vision problem when in Africa, where I drink plenty of water.
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I too have seen bright neon green lines after waking and are taking  thyroid medicine and awake sometimes with dry mouth.  I wonder if thyroid problems may be the cause.
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i have been having green tinted vision alot here n their no matter what time of day last for a good while im 22 healthy beside leg n memory problems but im very curious on whats going on i have hazel eye's but i have what everyone calls mood eye's they change color depending on my mood the lighting and what i wear i dont know if its cuase my eyes turn green or what a friend said its bc i need a break n have to rest my eyes is that correct or whats going on please help  
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Glad to here I'm not alone mine started 2012 yellow and blue I could not make Dr understand what I was seeing I'm 61
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This has been bugging me for months now. I was afraid it might be a brain tumor or something equally hideous. How can so many people be having this happen without any eye care professionals knowing what it is?
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I agree.  I'm 68 pre-diabetic and on thyroid medicine.  I am going to make an appt. next week if they will see me because COVID-19 is an issue right now.  
That posting is from 2015.    Please see my response to your other posting JHagan MD
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From another med site:
Your eyes have different color pigment which give you color vision. When light hits the retina, the pigment absorbs the light which produces the sensation of color, but the pigment is used up. (Goethe was among the first to discover this phenomenon)

If you wake to sunlight or bright light to your eyes when they are shut, your eyes will see red light through your eyelids. The green and blue pigments are not used up.

When you open your eyes, you will see a greenish-blue hue to everything for a time, until your retinal cells recycle the red pigment - that takes a few seconds.
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This makes perfectly plausible and scientific sense. I always see green, and it is nearly always when I wake from a daytime doze in a sunny room.
That s really helpful to me too. And yes it s always waking looking at sunlight. I ve been quickly forgetting about it til this afternoon s nap. I take tablets for blood pressure and recently had valve replacement surgery. I m not diabetic  
well my son had it happen to him today at lunch, hes 8 yo. he said he wasnt looking at anything bright, lasted about a minute. if anyone else finds an answer, thanks. im sure its a random transient thing...but its my kid so of course, i worry.
I'm 68 pre-diabetic and on thyroid medicine.  I am going to make an appt. next week with my optometrist if they will see me because COVID-19 is an issue right now.  I see colors  of green, red,  and pink .  These colors appear as lines and circles that actually move around while I am awake, they are quite beautiful but I need to know why it's happening.
1. How long do they last?  2. Can you see them with your eyes closed?   3. Is it coming from both eyes?   4. When you have then do you have any other symptoms such as trouble moving arms or legs, trouble with speech or balance?  5. Is there any headache during, before, after they happen?  6. Have you ever been diagnosed by a MD as having migraines.   7. are you male/female?  Do you have access to see an MD ophthalmologist?
1.  They last up to 15 seconds  2.  I  have never closed my eyes when I see them as I am so amazed   3.  Yes, I see the colors with both eyes  4.  No, I have no trouble with my arms or legs except a couple of times my arm was numb from what I thought was sleeping in same spot all night.  I have been a little stiff walking but it goes away after a few seconds ......I have gotten out of bed on one occasion walked to my bathroom set down and looked at the ceramic floor and saw the colors again  5.  I never have headaches, sometimes my eyes ache when I forget to take my BP pill.  6.  No  7.  Female  I can see an ophthalmologist.  I have Medicare and a supplement insurance as well.   Should I make an appt.?    Thank you.
There are several things that concern me ESPECIALLY if this is something new that just developed in the last several months (if you said have been there for 10 years no problem unless something changes).   So assuming this is a new problem it does not sound like what are called ocular migraines.  You do need to see an eye MD ophthalmologist and I think need a test called a macular OCT. But these are not typical symptoms coming from the eye.  So what might cause them? You are 68 and pre-diabetic. If you have other risk factors: hypertension, elevated cholesterol, obesity, tobacco or marijuana use, bad family history of cardiovascular disease they could be a sign of disease of the heart/blood vessels or the Central Nervous system (brain). Start with the Eye MD. If that exam is normal ask the Eye MD to send report to your personal physician AND ask if you need to see a neurologist. It doesn't have to be serious but like someone that says they have chest pain the serious causes need to be ruled out.
Dr. Hagan,
Thank you for your advice.  I will call my primary care doctor tomorrow and get a referral to see an ophthalmologist and request a macular OCT .  I will proceed from their findings and contact my primary care doctor with  the results.  I am presently on BP medicine however I do not smoke, drink or do any drugs and I am tall and thin.  I don't know about my cholesterol however but will schedule a complete physical as soon as possible.  Again, thank you so much, your opinion was greatly

appreciated.    Jo Ann Whitehead
Sounds like you are taking good care of yourself,  keep it up. Best of luck.  Some of these things, often posted here, don't turn out to be an eye or body problem.  Some are awareness of entoptic phenomena but serious causes need to be excluded. If you find a cause as a learning experience for others please repost the findings   JHagan MD
I certainly will...Thank you.
177275 tn?1511755244
The above post makes a great deal of sense. Momentary "weird" vision on awakening that clears completely within a minute and unaccompanied by other symptoms is rarely a sign of anything serious.

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When I wake up and turn on the light then close my eyes I see a bright green blotch surrounded by a skinny strip of white light.  If I put my hand over my right eye, I see a red blotch surrounded by a thin bright white line through my closed eyelid.  It goes away in a minute or two.
As is said here several times. Those types of symptoms are rarely ever serious and represent your eye (technically your retina) waking up and adjusting to new lighting.
Yes I think it's a thing that happens to some people when you open your eyes suddenly after sleep - in a bright room, it's happened to me several times over the last couple years but only when I'm in a bright room after an afternoon nap, I am 60 yr old female,no major health problems,  I have had my eyes tested and everything's fine internally apart from common floaters. I do take a low dose BP med daily that's all, I don't smoke, drink socially , quite active and busy, a bit overweight , my hubby and I eat as healthily as possible. I think it's just one of those weird things that happens as we age.
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Hello I am a fifty year old female. I have experienced this phenomenon  four or five times in the  last month. I have woken up to the most stunningly beautiful shade of green after dozing in the afternoon, green is my least favourite colour but in this case  it was beautiful The room faced  East in Autumn in NW England, during different weather conditions i.e.. Bright sunshine and rain.I have no explanation. I have trouble sleeping of a night. In the past couple of years I have experienced  pain free migraines.

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My experience was not when I woke up. It may have been because I had come indoors from strong sunshine. I also have migraine that causes visual disturbances, and vertigo, which may have been what it was. However, I did pass out, and that bothers me. My head went hot, everything turned green. I came round with vertigo and disorientated on the floor
177275 tn?1511755244
A common posting and as described likely due to rebalancing of the different color perceiving retina cells (cones). JCH MD
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Hello. I had a bad head cold sneezing like crazy. Got up in the middle of the night and saw black flashes in my vision. Went back to bed. Three days later I noticed that I get a green hue to my vision occasionally. Only outside or when a lot of outside light is shining in the windows. I went to the Optometrist, Opthalmologist. Had an MRI. Went to the ER. Everything has come back as normal. It happens in one eye at a time. And if I cover the effected for a few seconds and then open it recovers. I can still tell colors apart just a green hue. Vision is clear when it happens. Sometimes it doesn’t happen for a day or two.
That symptoms is so unsual I can't offer useful comment
Hello!! I am sorry to intrude but the exact same thing happened to me! I am sick with a very bad cold and mild fever. I fell asleep on the couch under a lot of blankets, when I woke up I felt very hot and confused and everything had a green tint! It lasted for a few seconds and then stopped. I immediately fell asleep again, despite not feeling very ok, and I woke up minutes later, confused, having drooled a lot and the green tint was there for a few seconds.
Fortunately none of the posters with the green tint experience have subsequently published any serious subsequent problems.
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I have this too. I have been thinking could it be the blue screens on tv. I go to sleep with tv on just about every night .  I also see purple, yellow and green. Weird
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