211940 tn?1267881266

Upper Arm Pain mid arm between the elbow and shoulder

I have been looking everywhere for an answer, maybe someone here can.

About 1 year ago I began having pain in my right upper arm, between the shoulder and elbow, about mid arm where the biceps brachii muscle or brachialis muscle is.
I went to my Primary Physician who said it was a torn brachialis muscle.  Since I was working at a 2nd job, I thought it might be job related so I went through the whole Workman's Comp issue.  They sent me to 4 doctors who did nothing for me, finally the case was settled and my lawyer got most of the money, but I still have the pain.  It is an extreme ache down to the bone, that is unbearable at night.  Even with pain medicine and sleep aides, I get about 2-3 hours a night.  Finally, I went back to my own doctor and asked if he could help me, he said yes.  He sent me for an MRI, and then to an Orthopedic Surgeon.  The Surgeon said the MRI revealed a cyst inside the humerus bone about 1 cm by 5 mm, that would have to be "watched" to see if it grows, if it does, it could weaken the bone, and the slightest mishap could break the bone.  However, he said it could NOT be causing me so much pain.  He checked out my arm and noticed a hard soft tissue knot, and suggested removing it through surgery and it "might" relieve my pain.  So, 3 weeks ago I had the said surgery and it was removed (a hard soft tissue mass about the size of a marble).  No, this was not the cyst inside my humerus bone.  Anyways, I still have the pain, and it is extremely terrible at night (on a scale of 1 to 10, a 20 at night).  I even have the same pain, in the same place, in my left arm, but to a much lesser degree (maybe a 5-7 at night, but bearable).  I have tried many unsuccessful web searches, trying to find something that might lead me to an answer for what this is, so here I am grasping at cyber straws.  I have this incredible pain, that is extremely painful at night, no idea what it is, therefore  no idea how to cure it.  Please, if you have any ideas of where to research, I am definitely open and also AWAKE.  Thank you for your time, consideration, and cooperation in this matter, I deeply appreciate it.
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has shoulder bursitis been ruled out?  I have copied and pasted some information on this below.  If it is shoulder related (and you have "transferred" pain), the fact you put "pressure" on it at night from lying down could explain why your pain increases at night.

"The Causes of Shoulder Pain Defined
Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a tiny fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. There are 160 bursae in the body. The major bursae are located adjacent to the tendons near the large joints, such as the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. When a person reaches overhead, the tendons that move the shoulder must glide almost two inches past a bone surface. The acromion is the large bursa in the shoulder that protects and cushions the tendons as they glide beneath the shoulder blade. With repetitive activities above shoulder level, overuse, aging or falls, this bursa may become inflamed, producing noises when the shoulder is moved. Pain coming from shoulder bursitis is frequently felt halfway down the upper arm toward the elbow."

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I appear to be suffering from the same symptoms as you are.  This pain has been going on, off and on again, for almost two years.  Asprin or any anti-inflammatories help but I don't want to rely on them forever.  Please let me know if you've had any luck diagnosing your illness.    
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Same here.  Left arm... midway between shoulder and elbow.   First noticed it when it woke me up the first night, and each night there after.  It has since progressed to where I can feel it all day... but night is the worst.  Not as bad as yours, but enough to affect my sleep - and is now having a definite affect on the strength in my left arm.

And no, it is not the "shooting pain" associated with a heart attach... nor does it start in the shoulder as in the case of bursitis mentioned above.  It starts and ends in the middle of my humerous, on the outside side (away from my body).

Your posting is the first I have found that offers anything close to a similar symptom.

I am 59, a life time jogger, and have avoided medications at all costs through out my life (because the few times they have been prescribed - 3/4ths of the time they have created worse conditions than the one that led to my taking them in the first place).

Thanks for sharing your experiences... perhaps others will post.

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I'm about to visit a sport medicine MD on mine. Mine sounds the same as both of you though and it wakes me up at night - particularly if I sleep with my arm bent.  I ascribe mine (for now) as a "spreading" of my tennis elbow problem.  That was a result of too much remodeling.  Add to that too much time at the keyboard.  Either of you guys have tennis elbow (just INSIDE the knobby bone by the elbow)?
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I just registered on here today to see if i could find anything for that exact symptom. I am 21 and having the same syptoms in my right arm I thought maybe it was contributed to being on the computer all day at work and got a wrist brace for when I type, that has not helped, I have gotten to where I have to sleep on my left side with two pillows in front of me to lay my right arm on and it still does not help that much I wake up off and on all through the night. I am also having back pains and numb hand and fingers at times, the numbness is in my left and right hand. The pain in my right arm is more intense when I move my arm away from my body or up at all.
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I also have been noticing this sensation in the past while, so that it hurts when I lift my arms over my head or even above level.  The little bit of research I have done points to the LI-14 acupuncture point (large intestine), which may signal something going on in my digestive system which needs correction.  Also, I am starting to take daily megadoses of 4g-10g ascorbic acid (Bronson No. 145, capsuled by me so that the acidity of the Vitamin C doesn't hurt my teeth; must be spaced out during the day rather than taken all at once) to see if that will give my body the assist it needs, whether to rebuild bone (am also taking capsuled monosodium phosphate--about 1/8 tsp. of the pure, food-grade kind horses get fed--along with Algaecal) or to give my immune system a boost for whatever reason.  Not sure if it has to do with fluoride in the water (don't usually drink fluoridated water of any kind) or something else purportedly innocuous.
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I have been having the same problem in my right arm. It started out as just a twinge many months ago, but has been steadily getting worse. I was dismissing it as part of my Fibromyalgia, but as pronounced as it is getting to be, I believe that it has to be something different. If anyone finds out anything on this. I would be interested in hearing more on it.
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I went to the Dr. on Fri. about this exact problem which woke me up at night 2 weeks ago and every night since. Pain in the upper right arm is excruciating at night and last night it started slightly in left arm.  Have resorted to sleeping in almost a sitting position to keep arms straight because pain is worsened if arm is bent. Pain meds for last three nights did not help.  Dr. said it may be overuse of the muscle due to the physical work I do.  She said pain meds only will help a little, need anti-inflammatory meds which I am allergic to and cannot take. Has anyone tried those?
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I have this to. It started in my right arm now it is in both doctor said I have 2 frozen shoulders. I have had this for 6 months painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs. Did you get a diagnisus
When I have that pain as yours, I use a heating pad and that help me a lot with the inflammation. I prefer natural remedies. Good luck.
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Omygoodness, I cant believe I found this forum.  I have the exact same pain in my right arm.  I never had any problem until I was recovering from a stroke and emergency surgery.  While in the hospital for two weeks afterward, I noticed a dull aching in my right arm, midway between the elbow and shoulder.  The discomfort gradually worsened over the next month until I couldnt use my arm at all.  An orthopedic surgeon told me I had torn my rotator cuff and needed surgery but, when he got in there, he found nothing.  Weekly deep tissue massage helps a lot, but I'd like to find out what's causing the pain.  
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P.S.  My pain is 24/7...not only at night.
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I have the exact same pain, it started mid arm on right side and now is there and also inside my elbow, over the past two years I have had three shots in arm and one directly into sholder joint. the doctor put me on celebrex but the side effects will scare the b-Jesus out of you. So I quit taking it, I have found very little relief and it is definately worse at night when I'm trying to sleep and can't find a position to get in where it doesn't hurt. Sure would like to know some way for the pain to go away
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Hi all, I just typed "pain and pressure both upper arms" (something that's been happening to me for a few years now; my arms can get painfully numb after 5 minutes of lying on them} and it brought me here.  I am actually having issues with my lower back and just had an epidural last week to relieve the pain. Because the back pain was so agonizing for the past year, I just focused on it and didn't tell the MD that my arms get numb and tingly or the burning pressure and pain I also have.  
I believe is time I tell him about my arms too, just in case, huh?  Good luck to all of you, I'll return for updates.  Thank you.
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I wrote about this on 1/28, I recently saw a Dr. again.  This Dr. believes that I may have a pinched nerve in the neck which could be responsible for the pain in my right arm which also makes my hand and arm numb and swollen.  She also told me to take 2 of the Vicoden every 4 hours at night (so I take it twice), I tried this and had the first painless night since this started almost a month ago.  Problem is, I don't want to be on pain meds, I want the problem to go away.  She did have me get a bunch of x-rays of back, neck, and arm.  She also is referring me to a "physical medicine" doctor.  Hopefully this doctor can find the cause.  Will stay in touch...Good luck to all...
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My 26 yr old daughter also has this same pain in her upper arm -- she descibes the pain as a pressure that if she didn't know any better she swears her arm is about to blow up.  It also is the worst at night and if the spell was really bad it effects her arm all day.  This pain started two years ago and lasted the first time for three months.  She had xrays, CT scans, MRI's, bone scans, neurological exams and NOTHING showed up.  Her GP was struck and what else to do -- also pain meds did nothing --- possibly the narcotic ones may have but she didn't what to resort them them.  So here we are two years later and it is starting up again ..... we don't know where to go from here either.  When I found this web site --  I told her it wasn't a diagnosis but at least there are other people with the exact problem, so you know that it is not just in your head ----- BUT IS THERE ANYONE WITH ANSERS --- PLEASE -- IS THERE NOT A DOCTOR WHO HAS ANY NEW INFO -- Just out of curiousity have any of you been exposed to wood ticks in the past couple of years ?????

Pennie in Moose Jaw
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I cannot believe that so many have the same pain that has plagued me.  I hope someone is able to come up with something that will explain it and or help it.  

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Well, here I am again.  Saw the "physical medicine" Dr. who performed Nerve Conduction Studies exam on both my arms and confirmed I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms which I knew I had but I was not using the braces because they gave me little relief.  Dr. suggested I start using them again because sometimes CTS can cause pain in the upper arms and the braces can relieve this, so I did.  After 6 weeks of painful nights with little sleep, I am finally free of the pain and am sleeping much better and without any pain meds.  I still have a dull pain during the day and some numbness in my fingers.  Of course the only cure is surgery which is something I will have to think about.  I still have to have the bone scans to rule out any possible tumor in the bone but since the braces are working at night I doubt anything else is wrong.  For now I can live with this condition as long as the excruciating pain at night is gone. Will continue to update, good luck...
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I have the exact same problem in both arms between the elbow and shoulder with the pain on the outside away from my body. It showed up a couple of months ago and I was trying to figure out if it had anything to do with me being 4 months pregnant. My obstetrician doesn't think so though. Since I am pregnant, I can't take ibuprophen or get x-rays so I really don't know what to do. I also have a toddler that I lift a lot so maybe that's causing it. Anyway, I'm not so happy that other people are having the same pain, but relieved to know that I'm not crazy. I don't think it's carple tunnel - I don't have any numbness in my hands - at least, not yet.
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Hi my names Vince, im 17 and i have the same problem under shoulder above elbow, hurt when i move it hi or behind me, hurts when i sleep or inactive, when i wake up, i cant enjoy V-games anymore because if im not active it hurts, one relief i figured out if keep that arm active and it tend not to hurt, if you have the same problem,
if you find out anything let me know at ***@**** my brother made the account when i was 14 (jerk) now ever one will think im a sexfiend and i am not lol,
thanks sorry i couldnt help, but be active
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Hi my names Vince, im 17 and i have the same problem under shoulder above elbow, hurt when i move it hi or behind me, hurts when i sleep or inactive, when i wake up, i cant enjoy V-games anymore because if im not active it hurts, one relief i figured out if keep that arm active and it tend not to hurt, if you have the same problem,
if you find out anything let me know at ***@**** my brother made the account when i was 14 (jerk) now ever one will think im a sexfiend and i am not lol,
thanks sorry i couldnt help, but be active
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In October, 2007, I developed an extremely sore throat, accompanied by an abscess on my tonsil.  At the same time, I found that I could not turn my head side-to-side, nor lift my arms forward, sideways, etc.  The Sports Medicine doctor took x-rays, which turned out so poorly, he could not determine whether or not I had a hole in my rotator cuff.  I was sent to rehab., whereupon I was told that the tissue in my upper arms was filled with knots, and that my shoulder joints were not frozen.  At this time, I could not lie on either side of my body, due to intense pain in my shoulders and arms.  Deep tissue massage was done for three days, at which time I developed a fever and lost my voice to the point where I could only whisper.  After two visits to my family doctor, the visit to the Sports Medicine doctor, three trips for rehabilitation, one visit to the emergency room where a swab test was done, two visits to two different ENT doctors, two different antibiotic regimes, one CAT neck scan and the abscess being opened, I could again speak, move my head in better fashion, and had increased motion in my arms.  I can not reach behind my back any longer, and develop extreme pain in the tissues of my upper arms at night, although I am able to lie on my side for longer lengths of time before pain sets in.  The upper arm pain occurs primarily when I am lying on my back.  When the pain starts, I find that I cannot lift my arm, and have to use the opposing arm/hand to lift and readjust the aching arm.  I am wondering just which specialty I should seek when looking for a doctor to diagnose my ongoing problem.  The strangest thing is the fact I had absolutely no problems with my neck or arms before the onset at the first of October.  The swab test done at the hospital was immediately after I had completed one session of powerful antibiotics, so I'm wondering if that would have been responsible for the negative results that the test showed.

If you have any answers pertaining to the above information, I would very much appreciate hearing from you.

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395387 tn?1223003151
sorry to hea about your SX,
i do not have this problem,just happened to come across your post,
i am an xraytech and have seen many xrays with bone cysts,
there is a genetic disorder called osteochondroma  (bone tumor) it is a cyst that forms in long bones (femur,humerus,forearm,tibfib)   i don't know what kind of TX there is for it, but your dr can order a bone scan  

they usually occur in children up to adolescent, but if they start growing again after puberty, they usually become cancerous causing pain,

this disease can be hereditary

talk to your dr,i hope it helps
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That's a very scary thought. To your knowledge, would it be possible for these cysts to cause equal pain and be in the exact same place in both arms? Also, I would think that the pain would be all day and not just at night if it was cancer. I can't get an xray because I'm pregnant, but will ask my doctor about it. Thanks for your insight.

I have found that forcing myself to sleep on my back with my arms straight has lessened the pain a great deal.
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395387 tn?1223003151
as far as i know they are in the same spot ,
i don't know about the pain,
since you are pregnant ask your dr to do an ultrasound
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good idea. Thanks!
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