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PATM - Some Insight...

I almost lost my life because of this condition you all have named PATM. Here is my story...

Almost 2 years ago my colleagues passed comments saying that i bring sneeze and cough when i talk to them. The same was mentioned by my manager who i report to on a daily basis. The following week i quit my job. I traveled back to India where i originally come from to check this.

A brief history of my past, around 12 years ago i was admitted to a hosptial in london with neumonia. The doctors diagonised me for all sorts but couldn't find what the problem was. They also diagonised me for TB but they couldn't find any evidence of it. They gave a combination of drugs that seemed to respond. Took the medication for 5 months and got better. I have been absoultely fine ever since, occational flus but i bounched back with in weeks.

Given my history the first thing i did was to check my lungs and chest with a consultant. Scheduled x-rays, MRI scan and blood tests. Test,x-rays and scans came back normal. The doctor advised there is vitamin D deficiency and i take vitamin D supplements. I wanted to rule out all posibilities so i went to see another doc for a second opinion. This one said, it was an Allergy and prescribed me abtibiotics for 8 weeks with some vegan (health) tablets. Following the antibiotics i was alight for some time.

However the condition came back over food-poision, I did a take away and must have got old food i guess. The next day symptoms came back. I was so confused and helpless as every doctor i visited told me that it's in my head and not to worry too much about it. I'm not capable of passing any bug if i'm not infected by it. That was their reasoning. I was in a dilema as to whether i needed treatment for some illness or was i alright. With this issue and other politics going on at work i decided to quit this job too.

This time i decided to do my own research and spent around a week on the internet reading all about this stuff. I read the other forums too and someone had suggested Acidophilus the PRO-BIOTIC from Rolland and Barrets. I tried it and it seemed to work. However i couldn't rely on that, so when i went to India this time i saw a GastroEnterologist.

I explained the history and he took blood tests, scan and endoscopoy. The stool tests came back negative for pathogens. Folowing all the test he prescribed an antibiotic, a Pro&Pre-Biotic ( WellGut ) and a anti-depression tablet for 2 months. Took the tablets for 2 months with no incidents but at the end of the 2 months when i stopped taking tablets the symptoms came back strongly. I had quit my job already and was in the middle of my next job search. I was in an interview and for the first time i realised that i have an issue as the interviewer throat started crackling as i spoke. Until this time i was in two minds as the doctors were persuading me that it's nothing to worry about.

During my job search i gave a few interviews but i realised atleast 2 of the interviews i could see reactions. I spoke with my partner and close friends but they weren't convinced it's me. Went to see the GP and took some blood tests and stool test. Since the turn around was quicker from the doctors in India i flew back to Inida. This time met a specialist GastroEnterologist in Chennai.

On explaning the whole history to him it seemed he knew what it was. He asked me to come in the following day for an Endoscopy he also took fresh biopsy specimens from my gut. He did a test on one of the specimen and reported back straight away saying it was H-Pylori. I was under antibiotics PATOCID 40 kit for 2 weeks after which i feel absoultely alright.

Stool tests for H-Pylori are not valid tests any more. I called NHS to find out, guess what the results were Normal. The tests has to be done from fresh specimen taken from the gut. In my case this fresh specimen came back postivie. People are different and every individual has a different set up. My PATM turned out to be H-Pylori and i treated it, yours might be something else. I wish you the best in finding your cure. Remember to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I almost killed myself over this, i have seen suicidal posts here in MedHelp.  I have been reading a lot of content on PATM especially the ones from MedHelp, at one point there were so much information scattered around the site which could be structured. I'm a software developer by profession was going to collate these information and present them on a seperate website but couldn't find the right time to do it. Hopefully soon.

God bless.
5 Responses
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It's not H-pylori.Forget about antibiotics.That should be for life.It's because that lead to mycotoxins in the gut,low stomach acid and  lack of enzymes.I suggest  2 types of probiotics that is good for our condition:Lactacare Daily and Phage Complete Probiotic by gut health protocol.If we heal leaky gut problem will be solved.
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Mindspace are you cured from PATM or are you still struggling with PATM? Can you explain more in detail your argument above.
For him it was H. Pylori, for you it might be leaky gut or whatever. PATM is just a description of a symptom and could have different causes for everyone. There really is no reason to dismiss the well-meant report of his personal cure.
I was positive for h pylori and got treated. I still have symptoms I take several different supplements along with strict diet. Not gone but it is less noticeable
I was positive for h pylori and got treated. I still have symptoms I take several different supplements along with strict diet. Not gone but it is less noticeable
If you considered suicide because of rejection of others, then your self acceptation os very low. You mind more how others feel than how you feel, if they accept you is heavier than if you accept you.
That's the root of Patm. Patm is a kind of spiritual sickness caused in part for a loooong time of self repression.
What ever you do to take care of yourself (diet, exercise, medicines) all will work, as you are taking responsibility of your welfare, and you are giving love to yourself in cares.
But, for me the best were healing techniques for my low self-esteem. Learn how to get rid of Critical thoughts, how to enjoy each moment as it is.
You will be happier than however that has never had patm.
Believe me :)
Check my blog also if you want. Its Cmarit's blog on WordPress

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  Hello Martin,

Martin thank you for sharing this.  I originally went to a doctor thinking it was  H-pylori and had some older lab results (few moths) that the doctor showed I was negative for  H-pylori.  Maybe I need to go back and ask for this test again directly from the gut.
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I agree that PATM might have different causes for everybody.

You mentioned the allergic reactions when talking to people. But did you also get those reactions when you're not talking to someone? Like you walk by and immediately get a reactions by someone standing in close proximity to you?
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No, I didn't have any such symptoms the reaction was only while talking
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Hello Martin,

Are you completely cured or are you still battling PATM/H-Pylori? Also, your saying that H-pylori has migrated into the intestines because I thought it resided in the lining of the stomach.

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Hi Ray

Following the endoscopy and the biopsy test the doc said that this is due to H-Pylori and he presumed it to be the case with me mentioning my symptoms to him.

I read that around 66% of people in the world have H-Pylori. Looks like as long as its dormant no problem but once there is infection then it needs to be addressed.

I agree to the other post that antibiotics had adverse effect on PATM even for me  that was the case PATM came back strongly. But i think H-Pylori diagnosis and treatment for it is different.
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I was treated for same but it came back.
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I have been trying some of the stuff mentioned in the forum in the last few months including protein powder, pro-biotics mentioned and even black seed everything seem to only address the symptom and not the cause. Finally have resorted to cleanse my body using diet. I have a fruit drink every day morning with chia seed and aloe vera.  Also take some Fenugreek seeds daily.  So far seeing a big difference. But started all this following the antibiotics treatment with Pentocid as said earlier
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