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Keto diet causes Acne?

I had suffer from acne since puberty, my face is very greasy, just a couple of years ago, started treating it with external ointments and soaps and it has been working pretty well so far. Recently I have been interested on starting a keto diet, but since it has so many greas rich food, would it affect me negatively? i doin't want to  start having breakouts again. Thanks <3
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134578 tn?1716963197
I don't know the ins and outs of the keto diet, but if you have periods of time during the day when your blood sugar is below a certain level, that would be good to reduce acne. Eating all throughout the day (which keeps your blood sugar high all the time) increases the chance of getting acne.
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Of course, continue with the soaps and ointments as well. Acne can be pretty stubborn, so if you find something that works, stick with it.
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The real question is why you would want to do a "diet."  Do you have weight issues?  Food does have a big influence on most forms of acne, although which foods differ by the person.  There would be a way to do any "diet" and avoid foods you want to avoid, as there are a lot of foods available in today's global economy.  But fad diets like this one really haven't proven themselves to work over long periods of time, and while high protein diets are quite a fad today, they seem only to work short term for weight loss and over a long period of time can actually be harmful to your kidneys.  The diet that proves out the best every time is the good old balanced diet one, which we've come to call the Mediterranean Diet, but isn't confined to that area of the world.  It's a diet high in whole grains, low in red meat (which pretty much rules out all the high protein fad diets), lots of fruits and veggies (in your case you'd want to avoid too many sugary fruits), and fish.  It's still the winner in the how to eat sweepstakes, at least as far as long-term studies are concerned.  But if you really want to do keto, there are again a lot of different foods you could substitute to get to what they claim is a fat-burning diet, which of course doesn't actually exist but if you like it, you get to do it.  Just choose foods that meet the criteria while avoiding the foods that you associate with your acne problems.  Peace.
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Eat as God or nature or whatever you call it and that will definitely help. FRESH food. NOTHING processed. Also, try this it worked for me as a youth: wet a towel with the hottest water you can stand and put it on your face. After a minute or so, immediately put your face in ice water for 10-15 seconds. Do this 2 x per day. Best of luck.
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You know, this is interesting.  You say you eat steak and eggs, and a lot of processing goes into that unless you're raising grass fed animals in your backyard.  Seriously, what's fresh about steak and eggs?  Both take a long time to get to your table.  Our food doesn't come from the local farm anymore, it comes mostly from factory farms, and they are not close by and they use modern storage technology to sell us pretty old food.  
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Acne is a complex problem and not always easily solved.  Do you have any food sensitivities?  Start with analyzing what you are eating and drinking - keep a journal for an extended period of time, you may be able to see a pattern and thus eliminate the items that cause you to break out.  Remember that Acne is mostly caused from what is happening on the inside of your body.  Look closely, pay attention and see if you can identify the cause/s.  It may take you a while, however, the journey is well worth it.  Good Luck, you can do it!!
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134578 tn?1716963197
I agree with Sam that acne can be stubborn, but the meds the doctor can prescribe now are really good compared to when I was a teenager. That's why I said that if you have had some good results with the medications or ointments, keep at it. You really have to use the stuff every day or the skin will just break out again.
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I'm not speaking as one familiar with today's acne meds.  A million years ago when I was a teenager, what they did to us was horrific.  They popped them.  They put us under UV light.  They gave us tetracycline.  Everything they did did actually help short-term with the acne, but also caused cancer and abused antibiotics etc.  So what I will say is, Sam is right.  If you're trying to fix the problem, you do have to work from the inside, and that means not using medication, which suppresses the problem, it doesn't cure it.  Not everyone will be able to do this, but if you do try it as hard as you can by changing your lifestyle and eating habits and using gentle natural remedies and it works, you've solved the problem long-term.  Or if it's acne of youth, you can just do what you can and wait it out.  As the above says, you have to keep using any medication because it doesn't fix the problem, it just suppresses it temporarily, and medication has toxicity to it.  We often don't find this out until years later.  If you have to keep using the meds or the problem comes back, the problem never went away in the first place.  One size won't fit all, but I think Sam's advice should at least be tried as hard as one can as it's a far safer alternative and much more effective if it works.  Peace.
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