649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In December 26, 2021

Good morning.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas / holiday.  If you don't celebrate the holidays, I hope you had some nice days off, if you were that fortunate.  

Our Christmas was good.  We had a small gathering, which was nice.  No one got a lot of gifts, what we did get was good - that's what counts.

I've been so busy getting things ready for the holidays that I haven't been weighing regularly.  I do know that earlier in the week, I was down by almost 2 lbs; however, right now, I'm feeling very bloated due to having indulged in way too much ham, so I'm certainly retaining fluid.  Of course, I made the typical pecan and pumpkin pies, with homemade whipped cream and we know that all ends up directly on the hips!!  :-)  

I'm figuring out several foods I can't eat in the evening, unless I feel like dealing with acid reflux/GERD all night.  Chocolate has been off limits for some time, but it just so happens that homemade whipped cream has become a new item on the list, along with cheese and some other dairy items, though milk doesn't seem to be an issue - go figure.

Anyway, I'll weigh later and report as I know if I weigh now, I'll be up several pounds.  Knowing it's all fluid is helpful because I know I didn't eat enough to gain pounds of fat but it is a bit discouraging to step on the scale and see the numbers up instead of down.  

How has your weekend been?  Were you able to maintain weight, in spite of extra "goodies" (if you had extras)?  I look forward to hearing about you holidays (if you celebrated) and how you fared in the weight department.

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful successful week~~

**Stay safe and wash your hands**
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
Awfully sorry to hear about the whipped cream! I think taking that out of my diet would be sadder for me than removing chocolate. (But of course, I drink heavy cream in my coffee. Organic, of course! lol)

No idea what my weight is, since we're at the farm and the scale is at the little house. And, of course, there was all that confusion about weight and my cast on my arm. I started weighing "plus cast" and found that my weight didn't shift more than about .5 of a pound from day to day, so presumably I'm overall about the same weight as I was before I broke my arm.

Christmas was fine; husband, son and I had our morning and presents, and in the afternoon went over to my sister's, where various family members gathered. We were masked and some of the people there had taken tests the day before (they were fast on the dime and had ordered at-home tests a week ago when they were still available), and a group stood out on the back patio around a fire and we social-distanced in the house. I was tired from my broken arm and aching leg, but my son loved seeing his cousins, so unless we all get Omicron, it was worth doing.

We've got snow today, and more in the forecast, so we're off to the grocery store to load up on whatever we can find that wasn't cleared out by Christmas meal buyers. Hope everyone has a great week!

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