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Has anyone with PATM had experiences being around someone pregnant and or holding/ caring for newborns?   If so as children developed were there problems?
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Please...is there anyone who can tell me about real experiences.  
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It's hard on the babies and kids.  It can sometimes cause tantrums  or confusion.  I stopped going to children's events at shools.  Sometimes it just picks one to hit.   They will twitch, start seeming uncomfortable and not know why.    
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Non sure it transfers to newborns from father and mother. No one knows if it is genetic or not. I think it is not genetic because I got it out kf nowhere in my 20s. Some claim that they got their in their 40s.
It is total madness. And yes it causes sneeze to everyone including children, elderly.
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It is a genetic disease. What it means is that we patmers, are vulnerable when exposed to a specific environment. For example, when eating a type of food or when reaching puberty or living a certain lifestyle. Other people without the vulnerable genes don’t show patm symptoms when exposed to the same environment.

I think this disease is likely vulnerable to the modern diet. The modern diet, especially the western diet for the last 100 years has been so different from the diet of early humans in the past 200,000 years ago. Most of the artificial ingredients, i.e. sugars, chemicals such as stabilizers, preservatives, pesticides, processed foods etc. didn’t exist in the evolution history of humans so the human body is dealing with something new. Also, the lifestyle is also new
I see that as possible.   Living in California my whole  life I watched my parents and friends parents fight Monsanto 30+ years ago I know it's been bad here for a long time. Glyphosate ddt all that.  AlsoToo much   Fortified foods processed foods  with folic acid also is know  to create DNA damage now.  There was a great podcast on it recently but No one seems to care around here.  They know 1/2 the people don't take gluten well but oh well from them.   Kids still get cereal for breakfast here daily.  Bread in plastic bags and a million other things with folic acid daily.    So I'd like to assume it will continue to get worse in just that area alone here inthe us.   California labels EVERYTHING  as cancer causing now on labels it seems. But stores still are full.   Back on track sorry.   All definitely problems, but who really knows to the extent we're being used.  Take care all sorry wasn't much patm on my post
Here as in California. Not the patm community. Sorry
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I am actually concerned about being around my pregnant daughter and what effect this condtion can have on the baby. Also about caring for a newborn for long periods of time.
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What I understood about PATM is it is irritant gas coming of PATMer. It seems to caus reaction in every age group including newborns.
Doctors do not know anything about PATM. What I observe is it may not be good idea to stay with newborns for long time.
Again, I am not a doctor.
I work in an office with multiple women who went through pregnancy and birthed healthy normie babies
When I developed PATM, I was practicing as a doctor, and I can for a fact tell you that some children react like adults do, with cough, sneezing...etc.

I later became pregnant and had my baby, and she is alright, there was no problem during the pregnancy or birth, she is two now, still no problem. This is my personal experience.
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